blob: 081bc236638d909bbb1d7fd2db364da983a09f07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/internal/natural_types.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/natural_coding_traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire_format_metadata.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire_natural_conversions.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/wire_types.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <cstdint>
// # Natural domain objects
// This header contains forward definitions that are part of natural domain
// objects. The code generator should populate the implementation by generating
// template specializations for each FIDL data type.
namespace fidl {
class Decoder;
namespace internal {
// |TypeTraits| contains information about a natural domain object:
// - fidl_type_t* kCodingTable: pointer to the coding table.
template <typename FidlType>
struct TypeTraits;
// |UnionMemberView| is a helper class for union members.
// It's returned by various accessor methods on union natural domain objects.
// It holds a shared_ptr reference to the underlying variant of the union.
template <size_t I, typename V>
class UnionMemberView final {
using Storage = std::shared_ptr<V>;
Storage storage{};
using T = std::variant_alternative_t<I, V>;
explicit UnionMemberView(Storage storage) : storage(storage) {}
UnionMemberView& operator=(const T& value) {
return *this;
UnionMemberView& operator=(T&& value) {
storage->template emplace<I>(std::move(value));
return *this;
// A std::optional-like API:
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return has_value(); }
bool has_value() const noexcept { return storage->index() == I; }
const T& value() const& {
const V& variant = *storage;
return std::get<I>(variant);
T& value() & {
V& variant = *storage;
return std::get<I>(variant);
T& value() && { return value(); }
const T* operator->() const& { return std::get_if<I>(storage.get()); }
T* operator->() & { return std::get_if<I>(storage.get()); }
T* operator->() && { return operator->(); }
template <class U>
constexpr T value_or(U&& default_value) const& {
if (storage->index() == I) {
return value();
return default_value;
// TODO: non-const value_or
// TODO: comparison operators? emplace & swap?
// Move into a std::optional.
// The union holds the same field with a moved-from state.
std::optional<T> take() && noexcept {
if (storage->index() == I) {
return std::make_optional(std::move(std::get<I>(*storage)));
return std::nullopt;
// Copy into an std::optional.
// The union holds the same field whose content is unchanged.
template <typename U = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_constructible<U>::value>>
operator std::optional<T>() const& noexcept {
if (storage->index() == I) {
T value = std::get<I>(*storage);
return std::make_optional(value);
return std::nullopt;
class EncodeResult {
explicit EncodeResult(::fidl::internal::NaturalBodyEncoder&& storage)
: storage_(std::move(storage)),
std::move(storage_).GetOutgoingMessage(NaturalBodyEncoder::MessageType::kStandalone)) {}
::fidl::OutgoingMessage& message() { return message_; }
::fidl::WireFormatMetadata wire_format_metadata() const {
return storage_.wire_format_metadata();
::fidl::internal::NaturalBodyEncoder storage_;
::fidl::OutgoingMessage message_;
template <typename Transport, typename EncodeResult, typename FidlType>
EncodeResult EncodeWithTransport(FidlType&& value) {
static_assert(::fidl::IsFidlType<FidlType>::value, "Only FIDL types are supported");
::fidl::internal::NaturalBodyEncoder encoder(&Transport::VTable,
encoder.Alloc(::fidl::internal::NaturalEncodingInlineSize<FidlType, NaturalCodingConstraintEmpty>(
::fidl::internal::NaturalCodingTraits<FidlType, NaturalCodingConstraintEmpty>::Encode(
&encoder, &value, 0, kRecursionDepthInitial);
return EncodeResult(std::move(encoder));
} // namespace internal
// |OwnedEncodeResult| holds an encoded message along with the required storage.
// Success/failure information is stored in the |fidl::OutgoingMessage| obtained
// from |message()|.
class OwnedEncodeResult : public internal::EncodeResult {
using internal::EncodeResult::EncodeResult;
using internal::EncodeResult::message;
using internal::EncodeResult::wire_format_metadata;
// Encodes an instance of |FidlType| for use over the Zircon channel transport.
// Supported types are structs, tables, and unions.
// Handles in the current instance are moved to the returned
// |OwnedEncodeResult|, if any.
// Errors during encoding (e.g. constraint validation) are reflected in the
// |message| of the returned |OwnedEncodeResult|.
// Example:
// fuchsia_my_lib::SomeType some_value = {...};
// fidl::OwnedEncodeResult encoded = fidl::Encode(std::move(some_value));
// if (!encoded.message().ok()) {
// // Handle errors...
// }
// // Different ways to access the encoded payload:
// // 1. View each iovec (output is always in vectorized chunks).
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < encoded.message().iovec_actual(); ++i) {
// encoded.message().iovecs()[i].buffer;
// encoded.message().iovecs()[i].capacity;
// }
// // 2. Copy the bytes to contiguous storage.
// fidl::OutgoingMessage::CopiedBytes bytes = encoded.message().CopyBytes();
template <typename FidlType>
OwnedEncodeResult Encode(FidlType value) {
return internal::EncodeWithTransport<fidl::internal::ChannelTransport, OwnedEncodeResult>(
// |Decode| decodes a non-transactional incoming message to a natural domain
// object |FidlType|. Supported types are structs, tables, and unions. Example:
// // Create a message referencing an encoded payload.
// fidl::IncomingMessage message = fidl::IncomingMessage::Create(
// bytes, num_bytes, handles, handle_metadata, num_handles,
// fidl::IncomingMessage::kSkipMessageHeaderValidation);
// // Decode the message.
// fitx::result decoded = fidl::Decode<fuchsia_my_lib::SomeType>(
// std::move(message), wire_format_metadata);
// // Use the decoded value.
// if (!decoded.is_ok()) {
// // Handle errors...
// }
// fuchsia_my_lib::SomeType& value = decoded.value();
// |message| is always consumed. |metadata| informs the wire format of the
// encoded message.
template <typename FidlType>
::fitx::result<::fidl::Error, FidlType> Decode(::fidl::IncomingMessage message,
::fidl::WireFormatMetadata metadata) {
using internal::DefaultConstructPossiblyInvalidObjectTag;
using internal::kCodingErrorInvalidWireFormatMetadata;
using internal::kCodingErrorNotAllBytesConsumed;
using internal::kCodingErrorNotAllHandlesConsumed;
using internal::kRecursionDepthInitial;
using internal::NaturalCodingConstraintEmpty;
static_assert(::fidl::IsFidlType<FidlType>::value, "Only FIDL types are supported");
if (!metadata.is_valid()) {
return ::fitx::error(
::fidl::Error::DecodeError(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, kCodingErrorInvalidWireFormatMetadata));
uint32_t message_byte_actual = message.byte_actual();
uint32_t message_handle_actual = message.handle_actual();
::fidl::internal::NaturalDecoder decoder(std::move(message), metadata.wire_format_version());
size_t offset;
if (!decoder.Alloc(
::fidl::internal::NaturalDecodingInlineSize<FidlType, NaturalCodingConstraintEmpty>(
&offset)) {
return ::fitx::error(::fidl::Error::DecodeError(decoder.status(), decoder.error()));
FidlType value{DefaultConstructPossiblyInvalidObjectTag{}};
::fidl::internal::NaturalCodingTraits<FidlType, NaturalCodingConstraintEmpty>::Decode(
&decoder, &value, offset, kRecursionDepthInitial);
if (decoder.status() != ZX_OK) {
return ::fitx::error(::fidl::Error::DecodeError(decoder.status(), decoder.error()));
if (decoder.CurrentLength() != message_byte_actual) {
return ::fitx::error(
::fidl::Error::DecodeError(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL, kCodingErrorNotAllBytesConsumed));
if (decoder.CurrentHandleCount() != message_handle_actual) {
return ::fitx::error(
::fidl::Error::DecodeError(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL, kCodingErrorNotAllHandlesConsumed));
return ::fitx::ok(std::move(value));
} // namespace fidl