blob: af05921508437b98d9b3ed5824e7e738ae8d8daf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use crate::fs::socket::*;
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::lock::{RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard};
use crate::types::*;
struct DirEntryState {
/// The parent DirEntry.
/// The DirEntry tree has strong references from child-to-parent and weak
/// references from parent-to-child. This design ensures that the parent
/// chain is always populated in the cache, but some children might be
/// missing from the cache.
parent: Option<DirEntryHandle>,
/// The name that this parent calls this child.
/// This name might not be reflected in the full path in the namespace that
/// contains this DirEntry. For example, this DirEntry might be the root of
/// a chroot.
/// Most callers that want to work with names for DirEntries should use the
/// NamespaceNodes.
local_name: FsString,
/// A partial cache of the children of this DirEntry.
/// DirEntries are added to this cache when they are looked up and removed
/// when they are no longer referenced.
children: BTreeMap<FsString, Weak<DirEntry>>,
/// The number of filesystem mounted on the directory entry.
mount_count: u32,
/// An entry in a directory.
/// This structure assigns a name to an FsNode in a given file system. An
/// FsNode might have multiple directory entries, for example if there are more
/// than one hard link to the same FsNode. In those cases, each hard link will
/// have a different parent and a different local_name because each hard link
/// has its own DirEntry object.
/// A directory cannot have more than one hard link, which means there is a
/// single DirEntry for each Directory FsNode. That invariant lets us store the
/// children for a directory in the DirEntry rather than in the FsNode.
pub struct DirEntry {
/// The FsNode referenced by this DirEntry.
/// A given FsNode can be referenced by multiple DirEntry objects, for
/// example if there are multiple hard links to a given FsNode.
pub node: FsNodeHandle,
/// The mutable state for this DirEntry.
state: RwLock<DirEntryState>,
pub type DirEntryHandle = Arc<DirEntry>;
impl DirEntry {
pub fn new(
node: FsNodeHandle,
parent: Option<DirEntryHandle>,
local_name: FsString,
) -> DirEntryHandle {
Arc::new(DirEntry {
state: RwLock::new(DirEntryState {
children: BTreeMap::new(),
mount_count: 0,
/// Register that a filesystem is mounted on the directory.
pub fn register_mount(&self) {
self.state.write().mount_count += 1;
/// Unregister that a filesystem is mounted on the directory.
pub fn unregister_mount(&self) {
let mut state = self.state.write();
assert!(state.mount_count > 0);
state.mount_count -= 1;
/// The name that this node's parent calls this node.
/// If this node is mounted in a namespace, the parent of this node in that
/// namespace might have a different name for the point in the namespace at
/// which this node is mounted.
pub fn local_name(&self) -> FsString {
/// The parent DirEntry object.
/// Returns None if this DirEntry is the root of its file system.
/// Be aware that the root of one file system might be mounted as a child
/// in another file system. For that reason, consider walking the
/// NamespaceNode tree (which understands mounts) rather than the DirEntry
/// tree.
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<DirEntryHandle> {
/// The parent DirEntry object or this DirEntry if this entry is the root.
/// Useful when traversing up the tree if you always want to find a parent
/// (e.g., for "..").
/// Be aware that the root of one file system might be mounted as a child
/// in another file system. For that reason, consider walking the
/// NamespaceNode tree (which understands mounts) rather than the DirEntry
/// tree.
pub fn parent_or_self(self: &DirEntryHandle) -> DirEntryHandle {
/// Whether the given name has special semantics as a directory entry.
/// Specifically, whether the name is empty (which means "self"), dot
/// (which also means "self"), or dot dot (which means "parent").
pub fn is_reserved_name(name: &FsStr) -> bool {
name.is_empty() || name == b"." || name == b".."
/// Look up a directory entry with the given name as direct child of this
/// entry.
pub fn component_lookup(self: &DirEntryHandle, name: &FsStr) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
let (node, _) = self.get_or_create_child(name, || {
if ! {
return error!(EACCES);
/// Creates a new DirEntry
/// The create_node_fn function is called to create the underlying FsNode
/// for the DirEntry.
/// If the entry already exists, create_node_fn is not called, and EEXIST is
/// returned.
fn create_entry<F>(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
dev: DeviceType,
create_node_fn: F,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno>
F: FnOnce() -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno>,
assert!(mode & FileMode::IFMT != FileMode::EMPTY, "mknod called without node type.");
if DirEntry::is_reserved_name(name) {
return error!(EEXIST);
// TODO: Do we need to check name for embedded "/" or NUL characters?
if name.len() > NAME_MAX as usize {
return error!(ENAMETOOLONG);
let (entry, exists) = self.get_or_create_child(name, || {
let node = create_node_fn()?;
let mut info = node.info_write();
info.mode = mode;
if mode.is_blk() || mode.is_chr() {
info.rdev = dev;
if exists {
return error!(EEXIST);
pub fn create_dir(self: &DirEntryHandle, name: &FsStr) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
// TODO: apply_umask
self.create_entry(name, FileMode::IFDIR | FileMode::ALLOW_ALL, DeviceType::NONE, || {
pub fn create_node(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
dev: DeviceType,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
self.create_entry(name, mode, dev, || {
if mode.is_dir() {
} else {
let node = self.node.mknod(name, mode)?;
if mode.is_sock() {
node.set_socket(Socket::new(SocketDomain::Unix, SocketType::Stream));
pub fn bind_socket(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
socket: SocketHandle,
socket_address: SocketAddress,
mode: FileMode,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
self.create_entry(name, mode, DeviceType::NONE, || {
let node = self.node.mknod(name, mode)?;
if let Some(unix_socket) = socket.downcast_socket::<UnixSocket>() {
unix_socket.bind_socket_to_node(&socket, socket_address, &node)?;
} else {
return error!(ENOTSUP);
pub fn add_node_ops(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
ops: impl FsNodeOps + 'static,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
self.add_node_ops_dev(name, mode, DeviceType::NONE, ops)
pub fn add_node_ops_dev(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
dev: DeviceType,
ops: impl FsNodeOps + 'static,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
self.create_entry(name, mode, dev, || Ok(self.node.fs().create_node(Box::new(ops), mode)))
pub fn create_symlink(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
target: &FsStr,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
self.create_entry(name, FileMode::IFLNK | FileMode::ALLOW_ALL, DeviceType::NONE, || {
self.node.create_symlink(name, target)
pub fn link(self: &DirEntryHandle, name: &FsStr, child: &FsNodeHandle) -> Result<(), Errno> {
if DirEntry::is_reserved_name(name) {
return error!(EEXIST);
let (entry, exists) = self.get_or_create_child(name, || {, child)?;
if exists {
return error!(EEXIST);
pub fn unlink(self: &DirEntryHandle, name: &FsStr, kind: UnlinkKind) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let mut state = self.state.write();
let child = self.component_lookup_locked(&mut state, name)?;
let child_state =;
if child_state.mount_count > 0 {
return error!(EBUSY);
match kind {
UnlinkKind::Directory => {
if !child.node.is_dir() {
return error!(ENOTDIR);
// This check only covers whether the cache is non-empty.
// We actually need to check whether the underlying directory is
// empty by asking the node via remove below.
if !child_state.children.is_empty() {
return error!(ENOTEMPTY);
UnlinkKind::NonDirectory => {
if child.node.is_dir() {
return error!(EISDIR);
self.node.unlink(name, &child.node)?;
// We drop the state lock before we drop the child so that we do
// not trigger a deadlock in the Drop trait for FsNode, which attempts
// to remove the FsNode from its parent's child list.
/// Returns whether this entry is a descendant of |other|.
pub fn is_descendant_of(self: &DirEntryHandle, other: &DirEntryHandle) -> bool {
let mut current = self.clone();
loop {
if Arc::ptr_eq(&current, &other) {
// We found |other|.
return true;
if let Some(next) = current.parent() {
current = next;
} else {
// We reached the root of the file system.
return false;
/// Rename the file with old_basename in old_parent to new_basename in
/// new_parent.
/// old_parent and new_parent must belong to the same file system.
pub fn rename(
old_parent_name: &NamespaceNode,
old_basename: &FsStr,
new_parent_name: &NamespaceNode,
new_basename: &FsStr,
) -> Result<(), Errno> {
// If either the old_basename or the new_basename is a reserved name
// (e.g., "." or ".."), then we cannot do the rename.
if DirEntry::is_reserved_name(old_basename) || DirEntry::is_reserved_name(new_basename) {
return error!(EBUSY);
let old_parent = &old_parent_name.entry;
let new_parent = &new_parent_name.entry;
// If the names and parents are the same, then there's nothing to do
// and we can report success.
if Arc::ptr_eq(old_parent, new_parent) && old_basename == new_basename {
return Ok(());
// We need to hold these DirEntryHandles until after we drop all the
// locks so that we do not deadlock when we drop them.
let (_renamed, maybe_replaced) = {
// The mount_eq check in sys_renameat ensures that the nodes we're
// touching are part of the same file system. It doesn't matter
// where we grab the FileSystem reference from.
let fs = old_parent.node.fs();
// Before we take any locks, we need to take the rename mutex on
// the file system. This lock ensures that no other rename
// operations are happening in this file system while we're
// analyzing this rename operation.
// For example, we grab writer locks on both old_parent and
// new_parent. If there was another rename operation in flight with
// old_parent and new_parent reversed, then we could deadlock while
// trying to acquire these locks.
let _lock = fs.rename_mutex.lock();
// Compute the list of ancestors of new_parent to check whether new_parent is a
// descendant of the renamed node. This must be computed before taking any lock to
// prevent lock inversions.
let mut new_parent_ancestor_list = Vec::<DirEntryHandle>::new();
let mut current = Some(new_parent.clone());
while let Some(entry) = current {
current = entry.parent();
// We cannot simply grab the locks on old_parent and new_parent
// independently because old_parent and new_parent might be the
// same directory entry. Instead, we use the RenameGuard helper to
// grab the appropriate locks.
let mut state = RenameGuard::lock(old_parent, new_parent);
// Now that we know the old_parent child list cannot change, we
// establish the DirEntry that we are going to try to rename.
let renamed = old_parent.component_lookup_locked(state.old_parent(), old_basename)?;
// Check whether the renamed entry is a mountpoint.
// TODO: We should hold a read lock on the mount points for this
// namespace to prevent the child from becoming a mount point
// while this function is executing.
if old_parent_name.child_is_mountpoint(&renamed) {
return error!(EBUSY);
// If new_parent is a descendant of renamed, the operation would
// create a cycle. That's disallowed.
if new_parent_ancestor_list.into_iter().any(|entry| Arc::ptr_eq(&entry, &renamed)) {
return error!(EINVAL);
// We need to check if there is already a DirEntry with
// new_basename in new_parent. If so, there are additional checks
// we need to perform.
let maybe_replaced =
match new_parent.component_lookup_locked(state.new_parent(), new_basename) {
Ok(replaced) => {
// Sayeth
// "If oldpath and newpath are existing hard links referring to the
// same file, then rename() does nothing, and returns a success
// status."
if Arc::ptr_eq(&renamed.node, &replaced.node) {
return Ok(());
// Sayeth
// "oldpath can specify a directory. In this case, newpath must"
// either not exist, or it must specify an empty directory."
if replaced.node.is_dir() {
// Check whether the replaced entry is a mountpoint.
// TODO: We should hold a read lock on the mount points for this
// namespace to prevent the child from becoming a mount point
// while this function is executing.
if new_parent_name.child_is_mountpoint(&replaced) {
return error!(EBUSY);
} else if renamed.node.is_dir() {
return error!(ENOTDIR);
// It's fine for the lookup to fail to find a child.
Err(errno) if errno == errno!(ENOENT) => None,
// However, other errors are fatal.
Err(e) => return Err(e),
// We've found all the errors that we know how to find. Ask the
// file system to actually execute the rename operation. Once the
// file system has executed the rename, we are no longer allowed to
// fail because we will not be able to return the system to a
// consistent state.
maybe_replaced.as_ref().map(|replaced| &replaced.node),
// We need to update the parent and local name for the DirEntry
// we are renaming to reflect its new parent and its new name.
let mut renamed_state = renamed.state.write();
renamed_state.parent = Some(new_parent.clone());
renamed_state.local_name = new_basename.to_owned();
// Actually add the renamed child to the new_parent's child list.
// This operation implicitly removes the replaced child (if any)
// from the child list.
state.new_parent().children.insert(new_basename.to_owned(), Arc::downgrade(&renamed));
// Finally, remove the renamed child from the old_parent's child
// list.
(renamed, maybe_replaced)
if let Some(replaced) = maybe_replaced {
fn component_lookup_locked(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
state: &mut DirEntryState,
name: &FsStr,
) -> Result<DirEntryHandle, Errno> {
let (node, _) = self.get_or_create_child_locked(state, name, || self.node.lookup(name))?;
pub fn get_children<F, T>(&self, callback: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&BTreeMap<FsString, Weak<DirEntry>>) -> T,
let state =;
fn get_or_create_child<F>(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
name: &FsStr,
create_fn: F,
) -> Result<(DirEntryHandle, bool), Errno>
F: FnOnce() -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno>,
// Only directories can have children.
if !self.node.is_dir() {
return error!(ENOTDIR);
// Check if the child is already in children. In that case, we can
// simply return the child and we do not need to call init_fn.
let state =;
if let Some(child) = state.children.get(name).and_then(Weak::upgrade) {
return Ok((child, true));
let mut state = self.state.write();
self.get_or_create_child_locked(&mut state, name, create_fn)
fn get_or_create_child_locked<F>(
self: &DirEntryHandle,
state: &mut DirEntryState,
name: &FsStr,
create_fn: F,
) -> Result<(DirEntryHandle, bool), Errno>
F: FnOnce() -> Result<FsNodeHandle, Errno>,
let create_child = || {
let node = create_fn()?;
assert!( & FileMode::IFMT != FileMode::EMPTY,
"FsNode initialization did not populate the FileMode in FsNodeInfo."
let entry = DirEntry::new(node, Some(self.clone()), name.to_vec());
#[cfg(any(test, debug_assertions))]
// Take the lock on child while holding the one on the parent to ensure any wrong ordering
// will trigger the tracing-mutex at the right call site.
let _l1 =;
match state.children.entry(name.to_vec()) {
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let child = create_child()?;
Ok((child, false))
Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
// It's possible that the upgrade will succeed this time around
// because we dropped the read lock before acquiring the write
// lock. Another thread might have populated this entry while
// we were not holding any locks.
if let Some(child) = Weak::upgrade(entry.get()) {
return Ok((child, true));
let child = create_child()?;
Ok((child, false))
// This function is only useful for tests and has some oddities.
// For example, not all the children might have been looked up yet, which
// means the returned vector could be missing some names.
// Also, the vector might have "extra" names that are in the process of
// being looked up. If the lookup fails, they'll be removed.
pub fn copy_child_names(&self) -> Vec<FsString> {
.filter_map(|child| Weak::upgrade(child).map(|c| c.local_name()))
fn internal_remove_child(&self, child: &mut DirEntry) {
let local_name = child.local_name();
let mut state = self.state.write();
if let Some(weak_child) = state.children.get(&local_name) {
// If this entry is occupied, we need to check whether child is
// the current occupant. If so, we should remove the entry
// because the child no longer exists.
if std::ptr::eq(weak_child.as_ptr(), child) {
impl fmt::Debug for DirEntry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut parents = vec![];
let mut maybe_parent = self.parent();
while let Some(parent) = maybe_parent {
maybe_parent = parent.parent();
let mut builder = f.debug_struct("DirEntry");
builder.field("id", &(self as *const DirEntry));
builder.field("local_name", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.local_name()));
if parents.len() > 0 {
builder.field("parents", &parents);
struct RenameGuard<'a, 'b> {
old_parent_guard: RwLockWriteGuard<'a, DirEntryState>,
new_parent_guard: Option<RwLockWriteGuard<'b, DirEntryState>>,
impl<'a, 'b> RenameGuard<'a, 'b> {
fn lock(old_parent: &'a DirEntryHandle, new_parent: &'b DirEntryHandle) -> Self {
if Arc::ptr_eq(&old_parent, &new_parent) {
Self { old_parent_guard: old_parent.state.write(), new_parent_guard: None }
} else {
// Following gVisor, these locks are taken in ancestor-to-descendant order.
// Moreover, if the node are not comparable, they are taken from smallest inode to
// biggest.
if new_parent.is_descendant_of(old_parent)
|| (!old_parent.is_descendant_of(new_parent)
&& old_parent.node.inode_num < new_parent.node.inode_num)
let old_parent_guard = old_parent.state.write();
let new_parent_guard = new_parent.state.write();
Self { old_parent_guard, new_parent_guard: Some(new_parent_guard) }
} else {
let new_parent_guard = new_parent.state.write();
let old_parent_guard = old_parent.state.write();
Self { old_parent_guard, new_parent_guard: Some(new_parent_guard) }
fn old_parent(&mut self) -> &mut DirEntryState {
&mut self.old_parent_guard
fn new_parent(&mut self) -> &mut DirEntryState {
if let Some(new_guard) = self.new_parent_guard.as_mut() {
} else {
&mut self.old_parent_guard
/// The Drop trait for DirEntry removes the entry from the child list of the
/// parent entry, which means we cannot drop DirEntry objects while holding a
/// lock on the parent's child list.
impl Drop for DirEntry {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let maybe_parent = self.state.write().parent.take();
if let Some(parent) = maybe_parent {