blob: c5b8374f47a88f92626564dd4cea8af53199c8aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/att/att.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/uuid.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace att {
// Defines the read or write access permissions for an attribute.
class AccessRequirements final {
// The default access permission prevents the attribute from being accessed.
// Enables access permission with the given requirements.
AccessRequirements(bool encryption, bool authentication, bool authorization);
// Returns true if this attribute can be accessed at all.
inline bool allowed() const {
return value_ & kAttributePermissionBitAllowed;
// Returns true if no security is required.
inline bool allowed_without_security() const {
return value_ == kAttributePermissionBitAllowed;
// The following getters return the security requirements of this attribute:
inline bool encryption_required() const {
return value_ & kAttributePermissionBitEncryptionRequired;
inline bool authentication_required() const {
return value_ & kAttributePermissionBitAuthenticationRequired;
inline bool authorization_required() const {
return value_ & kAttributePermissionBitAuthorizationRequired;
inline bool operator==(const AccessRequirements& other) const {
return value_ == other.value_;
uint8_t value_;
class AttributeGrouping;
// Represents an attribute. Each attribute is assigned a handle (unique within
// the scope of an Adapter) and a UUID that identifies its type. The type of an
// attribute dictates how to interpret the attribute value.
// Each attribute has a value of up to 512 octets. An Attribute can be
// configured to have a static value. In such a case the value can be directly
// obtained by calling |value()|. Such attributes cannot be written to.
// Otherwise, an Attribute is considered dynamic and its value must be accessed
// asynchronously by calling ReadAsync()/WriteAsync().
// Instances cannot be constructed directly and must be obtained from an
// AttributeGrouping.
// This class is not thread-safe. The constructor/destructor and all public
// methods must be called on the same thread.
class Attribute final {
// Allow move construction and assignment.
Attribute(Attribute&& other) = default;
Attribute& operator=(Attribute&& other) = default;
bool is_initialized() const { return handle_ != kInvalidHandle; }
Handle handle() const { return handle_; }
const common::UUID& type() const { return type_; }
// The grouping that this attribute belongs to.
const AttributeGrouping& group() const { return *group_; }
// Returns the current attribute value. Returns nullptr if the attribute has a
// dynamic value.
const common::ByteBuffer* value() const {
return value_.size() ? &value_ : nullptr;
// The read/write permissions of this attribute.
const AccessRequirements& read_reqs() const { return read_reqs_; }
const AccessRequirements& write_reqs() const { return write_reqs_; }
// Sets |value| as the static attribute value. Once a value is assigned it
// cannot be overwritten. A static value cannot be assigned to an attribute
// that permits writes as attribute writes need to propagate to the service
// layer.
void SetValue(const common::ByteBuffer& value);
// Handlers for reading and writing and attribute value asynchronously. A
// handler must call the provided the |result_callback| to signal the end of
// the operation.
using ReadResultCallback =
fit::function<void(ErrorCode status, const common::ByteBuffer& value)>;
using ReadHandler =
fit::function<void(const std::string& peer_id,
Handle handle,
uint16_t offset,
ReadResultCallback result_callback)>;
void set_read_handler(ReadHandler read_handler) {
read_handler_ = std::move(read_handler);
// An "ATT Write Command" will trigger WriteHandler with
// a null |result_callback|
using WriteResultCallback = fit::function<void(ErrorCode status)>;
using WriteHandler =
fit::function<void(const std::string& peer_id,
Handle handle,
uint16_t offset,
const common::ByteBuffer& value,
WriteResultCallback result_callback)>;
void set_write_handler(WriteHandler write_handler) {
write_handler_ = std::move(write_handler);
// Initiates an asynchronous read of the attribute value. Returns false if
// this attribute is not dynamic.
bool ReadAsync(const std::string& peer_id,
uint16_t offset,
ReadResultCallback result_callback) const;
// Initiates an asynchronous write of the attribute value. Returns false if
// this attribute is not dynamic.
bool WriteAsync(const std::string& peer_id,
uint16_t offset,
const common::ByteBuffer& value,
WriteResultCallback result_callback) const;
// Only an AttributeGrouping can construct this.
friend class AttributeGrouping;
// The default constructor will construct this attribute as uninitialized.
// This is intended for STL containers.
Attribute(AttributeGrouping* group,
Handle handle,
const common::UUID& type,
const AccessRequirements& read_reqs,
const AccessRequirements& write_reqs);
AttributeGrouping* group_; // The group that owns this Attribute.
Handle handle_;
common::UUID type_;
AccessRequirements read_reqs_;
AccessRequirements write_reqs_;
ReadHandler read_handler_;
WriteHandler write_handler_;
common::DynamicByteBuffer value_;
// Represents a grouping of attributes (see Vol 3, Part F, 3.2.3). Each grouping
// contains at least one leading attribute that contains the group declaration.
// The type of this attribute dictates the type of the grouping.
// Each grouping covers a contiguous range of handle numbers. The size of the
// range is determined by the |attr_count| constructor argument which defines
// the number of attributes in the grouping following the declaration attribute.
// Once constructed, a grouping is not considered complete until available
// handles within the range have been populated.
class AttributeGrouping final {
// Initializes this attribute grouping with a group declaration attribute and
// enough storage for |attr_count| additional attributes. |decl_value| is
// assigned as the read-only value of the declaration attribute.
// Note: |attr_count| should not cause the group end handle to exceed
// att::kHandleMax.
AttributeGrouping(const common::UUID& group_type,
Handle start_handle,
size_t attr_count,
const common::ByteBuffer& decl_value);
// Inserts a new attribute into this grouping using the given parameters and
// returns a pointer to it. Returns nullptr if the grouping is out of handles
// to allocate.
// The caller should not hold on to the returned pointer as the Attribute
// object is owned and managed by this AttributeGrouping.
Attribute* AddAttribute(
const common::UUID& type,
const AccessRequirements& read_reqs = AccessRequirements(),
const AccessRequirements& write_reqs = AccessRequirements());
// Returns true if all attributes of this grouping have been populated.
bool complete() const {
return attributes_.size() == (end_handle_ - start_handle_ + 1);
const common::UUID& group_type() const {
return attributes_[0].type();
// Value of the group declaration attribute.
const common::BufferView decl_value() const {
return attributes_[0].value()->view();
// The start and end handles of this grouping (inclusive).
Handle start_handle() const { return start_handle_; }
Handle end_handle() const { return end_handle_; }
bool active() const { return active_; }
void set_active(bool active) {
<< "att: set_active() called on incomplete grouping!";
active_ = active;
const std::vector<Attribute>& attributes() const { return attributes_; }
Handle start_handle_;
Handle end_handle_;
// Only groupings that are active are considered when responding to ATT
// requests.
bool active_;
// The Attributes in this grouping, including the declaration attribute. Space
// is reserved for all attributes upon construction. The number of elements in
// |attributes_| reflects how many of the attributes have been initialized.
std::vector<Attribute> attributes_;
} // namespace att
} // namespace btlib