blob: 8d1cf4aee05d7bbba5700260322febaea541f9c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased};
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::*;
use crate::logging::impossible_error;
use crate::mm::vmo::round_up_to_system_page_size;
use crate::task::CurrentTask;
use crate::types::*;
use crate::vmex_resource::VMEX_RESOURCE;
pub struct VmoFileNode {
/// The memory that backs this file.
vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>,
xattrs: MemoryXattrStorage,
impl VmoFileNode {
pub fn new() -> Result<VmoFileNode, Errno> {
let vmo =
zx::Vmo::create_with_opts(zx::VmoOptions::RESIZABLE, 0).map_err(|_| errno!(ENOMEM))?;
Ok(VmoFileNode { vmo: Arc::new(vmo), xattrs: MemoryXattrStorage::default() })
pub fn from_bytes(data: &[u8]) -> Result<VmoFileNode, Errno> {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create_with_opts(zx::VmoOptions::RESIZABLE, data.len() as u64)
.map_err(|_| errno!(ENOMEM))?;
vmo.write(data, 0).map_err(|_| errno!(ENOMEM))?;
Ok(VmoFileNode { vmo: Arc::new(vmo), xattrs: MemoryXattrStorage::default() })
impl FsNodeOps for VmoFileNode {
fs_node_impl_xattr_delegate!(self, self.xattrs);
fn open(&self, _node: &FsNode, _flags: OpenFlags) -> Result<Box<dyn FileOps>, Errno> {
fn truncate(&self, node: &FsNode, length: u64) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let mut info = node.info_write();
if info.size == length as usize {
return Ok(());
self.vmo.set_size(length).map_err(|status| match status {
zx::Status::NO_MEMORY => errno!(ENOMEM),
zx::Status::OUT_OF_RANGE => errno!(ENOMEM),
_ => impossible_error(status),
info.size = length as usize;
info.storage_size = self.vmo.get_size().map_err(impossible_error)? as usize;
let time = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
info.time_access = time;
info.time_modify = time;
pub struct VmoFileObject {
pub vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>,
impl VmoFileObject {
pub fn new(vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>) -> Self {
VmoFileObject { vmo }
pub fn read_at(
vmo: &Arc<zx::Vmo>,
file: &FileObject,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
offset: usize,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let actual = {
let info = file.node().info();
let file_length = info.size;
let want_read = UserBuffer::get_total_length(data)?;
if want_read > MAX_LFS_FILESIZE - offset {
return error!(EINVAL);
if offset < file_length {
let to_read =
if file_length < offset + want_read { file_length - offset } else { want_read };
let mut buf = vec![0u8; to_read]; buf[..], offset as u64).map_err(|_| errno!(EIO))?;
// TODO(steveaustin) - write_each might might be more efficient, &mut buf[..])?;
} else {
// TODO(steveaustin) - omit updating time_access to allow info to be immutable
// and thus allow simultaneous reads.
file.node().info_write().time_access = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
pub fn write_at(
vmo: &Arc<zx::Vmo>,
file: &FileObject,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
offset: usize,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let want_write = UserBuffer::get_total_length(data)?;
if want_write > MAX_LFS_FILESIZE - offset {
return error!(EINVAL);
let mut buf = vec![0u8; want_write];, &mut buf[..])?;
let mut info = file.node().info_write();
let write_end = offset + want_write;
let mut update_content_size = false;
if write_end > info.size {
if write_end > info.storage_size {
let new_size = round_up_to_system_page_size(write_end)?;
vmo.set_size(new_size as u64).map_err(|_| errno!(ENOMEM))?;
info.storage_size = new_size as usize;
update_content_size = true;
vmo.write(&mut buf[..], offset as u64).map_err(|_| errno!(EIO))?;
if update_content_size {
info.size = write_end;
let now = fuchsia_runtime::utc_time();
info.time_access = now;
info.time_modify = now;
pub fn get_vmo(
vmo: &Arc<zx::Vmo>,
_file: &FileObject,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
prot: zx::VmarFlags,
) -> Result<zx::Vmo, Errno> {
let mut vmo = vmo.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS).map_err(impossible_error)?;
if prot.contains(zx::VmarFlags::PERM_EXECUTE) {
vmo = vmo.replace_as_executable(&VMEX_RESOURCE).map_err(impossible_error)?;
impl FileOps for VmoFileObject {
fn read_at(
file: &FileObject,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
offset: usize,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
VmoFileObject::read_at(&self.vmo, file, current_task, offset, data)
fn write_at(
file: &FileObject,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
offset: usize,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
VmoFileObject::write_at(&self.vmo, file, current_task, offset, data)
fn get_vmo(
file: &FileObject,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
_length: Option<usize>,
prot: zx::VmarFlags,
) -> Result<zx::Vmo, Errno> {
VmoFileObject::get_vmo(&self.vmo, file, current_task, prot)