blob: f958898e07b5a07aa6592f5c8bfef05b27a31dcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
/// Concrete flag for an individual test, indicating how it should be executed.
/// Note that [unsupported] is included as a bucket for tests we have failed
/// to account for. It is not an acceptable place for tests to end up. Should
/// any tests find their way here, an exception will be raised that will halt
/// test execution entirely (but which can be silenced with a flag).
enum TestType {
/// Catch-all for a test we know we haven't correctly included handling logic
/// Non-component but on-device tests (an illegal and mostly legacy configuration)
const Set<TestType> unsupportedTestTypes = {
class ExecutionHandle {
final String fx;
final String handle;
final String os;
final TestType testType;
ExecutionHandle(this.fx, this.handle, this.os, {this.testType});
ExecutionHandle.command(this.fx, this.handle, this.os)
: testType = TestType.command;
ExecutionHandle.component(this.fx, this.handle, this.os)
: testType = TestType.component;
ExecutionHandle.suite(this.fx, this.handle, this.os)
: testType = TestType.suite;, this.handle, this.os)
: testType =;
: fx = '',
os = 'fuchsia',
testType = TestType.unsupportedDeviceTest;
: fx = '',
handle = '',
os = '',
testType = TestType.unsupported;
bool get isUnsupported => unsupportedTestTypes.contains(testType);
/// Produces the complete list of tokens required to invoke this test.
/// This does not account for any extra tokens the user many require - here
/// we are only considered with vanilla test invocations driven straight from
/// the definition in the manifest.
CommandTokens getInvocationTokens(List<String> runnerFlags) {
if (testType == TestType.command) {
return _getCommandTokens();
} else if (testType == TestType.component) {
return _getComponenTokens(runnerFlags);
} else if (testType == {
return _getHostTokens();
} else if (testType == TestType.suite) {
return _getSuiteTokens();
return CommandTokens.empty();
/// Handler for test definitions using the "command" keyword.
/// Handles tests containing a key like so:
/// ```json
/// {"command": ["host_x64/some_binary", "--some-flags"]}
/// ```
CommandTokens _getCommandTokens() {
List<String> commandTokens = handle.split(' ');
// Currently, some entries in `tests.json` appear due to a bug, and as such,
// simply with the command ["run", "..."]. We need to coerce that to its
// correct syntax, but with a helpful warning.
if (commandTokens.first == 'run') {
return CommandTokens(
[fx, 'shell', ...commandTokens.sublist(1)],
'Warning! Only host tests are expected to use the "command" syntax. '
'The test [$commandTokens] did not comply with this expectation.',
return CommandTokens(commandTokens);
/// Handler for `tests.json` entries containing the `packageUrl` key ending
/// in ".cmx".
CommandTokens _getComponenTokens(List<String> runnerFlags) {
List<String> subCommand = os == 'fuchsia'
? ['shell', 'run-test-component'] + runnerFlags
: ['run-host-test'];
return CommandTokens([fx, ...subCommand, handle]);
/// Handler for `tests.json` entries containing the `packageUrl` key ending
/// in ".cm".
CommandTokens _getSuiteTokens() {
List<String> subCommand =
os == 'fuchsia' ? ['shell', 'run-test-suite'] : ['run-host-test'];
return CommandTokens([fx, ...subCommand, handle]);
/// Handler for `tests.json` entries containing the `path` key.
CommandTokens _getHostTokens() {
return CommandTokens([handle]);