blob: eefa1f5d5602c3d687956df21b3d03caadf010d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/forensics/utils/fit/promise.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/lib/testing/loop_fixture/test_loop_fixture.h"
namespace forensics {
namespace fit {
namespace {
class PromiseTest : public gtest::TestLoopFixture {
PromiseTest() : executor_(dispatcher()) {}
async::Executor executor_;
class StringCombiner {
StringCombiner(const std::vector<std::string>& strings) : strings_(strings) {}
::fpromise::promise<> Combine(std::function<void(std::string*)> callback) {
return ::fpromise::make_promise([this, cb = callback]() -> ::fpromise::result<> {
std::string str;
for (const auto& string : strings_) {
str += string;
return ::fpromise::ok();
std::vector<std::string> strings_;
// This example will not compile.
// TEST_F(PromiseTest, Wont_Compile) {
// ::fpromise::promise<> promise;
// std::string result;
// auto combiner = std::make_unique<StringCombiner>(std::vector<std::string>({
// "s1, ",
// "s2, ",
// "s3",
// }));
// auto combine = combiner->Combine([&result](std::string* str) { result = *str; });
// std::string bad_type = "bad_type";
// promise = ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise(std::move(combine), std::move(combiner),
// std::move(bad_type));
// This test will trigger ASAN every so often so it needs to be left commented out.
// TEST_F(PromiseTest, Check_WillDieIfNotKeptAlive) {
// {
// ::fpromise::promise<> promise;
// std::string result;
// {
// auto combiner = std::make_unique<StringCombiner>(std::vector<std::string>({
// "s1, ",
// "s2, ",
// "s3",
// }));
// promise = combiner->Combine([&result](std::string* str) { result = *str; });
// }
// executor_.schedule_task(std::move(promise));
// RunLoopUntilIdle();
// EXPECT_EQ(result, "s1, s2, s3");
// },
// testing::HasSubstr(""));
TEST_F(PromiseTest, Check_UniquePtrStaysAlive) {
::fpromise::promise<> promise;
std::string result;
auto combiner = std::make_unique<StringCombiner>(std::vector<std::string>({
"s1, ",
"s2, ",
auto combine = combiner->Combine([&result](std::string* str) { result = *str; });
// We cannot directly use obj->Combine() as a parameter in ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise due
// to the fact that the order of evaluation of function arguments in undefined.
promise = ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise(/*promise=*/std::move(combine),
EXPECT_EQ(result, "s1, s2, s3");
TEST_F(PromiseTest, Check_SharedPtrStaysAlive) {
::fpromise::promise<> promise;
std::string result;
auto combiner = std::make_shared<StringCombiner>(std::vector<std::string>({
"s1, ",
"s2, ",
auto combine = combiner->Combine([&result](std::string* str) { result = *str; });
// We cannot directly use obj->Combine() as a parameter in ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise due
// to the fact that the order of evaluation of function arguments in undefined.
promise = ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise(/*promise=*/std::move(combine),
EXPECT_EQ(result, "s1, s2, s3");
TEST_F(PromiseTest, Check_TwoPtrsStaysAlive) {
::fpromise::promise<> promise;
std::string result;
auto combiner = std::make_unique<StringCombiner>(std::vector<std::string>({
"s1, ",
"s2, ",
auto suffix = std::make_unique<std::string>(" suffix");
// We must capture the string managed by suffix, otherwise if we moved suffix into the lambda
// the purpose of attempting to keep it alive through other means would be defeated
auto combine = combiner->Combine(
[&result, suffix = suffix.get()](std::string* str) { result = (*str) + (*suffix); });
// We cannot directly use obj->Combine() as a parameter in ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise due
// to the fact that the order of evaluation of function arguments in undefined.
promise = ExtendArgsLifetimeBeyondPromise(/*promise=*/std::move(combine),
/*args=*/std::move(combiner), std::move(suffix));
EXPECT_EQ(result, "s1, s2, s3 suffix");
} // namespace
} // namespace fit
} // namespace forensics