blob: 8f906f96ceac592ab94fe4e10a3d4fd44ecfe3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/geometry/intersection.h"
namespace escher {
bool IntersectRayBox(const escher::ray4& ray, const escher::BoundingBox& box,
Interval* out_interval) {
// This algorithm is from "An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection
// Algorithm" by Amy Williams et al. 2004. Division by zero is handled via
// IEEE floating-point arithmetic. See paper for details.
// Fundamentally (leaving aside optimizations), the algorithm projects the box
// onto each coordinate axis and then computes the min/max parameters for the
// ray segment that has the same projection onto the same axis. If the
// intersection of these parameter ranges is empty, then the ray does not
// intersect the box. Otherwise, the minimum value of the intersected
// parameter ranges gives the intersection point.
const float idx = 1 / ray.direction.x;
const float idy = 1 / ray.direction.y;
const float idz = 1 / ray.direction.z;
float t_min, t_max, ty_min, ty_max, tz_min, tz_max;
// Bootstrap with x. Any coordinate axis would work just as well.
const float x_max_plus_epsilon = box.max().x + kIntersectionEpsilon;
const float x_min_minus_epsilon = box.min().x - kIntersectionEpsilon;
t_min = ((idx < 0 ? x_max_plus_epsilon : x_min_minus_epsilon) - ray.origin.x) * idx;
t_max = ((idx < 0 ? x_min_minus_epsilon : x_max_plus_epsilon) - ray.origin.x) * idx;
const float y_max_plus_epsilon = box.max().y + kIntersectionEpsilon;
const float y_min_minus_epsilon = box.min().y - kIntersectionEpsilon;
ty_min = ((idy < 0 ? y_max_plus_epsilon : y_min_minus_epsilon) - ray.origin.y) * idy;
ty_max = ((idy < 0 ? y_min_minus_epsilon : y_max_plus_epsilon) - ray.origin.y) * idy;
if (t_min > ty_max || ty_min > t_max) {
// The parameter ranges of the "x-axis projection" and "y-axis projection"
// ray segments are disjoint. Therefore the ray does not intersect the box.
return false;
// Compute the intersection of the two parameter ranges.
if (ty_min > t_min)
t_min = ty_min;
if (ty_max < t_max)
t_max = ty_max;
const float z_max_plus_epsilon = box.max().z + kIntersectionEpsilon;
const float z_min_minus_epsilon = box.min().z - kIntersectionEpsilon;
tz_min = ((idz < 0 ? z_max_plus_epsilon : z_min_minus_epsilon) - ray.origin.z) * idz;
tz_max = ((idz < 0 ? z_min_minus_epsilon : z_max_plus_epsilon) - ray.origin.z) * idz;
if (t_min > tz_max || tz_min > t_max)
return false;
if (tz_min > t_min)
t_min = tz_min;
if (tz_max < t_max)
t_max = tz_max;
if (t_min < 0) {
if (t_max < 0) {
return false;
// out_min and out_max values are only valid if there is a hit.
if (out_interval) {
*out_interval = Interval(glm::max(0.f, t_min), t_max);
return true;
// Use the "inside-out" test where the intersection point between the ray and the plane
// that contains the triangle is tested against each of the triangles edges. If the
// hit-point is inside all three edges then the ray has intersected the triangle.
bool IntersectRayTriangle(const escher::ray4& ray, const glm::vec3& v0, const glm::vec3& v1,
const glm::vec3& v2, float* out_distance) {
// Get ray components.
const glm::vec3 orig(ray.origin);
const glm::vec3 dir(ray.direction);
// Get the normal vector for the triangle by computing the cross product
// of two of its edges, and normalizing the result.
glm::vec3 edge_1(v1 - v0);
glm::vec3 edge_2(v2 - v0);
glm::vec3 norm = glm::normalize(glm::cross(edge_1, edge_2));
// Find the intersection point between the ray and the triangle's plane.
// First check if the ray is parallel to the plane, in which case there
// is no intersection. Do this by computing the dot product of the ray direction
// with the normal. If it is 0, that indicates that the ray direction vector is
// 90 degrees from the normal, meaning it is parallel to the plane.
float dot_ray_norm = glm::dot(norm, dir);
if (fabs(dot_ray_norm) < kIntersectionEpsilon) {
return false;
// Check to see if the triangle is behind the ray origin by doing a ray-plane
// intersection test and seeing if the parameterized distance |t| is negative.
float t = glm::dot(v0 - orig, norm) / dot_ray_norm;
if (t < 0.f) {
return false;
// Now we know that 1) the triangle is in front of the ray and 2) the ray intersections
// the plane. So we can grab the intersection point.
glm::vec3 point(ray.At(t));
// Now we perform the "inside out" test with P, to see if it lies on the inside of all
// three of the triangle's edges. This is a quick lambda function to do the edge testing
// so that we don't have to rewrite the same code three times.
auto IsInside = [&point, &norm](const glm::vec3& va, const glm::vec3& vb) {
glm::vec3 edge = vb - va;
glm::vec3 dist_p = point - va;
glm::vec3 perpendicular = glm::cross(edge, dist_p);
// If the normal and the perpendicular vector are facing the same direction, the point
// is inside the edge.
return glm::dot(norm, perpendicular) >= 0.f;
// Check edge 0.
if (!IsInside(v0, v1)) {
return false;
// Check edge 1.
if (!IsInside(v1, v2)) {
return false;
// Check edge 2.
if (!IsInside(v2, v0)) {
return false;
// The ray hit the triangle! Write out the distance before returning.
if (out_distance) {
*out_distance = t;
return true;
bool IntersectRayPlane(const escher::ray4& ray, const escher::plane3& plane, float* out_distance) {
float distance = IntersectLinePlane<vec3>(vec3(ray.origin), vec3(ray.direction), plane);
if (out_distance) {
*out_distance = distance;
return distance >= 0 && distance < FLT_MAX;
} // namespace escher