blob: 90210c628683209450cafd53670728433bed66a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'package:simple_browser/src/utils/sanitize_url.dart';
void main() {
setupLogger(name: 'sanitize_url_test');
void urlSanitizationTest(String testUrl, String expectedResult) {
String testResult = sanitizeUrl(testUrl);
expect(testResult, expectedResult,
reason: 'expected "$expectedResult" but actually "$testResult".');
test('URL Sanitization: URLs with supported schemes.', () {
// With a URL that causes Format Exception to Dart's Uri.parse().
urlSanitizationTest('http ://wrongformat',
// With a supported scheme(https) and a valid TLD(com).
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With a supported scheme(http) and a valid TLD(org).
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With a supported scheme(chrome) and a valid URL.
urlSanitizationTest('chrome://gpu', 'chrome://gpu');
// With a supported scheme(https) and an invalid TLD.
urlSanitizationTest('https://google.cooom', 'https://google.cooom');
// localhost with a port number
urlSanitizationTest('localhost:8000', 'localhost:8000');
test('URL Sanitization: URLs without schemes.', () {
const String googleSearchUrl = '';
// With a valid host pattern and a valid TLD.
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With a valid host pattern and a valid TLD and a path
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With an invalid host pattern and a valid TLD.
'flu#%*', '${googleSearchUrl}');
// With a valid host pattern and an invalid TLD.
urlSanitizationTest('google.cooom', '${googleSearchUrl}google.cooom');
// With a keyword.
urlSanitizationTest('fuchsia', '${googleSearchUrl}fuchsia');
// With a valid ip address.
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With a valid ip address and a path
urlSanitizationTest('', '');
// With an invalid ip address (Each number must be a value between 0 - 255).
urlSanitizationTest('955.111.18.1', '${googleSearchUrl}955.111.18.1');
// With an invalid ip address (The address must consist of 4 numbers).
urlSanitizationTest('255.111.18', '${googleSearchUrl}255.111.18');
// With an invalid ip address (Spaced not allowed).
urlSanitizationTest('255.111.18. 1', '${googleSearchUrl}255.111.18.+1');
// With an invalid ip address (Non-digit characters except '.' not allowed).
urlSanitizationTest('255.111.18.*1', '${googleSearchUrl}255.111.18.%2A1');