blob: 6e6460d4eecbe6c4f4f956908826f8ddbaab8ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/flatland/rectangle_compositor.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/impl/naive_image.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/indexed_triangle_mesh_upload.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/tessellation.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/render_funcs.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/image_utils.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_program.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/texture.h"
namespace escher {
const vk::ImageUsageFlags RectangleCompositor::kRenderTargetUsageFlags =
const vk::ImageUsageFlags RectangleCompositor::kTextureUsageFlags =
vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled;
namespace {
static constexpr uint32_t kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex = 1;
// Helper function which factors out common code from the two InitRenderPassInfo() variants.
static void InitRenderPassInfoHelper(RenderPassInfo* rp,
const RenderPassInfo::AttachmentInfo& transient_info,
const RenderPassInfo::AttachmentInfo& output_info,
const RenderPassInfo::AttachmentInfo& depth_stencil_info) {
FX_DCHECK(output_info.sample_count == 1);
rp->color_attachment_infos[kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex] = transient_info;
rp->color_attachment_infos[kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex] = output_info;
rp->depth_stencil_attachment_info = depth_stencil_info;
// We have one transient attachment, and one output attachment.
rp->num_color_attachments = 2;
// Clear the intermediate attachment. We don't need to store it.
rp->clear_attachments = 1u << kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex;
// Clear and store the output color attachment 1.
rp->clear_attachments |= 1u << kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex;
rp->store_attachments |= 1u << kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex;
// Standard flags for a depth-testing render-pass that needs to first clear
// the depth image.
rp->op_flags = RenderPassInfo::kClearDepthStencilOp | RenderPassInfo::kOptimalColorLayoutOp |
FX_DCHECK(depth_stencil_info.format != vk::Format::eUndefined);
rp->clear_color[kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex].setFloat32({0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f});
rp->clear_color[kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex].setFloat32({0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f});
// This is the subpass used to render the renderables. They render to a
// transient image.
RenderPassInfo::Subpass subpass = {.color_attachments = {kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex},
.input_attachments = {},
.resolve_attachments = {},
.num_color_attachments = 1,
.num_input_attachments = 0,
.num_resolve_attachments = 0};
// This is the subpass used to perform color conversion. The transient attachment
// from subpass1 becomes the input attachment here, and then this subpass renders
// out to the render target.
RenderPassInfo::Subpass subpass2 = {.color_attachments = {kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex},
.input_attachments = {kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex},
.resolve_attachments = {},
.num_color_attachments = 1,
.num_input_attachments = 1,
.num_resolve_attachments = 0};
// Make null the remaining color attachment slots we are not using.
for (size_t i = rp->num_color_attachments; i < VulkanLimits::kNumColorAttachments; ++i) {
rp->color_attachment_infos[i] = {};
rp->color_attachments[i] = nullptr;
// We need a render pass with two subpasses in order to apply color conversion.
// The first subpass renders each of the renderables to a transient framebuffer,
// and the second subpass reads in those transient values as input, and is used to
// compute color conversion as a post processing effect over the entire output
// framebuffer. Since color-conversion doesn't require knowledge of adjacent
// pixels, subpasses are a relatively straightforward way to handle it.
bool SetupColorConversionDualPass(RenderPassInfo* rp, vk::Rect2D render_area,
const ImagePtr& transient_image, const ImagePtr& output_image,
const TexturePtr& depth_texture) {
FX_DCHECK(output_image->info().sample_count == 1);
rp->render_area = render_area;
RenderPassInfo::AttachmentInfo transient_info, output_info;
RenderPassInfo::AttachmentInfo depth_stencil_info;
if (output_image) {
if (!output_image->is_swapchain_image()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "RenderPassInfo::InitRenderPassInfo(): Output image doesn't have valid "
"swapchain layout.";
return false;
if (output_image->swapchain_layout() != output_image->layout()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "RenderPassInfo::InitRenderPassInfo(): Current layout of output image "
"does not match its swapchain layout.";
return false;
InitRenderPassInfoHelper(rp, transient_info, output_info, depth_stencil_info);
ImageViewPtr transient_image_view = ImageView::New(transient_image);
ImageViewPtr output_image_view = ImageView::New(output_image);
rp->color_attachments[kTransientTargetAttachmentIndex] = std::move(transient_image_view);
rp->color_attachments[kOutputTargetAttachmentIndex] = std::move(output_image_view);
rp->depth_stencil_attachment = depth_texture;
return true;
vec4 GetPremultipliedRgba(vec4 rgba) { return vec4(vec3(rgba) * rgba.a, rgba.a); }
// Draws a single rectangle at a particular depth value, z.
void DrawSingle(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf, const ShaderProgramPtr& program,
const Rectangle2D& rectangle, const Texture* texture, const glm::vec4& color,
float z) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "RectangleCompositor::DrawSingle");
// Set the shader program to be used.
const SamplerPtr& sampler = texture->sampler()->is_immutable() ? texture->sampler() : nullptr;
cmd_buf->SetShaderProgram(program, sampler);
// Bind texture to use in the fragment shader.
cmd_buf->BindTexture(/*set*/ 0, /*binding*/ 0, texture);
// Struct to store all the push constant data in the vertex shader
// so we only need to make a single call to PushConstants().
struct VertexShaderPushConstants {
alignas(16) vec3 origin;
alignas(8) vec2 extent;
alignas(8) std::array<vec2, 4> uvs;
// Set up the push constants struct with data from the renderable and z value.
VertexShaderPushConstants constants = {
.origin = vec3(rectangle.origin, z),
.extent = rectangle.extent,
.uvs = rectangle.clockwise_uvs,
// We offset by 16U to account for the fact that the previous call to
// PushConstants() for the batch-level bounds was a glm::vec3, which
// takes up 16 bytes with padding in the vertex shader.
cmd_buf->PushConstants(constants, /*offset*/ 16U);
// We make one more call to PushConstants() to push the color to the
// fragment shader. This is so that the data aligns with the push constant
// range for the fragment shader only, otherwise it would overlap the ranges
// for both the vertex and fragment shaders.
cmd_buf->PushConstants(GetPremultipliedRgba(color), /*offset*/ 80U);
// In Vulkan, YUV textures don't have a color space defined by the format. The OETF (Opto
// Electrical Transfer Function) for BT.709 is closely approximated by using power of 2 for the
// RGB components of the sampled texture in the fragment shader. We make another call to
// PushConstants() to push this gamma power value.
cmd_buf->PushConstants(texture->is_yuv_format() ? 2.f : 1.f, /*offset*/ 96U);
// Draw two triangles. The vertex shader knows how to use the gl_VertexIndex
// of each vertex to compute the appropriate position and UV values.
cmd_buf->Draw(/*vertex_count*/ 6);
// Renders the batch of provided rectangles using the provided shader program.
// Renderables are separated into opaque and translucent groups. The opaque
// renderables are rendered from front-to-back while the translucent renderables
// are rendered from back-to-front.
void TraverseBatch(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf, vec3 bounds, ShaderProgramPtr program,
const std::vector<Rectangle2D>& rectangles,
const std::vector<const TexturePtr>& textures,
const std::vector<RectangleCompositor::ColorData>& color_data) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "RectangleCompositor::TraverseBatch");
int64_t num_renderables = static_cast<int64_t>(rectangles.size());
// Push the bounds as a constant for all renderables to be used in the vertex shader.
// Opaque, front to back.
cmd_buf->SetDepthTestAndWrite(true, true);
float z = 1.f;
for (int64_t i = num_renderables - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (color_data[i].is_opaque) {
DrawSingle(cmd_buf, program, rectangles[i], textures[i].get(), color_data[i].color, z);
z += 1.f;
// Translucent, back to front.
cmd_buf->SetDepthTestAndWrite(true, false);
float z = static_cast<float>(rectangles.size());
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_renderables; i++) {
if (!color_data[i].is_opaque) {
DrawSingle(cmd_buf, program, rectangles[i], textures[i].get(), color_data[i].color, z);
z -= 1.f;
void ApplyColorConversion(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf, ShaderProgramPtr program,
ImageViewPtr input_attachment,
const ColorConversionParams& color_conversion_params) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "RectangleCompositor::ApplyColorConversion");
cmd_buf->SetDepthTestAndWrite(false, false);
cmd_buf->SetShaderProgram(program, nullptr);
cmd_buf->BindInputAttachment(/*set*/ 0, /*binding*/ 0, input_attachment);
// Draw one triangle. The vertex shader knows how to use the gl_VertexIndex
// of each vertex to compute the appropriate position.
cmd_buf->Draw(/*vertex_count*/ 3);
} // anonymous namespace
// RectangleCompositor constructor. Initializes the shader program and allocates
// GPU buffers to store mesh data.
RectangleCompositor::RectangleCompositor(EscherWeakPtr escher)
: escher_(escher),
color_conversion_program_(escher->GetProgram(kFlatlandColorConversionProgram)) {}
// DrawBatch generates the Vulkan data needed to render the batch (e.g. renderpass,
// bounds, etc) and calls |TraverseBatch| which iterates over the renderables and
// submits them for rendering.
void RectangleCompositor::DrawBatch(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf,
const std::vector<Rectangle2D>& rectangles,
const std::vector<const TexturePtr>& textures,
const std::vector<ColorData>& color_data,
const ImagePtr& output_image, const TexturePtr& depth_buffer,
bool apply_color_conversion) {
// TODO( Add custom clear colors. We could either pass in another parameter to
// this function or try to embed clear-data into the existing api. For example, one could
// check to see if the back rectangle is fullscreen and solid-color, in which case we can
// treat it as a clear instead of rendering it as a renderable.
FX_CHECK(cmd_buf && output_image && depth_buffer);
// Inputs need to be the same length.
FX_CHECK(rectangles.size() == textures.size());
FX_CHECK(rectangles.size() == color_data.size());
// Initialize the render pass.
RenderPassInfo render_pass;
vk::Rect2D render_area = {{0, 0}, {output_image->width(), output_image->height()}};
// Construct the bounds that are used in the vertex shader to convert the
// renderable positions into normalized device coordinates (NDC). The width
// and height are divided by 2 to pre-optimize the shift that happens in the
// shader which realigns the NDC coordinates so that (0,0) is in the center
// instead of in the top-left-hand corner.
vec3 bounds(static_cast<float>(output_image->width() * 0.5),
static_cast<float>(output_image->height() * 0.5), rectangles.size());
// If we don't have any color conversion data, stick to a single subpass.
if (!apply_color_conversion) {
// Setup a standard 1-pass renderpass where we render directly into the output image.
if (!RenderPassInfo::InitRenderPassInfo(&render_pass, render_area, output_image,
depth_buffer)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "RectangleCompositor::DrawBatch(): RenderPassInfo initialization failed. "
// Start the render pass.
// Iterate over all the renderables and draw them.
TraverseBatch(cmd_buf, bounds, standard_program_, rectangles, textures, color_data);
// End the render pass.
// Here we'll need to setup the dual pass system.
else {
auto transient_image = CreateOrFindTransientImage(output_image);
// Setup a 2-pass render pass where we first render into an intermediate buffer (not really:
// we try to use a transient buffer to avoid flushing memory from GPU caches to GPU-external
// memory) and then use that as an input attachment for the output pass, where we finally
// apply color correction.
if (!SetupColorConversionDualPass(&render_pass, render_area, transient_image, output_image,
depth_buffer)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "RectangleCompositor::DrawBatch(): RenderPassInfo initialization failed. "
if (transient_image->layout() != vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal) {
cmd_buf->impl()->TransitionImageLayout(transient_image, vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined,
// Start the render pass.
// Iterate over all the renderables and draw them.
TraverseBatch(cmd_buf, bounds, standard_program_, rectangles, textures, color_data);
ApplyColorConversion(cmd_buf, color_conversion_program_,
// End the render pass.
// TODO( It doesn't seem like all platforms actually support transient images.
// So this is going to be a regular image for now.
ImagePtr RectangleCompositor::CreateOrFindTransientImage(const ImagePtr& image) {
auto itr = transient_image_map_.find(image->info());
if (itr != transient_image_map_.end()) {
return itr->second;
ImageInfo info;
info.format = image->info().format;
info.width = image->info().width;
info.height = image->info().height;
info.sample_count = 1;
info.usage = vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eInputAttachment | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment;
info.color_space = image->info().color_space;
info.memory_flags = vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eDeviceLocal;
if (image->use_protected_memory()) {
info.memory_flags |= vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eProtected;
vk::Image vk_image =
image_utils::CreateVkImage(escher_->vk_device(), info, vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined);
auto allocator = escher_->gpu_allocator();
auto mem_requirements = escher_->vk_device().getImageMemoryRequirements(vk_image);
auto memory = allocator->AllocateMemory(mem_requirements, info.memory_flags);
auto result = impl::NaiveImage::AdoptVkImage(escher_->resource_recycler(), info, vk_image, memory,
transient_image_map_[image->info()] = result;
return result;
vk::ImageCreateInfo RectangleCompositor::GetDefaultImageConstraints(const vk::Format& vk_format,
vk::ImageUsageFlags usage) {
vk::ImageCreateInfo create_info;
create_info.imageType = vk::ImageType::e2D;
create_info.extent = vk::Extent3D{1, 1, 1};
create_info.flags = {};
create_info.format = vk_format;
create_info.mipLevels = 1;
create_info.arrayLayers = 1;
create_info.samples = vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1;
create_info.tiling = vk::ImageTiling::eOptimal;
create_info.usage = usage;
create_info.sharingMode = vk::SharingMode::eExclusive;
create_info.initialLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined;
return create_info;
} // namespace escher