blob: 472448b923189b75b179a2f7c0bfe4e915cdd271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'package:fidl_fidl_test_unionmemberremove/fidl_async.dart' as fidllib;
// [START contents]
fidllib.JsonValue writer(String s) {
final asFloat = double.tryParse(s);
if (asFloat != null) {
return fidllib.JsonValue.withFloatValue(asFloat);
final asInt = int.tryParse(s);
if (asInt != null) {
return fidllib.JsonValue.withIntValue(asInt);
return fidllib.JsonValue.withStringValue(s);
String reader(fidllib.JsonValue value) {
switch (value.$tag) {
case fidllib.JsonValueTag.intValue:
return '${value.intValue}';
case fidllib.JsonValueTag.stringValue:
return value.stringValue;
case fidllib.JsonValueTag.floatValue:
return '${value.floatValue}';
return '<${value.$} unknown bytes>';
// [END contents]