blob: 191a835e727da1af7471e0971df259d871bb0ca0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Disposable runner which executes a single test and presents its output in
/// realtime (via streams) and aggregates for the end (via a [StringBuffer]).
class TestRunner {
final StreamController<String> _stdoutController;
TestRunner() : _stdoutController = StreamController<String>();
Stream<String> get output =>;
void addOutput(String content) => _stdoutController.sink.add(content);
/// Wrapper which runs commands and not only collects all output for a
/// [ProcessResult], but also optionally emits realtime events from nested
/// stdout.
/// The [run] method takes an optional [realtimeOutputSink], which is used to
/// flush output from the process running individual tests. To achieve this,
/// two intermediate streams are created, one each for the sub-process's
/// [stdout] and [stderr], with listeners that maintain complete copies for
/// our value and which dump each update into [realtimeOutputSink] if it was
/// supplied.
Future<ProcessResult> run(
String command,
List<String> args, {
@required String workingDirectory,
}) async {
var processArgs = _buildProcessArgs(command, args);
Process process = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
var _stdOut = StringBuffer();
(String val) {
var _stdErr = StringBuffer();
(String val) {
// Wait for test to actually end.
int _exitCode = await process.exitCode;
await close();
// Return the same thing as if we'd used ``.
return ProcessResult(,
Future close() {
return _stdoutController.close();
_ProcessArgs _buildProcessArgs(String command, List<String> args) {
return _ProcessArgs(command, args);
class SymbolizingTestRunner extends TestRunner {
final String fx;
@required this.fx,
}) : assert(fx != null && fx != '');
factory SymbolizingTestRunner.builder(TestsConfig testsConfig) =>
SymbolizingTestRunner(fx: testsConfig.fuchsiaLocator.fx);
_ProcessArgs _buildProcessArgs(String command, List<String> args) {
return _ProcessArgs('bash', [
// `-o pipefail` forwards the exitcode from `command` (the test itself)
// instead of the always-zero exitcode from symbolize
// `-c` keeps the pipe in the domain of `bash`, and not in the domain of
// `fx shell ...`, which leads to "can't find fx" errors (since that's
// not on the device)
[command, ...args, '|', fx, 'symbolize'].join(' ')
class _ProcessArgs {
final String command;
final List<String> args;
_ProcessArgs(this.command, this.args);
String toString() => '$command ${args.join(' ')}';