blob: d043b5b1c027ffc679a41ef9f741a6fea8376d03 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("ui") {
deps = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
fuchsia_component("ui-component") {
component_name = "ui"
manifest = "meta/ui.cml"
core_shard("ui-core-shard") {
shard_file = "meta/ui.core_shard.cml"
fuchsia_package("ui_pkg") {
package_name = "ui"
deps = [ ":ui-component" ]
fuchsia_component("ui-with-root-presenter-component") {
component_name = "ui-with-root-presenter"
manifest = "meta/ui_with_root_presenter.cml"
core_shard("ui-with-root-presenter-core-shard") {
shard_file = "meta/ui_with_root_presenter.core_shard.cml"
fuchsia_package("ui_with_root_presenter_pkg") {
package_name = "ui"
deps = [ ":ui-with-root-presenter-component" ]
# Deprecated. Please use runtime_with_scene_manager instead.
group("workstation") {
deps = [ ":runtime_with_scene_manager" ]
# runtime_with_scene_manager is the set of package dependencies typically
# desired for the construction of a product that includes UI and scene manager
# (as opposed to root presenter).
group("runtime_with_scene_manager") {
deps = [
# Runtime_root_presenter is the set of package dependencies typically desired
# for the construction of a product that includes UI (Scenic, A11y) and root
# presenter (as opposed to scene manager).
group("runtime_with_root_presenter") {
deps = [
# TODO( Remove after out-of-tree tests migrate to
# text_manager.