blob: 6231d8f326bc6e27652f5c28170e583cbdd97b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#if defined(ESCHER_VK_UTILS)
#error "vulkan_utils.h should not be included from header files"
// Log Vulkan error, if any.
{ \
vk::Result error = ERR; \
const char* message = MSG; \
if (error != vk::Result::eSuccess) { \
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << message << " : " << to_string(error); \
} \
namespace escher {
inline void ESCHER_DCHECK_VK_RESULT(typename vk::Result result) {
FX_DCHECK(result == vk::Result::eSuccess);
// Panic if operation was unsuccessful, on debug mode only.
template <typename T>
auto ESCHER_DCHECK_VK_RESULT(typename vk::ResultValue<T> result) -> T {
FX_DCHECK(result.result == vk::Result::eSuccess);
return result.value;
inline void ESCHER_CHECKED_VK_RESULT(typename vk::Result result) {
FX_CHECK(result == vk::Result::eSuccess);
// Panic if operation was unsuccessful.
template <typename T>
auto ESCHER_CHECKED_VK_RESULT(typename vk::ResultValue<T> result) -> T {
FX_CHECK(result.result == vk::Result::eSuccess);
return result.value;
namespace impl {
// Check if the given vk::ImageCreateInfo is valid for the device.
bool CheckImageCreateInfoValidity(vk::PhysicalDevice device, const vk::ImageCreateInfo& info);
// Create a default vk::BufferImageCopy object for a width x height image.
vk::BufferImageCopy GetDefaultBufferImageCopy(size_t width, size_t height);
// Filter the |desired_formats| list to contain only those formats which support
// optimal tiling.
std::vector<vk::Format> GetSupportedDepthFormats(vk::PhysicalDevice device,
std::vector<vk::Format> desired_formats);
// Get all the MSAA sample counts from the vk::SampleCountFlags
std::set<size_t> GetSupportedColorSampleCounts(vk::SampleCountFlags flags);
// Pick the lowest precision depth format that supports optimal tiling.
typedef vk::ResultValueType<vk::Format>::type FormatResult;
FormatResult GetSupportedDepthFormat(vk::PhysicalDevice device);
// Pick the lowest precision depth/stencil format that supports optimal tiling.
FormatResult GetSupportedDepthStencilFormat(vk::PhysicalDevice device);
// Search through all memory types specified by |type_bits| and return the index
// of the first one that has all necessary flags. Returns memoryTypeCount of
// |device|'s memory properties if nones is found.
uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndex(vk::PhysicalDevice device, uint32_t type_bits,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags required_properties);
// Search through all memory types specified by |type_bits| and return a bit-mask containing only
// those which match |required_flags|. In other words, the returned bits will be a subset of the
// input |type_bits|.
uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndices(vk::PhysicalDevice device, uint32_t type_bits,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags required_flags);
uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndices(const vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties& properties,
uint32_t type_bits, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags required_flags);
// Return the sample-count corresponding to the specified flag-bits.
uint32_t SampleCountFlagBitsToInt(vk::SampleCountFlagBits bits);
// Return flag-bits corresponding to the specified sample count. Explode if
// an invalid value is provided.
vk::SampleCountFlagBits SampleCountFlagBitsFromInt(uint32_t sample_count);
// Clip |clippee| so that it is completely contained within |clipper|.
void ClipToRect(vk::Rect2D* clippee, const vk::Rect2D& clipper);
// Check if an Ycbcr format can be used to create VkSamplerYcbcrConversion
// using the Vulkan physical device.
bool IsYuvConversionSupported(vk::PhysicalDevice device, vk::Format format);
template <class S, class T>
S* GetFromStructChain(T* from) {
static_assert(offsetof(T, sType) == offsetof(vk::BaseOutStructure, sType));
static_assert(offsetof(T, pNext) == offsetof(vk::BaseOutStructure, pNext));
auto* curr = reinterpret_cast<vk::BaseOutStructure*>(from);
while (curr) {
if (curr->sType == S::structureType) {
return reinterpret_cast<S*>(curr);
curr = curr->pNext;
return nullptr;
template <class S, class T>
const S* GetFromStructChain(const T* from) {
static_assert(offsetof(T, sType) == offsetof(vk::BaseInStructure, sType));
static_assert(offsetof(T, pNext) == offsetof(vk::BaseInStructure, pNext));
const auto* curr = reinterpret_cast<const vk::BaseInStructure*>(from);
while (curr) {
if (curr->sType == S::structureType) {
return reinterpret_cast<S*>(curr);
curr = curr->pNext;
return nullptr;
} // namespace impl
} // namespace escher