blob: a7b0b7b65e17454abb1a8b024f2b7adbb3bc93d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GPT_C_GPT_H_
#define GPT_C_GPT_H_
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/hw/gpt.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
typedef gpt_entry_t gpt_partition_t;
// Helpers for translating the |name| field of "gpt_partition_t".
// Assumes UTF-16LE.
// Assumes all code points are less than or equal to U+007F, and
// discards any upper bits, forcing all inputs to be in this
// range.
// |len| refers to the length of the input string, in chars.
void cstring_to_utf16(uint16_t* dst, const char* src, size_t len);
// |len| refers to the length of the input string, in 16-bit pairs.
char* utf16_to_cstring(char* dst, const uint16_t* src, size_t len);
// converts GUID to a string
void uint8_to_guid_string(char* dst, const uint8_t* src);
// determines whether guid is system guid
bool gpt_is_sys_guid(uint8_t* guid, ssize_t len);
// determines whether guid is data guid
bool gpt_is_data_guid(uint8_t* guid, ssize_t len);
// determines whether guid is install guid
bool gpt_is_install_guid(uint8_t* guid, ssize_t len);
// determines whether guid is efi guid
bool gpt_is_efi_guid(uint8_t* guid, ssize_t len);
void gpt_set_debug_output_enabled(bool enabled);
// Return the human-readable version of the type GUID.
const char* gpt_guid_to_type(const char* guid);
// Sort an array of gpt_partition_t pointers in-place based on the values of
// gpt_partition_t->first.
void gpt_sort_partitions(gpt_partition_t** partitions, size_t count);
#endif // GPT_C_GPT_H_