[cobalt][LocalAggregationRedesign] Create an AggregateStore

- Moves non-EventAggregator/EventAggregatorManager functionality outside of the EventAggregator and into an AggregateStore
- The AggregateStore contains the functionality of AggregateStore, MemoryManager, ObservationGenerator
- Does not change the functionality of the methods to reduce the size and complexity of this change. Code style improvements and and new methods will be added in following CLs
- Divides the event_aggregator_tests.cc into two files. All methods that test more than the EventAggregator methods are moved to the aggregate_store_tests.cc
- Removes unused methods in the event_aggregator_tests.cc
- The tests will be reevaluated to match the current class layout in following CLs
- New tests will be added in following CLs

For more information see go/cobalt-local-aggregation-redesign

Bug: 40853

Change-Id: Id6c5639b15cfd1495e52fc5ad6637caaa4c24d3f
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/BUILD.gn b/src/local_aggregation/BUILD.gn
index a148730..a73a40c 100644
--- a/src/local_aggregation/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/BUILD.gn
@@ -71,17 +71,40 @@
   public_deps = [
+    ":aggregate_store",
+    "$cobalt_root/src:logging",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/lib/util:clock",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/lib/util:datetime_util",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/lib/util:proto_util",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:encoder",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:event_record",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:observation_writer",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:status",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/pb",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/registry:packed_event_codes",
+  ]
+source_set("aggregate_store") {
+  sources = [
+    "aggregate_store.cc",
+    "aggregate_store.h",
+  ]
+  public_configs = [
+    "$cobalt_root:cobalt_config",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/registry:proto_config",
+  ]
+  public_deps = [
-    "$cobalt_root/src:logging",
-    "$cobalt_root/src/lib/util:clock",
-    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:event_record",
@@ -121,6 +144,21 @@
+source_set("aggregate_store_test") {
+  testonly = true
+  sources = [
+    "aggregate_store_test.cc",
+  ]
+  public_deps = [
+    ":aggregate_store",
+    ":aggregation_utils",
+    ":event_aggregator",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:logger_test_utils",
+    "$cobalt_root/src/logger:testing_constants",
+    "//third_party/googletest:gtest",
+  ]
 source_set("event_aggregator_mgr_test") {
   testonly = true
   sources = [
@@ -138,6 +176,7 @@
   testonly = true
   deps = [
+    ":aggregate_store_test",
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.cc b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7eee52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_config_helper.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/datetime_util.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/proto_util.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/status.h"
+#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregation_utils.h"
+#include "src/registry/packed_event_codes.h"
+namespace cobalt::local_aggregation {
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
+using logger::Encoder;
+using logger::kInvalidArguments;
+using logger::kOK;
+using logger::kOther;
+using logger::MetricRef;
+using logger::ObservationWriter;
+using logger::ProjectContext;
+using logger::Status;
+using rappor::RapporConfigHelper;
+using util::ConsistentProtoStore;
+using util::SerializeToBase64;
+using util::StatusCode;
+namespace {
+////// General helper functions.
+// Populates a ReportAggregationKey proto message and then populates a string
+// with the base64 encoding of the serialized proto.
+bool PopulateReportKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, uint32_t metric_id,
+                       uint32_t report_id, std::string* key) {
+  ReportAggregationKey key_data;
+  key_data.set_customer_id(customer_id);
+  key_data.set_project_id(project_id);
+  key_data.set_metric_id(metric_id);
+  key_data.set_report_id(report_id);
+  return SerializeToBase64(key_data, key);
+////// Helper functions used by the constructor and UpdateAggregationConfigs().
+// Gets and validates the window sizes and/or aggregation windows from a ReportDefinition, converts
+// window sizes to daily aggregation windows, sorts the aggregation windows in increasing order, and
+// adds them to an AggregationConfig.
+// TODO(pesk): Stop looking at the window_size field of |report| once all reports have been updated
+// to have OnDeviceAggregationWindows only.
+bool GetSortedAggregationWindowsFromReport(const ReportDefinition& report,
+                                           AggregationConfig* aggregation_config) {
+  if (report.window_size_size() == 0 && report.aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Report must have at least one window size or aggregation window.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  std::vector<uint32_t> aggregation_days;
+  std::vector<uint32_t> aggregation_hours;
+  for (const uint32_t window_size : report.window_size()) {
+    if (window_size == 0 || window_size > kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Window size must be positive and cannot exceed " << kMaxAllowedAggregationDays;
+      return false;
+    }
+    aggregation_days.push_back(window_size);
+  }
+  for (const auto& window : report.aggregation_window()) {
+    switch (window.units_case()) {
+      case OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays: {
+        uint32_t num_days = window.days();
+        if (num_days == 0 || num_days > kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << "Daily windows must contain at least 1 and no more than "
+                     << kMaxAllowedAggregationDays << " days";
+          return false;
+        }
+        aggregation_days.push_back(num_days);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kHours: {
+        uint32_t num_hours = window.hours();
+        if (num_hours == 0 || num_hours > kMaxAllowedAggregationHours) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << "Hourly windows must contain at least 1 and no more than "
+                     << kMaxAllowedAggregationHours << " hours";
+          return false;
+        }
+        aggregation_hours.push_back(num_hours);
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid OnDeviceAggregationWindow type " << window.units_case();
+    }
+  }
+  std::sort(aggregation_hours.begin(), aggregation_hours.end());
+  std::sort(aggregation_days.begin(), aggregation_days.end());
+  for (auto num_hours : aggregation_hours) {
+    *aggregation_config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeHourWindow(num_hours);
+  }
+  for (auto num_days : aggregation_days) {
+    *aggregation_config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeDayWindow(num_days);
+  }
+  return true;
+// Creates an AggregationConfig from a ProjectContext, MetricDefinition, and
+// ReportDefinition and populates the aggregation_config field of a specified
+// ReportAggregates. Also sets the type of the ReportAggregates based on the
+// ReportDefinition's type.
+// Accepts ReportDefinitions with either at least one WindowSize, or at least one
+// OnDeviceAggregationWindow with units in days.
+bool PopulateReportAggregates(const ProjectContext& project_context, const MetricDefinition& metric,
+                              const ReportDefinition& report, ReportAggregates* report_aggregates) {
+  if (report.window_size_size() == 0 && report.aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
+  }
+  AggregationConfig* aggregation_config = report_aggregates->mutable_aggregation_config();
+  *aggregation_config->mutable_project() = project_context.project();
+  *aggregation_config->mutable_metric() = *project_context.GetMetric(metric.id());
+  *aggregation_config->mutable_report() = report;
+  if (!GetSortedAggregationWindowsFromReport(report, aggregation_config)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  switch (report.report_type()) {
+    case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
+      report_aggregates->set_allocated_unique_actives_aggregates(new UniqueActivesReportAggregates);
+      return true;
+    }
+    case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
+    case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
+      report_aggregates->set_allocated_numeric_aggregates(new PerDeviceNumericAggregates);
+      return true;
+    }
+    default:
+      return false;
+  }
+// Move all items from the |window_size| field to the |aggregation_window| field
+// of each AggregationConfig, preserving the order of the items. The |aggregation_window| field
+// should be empty if the |window_size| field is nonempty. If for some reason this is not true, log
+// an error and discard the contents of |aggregation_window| and replace them with the migrated
+// |window_size| values.
+void ConvertWindowSizesToAggregationDays(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
+  for (auto [key, aggregates] : store->by_report_key()) {
+    auto config = (*store->mutable_by_report_key())[key].mutable_aggregation_config();
+    if (config->window_size_size() > 0 && config->aggregation_window_size() > 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Config has both a window_size and an aggregation_window; discarding all "
+                    "aggregation_windows";
+      config->clear_aggregation_window();
+    }
+    for (auto window_size : config->window_size()) {
+      *config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeDayWindow(window_size);
+    }
+    config->clear_window_size();
+  }
+// Upgrades the LocalAggregateStore from version 0 to |kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion|.
+Status UpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromVersion0(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
+  ConvertWindowSizesToAggregationDays(store);
+  store->set_version(kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
+  return kOK;
+}  // namespace
+AggregateStore::AggregateStore(const Encoder* encoder, const ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
+                               ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store,
+                               ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store,
+                               const size_t backfill_days)
+    : encoder_(encoder),
+      observation_writer_(observation_writer),
+      local_aggregate_proto_store_(local_aggregate_proto_store),
+      obs_history_proto_store_(obs_history_proto_store) {
+  CHECK_LE(backfill_days, kMaxAllowedBackfillDays)
+      << "backfill_days must be less than or equal to " << kMaxAllowedBackfillDays;
+  backfill_days_ = backfill_days;
+  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
+  auto restore_aggregates_status =
+      local_aggregate_proto_store_->Read(&(locked->local_aggregate_store));
+  switch (restore_aggregates_status.error_code()) {
+    case StatusCode::OK: {
+      VLOG(4) << "Read LocalAggregateStore from disk.";
+      break;
+    }
+    case StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: {
+      VLOG(4) << "No file found for local_aggregate_proto_store. Proceeding "
+                 "with empty LocalAggregateStore. File will be created on "
+                 "first snapshot of the LocalAggregateStore.";
+      locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Read to local_aggregate_proto_store failed with status code: "
+                 << restore_aggregates_status.error_code()
+                 << "\nError message: " << restore_aggregates_status.error_message()
+                 << "\nError details: " << restore_aggregates_status.error_details()
+                 << "\nProceeding with empty LocalAggregateStore.";
+      locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto status = MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&(locked->local_aggregate_store));
+      status != kOK) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to upgrade LocalAggregateStore to current version with status " << status
+               << ".\nProceeding with empty "
+                  "LocalAggregateStore.";
+    locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
+  }
+  auto restore_history_status = obs_history_proto_store_->Read(&obs_history_);
+  switch (restore_history_status.error_code()) {
+    case StatusCode::OK: {
+      VLOG(4) << "Read AggregatedObservationHistoryStore from disk.";
+      break;
+    }
+    case StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: {
+      VLOG(4) << "No file found for obs_history_proto_store. Proceeding "
+                 "with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore. File will be "
+                 "created on first snapshot of the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Read to obs_history_proto_store failed with status code: "
+                 << restore_history_status.error_code()
+                 << "\nError message: " << restore_history_status.error_message()
+                 << "\nError details: " << restore_history_status.error_details()
+                 << "\nProceeding with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
+      obs_history_ = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto status = MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&obs_history_); status != kOK) {
+        << "Failed to upgrade AggregatedObservationHistoryStore to current version with status "
+        << status << ".\nProceeding with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
+    obs_history_ = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
+  }
+// Given a ProjectContext, MetricDefinition, and ReportDefinition and a pointer
+// to the LocalAggregateStore, checks whether a key with the same customer,
+// project, metric, and report ID already exists in the LocalAggregateStore. If
+// not, creates and inserts a new key and value. Returns kInvalidArguments if
+// creation of the key or value fails, and kOK otherwise. The caller should hold
+// the mutex protecting the LocalAggregateStore.
+Status AggregateStore::MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(const ProjectContext& project_context,
+                                                     const MetricDefinition& metric,
+                                                     const ReportDefinition& report,
+                                                     LocalAggregateStore* store) {
+  std::string key;
+  if (!PopulateReportKey(project_context.project().customer_id(),
+                         project_context.project().project_id(), metric.id(), report.id(), &key)) {
+    return kInvalidArguments;
+  }
+  ReportAggregates report_aggregates;
+  if (store->by_report_key().count(key) == 0) {
+    if (!PopulateReportAggregates(project_context, metric, report, &report_aggregates)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*store->mutable_by_report_key())[key] = report_aggregates;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+RepeatedField<uint32_t> UnpackEventCodesProto(uint64_t packed_event_codes) {
+  RepeatedField<uint32_t> fields;
+  for (auto code : config::UnpackEventCodes(packed_event_codes)) {
+    *fields.Add() = code;
+  }
+  return fields;
+Status AggregateStore::BackUpLocalAggregateStore() {
+  // Lock, copy the LocalAggregateStore, and release the lock. Write the copy
+  // to |local_aggregate_proto_store_|.
+  auto local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+  auto status = local_aggregate_proto_store_->Write(local_aggregate_store);
+  if (!status.ok()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to back up the LocalAggregateStore with error code: "
+               << status.error_code() << "\nError message: " << status.error_message()
+               << "\nError details: " << status.error_details();
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::BackUpObservationHistory() {
+  auto status = obs_history_proto_store_->Write(obs_history_);
+  if (!status.ok()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to back up the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore. "
+                  "::cobalt::util::Status error code: "
+               << status.error_code() << "\nError message: " << status.error_message()
+               << "\nError details: " << status.error_details();
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+////////////////////// GarbageCollect and helper functions //////////////////
+namespace {
+void GarbageCollectUniqueActivesReportAggregates(uint32_t day_index, uint32_t max_aggregation_days,
+                                                 uint32_t backfill_days,
+                                                 UniqueActivesReportAggregates* report_aggregates) {
+  auto map_by_event_code = report_aggregates->mutable_by_event_code();
+  for (auto event_code = map_by_event_code->begin(); event_code != map_by_event_code->end();) {
+    auto map_by_day = event_code->second.mutable_by_day_index();
+    for (auto day = map_by_day->begin(); day != map_by_day->end();) {
+      if (day->first <= day_index - backfill_days - max_aggregation_days) {
+        day = map_by_day->erase(day);
+      } else {
+        ++day;
+      }
+    }
+    if (map_by_day->empty()) {
+      event_code = map_by_event_code->erase(event_code);
+    } else {
+      ++event_code;
+    }
+  }
+void GarbageCollectNumericReportAggregates(uint32_t day_index, uint32_t max_aggregation_days,
+                                           uint32_t backfill_days,
+                                           PerDeviceNumericAggregates* report_aggregates) {
+  auto map_by_component = report_aggregates->mutable_by_component();
+  for (auto component = map_by_component->begin(); component != map_by_component->end();) {
+    auto map_by_event_code = component->second.mutable_by_event_code();
+    for (auto event_code = map_by_event_code->begin(); event_code != map_by_event_code->end();) {
+      auto map_by_day = event_code->second.mutable_by_day_index();
+      for (auto day = map_by_day->begin(); day != map_by_day->end();) {
+        if (day->first <= day_index - backfill_days - max_aggregation_days) {
+          day = map_by_day->erase(day);
+        } else {
+          ++day;
+        }
+      }
+      if (map_by_day->empty()) {
+        event_code = map_by_event_code->erase(event_code);
+      } else {
+        ++event_code;
+      }
+    }
+    if (map_by_event_code->empty()) {
+      component = map_by_component->erase(component);
+    } else {
+      ++component;
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace
+Status AggregateStore::GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local) {
+  if (day_index_local == 0u) {
+    day_index_local = day_index_utc;
+  }
+  CHECK_LT(day_index_utc, UINT32_MAX);
+  CHECK_LT(day_index_local, UINT32_MAX);
+  CHECK_GE(day_index_utc, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
+  CHECK_GE(day_index_local, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
+  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
+  for (const auto& [report_key, aggregates] : locked->local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
+    uint32_t day_index;
+    const auto& config = aggregates.aggregation_config();
+    switch (config.metric().time_zone_policy()) {
+      case MetricDefinition::UTC: {
+        day_index = day_index_utc;
+        break;
+      }
+      case MetricDefinition::LOCAL: {
+        day_index = day_index_local;
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The TimeZonePolicy of this MetricDefinition is invalid.";
+        continue;
+    }
+    if (aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
+      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "This ReportDefinition does not have an aggregation window.";
+      continue;
+    }
+    // PopulateReportAggregates ensured that aggregation_window has at least one element, that all
+    // aggregation windows are <= kMaxAllowedAggregationDays, and that config.aggregation_window()
+    // is sorted in increasing order.
+    uint32_t max_aggregation_days = 1u;
+    const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& largest_window =
+        config.aggregation_window(config.aggregation_window_size() - 1);
+    if (largest_window.units_case() == OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
+      max_aggregation_days = largest_window.days();
+    }
+    if (max_aggregation_days == 0u || max_aggregation_days > day_index) {
+      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The maximum number of aggregation days " << max_aggregation_days
+                             << " of this ReportDefinition is out of range.";
+      continue;
+    }
+    // For each ReportAggregates, descend to and iterate over the sub-map of
+    // local aggregates keyed by day index. Keep buckets with day indices
+    // greater than |day_index| - |backfill_days_| - |max_aggregation_days|, and
+    // remove all buckets with smaller day indices.
+    switch (aggregates.type_case()) {
+      case ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates: {
+        GarbageCollectUniqueActivesReportAggregates(
+            day_index, max_aggregation_days, backfill_days_,
+            locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()
+                ->at(report_key)
+                .mutable_unique_actives_aggregates());
+        break;
+      }
+      case ReportAggregates::kNumericAggregates: {
+        GarbageCollectNumericReportAggregates(day_index, max_aggregation_days, backfill_days_,
+                                              locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()
+                                                  ->at(report_key)
+                                                  .mutable_numeric_aggregates());
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        continue;
+    }
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
+                                            uint32_t final_day_index_local) {
+  if (final_day_index_local == 0u) {
+    final_day_index_local = final_day_index_utc;
+  }
+  CHECK_LT(final_day_index_utc, UINT32_MAX);
+  CHECK_LT(final_day_index_local, UINT32_MAX);
+  CHECK_GE(final_day_index_utc, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
+  CHECK_GE(final_day_index_local, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
+  // Lock, copy the LocalAggregateStore, and release the lock. Use the copy to
+  // generate observations.
+  auto local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+  for (const auto& [report_key, aggregates] : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
+    const auto& config = aggregates.aggregation_config();
+    const auto& metric = config.metric();
+    auto metric_ref = MetricRef(&config.project(), &metric);
+    uint32_t final_day_index;
+    switch (metric.time_zone_policy()) {
+      case MetricDefinition::UTC: {
+        final_day_index = final_day_index_utc;
+        break;
+      }
+      case MetricDefinition::LOCAL: {
+        final_day_index = final_day_index_local;
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The TimeZonePolicy of this MetricDefinition is invalid.";
+        continue;
+    }
+    const auto& report = config.report();
+    // PopulateReportAggregates ensured that aggregation_window has at least one element, that all
+    // aggregation windows are <= kMaxAllowedAggregationDays, and that config.aggregation_window()
+    // is sorted in increasing order.
+    if (config.aggregation_window_size() == 0u) {
+      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "No aggregation_window found for this report.";
+      continue;
+    }
+    uint32_t max_aggregation_days = 1u;
+    const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& largest_window =
+        config.aggregation_window(config.aggregation_window_size() - 1);
+    if (largest_window.units_case() == OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
+      max_aggregation_days = largest_window.days();
+    }
+    if (max_aggregation_days == 0u || max_aggregation_days > final_day_index) {
+      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The maximum number of aggregation days " << max_aggregation_days
+                             << " of this ReportDefinition is out of range.";
+      continue;
+    }
+    switch (metric.metric_type()) {
+      case MetricDefinition::EVENT_OCCURRED: {
+        auto num_event_codes = RapporConfigHelper::BasicRapporNumCategories(metric);
+        switch (report.report_type()) {
+          case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
+            auto status = GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(metric_ref, report_key, aggregates,
+                                                            num_event_codes, final_day_index);
+            if (status != kOK) {
+              return status;
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          default:
+            continue;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT:
+      case MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME:
+      case MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE:
+      case MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE: {
+        switch (report.report_type()) {
+          case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
+          case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
+            auto status = GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(metric_ref, report_key, aggregates,
+                                                           final_day_index);
+            if (status != kOK) {
+              return status;
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          default:
+            continue;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        continue;
+    }
+  }
+  return kOK;
+////////// GenerateUniqueActivesObservations and helper methods ////////////////
+namespace {
+// Given the set of daily aggregates for a fixed event code, and the size and
+// end date of an aggregation window, returns the first day index within that
+// window on which the event code occurred. Returns 0 if the event code did
+// not occur within the window.
+uint32_t FirstActiveDayIndexInWindow(const DailyAggregates& daily_aggregates,
+                                     uint32_t obs_day_index, uint32_t aggregation_days) {
+  for (uint32_t day_index = obs_day_index - aggregation_days + 1; day_index <= obs_day_index;
+       day_index++) {
+    auto day_aggregate = daily_aggregates.by_day_index().find(day_index);
+    if (day_aggregate != daily_aggregates.by_day_index().end() &&
+        day_aggregate->second.activity_daily_aggregate().activity_indicator()) {
+      return day_index;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0u;
+// Given the day index of an event occurrence and the size and end date
+// of an aggregation window, returns true if the occurrence falls within
+// the window and false if not.
+bool IsActivityInWindow(uint32_t active_day_index, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+                        uint32_t aggregation_days) {
+  return (active_day_index <= obs_day_index && active_day_index > obs_day_index - aggregation_days);
+}  // namespace
+uint32_t AggregateStore::UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
+                                                            uint32_t event_code,
+                                                            uint32_t aggregation_days) const {
+  auto report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
+  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  auto event_code_history =
+      report_history->second.unique_actives_history().by_event_code().find(event_code);
+  if (event_code_history == report_history->second.unique_actives_history().by_event_code().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  auto window_history = event_code_history->second.by_window_size().find(aggregation_days);
+  if (window_history == event_code_history->second.by_window_size().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  return window_history->second;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(
+    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+    uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window, bool was_active) const {
+  auto encoder_result = encoder_->EncodeUniqueActivesObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index,
+                                                                 event_code, was_active, window);
+  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
+    return encoder_result.status;
+  }
+  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode UniqueActivesObservation";
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  auto writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(*encoder_result.observation,
+                                                             std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
+  if (writer_status != kOK) {
+    return writer_status;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(const MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                         const std::string& report_key,
+                                                         const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
+                                                         uint32_t num_event_codes,
+                                                         uint32_t final_day_index) {
+  CHECK_GT(final_day_index, backfill_days_);
+  // The earliest day index for which we might need to generate an
+  // Observation.
+  auto backfill_period_start = uint32_t(final_day_index - backfill_days_);
+  for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < num_event_codes; event_code++) {
+    auto daily_aggregates =
+        report_aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().find(event_code);
+    // Have any events ever been logged for this report and event code?
+    bool found_event_code =
+        (daily_aggregates != report_aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().end());
+    for (const auto& window : report_aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window()) {
+      // Skip all hourly windows, and all daily windows which are larger than
+      // kMaxAllowedAggregationDays.
+      //
+      // TODO(pesk): Generate observations for hourly windows.
+      if (window.units_case() != OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Skipping unsupported aggregation window.";
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (window.days() > kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << "GenerateUniqueActivesObservations ignoring a window "
+                        "size exceeding the maximum allowed value";
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Find the earliest day index for which an Observation has not yet
+      // been generated for this report, event code, and window size. If
+      // that day index is later than |final_day_index|, no Observation is
+      // generated on this invocation.
+      auto last_gen = UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key, event_code, window.days());
+      auto first_day_index = std::max(last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
+      // The latest day index on which |event_type| is known to have
+      // occurred, so far. This value will be updated as we search
+      // forward from the earliest day index belonging to a window of
+      // interest.
+      uint32_t active_day_index = 0u;
+      // Iterate over the day indices |obs_day_index| for which we need
+      // to generate Observations. On each iteration, generate an
+      // Observation for the |window| ending on |obs_day_index|.
+      for (uint32_t obs_day_index = first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
+           obs_day_index++) {
+        bool was_active = false;
+        if (found_event_code) {
+          // If the current value of |active_day_index| falls within the
+          // window, generate an Observation of activity. If not, search
+          // forward in the window, update |active_day_index|, and generate an
+          // Observation of activity or inactivity depending on the result of
+          // the search.
+          if (IsActivityInWindow(active_day_index, obs_day_index, window.days())) {
+            was_active = true;
+          } else {
+            active_day_index =
+                FirstActiveDayIndexInWindow(daily_aggregates->second, obs_day_index, window.days());
+            was_active = IsActivityInWindow(active_day_index, obs_day_index, window.days());
+          }
+        }
+        auto status = GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(
+            metric_ref, &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report(), obs_day_index, event_code,
+            window, was_active);
+        if (status != kOK) {
+          return status;
+        }
+        // Update |obs_history_| with the latest date of Observation
+        // generation for this report, event code, and window size.
+        (*(*(*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
+                .mutable_unique_actives_history()
+                ->mutable_by_event_code())[event_code]
+              .mutable_by_window_size())[window.days()] = obs_day_index;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return kOK;
+////////// GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates and helper methods /////////////
+uint32_t AggregateStore::PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
+                                                               const std::string& component,
+                                                               uint32_t event_code,
+                                                               uint32_t aggregation_days) const {
+  const auto& report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
+  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  if (!report_history->second.has_per_device_numeric_history()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  const auto& component_history =
+      report_history->second.per_device_numeric_history().by_component().find(component);
+  if (component_history ==
+      report_history->second.per_device_numeric_history().by_component().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  const auto& event_code_history = component_history->second.by_event_code().find(event_code);
+  if (event_code_history == component_history->second.by_event_code().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  const auto& window_history = event_code_history->second.by_window_size().find(aggregation_days);
+  if (window_history == event_code_history->second.by_window_size().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  return window_history->second;
+uint32_t AggregateStore::ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(
+    const std::string& report_key) const {
+  const auto& report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
+  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
+    return 0u;
+  }
+  return report_history->second.report_participation_history().last_generated();
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
+    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
+    int64_t value) const {
+  Encoder::Result encoder_result =
+      encoder_->EncodePerDeviceNumericObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component,
+                                                  UnpackEventCodesProto(event_code), value, window);
+  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
+    return encoder_result.status;
+  }
+  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode PerDeviceNumericObservation";
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
+      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
+  if (writer_status != kOK) {
+    return writer_status;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
+    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
+    int64_t value) const {
+  Encoder::Result encoder_result = encoder_->EncodePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
+      metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, UnpackEventCodesProto(event_code), value,
+      window);
+  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
+    return encoder_result.status;
+  }
+  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode PerDeviceNumericObservation";
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
+      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
+  if (writer_status != kOK) {
+    return writer_status;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(const MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                                    const ReportDefinition* report,
+                                                                    uint32_t obs_day_index) const {
+  auto encoder_result =
+      encoder_->EncodeReportParticipationObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index);
+  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
+    return encoder_result.status;
+  }
+  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode ReportParticipationObservation";
+    return kOther;
+  }
+  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
+      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
+  if (writer_status != kOK) {
+    return writer_status;
+  }
+  return kOK;
+Status AggregateStore::GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(const MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                        const std::string& report_key,
+                                                        const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
+                                                        uint32_t final_day_index) {
+  CHECK_GT(final_day_index, backfill_days_);
+  // The first day index for which we might have to generate an Observation.
+  auto backfill_period_start = uint32_t(final_day_index - backfill_days_);
+  // Generate any necessary PerDeviceNumericObservations for this report.
+  for (const auto& [component, event_code_aggregates] :
+       report_aggregates.numeric_aggregates().by_component()) {
+    for (const auto& [event_code, daily_aggregates] : event_code_aggregates.by_event_code()) {
+      // Populate a helper map keyed by day indices which belong to the range
+      // [|backfill_period_start|, |final_day_index|]. The value at a day
+      // index is the list of windows, in increasing size order, for which an
+      // Observation should be generated for that day index.
+      std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<OnDeviceAggregationWindow>> windows_by_obs_day;
+      for (const auto& window : report_aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window()) {
+        if (window.units_case() != OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
+          LOG(INFO) << "Skipping unsupported aggregation window.";
+          continue;
+        }
+        auto last_gen =
+            PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key, component, event_code, window.days());
+        auto first_day_index = std::max(last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
+        for (auto obs_day_index = first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
+             obs_day_index++) {
+          windows_by_obs_day[obs_day_index].push_back(window);
+        }
+      }
+      // Iterate over the day indices |obs_day_index| for which we might need
+      // to generate an Observation. For each day index, generate an
+      // Observation for each needed window.
+      //
+      // More precisely, for each needed window, iterate over the days within that window. If at
+      // least one numeric event was logged during the window, compute the aggregate of the numeric
+      // values over the window and generate a PerDeviceNumericObservation. Whether or not a numeric
+      // event was found, update the AggregatedObservationHistory for this report, component, event
+      // code, and window size with |obs_day_index| as the most recent date of Observation
+      // generation. This reflects the fact that all needed Observations were generated for the
+      // window ending on that date.
+      for (auto obs_day_index = backfill_period_start; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
+           obs_day_index++) {
+        const auto& windows = windows_by_obs_day.find(obs_day_index);
+        if (windows == windows_by_obs_day.end()) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        bool found_value_for_window = false;
+        int64_t window_aggregate = 0;
+        uint32_t num_days = 0;
+        for (const auto& window : windows->second) {
+          while (num_days < window.days()) {
+            bool found_value_for_day = false;
+            const auto& day_aggregates =
+                daily_aggregates.by_day_index().find(obs_day_index - num_days);
+            if (day_aggregates != daily_aggregates.by_day_index().end()) {
+              found_value_for_day = true;
+            }
+            const auto& aggregation_type =
+                report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report().aggregation_type();
+            switch (aggregation_type) {
+              case ReportDefinition::SUM:
+                if (found_value_for_day) {
+                  window_aggregate += day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value();
+                  found_value_for_window = true;
+                }
+                break;
+              case ReportDefinition::MAX:
+                if (found_value_for_day) {
+                  window_aggregate = std::max(
+                      window_aggregate, day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value());
+                  found_value_for_window = true;
+                }
+                break;
+              case ReportDefinition::MIN:
+                if (found_value_for_day && !found_value_for_window) {
+                  window_aggregate = day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value();
+                  found_value_for_window = true;
+                } else if (found_value_for_day) {
+                  window_aggregate = std::min(
+                      window_aggregate, day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value());
+                }
+                break;
+              default:
+                LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected aggregation type " << aggregation_type;
+                return kInvalidArguments;
+            }
+            num_days++;
+          }
+          if (found_value_for_window) {
+            Status status;
+            const ReportDefinition* report = &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report();
+            switch (report->report_type()) {
+              case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS: {
+                status = GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
+                    metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, event_code, window,
+                    window_aggregate);
+                if (status != kOK) {
+                  return status;
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
+                auto status = GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
+                    metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, event_code, window,
+                    window_aggregate);
+                if (status != kOK) {
+                  return status;
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              default:
+                LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected report type " << report->report_type();
+                return kInvalidArguments;
+            }
+          }
+          // Update |obs_history_| with the latest date of Observation
+          // generation for this report, component, event code, and window.
+          (*(*(*(*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
+                    .mutable_per_device_numeric_history()
+                    ->mutable_by_component())[component]
+                  .mutable_by_event_code())[event_code]
+                .mutable_by_window_size())[window.days()] = obs_day_index;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Generate any necessary ReportParticipationObservations for this report.
+  auto participation_last_gen = ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key);
+  auto participation_first_day_index = std::max(participation_last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
+  for (auto obs_day_index = participation_first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
+       obs_day_index++) {
+    GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(
+        metric_ref, &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report(), obs_day_index);
+    (*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
+        .mutable_report_participation_history()
+        ->set_last_generated(obs_day_index);
+  }
+  return kOK;
+LocalAggregateStore AggregateStore::MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(uint32_t version) {
+  LocalAggregateStore store;
+  store.set_version(version);
+  return store;
+AggregatedObservationHistoryStore AggregateStore::MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(uint32_t version) {
+  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore store;
+  store.set_version(version);
+  return store;
+// We can upgrade from v0, but no other versions.
+Status AggregateStore::MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
+  uint32_t version = store->version();
+  if (version == kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion) {
+    return kOK;
+  }
+  VLOG(4) << "Attempting to upgrade LocalAggregateStore from version " << version;
+  switch (version) {
+    case 0u:
+      return UpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromVersion0(store);
+    default:
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot upgrade LocalAggregateStore from version " << version;
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+  }
+// The current version is the earliest version, so no other versions are accepted.
+Status AggregateStore::MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(
+    AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store) {
+  uint32_t version = store->version();
+  if (version == kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion) {
+    return kOK;
+  }
+  LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot upgrade AggregatedObservationHistoryStore from version " << version;
+  return kInvalidArguments;
+}  // namespace cobalt::local_aggregation
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e3fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include "src/lib/util/consistent_proto_store.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/protected_fields.h"
+#include "src/local_aggregation/local_aggregation.pb.h"
+#include "src/logger/encoder.h"
+#include "src/logger/observation_writer.h"
+#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
+#include "src/logger/status.h"
+namespace cobalt {
+// Forward declaration used for friend tests. This will be removed.
+// TODO(ninai): remove this
+namespace logger {
+class TestEventAggregator;
+}  // namespace logger
+namespace local_aggregation {
+const std::chrono::hours kOneDay(24);
+// Maximum value of |backfill_days| allowed by the constructor.
+constexpr size_t kMaxAllowedBackfillDays = 1000;
+// All aggregation windows larger than this number of days are ignored.
+constexpr uint32_t kMaxAllowedAggregationDays = 365;
+// All hourly aggregation windows larger than this number of hours are ignored.
+constexpr uint32_t kMaxAllowedAggregationHours = 23;
+// The current version number of the LocalAggregateStore.
+constexpr uint32_t kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion = 1;
+// The current version number of the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+constexpr uint32_t kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion = 0;
+// The AggregateStore manages an in-memory store of aggregated Event values, indexed by report,
+// day index, and other dimensions specific to the report type (e.g. event code).
+// When GenerateObservations() is called, this data is used to generate Observations representing
+// aggregates of Event values over a day, week, month, etc.
+// This class also exposes a GarbageCollect*() and Backup*() functionality which deletes
+// unnecessary data and backs up the store respectively.
+class AggregateStore {
+ public:
+  // Constructs an AggregateStore.
+  //
+  // An AggregateStore maintains daily aggregates of Events in a
+  // LocalAggregateStore, uses an Encoder to generate Observations for rolling
+  // windows ending on a specified day index, and writes the Observations to
+  // an ObservationStore using an ObservationWriter.
+  //
+  // encoder: the singleton instance of an Encoder on the system.
+  //
+  // local_aggregate_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
+  // AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory store of event
+  // aggregates.
+  //
+  // obs_history_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
+  // AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory history of generated
+  // Observations.
+  //
+  // backfill_days: the number of past days for which the AggregateStore
+  // generates and sends Observations, in addition to a requested day index.
+  // See the comment above GenerateObservations for more detail. The constructor CHECK-fails if a
+  // value larger than |kMaxAllowedBackfillDays| is passed.
+  AggregateStore(const logger::Encoder* encoder,
+                 const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
+                 util::ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store,
+                 util::ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store, size_t backfill_days = 0);
+  // Given a ProjectContext, MetricDefinition, and ReportDefinition and a pointer
+  // to the LocalAggregateStore, checks whether a key with the same customer,
+  // project, metric, and report ID already exists in the LocalAggregateStore. If
+  // not, creates and inserts a new key and value. Returns kInvalidArguments if
+  // creation of the key or value fails, and kOK otherwise. The caller should hold
+  // the mutex protecting the LocalAggregateStore.
+  logger::Status MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(const logger::ProjectContext& project_context,
+                                               const MetricDefinition& metric,
+                                               const ReportDefinition& report,
+                                               LocalAggregateStore* store);
+  // Writes a snapshot of the LocalAggregateStore to
+  // |local_aggregate_proto_store_|.
+  logger::Status BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
+  // Writes a snapshot of |obs_history_|to |obs_history_proto_store_|.
+  logger::Status BackUpObservationHistory();
+  // Removes from the LocalAggregateStore all daily aggregates that are too
+  // old to contribute to their parent report's largest rolling window on the
+  // day which is |backfill_days| before |day_index_utc| (if the parent
+  // MetricDefinitions' time zone policy is UTC) or which is |backfill_days|
+  // before |day_index_local| (if the parent MetricDefinition's time zone policy
+  // is LOCAL). If |day_index_local| is 0, then we set |day_index_local| =
+  // |day_index_utc|.
+  //
+  // If the time zone policy of a report's parent metric is UTC (resp., LOCAL)
+  // and if day_index is the largest value of the |day_index_utc| (resp.,
+  // |day_index_local|) argument with which GarbageCollect() has been called,
+  // then the LocalAggregateStore contains the data needed to generate
+  // Observations for that report for day index (day_index + k) for any k >= 0.
+  logger::Status GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local = 0u);
+  // Generates one or more Observations for all of the registered locally
+  // aggregated reports known to this AggregateStore, for rolling windows
+  // ending on specified day indices.
+  //
+  // Each MetricDefinition specifies a time zone policy, which determines the
+  // day index for which an Event associated with that MetricDefinition is
+  // logged. For all MetricDefinitions whose Events are logged with respect to
+  // UTC, this method generates Observations for rolling windows ending on
+  // |final_day_index_utc|. For all MetricDefinitions whose Events are logged
+  // with respect to local time, this method generates Observations for rolling
+  // windows ending on |final_day_index_local|. If |final_day_index_local| is
+  // 0, then we set |final_day_index_local| = |final_day_index_utc|.
+  //
+  // The generated Observations are written to the |observation_writer| passed
+  // to the constructor.
+  //
+  // This class maintains a history of generated Observations and this method
+  // additionally performs backfill: Observations are also generated for
+  // rolling windows ending on any day in the interval [final_day_index -
+  // backfill_days, final_day_index] (where final_day_index is either
+  // final_day_index_utc or final_day_index_local, depending on the time zone
+  // policy of the associated MetricDefinition), if this history indicates they
+  // were not previously generated. Does not generate duplicate Observations
+  // when called multiple times with the same day index.
+  //
+  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
+  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationDays|. Hourly windows are not yet supported.
+  logger::Status GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
+                                      uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u);
+ private:
+  friend class EventAggregator;  // used for transition during redesign.
+  friend class AggregateStoreTest;
+  friend class EventAggregatorTest;
+  friend class EventAggregatorManagerTest;
+  friend class logger::TestEventAggregator;
+  // Make a LocalAggregateStore which is empty except that its version number is set to |version|.
+  LocalAggregateStore MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(
+      uint32_t version = kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
+  // Make an AggregatedObservationHistoryStore which is empty except that its version number is set
+  // to |version|.
+  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(
+      uint32_t version = kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion);
+  // The LocalAggregateStore or AggregatedObservationHistoryStore may need to be changed in ways
+  // which are structurally but not semantically backwards-compatible. In other words, the meaning
+  // to the AggregateStore of a field in the LocalAggregateStore might change. An example is that
+  // we might deprecate one field while introducing a new one.
+  //
+  // The MaybeUpgrade*Store methods allow the AggregateStore to update the contents of its stored
+  // protos from previously meaningful values to currently meaningful values. (For example, a
+  // possible implementation would move the contents of a deprecated field to the replacement
+  // field.)
+  //
+  // These methods are called by the AggregateStore constructor immediately after reading in stored
+  // protos from disk in order to ensure that proto contents have the expected semantics.
+  //
+  // The method first checks the version number of the store. If the version number is equal to
+  // |kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion| or |kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion|
+  // (respectively), returns an OK status. Otherwise, if it is possible to upgrade the store to the
+  // current version, does so and returns an OK status. If not, logs an error and returns
+  // kInvalidArguments. If a non-OK status is returned, the caller should discard the contents of
+  // |store| and replace it with an empty store at the current version. The MakeNew*Store() methods
+  // may be used to create the new store.
+  logger::Status MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store);
+  logger::Status MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store);
+  // Returns the most recent day index for which an Observation was generated
+  // for a given UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report, event code, and day-based aggregation window,
+  // according to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated
+  // for the given arguments.
+  uint32_t UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key, uint32_t event_code,
+                                              uint32_t aggregation_days) const;
+  // Returns the most recent day index for which an Observation was generated for a given
+  // PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS or PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM report, component, event code, and day-based
+  // aggregation window, according to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated
+  // for the given arguments.
+  uint32_t PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
+                                                 const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code,
+                                                 uint32_t aggregation_days) const;
+  // Returns the most recent day index for which a
+  // ReportParticipationObservation was generated for a given report, according
+  // to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated for the
+  // given arguments.
+  uint32_t ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key) const;
+  // For a fixed report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES, generates an Observation
+  // for each event code of the parent metric, for each day-based aggregation window of the
+  // report ending on |final_day_index|, unless an Observation with those parameters was generated
+  // in the past. Also generates Observations for days in the backfill period if needed. Writes the
+  // Observations to an ObservationStore via the ObservationWriter that was passed to the
+  // constructor.
+  //
+  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
+  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationDays|. Hourly windows are not yet supported.
+  logger::Status GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                   const std::string& report_key,
+                                                   const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
+                                                   uint32_t num_event_codes,
+                                                   uint32_t final_day_index);
+  // Helper method called by GenerateUniqueActivesObservations() to generate
+  // and write a single Observation.
+  logger::Status GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                        const ReportDefinition* report,
+                                                        uint32_t obs_day_index, uint32_t event_code,
+                                                        const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
+                                                        bool was_active) const;
+  // For a fixed report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS or PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM, generates a
+  // PerDeviceNumericObservation and PerDeviceHistogramObservation respectively for each
+  // tuple (component, event code, aggregation_window) for which a numeric event was logged for that
+  // event code and component during the window of that size ending on |final_day_index|, unless an
+  // Observation with those parameters has been generated in the past. The value of the Observation
+  // is the sum, max, or min (depending on the aggregation_type field of the report definition) of
+  // all numeric events logged for that report during the window. Also generates observations for
+  // days in the backfill period if needed.
+  //
+  // In addition to PerDeviceNumericObservations or PerDeviceHistogramObservation , generates
+  // a ReportParticipationObservation for |final_day_index| and any needed days in the backfill
+  // period. These ReportParticipationObservations are used by the report generators to infer the
+  // fleet-wide number of devices for which the sum of numeric events associated to each tuple
+  // (component, event code, window size) was zero.
+  //
+  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
+  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationWindowSize|.
+  logger::Status GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                  const std::string& report_key,
+                                                  const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
+                                                  uint32_t final_day_index);
+  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
+  // Observation with value |value|. The method will produce a PerDeviceNumericObservation or
+  // PerDeviceHistogramObservation  depending on whether the report type is
+  logger::Status GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
+      logger::MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
+      int64_t value) const;
+  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
+  // Observation with value |value|.
+  logger::Status GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
+      logger::MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
+      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
+      int64_t value) const;
+  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
+  // ReportParticipationObservation.
+  logger::Status GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
+                                                              const ReportDefinition* report,
+                                                              uint32_t obs_day_index) const;
+  LocalAggregateStore CopyLocalAggregateStore() {
+    auto local_aggregate_store = protected_aggregate_store_.lock()->local_aggregate_store;
+    return local_aggregate_store;
+  }
+  struct AggregateStoreFields {
+    LocalAggregateStore local_aggregate_store;
+  };
+  const logger::Encoder* encoder_;
+  const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer_;
+  util::ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store_;
+  util::ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store_;
+  util::ProtectedFields<AggregateStoreFields> protected_aggregate_store_;
+  // Not protected by a mutex. Should only be accessed by the Event Aggregator's |worker_thread_|.
+  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore obs_history_;
+  size_t backfill_days_ = 0;
+}  // namespace local_aggregation
+}  // namespace cobalt
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store_test.cc b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc3425f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,3357 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
+#include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/datetime_util.h"
+#include "src/lib/util/proto_util.h"
+#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregation_utils.h"
+#include "src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h"
+#include "src/logger/logger_test_utils.h"
+#include "src/logger/testing_constants.h"
+#include "src/pb/event.pb.h"
+#include "src/registry/packed_event_codes.h"
+#include "src/registry/project_configs.h"
+#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace cobalt {
+using config::PackEventCodes;
+using encoder::ClientSecret;
+using encoder::SystemDataInterface;
+using logger::Encoder;
+using logger::EventRecord;
+using logger::kInvalidArguments;
+using logger::kOK;
+using logger::MetricReportId;
+using logger::ObservationWriter;
+using logger::ProjectContext;
+using logger::Status;
+using logger::testing::CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations;
+using logger::testing::CheckUniqueActivesObservations;
+using logger::testing::ExpectedAggregationParams;
+using logger::testing::ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations;
+using logger::testing::ExpectedReportParticipationObservations;
+using logger::testing::ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
+using logger::testing::FakeObservationStore;
+using logger::testing::FetchAggregatedObservations;
+using logger::testing::GetTestProject;
+using logger::testing::MakeAggregationKey;
+using logger::testing::MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations;
+using logger::testing::MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
+using logger::testing::MockConsistentProtoStore;
+using logger::testing::TestUpdateRecipient;
+using util::EncryptedMessageMaker;
+using util::IncrementingSteadyClock;
+using util::IncrementingSystemClock;
+using util::SerializeToBase64;
+using util::TimeToDayIndex;
+namespace local_aggregation {
+namespace {
+// Number of seconds in a day
+constexpr int kDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
+// Number of seconds in an ideal year
+constexpr int kYear = kDay * 365;
+template <typename T>
+std::string SerializeAsStringDeterministic(const T& message) {
+  std::string s;
+  {
+    google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream output(&s);
+    google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream out(&output);
+    out.SetSerializationDeterministic(true);
+    message.SerializePartialToCodedStream(&out);
+  }
+  return s;
+// Filenames for constructors of ConsistentProtoStores
+constexpr char kAggregateStoreFilename[] = "local_aggregate_store_backup";
+constexpr char kObsHistoryFilename[] = "obs_history_backup";
+// A map keyed by base64-encoded, serialized ReportAggregationKeys. The value at
+// a key is a map of event codes to sets of day indices. Used in tests as
+// a record, external to the LocalAggregateStore, of the activity logged for
+using LoggedActivity = std::map<std::string, std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>>>;
+// A map used in tests as a record, external to the LocalAggregateStore, of the
+// activity logged for PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS reports. The keys are, in
+// descending order, serialized ReportAggregationKeys, components, event codes,
+// and day indices. Each day index maps to a vector of numeric values that were
+// logged for that day index..
+using LoggedValues =
+    std::map<std::string,
+             std::map<std::string, std::map<uint32_t, std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<int64_t>>>>>;
+}  // namespace
+// AggregateStoreTest creates an EventAggregator which sends its Observations
+// to a FakeObservationStore. The EventAggregator is not pre-populated with
+// aggregation configurations.
+class AggregateStoreTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+  void SetUp() override {
+    observation_store_ = std::make_unique<FakeObservationStore>();
+    update_recipient_ = std::make_unique<TestUpdateRecipient>();
+    observation_encrypter_ = EncryptedMessageMaker::MakeUnencrypted();
+    observation_writer_ = std::make_unique<ObservationWriter>(
+        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get(), observation_encrypter_.get());
+    encoder_ = std::make_unique<Encoder>(ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), system_data_.get());
+    local_aggregate_proto_store_ =
+        std::make_unique<MockConsistentProtoStore>(kAggregateStoreFilename);
+    obs_history_proto_store_ = std::make_unique<MockConsistentProtoStore>(kObsHistoryFilename);
+    ResetEventAggregator();
+  }
+  void ResetEventAggregator() {
+    event_aggregator_ = std::make_unique<EventAggregator>(encoder_.get(), observation_writer_.get(),
+                                                          local_aggregate_proto_store_.get(),
+                                                          obs_history_proto_store_.get());
+    // Pass this clock to the EventAggregator::Start method, if it is called.
+    test_clock_ = std::make_unique<IncrementingSystemClock>(std::chrono::system_clock::duration(0));
+    // Initilize it to 10 years after the beginning of time.
+    test_clock_->set_time(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point(std::chrono::seconds(10 * kYear)));
+    // Use this to advance the clock in the tests.
+    unowned_test_clock_ = test_clock_.get();
+    day_store_created_ = CurrentDayIndex();
+    test_steady_clock_ = new IncrementingSteadyClock(std::chrono::system_clock::duration(0));
+    event_aggregator_->SetSteadyClock(test_steady_clock_);
+  }
+  // Destruct the EventAggregator (thus calling EventAggregator::ShutDown())
+  // before destructing the objects which the EventAggregator points to but does
+  // not own.
+  void TearDown() override { event_aggregator_.reset(); }
+  // Advances |test_clock_| by |num_seconds| seconds.
+  void AdvanceClock(int num_seconds) {
+    unowned_test_clock_->increment_by(std::chrono::seconds(num_seconds));
+    test_steady_clock_->increment_by(std::chrono::seconds(num_seconds));
+  }
+  // Returns the day index of the current day according to |test_clock_|, in
+  // |time_zone|, without incrementing the clock.
+  uint32_t CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::TimeZonePolicy time_zone = MetricDefinition::UTC) {
+    return TimeToDayIndex(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(unowned_test_clock_->peek_now()),
+                          time_zone);
+  }
+  size_t GetBackfillDays() { return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->backfill_days_; }
+  void SetBackfillDays(size_t num_days) {
+    event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->backfill_days_ = num_days;
+  }
+  Status BackUpLocalAggregateStore() {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
+  }
+  Status BackUpObservationHistory() {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->BackUpObservationHistory();
+  }
+  LocalAggregateStore MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(
+      uint32_t version = kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion) {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(version);
+  }
+  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(
+      uint32_t version = kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion) {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(version);
+  }
+  Status MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(store);
+  }
+  Status MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store) {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(store);
+  }
+  LocalAggregateStore CopyLocalAggregateStore() {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+  }
+  Status GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc, uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u) {
+    return event_aggregator_->GenerateObservationsNoWorker(final_day_index_utc,
+                                                           final_day_index_local);
+  }
+  Status GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local = 0u) {
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->GarbageCollect(day_index_utc, day_index_local);
+  }
+  void DoScheduledTasksNow() {
+    // Steady values don't matter, just tell DoScheduledTasks to run everything.
+    auto steady_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    event_aggregator_->next_generate_obs_ = steady_time;
+    event_aggregator_->next_gc_ = steady_time;
+    event_aggregator_->DoScheduledTasks(unowned_test_clock_->now(), steady_time);
+  }
+  // Clears the FakeObservationStore and resets the counts of Observations
+  // received by the FakeObservationStore and the TestUpdateRecipient.
+  void ResetObservationStore() {
+    observation_store_->messages_received.clear();
+    observation_store_->metadata_received.clear();
+    observation_store_->ResetObservationCounter();
+    update_recipient_->invocation_count = 0;
+  }
+  // Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of a
+  // UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report in |project_context|, as well as a day index
+  // and an event code, logs an OccurrenceEvent to the EventAggregator for
+  // that report, day index, and event code. If a non-null LoggedActivity map is
+  // provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
+  Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext> project_context,
+                               const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                               uint32_t event_code, LoggedActivity* logged_activity = nullptr) {
+    EventRecord event_record(std::move(project_context), metric_report_id.first);
+    event_record.event()->set_day_index(day_index);
+    event_record.event()->mutable_occurrence_event()->set_event_code(event_code);
+    auto status = event_aggregator_->LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id.second, event_record);
+    if (logged_activity == nullptr) {
+      return status;
+    }
+    std::string key;
+    if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*event_record.project_context(), metric_report_id),
+                           &key)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*logged_activity)[key][event_code].insert(day_index);
+    return status;
+  }
+  // Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of an
+  // EVENT_COUNT metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in
+  // |project_context|, as well as a day index, a component string, and an event
+  // code, logs a CountEvent to the EventAggregator for that report, day
+  // index, component, and event code. If a non-null LoggedValues map is
+  // provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
+  Status LogPerDeviceCountEvent(std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext> project_context,
+                                const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, int64_t count,
+                                LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    EventRecord event_record(std::move(project_context), metric_report_id.first);
+    event_record.event()->set_day_index(day_index);
+    auto count_event = event_record.event()->mutable_count_event();
+    count_event->set_component(component);
+    count_event->add_event_code(event_code);
+    count_event->set_count(count);
+    auto status = event_aggregator_->LogCountEvent(metric_report_id.second, event_record);
+    if (logged_values == nullptr) {
+      return status;
+    }
+    std::string key;
+    if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*event_record.project_context(), metric_report_id),
+                           &key)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*logged_values)[key][component][event_code][day_index].push_back(count);
+    return status;
+  }
+  // Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of an
+  // ELAPSED_TIME metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in
+  // |project_context|, as well as a day index, a component string, and an event
+  // code, logs an ElapsedTimeEvent to the EventAggregator for that report, day
+  // index, component, and event code. If a non-null LoggedValues map is
+  // provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
+  Status LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext> project_context,
+                                      const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code,
+                                      int64_t micros, LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    EventRecord event_record(std::move(project_context), metric_report_id.first);
+    event_record.event()->set_day_index(day_index);
+    auto elapsed_time_event = event_record.event()->mutable_elapsed_time_event();
+    elapsed_time_event->set_component(component);
+    elapsed_time_event->add_event_code(event_code);
+    elapsed_time_event->set_elapsed_micros(micros);
+    auto status = event_aggregator_->LogElapsedTimeEvent(metric_report_id.second, event_record);
+    if (logged_values == nullptr) {
+      return status;
+    }
+    std::string key;
+    if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*event_record.project_context(), metric_report_id),
+                           &key)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*logged_values)[key][component][event_code][day_index].push_back(micros);
+    return status;
+  }
+  // Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of a
+  // FRAME_RATE metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in
+  // |project_context|, as well as a day index, a component string, and an event
+  // code, logs a FrameRateEvent to the EventAggregator for that report, day
+  // index, component, and event code. If a non-null LoggedValues map is
+  // provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
+  Status LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext> project_context,
+                                    const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, float fps,
+                                    LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    EventRecord event_record(std::move(project_context), metric_report_id.first);
+    event_record.event()->set_day_index(day_index);
+    auto frame_rate_event = event_record.event()->mutable_frame_rate_event();
+    frame_rate_event->set_component(component);
+    frame_rate_event->add_event_code(event_code);
+    int64_t frames_per_1000_seconds = std::round(fps * 1000.0);
+    frame_rate_event->set_frames_per_1000_seconds(frames_per_1000_seconds);
+    auto status = event_aggregator_->LogFrameRateEvent(metric_report_id.second, event_record);
+    if (logged_values == nullptr) {
+      return status;
+    }
+    std::string key;
+    if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*event_record.project_context(), metric_report_id),
+                           &key)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*logged_values)[key][component][event_code][day_index].push_back(frames_per_1000_seconds);
+    return status;
+  }
+  // Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of a
+  // MEMORY_USAGE metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in
+  // |project_context|, as well as a day index, a component string, and an event
+  // code, logs a MemoryUsageEvent to the EventAggregator for that report, day
+  // index, component, and event code. If a non-null LoggedValues map is
+  // provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
+  Status LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext> project_context,
+                                      const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                      const std::string& component,
+                                      const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes, int64_t bytes,
+                                      LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    EventRecord event_record(std::move(project_context), metric_report_id.first);
+    event_record.event()->set_day_index(day_index);
+    auto memory_usage_event = event_record.event()->mutable_memory_usage_event();
+    memory_usage_event->set_component(component);
+    for (auto event_code : event_codes) {
+      memory_usage_event->add_event_code(event_code);
+    }
+    memory_usage_event->set_bytes(bytes);
+    auto status = event_aggregator_->LogMemoryUsageEvent(metric_report_id.second, event_record);
+    if (logged_values == nullptr) {
+      return status;
+    }
+    std::string key;
+    if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*event_record.project_context(), metric_report_id),
+                           &key)) {
+      return kInvalidArguments;
+    }
+    (*logged_values)[key][component][PackEventCodes(event_codes)][day_index].push_back(bytes);
+    return status;
+  }
+  // Given a LoggedActivity map describing the events that have been logged
+  // to the EventAggregator, checks whether the contents of the
+  // LocalAggregateStore are as expected, accounting for any garbage
+  // collection.
+  //
+  // logged_activity: a LoggedActivity representing event occurrences
+  // since the LocalAggregateStore was created. All day indices should be
+  // greater than or equal to |day_store_created_| and less than or equal to
+  // |current_day_index|.
+  //
+  // current_day_index: The day index of the current day in the test's frame
+  // of reference.
+  bool CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(const LoggedActivity& logged_activity,
+                                    uint32_t /*current_day_index*/) {
+    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+    // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more UniqueActives
+    // aggregates than |logged_activity| and |day_last_garbage_collected_|
+    // should imply.
+    for (const auto& report_pair : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
+      const auto& aggregates = report_pair.second;
+      if (aggregates.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const auto& report_key = report_pair.first;
+      // Check whether this ReportAggregationKey is in |logged_activity|. If
+      // not, expect that its by_event_code map is empty.
+      auto report_activity = logged_activity.find(report_key);
+      if (report_activity == logged_activity.end()) {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().empty());
+        if (!aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().empty()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      auto expected_events = report_activity->second;
+      for (const auto& event_pair : aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code()) {
+        // Check that this event code is in |logged_activity| under this
+        // ReportAggregationKey.
+        auto event_code = event_pair.first;
+        auto event_activity = expected_events.find(event_code);
+        EXPECT_NE(event_activity, expected_events.end());
+        if (event_activity == expected_events.end()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        const auto& expected_days = event_activity->second;
+        for (const auto& day_pair : event_pair.second.by_day_index()) {
+          // Check that this day index is in |logged_activity| under this
+          // ReportAggregationKey and event code.
+          const auto& day_index = day_pair.first;
+          auto day_activity = expected_days.find(day_index);
+          EXPECT_NE(day_activity, expected_days.end());
+          if (day_activity == expected_days.end()) {
+            return false;
+          }
+          // Check that the day index is no earlier than is implied by the
+          // dates of store creation and garbage collection.
+          EXPECT_GE(day_index, EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config()));
+          if (day_index < EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config())) {
+            return false;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for all events in
+    // |logged_activity|, as long as they are recent enough to have survived any
+    // garbage collection.
+    for (const auto& logged_pair : logged_activity) {
+      const auto& logged_key = logged_pair.first;
+      const auto& logged_event_map = logged_pair.second;
+      // Check that this ReportAggregationKey is in the LocalAggregateStore, and
+      // that the aggregates are of the expected type.
+      auto report_aggregates = local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().find(logged_key);
+      EXPECT_NE(report_aggregates, local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end());
+      if (report_aggregates == local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (report_aggregates->second.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      // Compute the earliest day index that should appear among the aggregates
+      // for this report.
+      auto earliest_allowed =
+          EarliestAllowedDayIndex(report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config());
+      for (const auto& logged_event_pair : logged_event_map) {
+        const auto& logged_event_code = logged_event_pair.first;
+        const auto& logged_days = logged_event_pair.second;
+        // Check whether this event code is in the LocalAggregateStore
+        // under this ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices
+        // for this event code are smaller than the day index of the earliest
+        // allowed aggregate.
+        auto event_code_aggregates =
+            report_aggregates->second.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().find(
+                logged_event_code);
+        if (event_code_aggregates ==
+            report_aggregates->second.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().end()) {
+          for (auto day_index : logged_days) {
+            EXPECT_LT(day_index, earliest_allowed);
+            if (day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
+              return false;
+            }
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        // Check that all of the day indices in |logged_activity| under this
+        // ReportAggregationKey and event code are in the
+        // LocalAggregateStore, as long as they are recent enough to have
+        // survived any garbage collection. Check that each aggregate has its
+        // activity field set to true.
+        for (const auto& logged_day_index : logged_days) {
+          auto day_aggregate = event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().find(logged_day_index);
+          if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
+            EXPECT_NE(day_aggregate, event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end());
+            if (day_aggregate == event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end()) {
+              return false;
+            }
+            EXPECT_TRUE(day_aggregate->second.activity_daily_aggregate().activity_indicator());
+            if (!day_aggregate->second.activity_daily_aggregate().activity_indicator()) {
+              return false;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool CheckPerDeviceNumericAggregates(const LoggedValues& logged_values,
+                                       uint32_t /*current_day_index*/) {
+    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+    // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more PerDeviceNumeric
+    // aggregates than |logged_values| and |day_last_garbage_collected_| should
+    // imply.
+    for (const auto& report_pair : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
+      const auto& aggregates = report_pair.second;
+      if (aggregates.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kNumericAggregates) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const auto& report_key = report_pair.first;
+      // Check whether this ReportAggregationKey is in |logged_values|. If not,
+      // expect that its by_component map is empty.
+      auto report_values = logged_values.find(report_key);
+      if (report_values == logged_values.end()) {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(aggregates.numeric_aggregates().by_component().empty());
+        if (!aggregates.numeric_aggregates().by_component().empty()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      auto expected_components = report_values->second;
+      for (const auto& component_pair : aggregates.numeric_aggregates().by_component()) {
+        // Check that this component is in |logged_values| under this
+        // ReportAggregationKey.
+        auto component = component_pair.first;
+        auto component_values = expected_components.find(component);
+        EXPECT_NE(component_values, expected_components.end());
+        if (component_values == expected_components.end()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        const auto& expected_events = component_values->second;
+        for (const auto& event_pair : component_pair.second.by_event_code()) {
+          // Check that this event code is in |logged_values| under this
+          // ReportAggregationKey and component.
+          const auto& event_code = event_pair.first;
+          auto event_values = expected_events.find(event_code);
+          EXPECT_NE(event_values, expected_events.end());
+          if (event_values == expected_events.end()) {
+            return false;
+          }
+          const auto& expected_days = event_values->second;
+          for (const auto& day_pair : event_pair.second.by_day_index()) {
+            // Check that this day index is in |logged_values| under this
+            // ReportAggregationKey, component, and event code.
+            const auto& day_index = day_pair.first;
+            auto day_value = expected_days.find(day_index);
+            EXPECT_NE(day_value, expected_days.end());
+            if (day_value == expected_days.end()) {
+              return false;
+            }
+            // Check that the day index is no earlier than is implied by the
+            // dates of store creation and garbage collection.
+            EXPECT_GE(day_index, EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config()));
+            if (day_index < EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config())) {
+              return false;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for all values in
+    // |logged_values|, as long as they are recent enough to have survived any
+    // garbage collection.
+    for (const auto& logged_pair : logged_values) {
+      const auto& logged_key = logged_pair.first;
+      const auto& logged_component_map = logged_pair.second;
+      // Check that this ReportAggregationKey is in the LocalAggregateStore, and
+      // that the aggregates are of the expected type.
+      auto report_aggregates = local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().find(logged_key);
+      EXPECT_NE(report_aggregates, local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end());
+      if (report_aggregates == local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (report_aggregates->second.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kNumericAggregates) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      const auto& aggregation_type =
+          report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config().report().aggregation_type();
+      // Compute the earliest day index that should appear among the aggregates
+      // for this report.
+      auto earliest_allowed =
+          EarliestAllowedDayIndex(report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config());
+      for (const auto& logged_component_pair : logged_component_map) {
+        const auto& logged_component = logged_component_pair.first;
+        const auto& logged_event_code_map = logged_component_pair.second;
+        // Check whether this component is in the LocalAggregateStore under this
+        // ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices for all
+        // entries in |logged_values| under this component are smaller than the
+        // day index of the earliest allowed aggregate.
+        bool component_found = false;
+        auto component_aggregates =
+            report_aggregates->second.numeric_aggregates().by_component().find(logged_component);
+        if (component_aggregates !=
+            report_aggregates->second.numeric_aggregates().by_component().end()) {
+          component_found = true;
+        }
+        for (const auto& logged_event_pair : logged_event_code_map) {
+          const auto& logged_event_code = logged_event_pair.first;
+          const auto& logged_day_map = logged_event_pair.second;
+          // Check whether this event code is in the LocalAggregateStore under
+          // this ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices in
+          // |logged_values| under this component are smaller than the day index
+          // of the earliest allowed aggregate.
+          bool event_code_found = false;
+          if (component_found) {
+            auto event_code_aggregates =
+                component_aggregates->second.by_event_code().find(logged_event_code);
+            if (event_code_aggregates != component_aggregates->second.by_event_code().end()) {
+              event_code_found = true;
+            }
+            if (event_code_found) {
+              // Check that all of the day indices in |logged_values| under this
+              // ReportAggregationKey, component, and event code are in the
+              // LocalAggregateStore, as long as they are recent enough to have
+              // survived any garbage collection. Check that each aggregate has
+              // the expected value.
+              for (const auto& logged_day_pair : logged_day_map) {
+                auto logged_day_index = logged_day_pair.first;
+                auto logged_values = logged_day_pair.second;
+                auto day_aggregate =
+                    event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().find(logged_day_index);
+                if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
+                  EXPECT_NE(day_aggregate, event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end());
+                  if (day_aggregate == event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end()) {
+                    return false;
+                  }
+                  int64_t aggregate_from_logged_values = 0;
+                  for (size_t index = 0; index < logged_values.size(); index++) {
+                    switch (aggregation_type) {
+                      case ReportDefinition::SUM:
+                        aggregate_from_logged_values += logged_values[index];
+                        break;
+                      case ReportDefinition::MAX:
+                        aggregate_from_logged_values =
+                            std::max(aggregate_from_logged_values, logged_values[index]);
+                        break;
+                      case ReportDefinition::MIN:
+                        if (index == 0) {
+                          aggregate_from_logged_values = logged_values[0];
+                        }
+                        aggregate_from_logged_values =
+                            std::min(aggregate_from_logged_values, logged_values[index]);
+                        break;
+                      default:
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                  }
+                  EXPECT_EQ(day_aggregate->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value(),
+                            aggregate_from_logged_values);
+                  if (day_aggregate->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value() !=
+                      aggregate_from_logged_values) {
+                    return false;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (!component_found | !event_code_found) {
+            for (const auto& logged_day_pair : logged_day_map) {
+              auto logged_day_index = logged_day_pair.first;
+              EXPECT_LT(logged_day_index, earliest_allowed);
+              if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
+                return false;
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Given the AggregationConfig of a locally aggregated report, returns the
+  // earliest (smallest) day index for which an aggregate may exist in the
+  // LocalAggregateStore for that report, accounting for garbage
+  // collection and the number of backfill days.
+  uint32_t EarliestAllowedDayIndex(const AggregationConfig& config) {
+    // If the LocalAggregateStore has never been garbage-collected, then the
+    // earliest allowed day index is just the day when the store was created,
+    // minus the number of backfill days.
+    auto backfill_days = GetBackfillDays();
+    EXPECT_GE(day_store_created_, backfill_days)
+        << "The day index of store creation must be larger than the number "
+           "of backfill days.";
+    if (day_last_garbage_collected_ == 0u) {
+      return day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
+    }
+    uint32_t max_aggregation_days = 1;
+    for (const auto& window : config.aggregation_window()) {
+      if (window.units_case() == OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays &&
+          window.days() > max_aggregation_days) {
+        max_aggregation_days = window.days();
+      }
+    }
+    // Otherwise, it is the later of:
+    // (a) The day index on which the store was created minus the number
+    // of backfill days.
+    // (b) The day index for which the store was last garbage-collected
+    // minus the number of backfill days, minus the largest window size in
+    // the report associated to |config|, plus 1.
+    EXPECT_GE(day_last_garbage_collected_, backfill_days)
+        << "The day index of last garbage collection must be larger than "
+           "the number of backfill days.";
+    if (day_last_garbage_collected_ - backfill_days < (max_aggregation_days + 1)) {
+      return day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
+    }
+    return (day_store_created_ < (day_last_garbage_collected_ - max_aggregation_days + 1))
+               ? (day_last_garbage_collected_ - backfill_days - max_aggregation_days + 1)
+               : day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<EventAggregator> event_aggregator_;
+  std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> local_aggregate_proto_store_;
+  std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> obs_history_proto_store_;
+  std::unique_ptr<ObservationWriter> observation_writer_;
+  std::unique_ptr<Encoder> encoder_;
+  std::unique_ptr<EncryptedMessageMaker> observation_encrypter_;
+  std::unique_ptr<TestUpdateRecipient> update_recipient_;
+  std::unique_ptr<FakeObservationStore> observation_store_;
+  std::unique_ptr<IncrementingSystemClock> test_clock_;
+  IncrementingSystemClock* unowned_test_clock_;
+  IncrementingSteadyClock* test_steady_clock_;
+  // The day index on which the LocalAggregateStore was last
+  // garbage-collected. A value of 0 indicates that the store has never been
+  // garbage-collected.
+  uint32_t day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
+  // The day index on which the LocalAggregateStore was created.
+  uint32_t day_store_created_ = 0u;
+ private:
+  std::unique_ptr<SystemDataInterface> system_data_;
+// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
+// from a registry.
+class AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext : public AggregateStoreTest {
+ protected:
+  explicit AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(const std::string& registry_var_name) {
+    project_context_ = GetTestProject(registry_var_name);
+  }
+  void SetUp() override {
+    AggregateStoreTest::SetUp();
+    event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context_);
+  }
+  // Logs an OccurrenceEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
+  // aggregated report of the ProjectContext. Overrides the method
+  // AggregateStoreTest::LogUniqueActivesEvent.
+  Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                               uint32_t event_code, LoggedActivity* logged_activity = nullptr) {
+    return AggregateStoreTest::LogUniqueActivesEvent(project_context_, metric_report_id, day_index,
+                                                     event_code, logged_activity);
+  }
+  // Logs a CountEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
+  // aggregated report of the ProjectContext. Overrides the method
+  // AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceCountEvent.
+  Status LogPerDeviceCountEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, int64_t count,
+                                LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    return AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceCountEvent(project_context_, metric_report_id, day_index,
+                                                      component, event_code, count, logged_values);
+  }
+  // Logs an ElapsedTimeEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
+  // aggregated report of the ProjectContext. Overrides the method
+  // AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent.
+  Status LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code,
+                                      int64_t micros, LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    return AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(project_context_, metric_report_id,
+                                                            day_index, component, event_code,
+                                                            micros, logged_values);
+  }
+  // Logs a FrameRateEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
+  // aggregated report of the ProjectContext. Overrides the method
+  // AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent.
+  Status LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, float fps,
+                                    LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    return AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(
+        project_context_, metric_report_id, day_index, component, event_code, fps, logged_values);
+  }
+  // Logs a MemoryUsageEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
+  // aggregated report of the ProjectContext. Overrides the method
+  // AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent.
+  Status LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index,
+                                      const std::string& component,
+                                      const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes, int64_t bytes,
+                                      LoggedValues* logged_values = nullptr) {
+    return AggregateStoreTest::LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(project_context_, metric_report_id,
+                                                            day_index, component, event_codes,
+                                                            bytes, logged_values);
+  }
+ private:
+  // A ProjectContext wrapping the MetricDefinitions passed to the
+  // constructor in |metric_string|.
+  std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project_context_;
+// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
+// from test_registries/unique_actives_test_registry.yaml. All metrics in this
+// registry are of type EVENT_OCCURRED and have a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report.
+class UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest : public AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext {
+ protected:
+  UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest()
+      : AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(
+            logger::testing::unique_actives::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
+// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
+// from test_registries/unique_actives_noise_free_test_registry.yaml. All
+// metrics in this registry are of type EVENT_OCCURRED and have a
+// UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report with local_privacy_noise_level NONE.
+class UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest : public AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext {
+ protected:
+  UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest()
+      : AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(
+            logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
+// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
+// from test_registries/per_device_numeric_stats_test_registry.yaml. All metrics
+// in this registry are of type EVENT_COUNT and have a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS
+// report.
+class PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest : public AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext {
+ protected:
+  PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest()
+      : AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(
+            logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
+// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
+// from test_registries/mixed_time_zone_test_registry.yaml. This registry
+// contains multiple MetricDefinitions with different time zone policies.
+class NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneAggregateStoreTest : public AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext {
+ protected:
+  NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneAggregateStoreTest()
+      : AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(
+            logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
+class PerDeviceHistogramAggregateStoreTest : public AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext {
+ protected:
+  PerDeviceHistogramAggregateStoreTest()
+      : AggregateStoreTestWithProjectContext(
+            logger::testing::per_device_histogram::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
+class AggregateStoreWorkerTest : public AggregateStoreTest {
+ protected:
+  void SetUp() override { AggregateStoreTest::SetUp(); }
+  void ShutDownWorkerThread() { event_aggregator_->ShutDown(); }
+  bool in_shutdown_state() { return (shutdown_flag_set() && !worker_joinable()); }
+  bool in_run_state() { return (!shutdown_flag_set() && worker_joinable()); }
+  bool shutdown_flag_set() {
+    return event_aggregator_->protected_worker_thread_controller_.const_lock()->shut_down;
+  }
+  bool worker_joinable() { return event_aggregator_->worker_thread_.joinable(); }
+// Tests that the Read() method of each ConsistentProtoStore is called once
+// during construction of the EventAggregator.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, ReadProtosFromFiles) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->read_count_);
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->read_count_);
+// Tests that the BackUp*() methods return a positive status, and checks that
+// the Write() method of a ConsistentProtoStore is called once when its
+// respective BackUp*() method is called.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, BackUpProtos) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpLocalAggregateStore());
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpObservationHistory());
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_);
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->write_count_);
+// MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore should return an OK status if the version is current. The store
+// should not change.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreCurrent) {
+  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
+  std::string store_before = SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store);
+  ASSERT_EQ(kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion, store.version());
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
+  EXPECT_EQ(store_before, SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
+// MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore should return kInvalidArguments if it is not possible to upgrade
+// to the current version.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreUnsupported) {
+  const uint32_t kFutureVersion = kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion + 1;
+  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(kFutureVersion);
+  ASSERT_EQ(kFutureVersion, store.version());
+  EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
+// It should be possible to upgrade the LocalAggregateStore from v0 to the current version. The
+// version number should be updated and the contents of window_size in each AggregationConfigs
+// should be moved to aggregation_window, preserving their order.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromV0) {
+  const uint32_t kVersionZero = 0;
+  const std::vector<uint32_t> kWindowSizes = {1, 7, 30};
+  const std::string kKey = "some_report_key";
+  // Make a v0 LocalAggregateStore with one report.
+  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(kVersionZero);
+  ReportAggregates report_aggregates;
+  for (auto window_size : kWindowSizes) {
+    report_aggregates.mutable_aggregation_config()->add_window_size(window_size);
+  }
+  (*store.mutable_by_report_key())[kKey] = report_aggregates;
+  // Make the expected upgraded store.
+  auto expected_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
+  ReportAggregates expected_report_aggregates;
+  for (auto window_size : kWindowSizes) {
+    *expected_report_aggregates.mutable_aggregation_config()->add_aggregation_window() =
+        MakeDayWindow(window_size);
+  }
+  (*expected_store.mutable_by_report_key())[kKey] = expected_report_aggregates;
+  // Upgrade and check that the upgraded store is as expected.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
+  EXPECT_EQ(SerializeAsStringDeterministic(expected_store), SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
+// MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore should return an OK status if the version is current. The
+// store should not change.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStoreCurrent) {
+  auto store = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
+  std::string store_before = SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store);
+  ASSERT_EQ(kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion, store.version());
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&store));
+  EXPECT_EQ(store_before, SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
+// MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore should return kInvalidArguments if it is not possible to
+// upgrade to the current version.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStoreUnsupported) {
+  const uint32_t kFutureVersion = kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion + 1;
+  auto store = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(kFutureVersion);
+  ASSERT_EQ(kFutureVersion, store.version());
+  EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&store));
+// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
+// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated when no
+// Events have been logged to the EventAggregator.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsNoEvents) {
+  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
+  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
+  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for the current day index.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() only generates
+// Observations the first time it is called for a given day index.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsTwice) {
+  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
+  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
+  // Check that Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is called
+  // for the current day index for the first time.
+  auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+  // Check that no Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is
+  // called for the currentday index for the second time.
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->messages_received.size());
+// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one ReportAggregates proto and that
+// proto is empty, GenerateObservations should return success but generate no
+// observations.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsFromBadStore) {
+  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
+  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
+  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
+  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
+  ResetEventAggregator();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->messages_received.size());
+// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one empty ReportAggregates proto and
+// some valid ReportAggregates, GenerateObservations should produce observations
+// for the valid ReportAggregates.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsFromBadStoreMultiReport) {
+  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
+  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
+  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
+  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
+  ResetEventAggregator();
+  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
+  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one ReportAggregates proto and that
+// proto is empty, GarbageCollect should return success.
+TEST_F(AggregateStoreTest, GarbageCollectBadStore) {
+  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
+  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
+  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
+  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
+  ResetEventAggregator();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(CurrentDayIndex()));
+// Tests GarbageCollect() for UniqueActivesReportAggregates.
+// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some UniqueActivesEvents
+// each day for N consecutive days and then garbage-collects the
+// LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies the contents of
+// the LocalAggregateStore.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest, GarbageCollect) {
+  uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
+  for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc; days_before_gc++) {
+    SetUp();
+    day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
+    LoggedActivity logged_activity;
+    for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
+      auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+      for (const auto& metric_report_id :
+           logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.metric_report_ids) {
+        // Log 2 events with event code 0.
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
+        if (offset < 3) {
+          // Log 1 event with event code 1.
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 1u, &logged_activity));
+        }
+      }
+      AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    }
+    auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
+    day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, end_day_index));
+    TearDown();
+  }
+// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
+// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
+// some UniqueActivesEvents have been logged, without any garbage
+// collection.
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices
+// reports and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
+// with event code 0.
+// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
+// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
+// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
+// for each locally aggregated report ID in the unique_actives registry.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservations) {
+  int num_days = 35;
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    observations.clear();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+        &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                         day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                   day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                                     day_index, 0u));
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+  observations.clear();
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex() - 1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+      &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
+// expected number of Observations is generated each day when Events are
+// logged for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports over multiple days, and when the
+// LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected each day.
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices
+// reports and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
+// with event code 0.
+// Each day following the first day, calls GenerateObservations() and then
+// GarbageCollect() with the day index of the current day. Checks that
+// positive statuses are returned and that the FakeObservationStore has
+// received the expected number of new observations for each locally
+// aggregated report ID in the unique_actives registry.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithGc) {
+  int num_days = 35;
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    observations.clear();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+        &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                         day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                   day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                                     day_index, 0u));
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+  observations.clear();
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
+      &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
+// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
+// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, without
+// any garbage collection of the LocalAggregateStore.
+// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
+// NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices reports and 2 events for the
+// FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all with event code 0.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
+// every 10 days, for 35 days.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
+// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
+// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
+// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
+// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
+// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfill) {
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
+  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < 35; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                         day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                   day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                                     day_index, 0u));
+    }
+    observation_store_->ResetObservationCounter();
+    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    }
+    auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
+    EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
+    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
+    switch (offset % 10) {
+      case 0:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs *
+                      (backfill_days + 1),
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs,
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      case 6:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs * 2,
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      default:
+        EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
+// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
+// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, and when
+// the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call to
+// GenerateObservations().
+// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
+// NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices reports and 2 events for the
+// FeaturesActive_Unique_Devices report, all with event code 0.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
+// every 10 days, for 35 days. Garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore after
+// each call.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
+// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
+// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
+// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
+// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
+// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfillAndGc) {
+  int num_days = 35;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
+  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                         day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                   day_index, 0u));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                                     day_index, 0u));
+    }
+    observation_store_->ResetObservationCounter();
+    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+    }
+    auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
+    EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
+    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
+    // This expected number is some multiple of the daily_num_obs field of
+    // |kUniqueActivesExpectedParams|, depending on the number of days which
+    // should have been backfilled when GenerateObservations() was called.
+    switch (offset % 10) {
+      case 0:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs *
+                      (backfill_days + 1),
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs,
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      case 6:
+        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs * 2,
+                  num_new_obs);
+        break;
+      default:
+        EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values (i.e.,
+// non-active for all UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports, for all window sizes and
+// event codes) are generated when no Events have been logged to the
+// EventAggregator.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesNoEvents) {
+  auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
+  auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams, current_day_index);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
+// generated when GenerateObservations() is called for a single day index
+// after logging some events for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports for that day
+// index, without any garbage collection or backfill.
+// Logging pattern:
+// Logs 2 occurrences of event code 0 for the FeaturesActives_UniqueDevices
+// report, and 1 occurrence of event code 1 for the
+// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, all on the same day.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Calls GenerateObservations() after logging all events.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// The expected number of Observations is the daily_num_obs field of
+// |logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
+// Expected Observation values:
+// All Observations should be labeled with the day index on which the events
+// were logged.
+// For the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, expect activity indicators:
+// window size        active for event codes
+// ------------------------------------------
+// 1                           0
+// 7                           0
+// 30                          0
+// For the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, expected activity indicators:
+// window size        active for event codes
+// ------------------------------------------
+// 1                           1
+// 7                           1
+// All other Observations should be of inactivity.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesSingleDay) {
+  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Log several events on |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, 0u));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, 0u));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
+                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, 1u));
+  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+  // Form the expected observations.
+  auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
+  expected_obs[{logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
+                               {7, {true, false, false, false, false}},
+                               {30, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
+  expected_obs[{logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
+                day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
+                               {7, {false, true, false, false, false}}};
+  // Check the contents of the FakeObservationStore.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
+// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
+// report over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
+// day, without garbage collection or backfill.
+// Logging pattern:
+// Logs events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
+// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
+// pattern:
+// * Never log event code 0.
+// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
+// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
+// day index.
+// Expected number of Observations:
+// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
+// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
+// |testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
+// Expected Observation values:
+// The EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
+// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
+// i-th day are:
+// (i, window size)            active for event codes
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (0, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (1, 1)                          ---
+// (1, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (2, 1)                          ---
+// (2, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (3, 1)                           1
+// (3, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (4, 1)                          ---
+// (4, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (5, 1)                          ---
+// (5, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (6, 1)                           1, 2
+// (6, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (7, 1)                          ---
+// (7, 7)                           1, 2
+// (8, 1)                          ---
+// (8, 7)                           1, 2
+// (9, 1)                           1, 3
+// (9, 7)                           1, 2, 3
+// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
+// observations of non-occurrence.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDay) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Form expected Obsevations for the 10 days of logging.
+  uint32_t num_days = 10;
+  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+        logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+        start_day_index + offset);
+  }
+  expected_obs[0][{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
+                                                     {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
+  expected_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
+  expected_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
+         event_code <
+         logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams.num_event_codes.at(
+             expected_id);
+         event_code++) {
+      if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
+      }
+    }
+    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    // Generate locally aggregated Observations.
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    // Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[offset], observation_store_.get(),
+                                               update_recipient_.get()));
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
+// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
+// report over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
+// day, and when the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call
+// to GenerateObservations().
+// Logging pattern:
+// Logs events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
+// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
+// pattern:
+// * Never log event code 0.
+// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
+// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
+// day index.
+// Expected number of Observations:
+// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
+// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
+// |logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
+// Expected Observation values:
+// The EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
+// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
+// i-th day are:
+// (i, window size)            active for event codes
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (0, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (1, 1)                          ---
+// (1, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (2, 1)                          ---
+// (2, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (3, 1)                           1
+// (3, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (4, 1)                          ---
+// (4, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (5, 1)                          ---
+// (5, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (6, 1)                           1, 2
+// (6, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (7, 1)                          ---
+// (7, 7)                           1, 2
+// (8, 1)                          ---
+// (8, 7)                           1, 2
+// (9, 1)                           1, 3
+// (9, 7)                           1, 2, 3
+// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
+// observations of non-occurrence.
+       CheckObservationValuesMultiDayWithGarbageCollection) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
+  uint32_t num_days = 10;
+  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+        logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams,
+        start_day_index + offset);
+  }
+  expected_obs[0][{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
+                                                     {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+  expected_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
+  expected_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
+  expected_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
+                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
+         event_code <
+         logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams.num_event_codes.at(
+             expected_id);
+         event_code++) {
+      if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
+      }
+    }
+    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    // Generate locally aggregated Observations and garbage-collect the
+    // LocalAggregateStore, both for the previous day as measured by
+    // |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
+    // AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+    DoScheduledTasksNow();
+    // Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[offset], observation_store_.get(),
+                                               update_recipient_.get()));
+  }
+// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
+// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
+// days during that period, without any garbage-collection of the
+// LocalAggregateStore.
+// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
+// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
+// pattern:
+// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
+// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
+// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
+// |start_day_index + 7|.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
+// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
+// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
+// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
+// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
+// remaining days.
+// Expected Observation values:
+// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
+// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
+// (i, window size)           active for event codes
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)                           0
+// (0, 7)                           0
+// (1, 1)                           1
+// (1, 7)                           0, 1
+// (2, 1)                           1, 2
+// (2, 7)                           0, 1, 2
+// (3, 1)                           3
+// (3, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3
+// (4, 1)                           2, 4
+// (4, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (5, 1)                          ---
+// (5, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (6, 1)                           3
+// (6, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (7, 1)                          ---
+// (7, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (8, 1)                           4
+// (8, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfill) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
+  // indices, and the 9th.
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 9; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < expected_params.num_event_codes.at(expected_id);
+         event_code++) {
+      if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
+      }
+    }
+    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    }
+    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
+    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
+    // FakeObservationStore.
+    ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
+    switch (offset) {
+      case 0: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                        {7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 1: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 1);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 2: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 2);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 3: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 3);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 4: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 4);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 5: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 5);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
+            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 8: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
+                                                            {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
+// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
+// days during that period, and when the LocalAggregateStore is
+// garbage-collected after each call to GenerateObservations().
+// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
+// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
+// pattern:
+// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
+// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
+// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
+// |start_day_index + 7|.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
+// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
+// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
+// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
+// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
+// remaining days.
+// Expected Observation values:
+// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
+// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
+// (i, window size)           active for event codes
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)                           0
+// (0, 7)                           0
+// (1, 1)                           1
+// (1, 7)                           0, 1
+// (2, 1)                           1, 2
+// (2, 7)                           0, 1, 2
+// (3, 1)                           3
+// (3, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3
+// (4, 1)                           2, 4
+// (4, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (5, 1)                          ---
+// (5, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (6, 1)                           3
+// (6, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
+// (7, 1)                          ---
+// (7, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// (8, 1)                           4
+// (8, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
+// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
+TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
+  // indices, and the 9th.
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < expected_params.num_event_codes.at(expected_id);
+         event_code++) {
+      if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
+      }
+    }
+    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    if (offset < 6 || offset == 9) {
+      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
+      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
+      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+      DoScheduledTasksNow();
+    }
+    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
+    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
+    // FakeObservationStore.
+    ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
+    switch (offset) {
+      case 0: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
+                                                        {7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 1: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 1);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 2: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 2);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 3: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 3);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 4: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 4);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 5: {
+        expected_obs =
+            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 5);
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
+            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 8: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
+                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
+                                                            {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
+                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
+    }
+  }
+// Tests GarbageCollect() for PerDeviceNumericReportAggregates.
+// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some events for
+// PerDeviceNumeric reports each day for N consecutive days, and then
+// garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies
+// the contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, GarbageCollect) {
+  uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
+  for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc; days_before_gc++) {
+    SetUp();
+    day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
+    LoggedValues logged_values;
+    std::vector<MetricReportId> count_metric_report_ids = {
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId};
+    std::vector<MetricReportId> elapsed_time_metric_report_ids = {
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId,
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId,
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId};
+    MetricReportId frame_rate_metric_report_id =
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMinMetricReportId;
+    MetricReportId memory_usage_metric_report_id =
+        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMaxMetricReportId;
+    for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
+      auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+      for (const auto& id : count_metric_report_ids) {
+        for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B", "component_C"}) {
+          // Log 2 events with event code 0, for each component A, B, C.
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 2, &logged_values));
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 3, &logged_values));
+        }
+        if (offset < 3) {
+          // Log 1 event for component D and event code 1.
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                    LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 4, &logged_values));
+        }
+      }
+      for (const auto& id : elapsed_time_metric_report_ids) {
+        for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B", "component_C"}) {
+          // Log 2 events with event code 0, for each component A, B, C.
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                    LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 2, &logged_values));
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                    LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 3, &logged_values));
+        }
+        if (offset < 3) {
+          // Log 1 event for component D and event code 1.
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 4,
+                                                      &logged_values));
+        }
+      }
+      for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B"}) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(frame_rate_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
+                                                  0u, 2.25, &logged_values));
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(frame_rate_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
+                                                  0u, 1.75, &logged_values));
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                  LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(memory_usage_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
+                                               std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, 300, &logged_values));
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                  LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(memory_usage_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
+                                               std::vector<uint32_t>{1u, 0u}, 300, &logged_values));
+      }
+      AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    }
+    auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
+    day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericAggregates(logged_values, end_day_index));
+    TearDown();
+  }
+// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
+// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
+// some CountEvents have been logged for PerDeviceNumericStats reports, without
+// any garbage collection.
+// For 35 days, logs a positive number of events each day for the
+// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumericStats report with "component_A" and for
+// the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumericStats reports with "component_B", all with
+// event code 0.
+// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
+// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
+// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
+// for each locally aggregated report ID in the per_device_numeric_stats test
+// registry.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservations) {
+  int num_days = 1;
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  ExpectedAggregationParams expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    observations.clear();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params,
+                                            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK,
+          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+    }
+    // If this is the first time we're logging events, update the expected
+    // numbers of generated Observations to account for the logged events.
+    // For each report, for each aggregation window, expect 1 Observation more than if
+    // no events had been logged.
+    if (offset == 0) {
+      expected_params.daily_num_obs += 5;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
+          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId] += 1;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
+          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId] +=
+          2;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report[logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                             kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId] += 2;
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+  observations.clear();
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex() - 1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params, observation_store_.get(),
+                                          update_recipient_.get()));
+// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
+// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
+// some CountEvents have been logged for PerDeviceNumeric reports over multiple
+// days, and when the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected each day.
+// For 35 days, logs a positive number of events each day for the
+// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_A" and for
+// the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_B", all with
+// event code 0.
+// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
+// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
+// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
+// for each locally aggregated report ID in the per_device_numeric_stats test
+// registry.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithGc) {
+  int num_days = 35;
+  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
+  ExpectedAggregationParams expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    observations.clear();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params,
+                                            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK,
+          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+    }
+    // If this is the first time we're logging events, update the expected
+    // numbers of generated Observations to account for the logged events.
+    // For each report, for each window size, expect 1 Observation more than if
+    // no events had been logged.
+    if (offset == 0) {
+      expected_params.daily_num_obs += 5;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
+          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId] += 1;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
+          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId] +=
+          2;
+      expected_params.num_obs_per_report[logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                             kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId] += 2;
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+  observations.clear();
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params, observation_store_.get(),
+                                          update_recipient_.get()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
+// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
+// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, without
+// any garbage collection of the LocalAggregateStore.
+// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
+// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceCount report and 2 events for the
+// SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount report, all with event code 0.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
+// every 10 days, for 35 days.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
+// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
+// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
+// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
+// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
+// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfill) {
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
+  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < 35; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK,
+          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+    }
+    auto num_obs_before = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
+    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    }
+    auto num_obs_after = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
+    EXPECT_GE(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
+    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
+    switch (offset % 10) {
+      case 0:
+        // If this is the first day of logging, expect 3 Observations for each
+        // day in the backfill period and 8 Observations for the current day.
+        if (offset == 0) {
+          EXPECT_EQ(
+              (expected_params.daily_num_obs * backfill_days) + expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5,
+              num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        } else {
+          // If this is another day whose offset is a multiple of 10, expect 8
+          // Observations for each day in the backfill period as well as the
+          // current day.
+          EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * (backfill_days + 1),
+                    num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+        // Expect 8 Observations for this day.
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        break;
+      case 6:
+        // Expect 8 Observations for each of today and yesterday.
+        EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * 2, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        break;
+      default:
+        EXPECT_EQ(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
+// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
+// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, and when
+// the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call to
+// GenerateObservations().
+// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
+// Logging pattern:
+// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
+// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_A" and 2 events
+// for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric reports with "component_B", all with
+// event code 0.
+// Observation generation pattern:
+// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
+// every 10 days, for 35 days. Garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore after
+// each call.
+// Expected numbers of Observations:
+// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
+// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
+// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
+// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
+// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
+// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
+// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfillAndGc) {
+  int num_days = 35;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
+  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
+  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
+                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
+      EXPECT_EQ(
+          kOK,
+          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+    }
+    auto num_obs_before = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
+    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
+    }
+    auto num_obs_after = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
+    EXPECT_GE(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
+    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
+    switch (offset % 10) {
+      case 0:
+        // If this is the first day of logging, expect 3 Observations for each
+        // day in the backfill period and 8 Observations for the current day.
+        if (offset == 0) {
+          EXPECT_EQ(
+              (expected_params.daily_num_obs * backfill_days) + expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5,
+              num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        } else {
+          // If this is another day whose offset is a multiple of 10, expect 8
+          // Observations for each day in the backfill period as well as the
+          // current day.
+          EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * (backfill_days + 1),
+                    num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+        // Expect 8 Observations for this day.
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        break;
+      case 6:
+        // Expect 6 Observations for each of today and yesterday.
+        EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * 2, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
+        break;
+      default:
+        EXPECT_EQ(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Generate Observations without logging any events, and check that the
+// resulting Observations are as expected: 1 ReportParticipationObservation for
+// each PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in the config, and no
+// PerDeviceNumericObservations.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesNoEvents) {
+  const auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
+  const auto& expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, current_day_index);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations({}, expected_report_participation_obs,
+                                                observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+// Check that the expected PerDeviceNumericObservations and
+// ReportParticipationObservations are generated when GenerateObservations() is
+// called after logging some CountEvents and ElapsedTimeEvents for
+// PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS reports over a single day index.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesSingleDay) {
+  const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Log several events on |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_A", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_A", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_A", 1u, 5));
+            LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+            LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+                day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                            kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                        day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
+                                            kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+                                        day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+  std::vector<MetricReportId> streaming_time_ids = {
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId,
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId,
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId};
+  for (const auto& id : streaming_time_ids) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 0u, 15));
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 5));
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 0u, 10));
+  }
+  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+  // Form the expected Observations.
+  auto expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
+  ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, day_index}][1] =
+      {{"component_A", 0u, 10}, {"component_A", 1u, 5}, {"component_B", 0u, 5}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+      day_index}][7] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
+      day_index}][30] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+      day_index}][7] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
+      day_index}][30] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId, day_index}][1] =
+      {{"component_D", 0u, 25}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId, day_index}][7] =
+      {{"component_D", 0u, 25}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  // The 7-day minimum value for the StreamingTime metric is 0 for all event
+  // codes and components, so we don't expect a PerDeviceNumericObservation with
+  // a 7-day window for the StreamingTime_PerDeviceMin report.
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
+      {"component_D", 0u, 10}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
+      {"component_D", 0u, 10}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
+      {"component_D", 0u, 15}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
+      {"component_D", 0u, 15}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(expected_per_device_numeric_obs,
+                                                expected_report_participation_obs,
+                                                observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+// Checks that PerDeviceNumericObservations with the expected values are
+// generated when some events have been logged for an EVENT_COUNT metric with
+// a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report over multiple days and
+// GenerateObservations() is called each day, without garbage collection or
+// backfill.
+// Logged events for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount report on the i-th
+// day:
+//  i            (component, event code, count)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  0
+//  1          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  2          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+//  3          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  4          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+//  5          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  6          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+//  7          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  8          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+//  9          ("A", 1, 3)
+// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
+// SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric report on the i-th day:
+// (i, window size)          (component, event code, count)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 7)
+// (0, 30)
+// (1, 7)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (1, 30)    ("A", 1,  3)
+// (2, 7)     ("A", 1,  6),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (2, 30)    ("A", 1,  6),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (3, 7)     ("A", 1,  9),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (3, 30)    ("A", 1,  9),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 12),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (4, 30)    ("A", 1, 12),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 15),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (5, 30)    ("A", 1, 15),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 18),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (6, 30)    ("A", 1, 18),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (7, 30)    ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
+// (8, 30)    ("A", 1, 24),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
+// (9, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 4)
+// (9, 30)    ("A", 1, 27),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
+// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservation each day for each of
+// the reports in the registry.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDay) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
+  uint32_t num_days = 10;
+  std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
+  std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    expected_report_participation_obs[offset] =
+        MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + offset);
+  }
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                            {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 27}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 1; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
+      }
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
+      }
+    }
+    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    // Generate locally aggregated Observations.
+    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
+        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
+        << "offset = " << offset;
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Repeat the CheckObservationValuesMultiDay test, this time calling
+// GarbageCollect() after each call to GenerateObservations.
+// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
+// as in PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
+// See that test for documentation.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDayWithGarbageCollection) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
+  uint32_t num_days = 10;
+  std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
+  std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    expected_report_participation_obs[offset] =
+        MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + offset);
+  }
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                            {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {
+      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+      {30, {{"A", 1u, 27}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 10; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
+      }
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
+      }
+    }
+    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    // Generate locally aggregated Observations and garbage-collect the
+    // LocalAggregateStore, both for the previous day as measured by
+    // |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
+    // AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+    DoScheduledTasksNow();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
+        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+  }
+// Tests that the expected PerDeviceNumericObservations are generated when
+// events are logged over multiple days for an EVENT_COUNT
+// metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report, when Observations are
+// backfilled for some days during that period, without any garbage-collection
+// of the LocalAggregateStore.
+// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
+// as in PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
+// See that test for documentation.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfill) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
+  // indices, and the 9th.
+  uint32_t num_days = 9;
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
+      if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
+      }
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
+      }
+    }
+    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+    }
+    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
+    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
+    // FakeObservationStore.
+    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
+    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
+    switch (offset) {
+      case 0: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 1: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                     {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 2: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 3: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 4: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 5: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 8: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    }
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+  }
+// Tests that the expected Observations are generated for
+// PerDeviceNumericStats reports when events are logged for over multiple days
+// for an EVENT_COUNT metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report, when
+// Observations are backfilled for some days during that period, and when the
+// LocalAggregatedStore is garbage-collected after each call to
+// GenerateObservations().
+// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
+// as in PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
+// See that test for documentation.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, EventCountCheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  const auto& expected_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
+  // indices, and the 9th.
+  uint32_t num_days = 9;
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
+      if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
+      }
+      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
+      }
+    }
+    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
+      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
+      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
+      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+      DoScheduledTasksNow();
+    }
+    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
+    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
+    // FakeObservationStore.
+    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
+    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
+    switch (offset) {
+      case 0: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 1: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                     {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 2: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 3: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 4: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 5: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 8: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
+            {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    }
+  }
+// Tests that the expected Observations are generated for
+// PerDeviceNumericStats reports when events are logged for over multiple days
+// for an ELAPSED_TIME metric with PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS reports with
+// multiple aggregation types, when Observations are backfilled for some days
+// during that period, and when the LocalAggregatedStore is garbage-collected
+// after each call to GenerateObservations().
+// Logged events for the StreamingTime_PerDevice{Total, Min, Max} reports on the
+// i-th day:
+//  i            (component, event code, count)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  0
+//  1          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  2          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+//  3          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  4          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+//  5          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  6          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+//  7          ("A", 1, 3)
+//  8          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
+// StreamingTime_PerDeviceTotal report on the i-th day:
+// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)
+// (0, 7)
+// (1, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (1, 7)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (2, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (2, 7)     ("A", 1,  6), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (3, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (3, 7)     ("A", 1,  9), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (4, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 12), ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (5, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 15), ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (6, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 18), ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (7, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
+// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
+// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
+// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMin report on the i-th day:
+// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)
+// (0. 7)
+// (1, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (1, 7)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (2, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (2, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (3, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (3, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (4, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (5, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (6, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (7, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
+// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMax report on the i-th day:
+// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// (0, 1)
+// (0. 7)
+// (1, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (1, 7)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (2, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (2, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (3, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (3, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (4, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (5, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (6, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
+// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (7, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
+// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
+// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservation each day for each
+// report in the registry.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericAggregateStoreTest, ElapsedTimeCheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  const auto& total_report_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId;
+  const auto& min_report_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId;
+  const auto& max_report_id =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId;
+  std::vector<MetricReportId> streaming_time_ids = {total_report_id, min_report_id, max_report_id};
+  const auto& expected_params =
+      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
+  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
+  size_t backfill_days = 3;
+  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
+  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
+  // indices, and the 9th.
+  uint32_t num_days = 9;
+  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
+    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+    ResetObservationStore();
+    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
+      for (const auto& report_id : streaming_time_ids) {
+        if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(report_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
+        }
+        if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
+          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(report_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
+    AdvanceClock(kDay);
+    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
+      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
+      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
+      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
+      DoScheduledTasksNow();
+    }
+    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
+    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
+    // FakeObservationStore.
+    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
+    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
+    switch (offset) {
+      case 0: {
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 1: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                         {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                       {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
+                                                                       {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
+            << "day 1";
+        break;
+      }
+      case 2: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 3: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 4: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 5: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_report_participation_obs =
+            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      case 8: {
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
+            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
+            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
+        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
+             day_index++) {
+          for (const auto& pair :
+               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
+            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
+          }
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
+            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
+            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
+    }
+  }
+// Check that GenerateObservations returns an OK status after some events have been logged for a
+// PerDeviceHistogram report.
+TEST_F(PerDeviceHistogramAggregateStoreTest, GenerateObservations) {
+  const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  // Log several events on |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
+                     logger::testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricReportId,
+                     day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
+  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
+// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
+// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
+// time zone policies, and where the day index in local time may be less than
+// the day index in UTC.
+TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneAggregateStoreTest, LocalBeforeUTC) {
+  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
+  // Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
+  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
+  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
+  // each of UTC and local time.
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 0u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 0u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
+  // Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
+  // been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
+  // all event codes, for both reports.
+  expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+      logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kExpectedAggregationParams, start_day_index - 1);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  // Advance the day index in UTC, but not in local time, and log 1 event for
+  // event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
+  // garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 1u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 1u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
+  // Observations have already been generated for the
+  // DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
+  // Observations for that report.
+  expected_obs[1][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                   start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false}}};
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  // Advance the day index in local time so that it is equal to the day index
+  // in UTC. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
+  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
+  // UTC and local time.
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
+  // Observations have already been generated for the
+  // FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
+  // Observations for that report.
+  expected_obs[2][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] =
+      {{1, {true, true, false}}};
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
+// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
+// time zone policies, and where the day index in UTC may be less than
+// the day index in local time.
+TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneAggregateStoreTest, LocalAfterUTC) {
+  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
+  // Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
+  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
+  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
+  // each of UTC and local time.
+  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 0u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 0u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
+  // Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
+  // been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
+  // all event codes, for both reports.
+  expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
+      logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kExpectedAggregationParams, start_day_index - 1);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  // Advance the day index in local time, but not in UTC, and log 1 event for
+  // event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
+  // garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 1u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index, 1u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
+  // Observations have already been generated for the
+  // FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
+  // Observations for that report.
+  expected_obs[1][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] =
+      {{1, {true, false, false}}};
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+  ResetObservationStore();
+  // Advance the day index in UTC so that it is equal to the day index in
+  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
+  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
+  // UTC and local time.
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
+  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
+  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
+  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
+  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
+  // Observations have already been generated for the
+  // DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
+  // Observations for that report.
+  expected_obs[2][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
+                   start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, true, false}}};
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(),
+                                             update_recipient_.get()));
+}  // namespace local_aggregation
+}  // namespace cobalt
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.cc b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.cc
index f556f58..c126127 100644
--- a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.cc
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.cc
@@ -10,38 +10,27 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_config_helper.h"
 #include "src/lib/util/datetime_util.h"
 #include "src/lib/util/proto_util.h"
-#include "src/lib/util/status.h"
-#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregation_utils.h"
-#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
-#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
 #include "src/registry/packed_event_codes.h"
 namespace cobalt::local_aggregation {
-using google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
 using logger::Encoder;
 using logger::EventRecord;
 using logger::kInvalidArguments;
 using logger::kOK;
 using logger::kOther;
-using logger::MetricRef;
 using logger::ObservationWriter;
 using logger::ProjectContext;
 using logger::Status;
-using rappor::RapporConfigHelper;
 using util::ConsistentProtoStore;
 using util::SerializeToBase64;
-using util::StatusCode;
 using util::SteadyClock;
 using util::TimeToDayIndex;
 namespace {
-////// General helper functions.
 // Populates a ReportAggregationKey proto message and then populates a string
 // with the base64 encoding of the serialized proto.
 bool PopulateReportKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, uint32_t metric_id,
@@ -54,201 +43,8 @@
   return SerializeToBase64(key_data, key);
-////// Helper functions used by the constructor and UpdateAggregationConfigs().
-// Gets and validates the window sizes and/or aggregation windows from a ReportDefinition, converts
-// window sizes to daily aggregation windows, sorts the aggregation windows in increasing order, and
-// adds them to an AggregationConfig.
-// TODO(pesk): Stop looking at the window_size field of |report| once all reports have been updated
-// to have OnDeviceAggregationWindows only.
-bool GetSortedAggregationWindowsFromReport(const ReportDefinition& report,
-                                           AggregationConfig* aggregation_config) {
-  if (report.window_size_size() == 0 && report.aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Report must have at least one window size or aggregation window.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  std::vector<uint32_t> aggregation_days;
-  std::vector<uint32_t> aggregation_hours;
-  for (const uint32_t window_size : report.window_size()) {
-    if (window_size == 0 || window_size > EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Window size must be positive and cannot exceed "
-                 << EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationDays;
-      return false;
-    }
-    aggregation_days.push_back(window_size);
-  }
-  for (const auto& window : report.aggregation_window()) {
-    switch (window.units_case()) {
-      case OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays: {
-        uint32_t num_days = window.days();
-        if (num_days == 0 || num_days > EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Daily windows must contain at least 1 and no more than "
-                     << EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationDays << " days";
-          return false;
-        }
-        aggregation_days.push_back(num_days);
-        break;
-      }
-      case OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kHours: {
-        uint32_t num_hours = window.hours();
-        if (num_hours == 0 || num_hours > EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationHours) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Hourly windows must contain at least 1 and no more than "
-                     << EventAggregator::kMaxAllowedAggregationHours << " hours";
-          return false;
-        }
-        aggregation_hours.push_back(num_hours);
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid OnDeviceAggregationWindow type " << window.units_case();
-    }
-  }
-  std::sort(aggregation_hours.begin(), aggregation_hours.end());
-  std::sort(aggregation_days.begin(), aggregation_days.end());
-  for (auto num_hours : aggregation_hours) {
-    *aggregation_config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeHourWindow(num_hours);
-  }
-  for (auto num_days : aggregation_days) {
-    *aggregation_config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeDayWindow(num_days);
-  }
-  return true;
-// Creates an AggregationConfig from a ProjectContext, MetricDefinition, and
-// ReportDefinition and populates the aggregation_config field of a specified
-// ReportAggregates. Also sets the type of the ReportAggregates based on the
-// ReportDefinition's type.
-// Accepts ReportDefinitions with either at least one WindowSize, or at least one
-// OnDeviceAggregationWindow with units in days.
-bool PopulateReportAggregates(const ProjectContext& project_context, const MetricDefinition& metric,
-                              const ReportDefinition& report, ReportAggregates* report_aggregates) {
-  if (report.window_size_size() == 0 && report.aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
-  }
-  AggregationConfig* aggregation_config = report_aggregates->mutable_aggregation_config();
-  *aggregation_config->mutable_project() = project_context.project();
-  *aggregation_config->mutable_metric() = *project_context.GetMetric(metric.id());
-  *aggregation_config->mutable_report() = report;
-  if (!GetSortedAggregationWindowsFromReport(report, aggregation_config)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  switch (report.report_type()) {
-    case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
-      report_aggregates->set_allocated_unique_actives_aggregates(new UniqueActivesReportAggregates);
-      return true;
-    }
-    case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
-    case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
-      report_aggregates->set_allocated_numeric_aggregates(new PerDeviceNumericAggregates);
-      return true;
-    }
-    default:
-      return false;
-  }
-// Given a ProjectContext, MetricDefinition, and ReportDefinition and a pointer
-// to the LocalAggregateStore, checks whether a key with the same customer,
-// project, metric, and report ID already exists in the LocalAggregateStore. If
-// not, creates and inserts a new key and value. Returns kInvalidArguments if
-// creation of the key or value fails, and kOK otherwise. The caller should hold
-// the mutex protecting the LocalAggregateStore.
-Status MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(const ProjectContext& project_context,
-                                     const MetricDefinition& metric, const ReportDefinition& report,
-                                     LocalAggregateStore* store) {
-  std::string key;
-  if (!PopulateReportKey(project_context.project().customer_id(),
-                         project_context.project().project_id(), metric.id(), report.id(), &key)) {
-    return kInvalidArguments;
-  }
-  ReportAggregates report_aggregates;
-  if (store->by_report_key().count(key) == 0) {
-    if (!PopulateReportAggregates(project_context, metric, report, &report_aggregates)) {
-      return kInvalidArguments;
-    }
-    (*store->mutable_by_report_key())[key] = report_aggregates;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-RepeatedField<uint32_t> UnpackEventCodesProto(uint64_t packed_event_codes) {
-  RepeatedField<uint32_t> fields;
-  for (auto code : config::UnpackEventCodes(packed_event_codes)) {
-    *fields.Add() = code;
-  }
-  return fields;
-// Move all items from the |window_size| field to the |aggregation_window| field
-// of each AggregationConfig, preserving the order of the items. The |aggregation_window| field
-// should be empty if the |window_size| field is nonempty. If for some reason this is not true, log
-// an error and discard the contents of |aggregation_window| and replace them with the migrated
-// |window_size| values.
-void ConvertWindowSizesToAggregationDays(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
-  for (auto [key, aggregates] : store->by_report_key()) {
-    auto config = (*store->mutable_by_report_key())[key].mutable_aggregation_config();
-    if (config->window_size_size() > 0 && config->aggregation_window_size() > 0) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Config has both a window_size and an aggregation_window; discarding all "
-                    "aggregation_windows";
-      config->clear_aggregation_window();
-    }
-    for (auto window_size : config->window_size()) {
-      *config->add_aggregation_window() = MakeDayWindow(window_size);
-    }
-    config->clear_window_size();
-  }
-// Upgrades the LocalAggregateStore from version 0 to |kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion|.
-Status UpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromVersion0(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
-  ConvertWindowSizesToAggregationDays(store);
-  store->set_version(EventAggregator::kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
-  return kOK;
 }  // namespace
-LocalAggregateStore EventAggregator::MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(uint32_t version) {
-  LocalAggregateStore store;
-  store.set_version(version);
-  return store;
-AggregatedObservationHistoryStore EventAggregator::MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(
-    uint32_t version) {
-  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore store;
-  store.set_version(version);
-  return store;
-// We can upgrade from v0, but no other versions.
-Status EventAggregator::MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
-  uint32_t version = store->version();
-  if (version == kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion) {
-    return kOK;
-  }
-  VLOG(4) << "Attempting to upgrade LocalAggregateStore from version " << version;
-  switch (version) {
-    case 0u:
-      return UpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromVersion0(store);
-    default:
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot upgrade LocalAggregateStore from version " << version;
-      return kInvalidArguments;
-  }
-// The current version is the earliest version, so no other versions are accepted.
-Status EventAggregator::MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(
-    AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store) {
-  uint32_t version = store->version();
-  if (version == kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion) {
-    return kOK;
-  }
-  LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot upgrade AggregatedObservationHistoryStore from version " << version;
-  return kInvalidArguments;
 EventAggregator::EventAggregator(const Encoder* encoder,
                                  const ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
                                  ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store,
@@ -256,81 +52,19 @@
                                  const size_t backfill_days,
                                  const std::chrono::seconds aggregate_backup_interval,
                                  const std::chrono::seconds generate_obs_interval,
-                                 const std::chrono::seconds gc_interval)
-    : encoder_(encoder),
-      observation_writer_(observation_writer),
-      local_aggregate_proto_store_(local_aggregate_proto_store),
-      obs_history_proto_store_(obs_history_proto_store) {
+                                 const std::chrono::seconds gc_interval) {
   CHECK_LE(aggregate_backup_interval.count(), generate_obs_interval.count())
       << "aggregate_backup_interval must be less than or equal to "
   CHECK_LE(aggregate_backup_interval.count(), gc_interval.count())
       << "aggregate_backup_interval must be less than or equal to gc_interval";
-  CHECK_LE(backfill_days, kMaxAllowedBackfillDays)
-      << "backfill_days must be less than or equal to " << kMaxAllowedBackfillDays;
   aggregate_backup_interval_ = aggregate_backup_interval;
   generate_obs_interval_ = generate_obs_interval;
   gc_interval_ = gc_interval;
-  backfill_days_ = backfill_days;
-  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
-  auto restore_aggregates_status =
-      local_aggregate_proto_store_->Read(&(locked->local_aggregate_store));
-  switch (restore_aggregates_status.error_code()) {
-    case StatusCode::OK: {
-      VLOG(4) << "Read LocalAggregateStore from disk.";
-      break;
-    }
-    case StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: {
-      VLOG(4) << "No file found for local_aggregate_proto_store. Proceeding "
-                 "with empty LocalAggregateStore. File will be created on "
-                 "first snapshot of the LocalAggregateStore.";
-      locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Read to local_aggregate_proto_store failed with status code: "
-                 << restore_aggregates_status.error_code()
-                 << "\nError message: " << restore_aggregates_status.error_message()
-                 << "\nError details: " << restore_aggregates_status.error_details()
-                 << "\nProceeding with empty LocalAggregateStore.";
-      locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
-    }
-  }
-  if (auto status = MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&(locked->local_aggregate_store));
-      status != kOK) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to upgrade LocalAggregateStore to current version with status " << status
-               << ".\nProceeding with empty "
-                  "LocalAggregateStore.";
-    locked->local_aggregate_store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
-  }
-  auto restore_history_status = obs_history_proto_store_->Read(&obs_history_);
-  switch (restore_history_status.error_code()) {
-    case StatusCode::OK: {
-      VLOG(4) << "Read AggregatedObservationHistoryStore from disk.";
-      break;
-    }
-    case StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: {
-      VLOG(4) << "No file found for obs_history_proto_store. Proceeding "
-                 "with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore. File will be "
-                 "created on first snapshot of the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Read to obs_history_proto_store failed with status code: "
-                 << restore_history_status.error_code()
-                 << "\nError message: " << restore_history_status.error_message()
-                 << "\nError details: " << restore_history_status.error_details()
-                 << "\nProceeding with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
-      obs_history_ = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
-    }
-  }
-  if (auto status = MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&obs_history_); status != kOK) {
-        << "Failed to upgrade AggregatedObservationHistoryStore to current version with status "
-        << status << ".\nProceeding with empty AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.";
-    obs_history_ = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
-  }
+  aggregate_store_ =
+      std::make_unique<AggregateStore>(encoder, observation_writer, local_aggregate_proto_store,
+                                       obs_history_proto_store, backfill_days);
   steady_clock_ = std::make_unique<SteadyClock>();
@@ -347,7 +81,7 @@
 // TODO(pesk): update the EventAggregator's view of a Metric
 // or ReportDefinition when appropriate.
 Status EventAggregator::UpdateAggregationConfigs(const ProjectContext& project_context) {
-  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
+  auto locked = aggregate_store_->protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
   Status status;
   for (const auto& metric : project_context.metrics()) {
     switch (metric.metric_type()) {
@@ -355,8 +89,8 @@
         for (const auto& report : metric.reports()) {
           switch (report.report_type()) {
             case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
-              status = MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(project_context, metric, report,
-                                                     &(locked->local_aggregate_store));
+              status = aggregate_store_->MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(
+                  project_context, metric, report, &(locked->local_aggregate_store));
               if (status != kOK) {
                 return status;
@@ -374,8 +108,8 @@
           switch (report.report_type()) {
             case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
             case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
-              status = MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(project_context, metric, report,
-                                                     &(locked->local_aggregate_store));
+              status = aggregate_store_->MaybeInsertReportConfigLocked(
+                  project_context, metric, report, &(locked->local_aggregate_store));
               if (status != kOK) {
                 return status;
@@ -419,7 +153,7 @@
                          &key)) {
     return kInvalidArguments;
-  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
+  auto locked = aggregate_store_->protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
   auto aggregates = locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()->find(key);
   if (aggregates == locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()->end()) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "The Local Aggregate Store received an unexpected key.";
@@ -508,7 +242,7 @@
 Status EventAggregator::LogNumericEvent(const std::string& report_key, uint32_t day_index,
                                         const std::string& component, uint64_t event_code,
                                         int64_t value) {
-  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
+  auto locked = aggregate_store_->protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
   auto aggregates = locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()->find(report_key);
   if (aggregates == locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()->end()) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "The Local Aggregate Store received an unexpected key.";
@@ -554,33 +288,7 @@
                   "worker thread was running.";
     return kOther;
-  return GenerateObservations(final_day_index_utc, final_day_index_local);
-Status EventAggregator::BackUpLocalAggregateStore() {
-  // Lock, copy the LocalAggregateStore, and release the lock. Write the copy
-  // to |local_aggregate_proto_store_|.
-  auto local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
-  auto status = local_aggregate_proto_store_->Write(local_aggregate_store);
-  if (!status.ok()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to back up the LocalAggregateStore with error code: "
-               << status.error_code() << "\nError message: " << status.error_message()
-               << "\nError details: " << status.error_details();
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::BackUpObservationHistory() {
-  auto status = obs_history_proto_store_->Write(obs_history_);
-  if (!status.ok()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to back up the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore. "
-                  "::cobalt::util::Status error code: "
-               << status.error_code() << "\nError message: " << status.error_message()
-               << "\nError details: " << status.error_details();
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  return kOK;
+  return aggregate_store_->GenerateObservations(final_day_index_utc, final_day_index_local);
 void EventAggregator::ShutDown() {
@@ -608,7 +316,7 @@
     // If shutdown has been requested, back up the LocalAggregateStore and
     // exit.
     if (locked->shut_down) {
-      BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
+      aggregate_store_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
     // Sleep until the next scheduled backup of the LocalAggregateStore or
@@ -621,7 +329,7 @@
       return locked->shut_down;
-    BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
+    aggregate_store_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
     // If the worker thread was woken up by a shutdown request, exit.
     // Otherwise, complete any scheduled Observation generation and garbage
     // collection.
@@ -642,7 +350,7 @@
   auto yesterday_local_time = TimeToDayIndex(current_time_t, MetricDefinition::LOCAL) - 1;
   // Skip the tasks (but do schedule a retry) if either day index is too small.
-  uint32_t min_allowed_day_index = kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_;
+  uint32_t min_allowed_day_index = kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + aggregate_store_->backfill_days_;
   bool skip_tasks =
       (yesterday_utc < min_allowed_day_index || yesterday_local_time < min_allowed_day_index);
   if (steady_time >= next_generate_obs_) {
@@ -651,9 +359,9 @@
       LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "EventAggregator is skipping Observation generation because the "
                                 "current day index is too small.";
     } else {
-      auto obs_status = GenerateObservations(yesterday_utc, yesterday_local_time);
+      auto obs_status = aggregate_store_->GenerateObservations(yesterday_utc, yesterday_local_time);
       if (obs_status == kOK) {
-        BackUpObservationHistory();
+        aggregate_store_->BackUpObservationHistory();
       } else {
         LOG(ERROR) << "GenerateObservations failed with status: " << obs_status;
@@ -665,9 +373,9 @@
       LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "EventAggregator is skipping garbage collection because the "
                                 "current day index is too small.";
     } else {
-      auto gc_status = GarbageCollect(yesterday_utc, yesterday_local_time);
+      auto gc_status = aggregate_store_->GarbageCollect(yesterday_utc, yesterday_local_time);
       if (gc_status == kOK) {
-        BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
+        aggregate_store_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
       } else {
         LOG(ERROR) << "GarbageCollect failed with status: " << gc_status;
@@ -675,625 +383,4 @@
-////////////////////// GarbageCollect and helper functions //////////////////
-namespace {
-void GarbageCollectUniqueActivesReportAggregates(uint32_t day_index, uint32_t max_aggregation_days,
-                                                 uint32_t backfill_days,
-                                                 UniqueActivesReportAggregates* report_aggregates) {
-  auto map_by_event_code = report_aggregates->mutable_by_event_code();
-  for (auto event_code = map_by_event_code->begin(); event_code != map_by_event_code->end();) {
-    auto map_by_day = event_code->second.mutable_by_day_index();
-    for (auto day = map_by_day->begin(); day != map_by_day->end();) {
-      if (day->first <= day_index - backfill_days - max_aggregation_days) {
-        day = map_by_day->erase(day);
-      } else {
-        ++day;
-      }
-    }
-    if (map_by_day->empty()) {
-      event_code = map_by_event_code->erase(event_code);
-    } else {
-      ++event_code;
-    }
-  }
-void GarbageCollectNumericReportAggregates(uint32_t day_index, uint32_t max_aggregation_days,
-                                           uint32_t backfill_days,
-                                           PerDeviceNumericAggregates* report_aggregates) {
-  auto map_by_component = report_aggregates->mutable_by_component();
-  for (auto component = map_by_component->begin(); component != map_by_component->end();) {
-    auto map_by_event_code = component->second.mutable_by_event_code();
-    for (auto event_code = map_by_event_code->begin(); event_code != map_by_event_code->end();) {
-      auto map_by_day = event_code->second.mutable_by_day_index();
-      for (auto day = map_by_day->begin(); day != map_by_day->end();) {
-        if (day->first <= day_index - backfill_days - max_aggregation_days) {
-          day = map_by_day->erase(day);
-        } else {
-          ++day;
-        }
-      }
-      if (map_by_day->empty()) {
-        event_code = map_by_event_code->erase(event_code);
-      } else {
-        ++event_code;
-      }
-    }
-    if (map_by_event_code->empty()) {
-      component = map_by_component->erase(component);
-    } else {
-      ++component;
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace
-Status EventAggregator::GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local) {
-  if (day_index_local == 0u) {
-    day_index_local = day_index_utc;
-  }
-  CHECK_LT(day_index_utc, UINT32_MAX);
-  CHECK_LT(day_index_local, UINT32_MAX);
-  CHECK_GE(day_index_utc, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
-  CHECK_GE(day_index_local, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
-  auto locked = protected_aggregate_store_.lock();
-  for (const auto& [report_key, aggregates] : locked->local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
-    uint32_t day_index;
-    const auto& config = aggregates.aggregation_config();
-    switch (config.metric().time_zone_policy()) {
-      case MetricDefinition::UTC: {
-        day_index = day_index_utc;
-        break;
-      }
-      case MetricDefinition::LOCAL: {
-        day_index = day_index_local;
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The TimeZonePolicy of this MetricDefinition is invalid.";
-        continue;
-    }
-    if (aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window_size() == 0) {
-      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "This ReportDefinition does not have an aggregation window.";
-      continue;
-    }
-    // PopulateReportAggregates ensured that aggregation_window has at least one element, that all
-    // aggregation windows are <= kMaxAllowedAggregationDays, and that config.aggregation_window()
-    // is sorted in increasing order.
-    uint32_t max_aggregation_days = 1u;
-    const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& largest_window =
-        config.aggregation_window(config.aggregation_window_size() - 1);
-    if (largest_window.units_case() == OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
-      max_aggregation_days = largest_window.days();
-    }
-    if (max_aggregation_days == 0u || max_aggregation_days > day_index) {
-      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The maximum number of aggregation days " << max_aggregation_days
-                             << " of this ReportDefinition is out of range.";
-      continue;
-    }
-    // For each ReportAggregates, descend to and iterate over the sub-map of
-    // local aggregates keyed by day index. Keep buckets with day indices
-    // greater than |day_index| - |backfill_days_| - |max_aggregation_days|, and
-    // remove all buckets with smaller day indices.
-    switch (aggregates.type_case()) {
-      case ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates: {
-        GarbageCollectUniqueActivesReportAggregates(
-            day_index, max_aggregation_days, backfill_days_,
-            locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()
-                ->at(report_key)
-                .mutable_unique_actives_aggregates());
-        break;
-      }
-      case ReportAggregates::kNumericAggregates: {
-        GarbageCollectNumericReportAggregates(day_index, max_aggregation_days, backfill_days_,
-                                              locked->local_aggregate_store.mutable_by_report_key()
-                                                  ->at(report_key)
-                                                  .mutable_numeric_aggregates());
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
-                                             uint32_t final_day_index_local) {
-  if (final_day_index_local == 0u) {
-    final_day_index_local = final_day_index_utc;
-  }
-  CHECK_LT(final_day_index_utc, UINT32_MAX);
-  CHECK_LT(final_day_index_local, UINT32_MAX);
-  CHECK_GE(final_day_index_utc, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
-  CHECK_GE(final_day_index_local, kMaxAllowedAggregationDays + backfill_days_);
-  // Lock, copy the LocalAggregateStore, and release the lock. Use the copy to
-  // generate observations.
-  auto local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
-  for (const auto& [report_key, aggregates] : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
-    const auto& config = aggregates.aggregation_config();
-    const auto& metric = config.metric();
-    auto metric_ref = MetricRef(&config.project(), &metric);
-    uint32_t final_day_index;
-    switch (metric.time_zone_policy()) {
-      case MetricDefinition::UTC: {
-        final_day_index = final_day_index_utc;
-        break;
-      }
-      case MetricDefinition::LOCAL: {
-        final_day_index = final_day_index_local;
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The TimeZonePolicy of this MetricDefinition is invalid.";
-        continue;
-    }
-    const auto& report = config.report();
-    // PopulateReportAggregates ensured that aggregation_window has at least one element, that all
-    // aggregation windows are <= kMaxAllowedAggregationDays, and that config.aggregation_window()
-    // is sorted in increasing order.
-    if (config.aggregation_window_size() == 0u) {
-      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "No aggregation_window found for this report.";
-      continue;
-    }
-    uint32_t max_aggregation_days = 1u;
-    const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& largest_window =
-        config.aggregation_window(config.aggregation_window_size() - 1);
-    if (largest_window.units_case() == OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
-      max_aggregation_days = largest_window.days();
-    }
-    if (max_aggregation_days == 0u || max_aggregation_days > final_day_index) {
-      LOG_FIRST_N(ERROR, 10) << "The maximum number of aggregation days " << max_aggregation_days
-                             << " of this ReportDefinition is out of range.";
-      continue;
-    }
-    switch (metric.metric_type()) {
-      case MetricDefinition::EVENT_OCCURRED: {
-        auto num_event_codes = RapporConfigHelper::BasicRapporNumCategories(metric);
-        switch (report.report_type()) {
-          case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
-            auto status = GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(metric_ref, report_key, aggregates,
-                                                            num_event_codes, final_day_index);
-            if (status != kOK) {
-              return status;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-          default:
-            continue;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      case MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT:
-      case MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME:
-      case MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE:
-      case MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE: {
-        switch (report.report_type()) {
-          case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
-          case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
-            auto status = GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(metric_ref, report_key, aggregates,
-                                                           final_day_index);
-            if (status != kOK) {
-              return status;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-          default:
-            continue;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return kOK;
-////////// GenerateUniqueActivesObservations and helper methods ////////////////
-namespace {
-// Given the set of daily aggregates for a fixed event code, and the size and
-// end date of an aggregation window, returns the first day index within that
-// window on which the event code occurred. Returns 0 if the event code did
-// not occur within the window.
-uint32_t FirstActiveDayIndexInWindow(const DailyAggregates& daily_aggregates,
-                                     uint32_t obs_day_index, uint32_t aggregation_days) {
-  for (uint32_t day_index = obs_day_index - aggregation_days + 1; day_index <= obs_day_index;
-       day_index++) {
-    auto day_aggregate = daily_aggregates.by_day_index().find(day_index);
-    if (day_aggregate != daily_aggregates.by_day_index().end() &&
-        day_aggregate->second.activity_daily_aggregate().activity_indicator()) {
-      return day_index;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0u;
-// Given the day index of an event occurrence and the size and end date
-// of an aggregation window, returns true if the occurrence falls within
-// the window and false if not.
-bool IsActivityInWindow(uint32_t active_day_index, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-                        uint32_t aggregation_days) {
-  return (active_day_index <= obs_day_index && active_day_index > obs_day_index - aggregation_days);
-}  // namespace
-uint32_t EventAggregator::UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
-                                                             uint32_t event_code,
-                                                             uint32_t aggregation_days) const {
-  auto report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
-  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  auto event_code_history =
-      report_history->second.unique_actives_history().by_event_code().find(event_code);
-  if (event_code_history == report_history->second.unique_actives_history().by_event_code().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  auto window_history = event_code_history->second.by_window_size().find(aggregation_days);
-  if (window_history == event_code_history->second.by_window_size().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  return window_history->second;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(
-    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-    uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window, bool was_active) const {
-  auto encoder_result = encoder_->EncodeUniqueActivesObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index,
-                                                                 event_code, was_active, window);
-  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
-    return encoder_result.status;
-  }
-  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode UniqueActivesObservation";
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  auto writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(*encoder_result.observation,
-                                                             std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
-  if (writer_status != kOK) {
-    return writer_status;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(const MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                          const std::string& report_key,
-                                                          const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
-                                                          uint32_t num_event_codes,
-                                                          uint32_t final_day_index) {
-  CHECK_GT(final_day_index, backfill_days_);
-  // The earliest day index for which we might need to generate an
-  // Observation.
-  auto backfill_period_start = uint32_t(final_day_index - backfill_days_);
-  for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < num_event_codes; event_code++) {
-    auto daily_aggregates =
-        report_aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().find(event_code);
-    // Have any events ever been logged for this report and event code?
-    bool found_event_code =
-        (daily_aggregates != report_aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().end());
-    for (const auto& window : report_aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window()) {
-      // Skip all hourly windows, and all daily windows which are larger than
-      // kMaxAllowedAggregationDays.
-      //
-      // TODO(pesk): Generate observations for hourly windows.
-      if (window.units_case() != OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Skipping unsupported aggregation window.";
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (window.days() > kMaxAllowedAggregationDays) {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "GenerateUniqueActivesObservations ignoring a window "
-                        "size exceeding the maximum allowed value";
-        continue;
-      }
-      // Find the earliest day index for which an Observation has not yet
-      // been generated for this report, event code, and window size. If
-      // that day index is later than |final_day_index|, no Observation is
-      // generated on this invocation.
-      auto last_gen = UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key, event_code, window.days());
-      auto first_day_index = std::max(last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
-      // The latest day index on which |event_type| is known to have
-      // occurred, so far. This value will be updated as we search
-      // forward from the earliest day index belonging to a window of
-      // interest.
-      uint32_t active_day_index = 0u;
-      // Iterate over the day indices |obs_day_index| for which we need
-      // to generate Observations. On each iteration, generate an
-      // Observation for the |window| ending on |obs_day_index|.
-      for (uint32_t obs_day_index = first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
-           obs_day_index++) {
-        bool was_active = false;
-        if (found_event_code) {
-          // If the current value of |active_day_index| falls within the
-          // window, generate an Observation of activity. If not, search
-          // forward in the window, update |active_day_index|, and generate an
-          // Observation of activity or inactivity depending on the result of
-          // the search.
-          if (IsActivityInWindow(active_day_index, obs_day_index, window.days())) {
-            was_active = true;
-          } else {
-            active_day_index =
-                FirstActiveDayIndexInWindow(daily_aggregates->second, obs_day_index, window.days());
-            was_active = IsActivityInWindow(active_day_index, obs_day_index, window.days());
-          }
-        }
-        auto status = GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(
-            metric_ref, &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report(), obs_day_index, event_code,
-            window, was_active);
-        if (status != kOK) {
-          return status;
-        }
-        // Update |obs_history_| with the latest date of Observation
-        // generation for this report, event code, and window size.
-        (*(*(*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
-                .mutable_unique_actives_history()
-                ->mutable_by_event_code())[event_code]
-              .mutable_by_window_size())[window.days()] = obs_day_index;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return kOK;
-////////// GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates and helper methods /////////////
-uint32_t EventAggregator::PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
-                                                                const std::string& component,
-                                                                uint32_t event_code,
-                                                                uint32_t aggregation_days) const {
-  const auto& report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
-  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  if (!report_history->second.has_per_device_numeric_history()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  const auto& component_history =
-      report_history->second.per_device_numeric_history().by_component().find(component);
-  if (component_history ==
-      report_history->second.per_device_numeric_history().by_component().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  const auto& event_code_history = component_history->second.by_event_code().find(event_code);
-  if (event_code_history == component_history->second.by_event_code().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  const auto& window_history = event_code_history->second.by_window_size().find(aggregation_days);
-  if (window_history == event_code_history->second.by_window_size().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  return window_history->second;
-uint32_t EventAggregator::ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(
-    const std::string& report_key) const {
-  const auto& report_history = obs_history_.by_report_key().find(report_key);
-  if (report_history == obs_history_.by_report_key().end()) {
-    return 0u;
-  }
-  return report_history->second.report_participation_history().last_generated();
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
-    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
-    int64_t value) const {
-  Encoder::Result encoder_result =
-      encoder_->EncodePerDeviceNumericObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component,
-                                                  UnpackEventCodesProto(event_code), value, window);
-  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
-    return encoder_result.status;
-  }
-  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode PerDeviceNumericObservation";
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
-      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
-  if (writer_status != kOK) {
-    return writer_status;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
-    const MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-    const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
-    int64_t value) const {
-  Encoder::Result encoder_result = encoder_->EncodePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
-      metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, UnpackEventCodesProto(event_code), value,
-      window);
-  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
-    return encoder_result.status;
-  }
-  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode PerDeviceNumericObservation";
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
-      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
-  if (writer_status != kOK) {
-    return writer_status;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(const MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                                     const ReportDefinition* report,
-                                                                     uint32_t obs_day_index) const {
-  auto encoder_result =
-      encoder_->EncodeReportParticipationObservation(metric_ref, report, obs_day_index);
-  if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
-    return encoder_result.status;
-  }
-  if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr || encoder_result.metadata == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode ReportParticipationObservation";
-    return kOther;
-  }
-  const auto& writer_status = observation_writer_->WriteObservation(
-      *encoder_result.observation, std::move(encoder_result.metadata));
-  if (writer_status != kOK) {
-    return writer_status;
-  }
-  return kOK;
-Status EventAggregator::GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(const MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                         const std::string& report_key,
-                                                         const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
-                                                         uint32_t final_day_index) {
-  CHECK_GT(final_day_index, backfill_days_);
-  // The first day index for which we might have to generate an Observation.
-  auto backfill_period_start = uint32_t(final_day_index - backfill_days_);
-  // Generate any necessary PerDeviceNumericObservations for this report.
-  for (const auto& [component, event_code_aggregates] :
-       report_aggregates.numeric_aggregates().by_component()) {
-    for (const auto& [event_code, daily_aggregates] : event_code_aggregates.by_event_code()) {
-      // Populate a helper map keyed by day indices which belong to the range
-      // [|backfill_period_start|, |final_day_index|]. The value at a day
-      // index is the list of windows, in increasing size order, for which an
-      // Observation should be generated for that day index.
-      std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<OnDeviceAggregationWindow>> windows_by_obs_day;
-      for (const auto& window : report_aggregates.aggregation_config().aggregation_window()) {
-        if (window.units_case() != OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "Skipping unsupported aggregation window.";
-          continue;
-        }
-        auto last_gen =
-            PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key, component, event_code, window.days());
-        auto first_day_index = std::max(last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
-        for (auto obs_day_index = first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
-             obs_day_index++) {
-          windows_by_obs_day[obs_day_index].push_back(window);
-        }
-      }
-      // Iterate over the day indices |obs_day_index| for which we might need
-      // to generate an Observation. For each day index, generate an
-      // Observation for each needed window.
-      //
-      // More precisely, for each needed window, iterate over the days within that window. If at
-      // least one numeric event was logged during the window, compute the aggregate of the numeric
-      // values over the window and generate a PerDeviceNumericObservation. Whether or not a numeric
-      // event was found, update the AggregatedObservationHistory for this report, component, event
-      // code, and window size with |obs_day_index| as the most recent date of Observation
-      // generation. This reflects the fact that all needed Observations were generated for the
-      // window ending on that date.
-      for (auto obs_day_index = backfill_period_start; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
-           obs_day_index++) {
-        const auto& windows = windows_by_obs_day.find(obs_day_index);
-        if (windows == windows_by_obs_day.end()) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        bool found_value_for_window = false;
-        int64_t window_aggregate = 0;
-        uint32_t num_days = 0;
-        for (const auto& window : windows->second) {
-          while (num_days < window.days()) {
-            bool found_value_for_day = false;
-            const auto& day_aggregates =
-                daily_aggregates.by_day_index().find(obs_day_index - num_days);
-            if (day_aggregates != daily_aggregates.by_day_index().end()) {
-              found_value_for_day = true;
-            }
-            const auto& aggregation_type =
-                report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report().aggregation_type();
-            switch (aggregation_type) {
-              case ReportDefinition::SUM:
-                if (found_value_for_day) {
-                  window_aggregate += day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value();
-                  found_value_for_window = true;
-                }
-                break;
-              case ReportDefinition::MAX:
-                if (found_value_for_day) {
-                  window_aggregate = std::max(
-                      window_aggregate, day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value());
-                  found_value_for_window = true;
-                }
-                break;
-              case ReportDefinition::MIN:
-                if (found_value_for_day && !found_value_for_window) {
-                  window_aggregate = day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value();
-                  found_value_for_window = true;
-                } else if (found_value_for_day) {
-                  window_aggregate = std::min(
-                      window_aggregate, day_aggregates->second.numeric_daily_aggregate().value());
-                }
-                break;
-              default:
-                LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected aggregation type " << aggregation_type;
-                return kInvalidArguments;
-            }
-            num_days++;
-          }
-          if (found_value_for_window) {
-            Status status;
-            const ReportDefinition* report = &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report();
-            switch (report->report_type()) {
-              case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS: {
-                status = GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
-                    metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, event_code, window,
-                    window_aggregate);
-                if (status != kOK) {
-                  return status;
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-              case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
-                auto status = GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
-                    metric_ref, report, obs_day_index, component, event_code, window,
-                    window_aggregate);
-                if (status != kOK) {
-                  return status;
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-              default:
-                LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected report type " << report->report_type();
-                return kInvalidArguments;
-            }
-          }
-          // Update |obs_history_| with the latest date of Observation
-          // generation for this report, component, event code, and window.
-          (*(*(*(*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
-                    .mutable_per_device_numeric_history()
-                    ->mutable_by_component())[component]
-                  .mutable_by_event_code())[event_code]
-                .mutable_by_window_size())[window.days()] = obs_day_index;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Generate any necessary ReportParticipationObservations for this report.
-  auto participation_last_gen = ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(report_key);
-  auto participation_first_day_index = std::max(participation_last_gen + 1, backfill_period_start);
-  for (auto obs_day_index = participation_first_day_index; obs_day_index <= final_day_index;
-       obs_day_index++) {
-    GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(
-        metric_ref, &report_aggregates.aggregation_config().report(), obs_day_index);
-    (*obs_history_.mutable_by_report_key())[report_key]
-        .mutable_report_participation_history()
-        ->set_last_generated(obs_day_index);
-  }
-  return kOK;
 }  // namespace cobalt::local_aggregation
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h
index 6a6009c..0c08041 100644
--- a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h
@@ -12,17 +12,11 @@
 #include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
 #include "src/lib/util/consistent_proto_store.h"
-#include "src/lib/util/protected_fields.h"
-#include "src/local_aggregation/local_aggregation.pb.h"
+#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h"
 #include "src/logger/encoder.h"
 #include "src/logger/event_record.h"
 #include "src/logger/observation_writer.h"
 #include "src/logger/status.h"
-#include "src/logging.h"
-#include "src/pb/event.pb.h"
-#include "src/pb/observation2.pb.h"
-#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
-#include "src/registry/report_definition.pb.h"
 namespace cobalt {
@@ -38,65 +32,42 @@
 namespace local_aggregation {
-const std::chrono::hours kOneDay(24);
-// The EventAggregator manages an in-memory store of aggregated Event values,
-// indexed by report, day index, and other dimensions specific to the report
-// type (e.g. event code). Periodically, this data is used to generate
-// Observations representing aggregates of Event values over a day, week, month,
-// etc.
+// The EventAggregator manages the Loggers' interactions with the local aggregation.
 // Each Logger interacts with the EventAggregator in the following way:
 // (1) When the Logger is created, it calls UpdateAggregationConfigs() to
 // provide the EventAggregator with its view of Cobalt's metric and report
 // registry.
 // (2) When logging an Event for a locally aggregated report, a Logger
-// calls an Update*Aggregation() method with the Event and the
-// ReportAggregationKey of the report.
+// calls a Log*() method with the EventRecord and the report id for the event.
-// A worker thread does the following tasks at intervals specified in the
-// EventAggregator's constructor:
-// (1) Backs up the EventAggregator's state to the file system.
-// (2) Calls GenerateObservations() with the previous day's day index to
-// generate all Observations for rolling windows ending on that day index,
-// as well as any missing Observations for a specified number of days in the
-// past.
-// (3) Calls GarbageCollect() to delete daily aggregates which are not
-// needed to compute aggregates for any windows of interest in the future.
+// Functionality that the EventAggregator curently has but will be moved to the
+// EventAggregatorManager:
+// A worker thread calls on AggregateStore methods to do the following tasks at intervals
+// specified in the EventAggregator's constructor:
+// (1) Calls BackUp*() to back up the EventAggregator's state to the file system.
+// (2) Calls GenerateObservations() with the previous day's day index to generate all Observations
+// for rolling windows ending on that day index, as well as any missing Observations for a specified
+// number of days in the past.
+// (3) Calls GarbageCollect() to delete daily aggregates which are not needed to compute aggregates
+// for any windows of interest in the future.
 class EventAggregator {
-  // Maximum value of |backfill_days| allowed by the constructor.
-  static const size_t kMaxAllowedBackfillDays = 1000;
-  // All aggregation windows larger than this number of days are ignored.
-  static const uint32_t kMaxAllowedAggregationDays = 365;
-  // All hourly aggregation windows larger than this number of hours are ignored.
-  static const uint32_t kMaxAllowedAggregationHours = 23;
-  // The current version number of the LocalAggregateStore.
-  static const uint32_t kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion = 1;
-  // The current version number of the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-  static const uint32_t kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion = 0;
   // Constructs an EventAggregator.
-  // An EventAggregator maintains daily aggregates of Events in a
-  // LocalAggregateStore, uses an Encoder to generate Observations for rolling
-  // windows ending on a specified day index, and writes the Observations to
-  // an ObservationStore using an ObservationWriter.
-  //
   // encoder: the singleton instance of an Encoder on the system.
   // local_aggregate_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
-  // EventAggregator to store snapshots of its in-memory store of event
+  // AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory store of event
   // aggregates.
   // obs_history_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
-  // EventAggregator to store snapshots of its in-memory history of generated
+  // AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory history of generated
   // Observations.
-  // backfill_days: the number of past days for which the EventAggregator
+  // backfill_days: the number of past days for which the AggregateStore
   // generates and sends Observations, in addition to a requested day index.
-  // See the comment above EventAggregator::GenerateObservations for more
+  // See the comment above AggreateStoe::GenerateObservations for more
   // detail. The constructor CHECK-fails if a value larger than
   // |kEventAggregatorMaxAllowedBackfillDays| is passed.
@@ -148,8 +119,8 @@
   // ReportDefinition differ from those of the existing report.
   logger::Status UpdateAggregationConfigs(const logger::ProjectContext& project_context);
-  // Logs an Event associated to a report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES to the
-  // EventAggregator.
+  // Adds an Event associated to a report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES to the
+  // AggregateStore.
   // report_id: the ID of the report associated to the logged Event.
@@ -170,10 +141,11 @@
   // together with valid aggregates when EventAggregator::GarbageCollect() is
   // called.
   logger::Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
   // LogCountEvent, LogElapsedTimeEvent:
-  // Logs an Event associated to a report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS to
-  // the EventAggregator.
+  // Adds an Event associated to a report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS to
+  // the AggregateStore.
   // report_id: the ID of the report associated to the logged Event.
@@ -194,9 +166,9 @@
   // LogMemoryUsageEvent: |event_record| should wrap a MemoryUsageEvent.
   logger::Status LogMemoryUsageEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
-  // Checks that the worker thread is shut down, and if so, calls the private
-  // method GenerateObservations() and returns its result. Returns kOther if the
-  // worker thread is joinable. See the documentation on GenerateObservations()
+  // Checks that the worker thread is shut down, and if so, calls
+  // AggregateStore::GenerateObservations() and returns its result. Returns kOther if the
+  // worker thread is joinable. See the documentation on AggregateStore::GenerateObservations()
   // for a description of the parameters.
   // This method is intended for use in tests which require a single thread to
@@ -206,43 +178,13 @@
   friend class EventAggregatorManager;  // used for transition during redesign.
-  friend class EventAggregatorManagerTest;
-  friend class logger::UniqueActivesLoggerTest;
+  friend class AggregateStoreTest;
+  friend class AggregateStoreWorkerTest;
   friend class EventAggregatorTest;
+  friend class EventAggregatorManagerTest;
   friend class EventAggregatorWorkerTest;
   friend class logger::TestEventAggregator;
-  // Make a LocalAggregateStore which is empty except that its version number is set to |version|.
-  LocalAggregateStore MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(
-      uint32_t version = kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
-  // Make an AggregatedObservationHistoryStore which is empty except that its version number is set
-  // to |version|.
-  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(
-      uint32_t version = kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion);
-  // The LocalAggregateStore or AggregatedObservationHistoryStore may need to be changed in ways
-  // which are structurally but not semantically backwards-compatible. In other words, the meaning
-  // to the EventAggregator of a field in the LocalAggregateStore might change. An example is that
-  // we might deprecate one field while introducing a new one.
-  //
-  // The MaybeUpgrade*Store methods allow the EventAggregator to update the contents of its stored
-  // protos from previously meaningful values to currently meaningful values. (For example, a
-  // possible implementation would move the contents of a deprecated field to the replacement
-  // field.)
-  //
-  // These methods are called by the EventAggregator constructor immediately after reading in stored
-  // protos from disk in order to ensure that proto contents have the expected semantics.
-  //
-  // The method first checks the version number of the store. If the version number is equal to
-  // |kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion| or |kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion|
-  // (respectively), returns an OK status. Otherwise, if it is possible to upgrade the store to the
-  // current version, does so and returns an OK status. If not, logs an error and returns
-  // kInvalidArguments. If a non-OK status is returned, the caller should discard the contents of
-  // |store| and replace it with an empty store at the current version. The MakeNew*Store() methods
-  // may be used to create the new store.
-  logger::Status MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store);
-  logger::Status MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store);
+  friend class logger::UniqueActivesLoggerTest;
   // Request that the worker thread shut down and wait for it to exit. The
   // worker thread backs up the LocalAggregateStore before exiting.
@@ -255,69 +197,16 @@
   // tasks.
   void Run(std::unique_ptr<util::SystemClockInterface> system_clock);
-  // Helper method called by Run(). If |next_generate_obs_| is less than or
-  // equal to |steady_time|, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of
-  // the previous day from |system_time| in each of UTC and local time, and then
-  // backs up the history of generated Observations. If |next_gc_| is less than
-  // or equal to |steady_time|, calls GarbageCollect() with the day index of the
-  // previous day from |system_time| in each of UTC and local time and then
-  // backs up the LocalAggregateStore. In each case, an error is logged and
-  // execution continues if the operation fails.
+  // Helper method called by Run(). If |next_generate_obs_| is less than or equal to |steady_time|,
+  // calls AggregateStore::GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous day from
+  // |system_time| in each of UTC and local time, and then backs up the history of generated
+  // Observations. If |next_gc_| is less than or equal to |steady_time|, calls
+  // AggregateStore::GarbageCollect() with the day index of the previous day from |system_time| in
+  // each of UTC and local time and then backs up the LocalAggregateStore. In each case, an error is
+  // logged and execution continues if the operation fails.
   void DoScheduledTasks(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point system_time,
                         std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point steady_time);
-  // Writes a snapshot of the LocalAggregateStore to
-  // |local_aggregate_proto_store_|.
-  logger::Status BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
-  // Writes a snapshot of |obs_history_|to |obs_history_proto_store_|.
-  logger::Status BackUpObservationHistory();
-  // Removes from the LocalAggregateStore all daily aggregates that are too
-  // old to contribute to their parent report's largest rolling window on the
-  // day which is |backfill_days| before |day_index_utc| (if the parent
-  // MetricDefinitions' time zone policy is UTC) or which is |backfill_days|
-  // before |day_index_local| (if the parent MetricDefinition's time zone policy
-  // is LOCAL). If |day_index_local| is 0, then we set |day_index_local| =
-  // |day_index_utc|.
-  //
-  // If the time zone policy of a report's parent metric is UTC (resp., LOCAL)
-  // and if day_index is the largest value of the |day_index_utc| (resp.,
-  // |day_index_local|) argument with which GarbageCollect() has been called,
-  // then the LocalAggregateStore contains the data needed to generate
-  // Observations for that report for day index (day_index + k) for any k >= 0.
-  logger::Status GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local = 0u);
-  // Generates one or more Observations for all of the registered locally
-  // aggregated reports known to this EventAggregator, for rolling windows
-  // ending on specified day indices.
-  //
-  // Each MetricDefinition specifies a time zone policy, which determines the
-  // day index for which an Event associated with that MetricDefinition is
-  // logged. For all MetricDefinitions whose Events are logged with respect to
-  // UTC, this method generates Observations for rolling windows ending on
-  // |final_day_index_utc|. For all MetricDefinitions whose Events are logged
-  // with respect to local time, this method generates Observations for rolling
-  // windows ending on |final_day_index_local|. If |final_day_index_local| is
-  // 0, then we set |final_day_index_local| = |final_day_index_utc|.
-  //
-  // The generated Observations are written to the |observation_writer| passed
-  // to the constructor.
-  //
-  // This class maintains a history of generated Observations and this method
-  // additionally performs backfill: Observations are also generated for
-  // rolling windows ending on any day in the interval [final_day_index -
-  // backfill_days, final_day_index] (where final_day_index is either
-  // final_day_index_utc or final_day_index_local, depending on the time zone
-  // policy of the associated MetricDefinition), if this history indicates they
-  // were not previously generated. Does not generate duplicate Observations
-  // when called multiple times with the same day index.
-  //
-  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
-  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationDays|. Hourly windows are not yet supported.
-  logger::Status GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
-                                      uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u);
   // Logs a numeric value to the LocalAggregateStore by adding |value| to the
   // current daily aggregate in the bucket indexed by |report_key|, |day_index|,
   // |component|, and |event_code|. This is a helper method called by
@@ -325,103 +214,6 @@
   logger::Status LogNumericEvent(const std::string& report_key, uint32_t day_index,
                                  const std::string& component, uint64_t event_code, int64_t value);
-  // Returns the most recent day index for which an Observation was generated
-  // for a given UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report, event code, and day-based aggregation window,
-  // according to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated
-  // for the given arguments.
-  uint32_t UniqueActivesLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key, uint32_t event_code,
-                                              uint32_t aggregation_days) const;
-  // Returns the most recent day index for which an Observation was generated for a given
-  // PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS or PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM report, component, event code, and day-based
-  // aggregation window, according to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated
-  // for the given arguments.
-  uint32_t PerDeviceNumericLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key,
-                                                 const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code,
-                                                 uint32_t aggregation_days) const;
-  // Returns the most recent day index for which a
-  // ReportParticipationObservation was generated for a given report, according
-  // to |obs_history_|. Returns 0 if no Observation has been generated for the
-  // given arguments.
-  uint32_t ReportParticipationLastGeneratedDayIndex(const std::string& report_key) const;
-  // For a fixed report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES, generates an Observation
-  // for each event code of the parent metric, for each day-based aggregation window of the
-  // report ending on |final_day_index|, unless an Observation with those parameters was generated
-  // in the past. Also generates Observations for days in the backfill period if needed. Writes the
-  // Observations to an ObservationStore via the ObservationWriter that was passed to the
-  // constructor.
-  //
-  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
-  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationDays|. Hourly windows are not yet supported.
-  logger::Status GenerateUniqueActivesObservations(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                   const std::string& report_key,
-                                                   const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
-                                                   uint32_t num_event_codes,
-                                                   uint32_t final_day_index);
-  // Helper method called by GenerateUniqueActivesObservations() to generate
-  // and write a single Observation.
-  logger::Status GenerateSingleUniqueActivesObservation(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                        const ReportDefinition* report,
-                                                        uint32_t obs_day_index, uint32_t event_code,
-                                                        const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
-                                                        bool was_active) const;
-  // For a fixed report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS or PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM, generates a
-  // PerDeviceNumericObservation and PerDeviceHistogramObservation respectively for each
-  // tuple (component, event code, aggregation_window) for which a numeric event was logged for that
-  // event code and component during the window of that size ending on |final_day_index|, unless an
-  // Observation with those parameters has been generated in the past. The value of the Observation
-  // is the sum, max, or min (depending on the aggregation_type field of the report definition) of
-  // all numeric events logged for that report during the window. Also generates observations for
-  // days in the backfill period if needed.
-  //
-  // In addition to PerDeviceNumericObservations or PerDeviceHistogramObservation , generates
-  // a ReportParticipationObservation for |final_day_index| and any needed days in the backfill
-  // period. These ReportParticipationObservations are used by the report generators to infer the
-  // fleet-wide number of devices for which the sum of numeric events associated to each tuple
-  // (component, event code, window size) was zero.
-  //
-  // Observations are not generated for aggregation windows larger than
-  // |kMaxAllowedAggregationWindowSize|.
-  logger::Status GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                  const std::string& report_key,
-                                                  const ReportAggregates& report_aggregates,
-                                                  uint32_t final_day_index);
-  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
-  // Observation with value |value|. The method will produce a PerDeviceNumericObservation or
-  // PerDeviceHistogramObservation  depending on whether the report type is
-  logger::Status GenerateSinglePerDeviceNumericObservation(
-      logger::MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
-      int64_t value) const;
-  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
-  // Observation with value |value|.
-  logger::Status GenerateSinglePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
-      logger::MetricRef metric_ref, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t obs_day_index,
-      const std::string& component, uint32_t event_code, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& window,
-      int64_t value) const;
-  // Helper method called by GenerateObsFromNumericAggregates() to generate and write a single
-  // ReportParticipationObservation.
-  logger::Status GenerateSingleReportParticipationObservation(logger::MetricRef metric_ref,
-                                                              const ReportDefinition* report,
-                                                              uint32_t obs_day_index) const;
-  LocalAggregateStore CopyLocalAggregateStore() {
-    auto local_aggregate_store = protected_aggregate_store_.lock()->local_aggregate_store;
-    return local_aggregate_store;
-  }
-  struct AggregateStoreFields {
-    LocalAggregateStore local_aggregate_store;
-  };
   // Sets the EventAggregator's SteadyClockInterface. Only for use in tests.
   void SetSteadyClock(util::SteadyClockInterface* clock) { steady_clock_.reset(clock); }
@@ -447,14 +239,7 @@
     std::condition_variable_any shutdown_notifier;
-  const logger::Encoder* encoder_;
-  const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer_;
-  util::ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store_;
-  util::ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store_;
-  util::ProtectedFields<AggregateStoreFields> protected_aggregate_store_;
-  // Not protected by a mutex. Should only be accessed by |worker_thread_|.
-  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore obs_history_;
-  size_t backfill_days_ = 0;
+  std::unique_ptr<AggregateStore> aggregate_store_;
   std::thread worker_thread_;
   util::ProtectedFields<WorkerThreadController> protected_worker_thread_controller_;
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_mgr_test.cc b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_mgr_test.cc
index 7bdee94..099e708 100644
--- a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_mgr_test.cc
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_mgr_test.cc
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
   uint32_t NumberOfKVPairsInStore(EventAggregatorManager* event_aggregator_mgr) {
     return event_aggregator_mgr->GetEventAggregator()
-        ->CopyLocalAggregateStore()
+        ->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore()
@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@
   uint32_t GetNumberOfUniqueActivesAggregates(EventAggregatorManager* event_aggregator_mgr) {
     auto local_aggregate_store =
-        event_aggregator_mgr->GetEventAggregator()->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+        event_aggregator_mgr->GetEventAggregator()->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
     uint32_t num_aggregates = 0;
     for (const auto& [report_key, aggregates] : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
       if (aggregates.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates) {
@@ -166,8 +165,7 @@
       const std::shared_ptr<const ProjectContext>& project_context,
       const MetricReportId& metric_report_id, uint32_t day_index, uint32_t event_code) {
     auto local_aggregate_store =
-        event_aggregator_mgr->GetEventAggregator()->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+        event_aggregator_mgr->GetEventAggregator()->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
     std::string key;
     if (!SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*project_context, metric_report_id), &key)) {
       return AssertionFailure() << "Could not serialize key with metric id  "
diff --git a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_test.cc b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_test.cc
index a6635f0..d5c8653 100644
--- a/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_test.cc
+++ b/src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator_test.cc
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "src/registry/project_configs.h"
 #include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace cobalt {
+namespace cobalt::local_aggregation {
 using config::PackEventCodes;
 using logger::Encoder;
@@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
 using logger::ObservationWriter;
 using logger::ProjectContext;
 using logger::Status;
-using logger::testing::CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations;
 using logger::testing::CheckUniqueActivesObservations;
-using logger::testing::ExpectedAggregationParams;
-using logger::testing::ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations;
-using logger::testing::ExpectedReportParticipationObservations;
 using logger::testing::ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
 using logger::testing::FakeObservationStore;
-using logger::testing::FetchAggregatedObservations;
 using logger::testing::GetTestProject;
 using logger::testing::MakeAggregationConfig;
 using logger::testing::MakeAggregationKey;
-using logger::testing::MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations;
 using logger::testing::MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
 using logger::testing::MockConsistentProtoStore;
 using logger::testing::TestUpdateRecipient;
@@ -59,8 +53,6 @@
 using util::SerializeToBase64;
 using util::TimeToDayIndex;
-namespace local_aggregation {
 namespace {
 // Number of seconds in a day
 constexpr int kDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
@@ -105,12 +97,6 @@
 // aggregation configurations.
 class EventAggregatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
-  const uint32_t kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion =
-      EventAggregator::kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion;
-  const uint32_t kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion =
-      EventAggregator::kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion;
   void SetUp() override {
     observation_store_ = std::make_unique<FakeObservationStore>();
     update_recipient_ = std::make_unique<TestUpdateRecipient>();
@@ -158,43 +144,10 @@
-  size_t GetBackfillDays() { return event_aggregator_->backfill_days_; }
-  void SetBackfillDays(size_t num_days) { event_aggregator_->backfill_days_ = num_days; }
-  Status BackUpLocalAggregateStore() { return event_aggregator_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore(); }
-  Status BackUpObservationHistory() { return event_aggregator_->BackUpObservationHistory(); }
-  LocalAggregateStore MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(
-      uint32_t version = EventAggregator::kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion) {
-    return event_aggregator_->MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(version);
-  }
-  AggregatedObservationHistoryStore MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(
-      uint32_t version = EventAggregator::kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion) {
-    return event_aggregator_->MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(version);
-  }
-  Status MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(LocalAggregateStore* store) {
-    return event_aggregator_->MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(store);
-  }
-  Status MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(AggregatedObservationHistoryStore* store) {
-    return event_aggregator_->MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(store);
-  }
+  size_t GetBackfillDays() { return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->backfill_days_; }
   LocalAggregateStore CopyLocalAggregateStore() {
-    return event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
-  }
-  Status GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc, uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u) {
-    return event_aggregator_->GenerateObservationsNoWorker(final_day_index_utc,
-                                                           final_day_index_local);
-  }
-  Status GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local = 0u) {
-    return event_aggregator_->GarbageCollect(day_index_utc, day_index_local);
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
   void TriggerAndWaitForDoScheduledTasks() {
@@ -214,14 +167,6 @@
-  void DoScheduledTasksNow() {
-    // Steady values don't matter, just tell DoScheduledTasks to run everything.
-    auto steady_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-    event_aggregator_->next_generate_obs_ = steady_time;
-    event_aggregator_->next_gc_ = steady_time;
-    event_aggregator_->DoScheduledTasks(unowned_test_clock_->now(), steady_time);
-  }
   // Clears the FakeObservationStore and resets the counts of Observations
   // received by the FakeObservationStore and the TestUpdateRecipient.
   void ResetObservationStore() {
@@ -389,7 +334,7 @@
   // of reference.
   bool CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(const LoggedActivity& logged_activity,
                                     uint32_t /*current_day_index*/) {
-    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
     // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more UniqueActives
     // aggregates than |logged_activity| and |day_last_garbage_collected_|
     // should imply.
@@ -504,7 +449,7 @@
   bool CheckPerDeviceNumericAggregates(const LoggedValues& logged_values,
                                        uint32_t /*current_day_index*/) {
-    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
+    auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
     // Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more PerDeviceNumeric
     // aggregates than |logged_values| and |day_last_garbage_collected_| should
     // imply.
@@ -844,16 +789,6 @@
             logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
-// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with a ProjectContext generated
-// from test_registries/mixed_time_zone_test_registry.yaml. This registry
-// contains multiple MetricDefinitions with different time zone policies.
-class NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest : public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
- protected:
-  NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest()
-      : EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(
-            logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kCobaltRegistryBase64) {}
 class PerDeviceHistogramEventAggregatorTest : public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
@@ -878,92 +813,6 @@
   bool worker_joinable() { return event_aggregator_->worker_thread_.joinable(); }
-// Tests that the Read() method of each ConsistentProtoStore is called once
-// during construction of the EventAggregator.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, ReadProtosFromFiles) {
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->read_count_);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->read_count_);
-// Tests that the BackUp*() methods return a positive status, and checks that
-// the Write() method of a ConsistentProtoStore is called once when its
-// respective BackUp*() method is called.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, BackUpProtos) {
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpLocalAggregateStore());
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpObservationHistory());
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->write_count_);
-// MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore should return an OK status if the version is current. The store
-// should not change.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreCurrent) {
-  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore();
-  std::string store_before = SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store);
-  ASSERT_EQ(kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion, store.version());
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
-  EXPECT_EQ(store_before, SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
-// MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore should return kInvalidArguments if it is not possible to upgrade
-// to the current version.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreUnsupported) {
-  const uint32_t kFutureVersion = kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion + 1;
-  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(kFutureVersion);
-  ASSERT_EQ(kFutureVersion, store.version());
-  EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
-// It should be possible to upgrade the LocalAggregateStore from v0 to the current version. The
-// version number should be updated and the contents of window_size in each AggregationConfigs
-// should be moved to aggregation_window, preserving their order.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStoreFromV0) {
-  const uint32_t kVersionZero = 0;
-  const std::vector<uint32_t> kWindowSizes = {1, 7, 30};
-  const std::string kKey = "some_report_key";
-  // Make a v0 LocalAggregateStore with one report.
-  auto store = MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(kVersionZero);
-  ReportAggregates report_aggregates;
-  for (auto window_size : kWindowSizes) {
-    report_aggregates.mutable_aggregation_config()->add_window_size(window_size);
-  }
-  (*store.mutable_by_report_key())[kKey] = report_aggregates;
-  // Make the expected upgraded store.
-  auto expected_store =
-      MakeNewLocalAggregateStore(EventAggregator::kCurrentLocalAggregateStoreVersion);
-  ReportAggregates expected_report_aggregates;
-  for (auto window_size : kWindowSizes) {
-    *expected_report_aggregates.mutable_aggregation_config()->add_aggregation_window() =
-        MakeDayWindow(window_size);
-  }
-  (*expected_store.mutable_by_report_key())[kKey] = expected_report_aggregates;
-  // Upgrade and check that the upgraded store is as expected.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeLocalAggregateStore(&store));
-  EXPECT_EQ(SerializeAsStringDeterministic(expected_store), SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
-// MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore should return an OK status if the version is current. The
-// store should not change.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStoreCurrent) {
-  auto store = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore();
-  std::string store_before = SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store);
-  ASSERT_EQ(kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion, store.version());
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&store));
-  EXPECT_EQ(store_before, SerializeAsStringDeterministic(store));
-// MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore should return kInvalidArguments if it is not possible to
-// upgrade to the current version.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStoreUnsupported) {
-  const uint32_t kFutureVersion = kCurrentObservationHistoryStoreVersion + 1;
-  auto store = MakeNewObservationHistoryStore(kFutureVersion);
-  ASSERT_EQ(kFutureVersion, store.version());
-  EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, MaybeUpgradeObservationHistoryStore(&store));
 // Tests that an empty LocalAggregateStore is updated with
 // ReportAggregationKeys and AggregationConfigs as expected when
 // EventAggregator::UpdateAggregationConfigs is called with a ProjectContext
@@ -1101,85 +950,6 @@
-// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
-// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated when no
-// Events have been logged to the EventAggregator.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsNoEvents) {
-  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
-  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
-  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for the current day index.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() only generates
-// Observations the first time it is called for a given day index.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsTwice) {
-  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
-  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
-  // Check that Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is called
-  // for the current day index for the first time.
-  auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-  // Check that no Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is
-  // called for the currentday index for the second time.
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->messages_received.size());
-// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one ReportAggregates proto and that
-// proto is empty, GenerateObservations should return success but generate no
-// observations.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsFromBadStore) {
-  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
-  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
-  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
-  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
-  ResetEventAggregator();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->messages_received.size());
-// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one empty ReportAggregates proto and
-// some valid ReportAggregates, GenerateObservations should produce observations
-// for the valid ReportAggregates.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsFromBadStoreMultiReport) {
-  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
-  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
-  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
-  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
-  ResetEventAggregator();
-  // Provide the all_report_types test registry to the EventAggregator.
-  auto project_context = GetTestProject(logger::testing::all_report_types::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-      &observations, logger::testing::all_report_types::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-// When the LocalAggregateStore contains one ReportAggregates proto and that
-// proto is empty, GarbageCollect should return success.
-TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GarbageCollectBadStore) {
-  auto bad_store = std::make_unique<LocalAggregateStore>();
-  (*bad_store->mutable_by_report_key())["some_key"] = ReportAggregates();
-  local_aggregate_proto_store_->set_stored_proto(std::move(bad_store));
-  // Read the bad store in to the EventAggregator.
-  ResetEventAggregator();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(CurrentDayIndex()));
 // Tests that the LocalAggregateStore is updated as expected when
 // EventAggregator::LogUniqueActivesEvent() is called with valid arguments;
 // i.e., with a report ID associated to an existing key of the
@@ -1225,938 +995,6 @@
-// Tests GarbageCollect() for UniqueActivesReportAggregates.
-// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some UniqueActivesEvents
-// each day for N consecutive days and then garbage-collects the
-// LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies the contents of
-// the LocalAggregateStore.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GarbageCollect) {
-  uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
-  for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc; days_before_gc++) {
-    SetUp();
-    day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
-    LoggedActivity logged_activity;
-    for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
-      auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-      for (const auto& metric_report_id :
-           logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.metric_report_ids) {
-        // Log 2 events with event code 0.
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
-        if (offset < 3) {
-          // Log 1 event with event code 1.
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 1u, &logged_activity));
-        }
-      }
-      AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    }
-    auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
-    day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, end_day_index));
-    TearDown();
-  }
-// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
-// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
-// some UniqueActivesEvents have been logged, without any garbage
-// collection.
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices
-// reports and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
-// with event code 0.
-// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
-// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
-// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
-// for each locally aggregated report ID in the unique_actives registry.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservations) {
-  int num_days = 35;
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    observations.clear();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-        &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                         day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                   day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                                     day_index, 0u));
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-  observations.clear();
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex() - 1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-      &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
-// expected number of Observations is generated each day when Events are
-// logged for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports over multiple days, and when the
-// LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected each day.
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices
-// reports and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
-// with event code 0.
-// Each day following the first day, calls GenerateObservations() and then
-// GarbageCollect() with the day index of the current day. Checks that
-// positive statuses are returned and that the FakeObservationStore has
-// received the expected number of new observations for each locally
-// aggregated report ID in the unique_actives registry.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithGc) {
-  int num_days = 35;
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    observations.clear();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-        &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                         day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                   day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                                     day_index, 0u));
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-  observations.clear();
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(
-      &observations, logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-      observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
-// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
-// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, without
-// any garbage collection of the LocalAggregateStore.
-// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
-// NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices reports and 2 events for the
-// FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all with event code 0.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
-// every 10 days, for 35 days.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
-// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
-// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
-// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
-// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
-// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfill) {
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
-  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < 35; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                         day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                   day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                                     day_index, 0u));
-    }
-    observation_store_->ResetObservationCounter();
-    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    }
-    auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
-    EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
-    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
-    switch (offset % 10) {
-      case 0:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs *
-                      (backfill_days + 1),
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      case 1:
-      case 2:
-      case 3:
-      case 4:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs,
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      case 6:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs * 2,
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      default:
-        EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
-// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
-// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, and when
-// the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call to
-// GenerateObservations().
-// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
-// NetworkActivity_UniqueDevices reports and 2 events for the
-// FeaturesActive_Unique_Devices report, all with event code 0.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
-// every 10 days, for 35 days. Garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore after
-// each call.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
-// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
-// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
-// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
-// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
-// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfillAndGc) {
-  int num_days = 35;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
-  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                         logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                         day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                   logger::testing::unique_actives::kNetworkActivityAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                   day_index, 0u));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::unique_actives::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                                     day_index, 0u));
-    }
-    observation_store_->ResetObservationCounter();
-    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-    }
-    auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
-    EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
-    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
-    // This expected number is some multiple of the daily_num_obs field of
-    // |kUniqueActivesExpectedParams|, depending on the number of days which
-    // should have been backfilled when GenerateObservations() was called.
-    switch (offset % 10) {
-      case 0:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs *
-                      (backfill_days + 1),
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      case 1:
-      case 2:
-      case 3:
-      case 4:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs,
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      case 6:
-        EXPECT_EQ(logger::testing::unique_actives::kExpectedAggregationParams.daily_num_obs * 2,
-                  num_new_obs);
-        break;
-      default:
-        EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values (i.e.,
-// non-active for all UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports, for all window sizes and
-// event codes) are generated when no Events have been logged to the
-// EventAggregator.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesNoEvents) {
-  auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
-  auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams, current_day_index);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
-// generated when GenerateObservations() is called for a single day index
-// after logging some events for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports for that day
-// index, without any garbage collection or backfill.
-// Logging pattern:
-// Logs 2 occurrences of event code 0 for the FeaturesActives_UniqueDevices
-// report, and 1 occurrence of event code 1 for the
-// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, all on the same day.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Calls GenerateObservations() after logging all events.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// The expected number of Observations is the daily_num_obs field of
-// |logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
-// Expected Observation values:
-// All Observations should be labeled with the day index on which the events
-// were logged.
-// For the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, expect activity indicators:
-// window size        active for event codes
-// ------------------------------------------
-// 1                           0
-// 7                           0
-// 30                          0
-// For the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, expected activity indicators:
-// window size        active for event codes
-// ------------------------------------------
-// 1                           1
-// 7                           1
-// All other Observations should be of inactivity.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesSingleDay) {
-  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Log several events on |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, 0u));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, 0u));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(
-                     logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, 1u));
-  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-  // Form the expected observations.
-  auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
-  expected_obs[{logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
-                               {7, {true, false, false, false, false}},
-                               {30, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
-  expected_obs[{logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
-                day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
-                               {7, {false, true, false, false, false}}};
-  // Check the contents of the FakeObservationStore.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
-// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
-// report over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
-// day, without garbage collection or backfill.
-// Logging pattern:
-// Logs events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
-// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
-// pattern:
-// * Never log event code 0.
-// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
-// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
-// day index.
-// Expected number of Observations:
-// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
-// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
-// |testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
-// Expected Observation values:
-// The EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
-// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
-// i-th day are:
-// (i, window size)            active for event codes
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (0, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (1, 1)                          ---
-// (1, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (2, 1)                          ---
-// (2, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (3, 1)                           1
-// (3, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (4, 1)                          ---
-// (4, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (5, 1)                          ---
-// (5, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (6, 1)                           1, 2
-// (6, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (7, 1)                          ---
-// (7, 7)                           1, 2
-// (8, 1)                          ---
-// (8, 7)                           1, 2
-// (9, 1)                           1, 3
-// (9, 7)                           1, 2, 3
-// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
-// observations of non-occurrence.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDay) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Form expected Obsevations for the 10 days of logging.
-  uint32_t num_days = 10;
-  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-        logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-        start_day_index + offset);
-  }
-  expected_obs[0][{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
-                                                     {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
-  expected_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
-  expected_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
-         event_code <
-         logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams.num_event_codes.at(
-             expected_id);
-         event_code++) {
-      if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
-      }
-    }
-    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    // Generate locally aggregated Observations.
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    // Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[offset], observation_store_.get(),
-                                               update_recipient_.get()));
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
-// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
-// report over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
-// day, and when the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call
-// to GenerateObservations().
-// Logging pattern:
-// Logs events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
-// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
-// pattern:
-// * Never log event code 0.
-// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
-// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
-// day index.
-// Expected number of Observations:
-// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
-// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
-// |logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams|.
-// Expected Observation values:
-// The EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
-// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
-// i-th day are:
-// (i, window size)            active for event codes
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (0, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (1, 1)                          ---
-// (1, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (2, 1)                          ---
-// (2, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (3, 1)                           1
-// (3, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (4, 1)                          ---
-// (4, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (5, 1)                          ---
-// (5, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (6, 1)                           1, 2
-// (6, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (7, 1)                          ---
-// (7, 7)                           1, 2
-// (8, 1)                          ---
-// (8, 7)                           1, 2
-// (9, 1)                           1, 3
-// (9, 7)                           1, 2, 3
-// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
-// observations of non-occurrence.
-       CheckObservationValuesMultiDayWithGarbageCollection) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
-  uint32_t num_days = 10;
-  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-        logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams,
-        start_day_index + offset);
-  }
-  expected_obs[0][{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
-                                                     {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-  expected_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
-  expected_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
-  expected_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
-                                                         {7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
-         event_code <
-         logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams.num_event_codes.at(
-             expected_id);
-         event_code++) {
-      if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
-      }
-    }
-    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    // Generate locally aggregated Observations and garbage-collect the
-    // LocalAggregateStore, both for the previous day as measured by
-    // |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
-    // AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-    DoScheduledTasksNow();
-    // Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[offset], observation_store_.get(),
-                                               update_recipient_.get()));
-  }
-// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
-// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
-// days during that period, without any garbage-collection of the
-// LocalAggregateStore.
-// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
-// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
-// pattern:
-// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
-// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
-// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
-// |start_day_index + 7|.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
-// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
-// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
-// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
-// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
-// remaining days.
-// Expected Observation values:
-// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
-// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
-// (i, window size)           active for event codes
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)                           0
-// (0, 7)                           0
-// (1, 1)                           1
-// (1, 7)                           0, 1
-// (2, 1)                           1, 2
-// (2, 7)                           0, 1, 2
-// (3, 1)                           3
-// (3, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3
-// (4, 1)                           2, 4
-// (4, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (5, 1)                          ---
-// (5, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (6, 1)                           3
-// (6, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (7, 1)                          ---
-// (7, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (8, 1)                           4
-// (8, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfill) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
-  // indices, and the 9th.
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 9; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < expected_params.num_event_codes.at(expected_id);
-         event_code++) {
-      if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
-      }
-    }
-    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    }
-    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
-    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
-    // FakeObservationStore.
-    ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
-    switch (offset) {
-      case 0: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                        {7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 1);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 2);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 3);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 4);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 5);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
-            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 8: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
-                                                            {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
-// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
-// days during that period, and when the LocalAggregateStore is
-// garbage-collected after each call to GenerateObservations().
-// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
-// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
-// pattern:
-// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
-// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
-// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
-// |start_day_index + 7|.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
-// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
-// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
-// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
-// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
-// remaining days.
-// Expected Observation values:
-// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
-// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
-// (i, window size)           active for event codes
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)                           0
-// (0, 7)                           0
-// (1, 1)                           1
-// (1, 7)                           0, 1
-// (2, 1)                           1, 2
-// (2, 7)                           0, 1, 2
-// (3, 1)                           3
-// (3, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3
-// (4, 1)                           2, 4
-// (4, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (5, 1)                          ---
-// (5, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (6, 1)                           3
-// (6, 7)                           0, 1, 2, 3, 4
-// (7, 1)                          ---
-// (7, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// (8, 1)                           4
-// (8, 7)                           1, 2, 3, 4
-// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
-TEST_F(UniqueActivesNoiseFreeEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
-  // indices, and the 9th.
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 0; event_code < expected_params.num_event_codes.at(expected_id);
-         event_code++) {
-      if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(expected_id, day_index, event_code));
-      }
-    }
-    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    if (offset < 6 || offset == 9) {
-      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
-      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
-      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-      DoScheduledTasksNow();
-    }
-    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
-    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
-    // FakeObservationStore.
-    ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
-    switch (offset) {
-      case 0: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
-                                                        {7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 1);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 2);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 3);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 4);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: {
-        expected_obs =
-            MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + 5);
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
-            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 8: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
-                                                            {7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {1, {false, false, false, false, false}}, {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-        expected_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
-                                                            {7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
-                                                   update_recipient_.get()));
-    }
-  }
 // Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
 // generated by the the scheduled Observation generation when some events
 // have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES.
@@ -2287,1260 +1125,6 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericAggregates(logged_values, day_index));
-}  // namespace local_aggregation
-// Tests GarbageCollect() for PerDeviceNumericReportAggregates.
-// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some events for
-// PerDeviceNumeric reports each day for N consecutive days, and then
-// garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies
-// the contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, GarbageCollect) {
-  uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
-  for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc; days_before_gc++) {
-    SetUp();
-    day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
-    LoggedValues logged_values;
-    std::vector<MetricReportId> count_metric_report_ids = {
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId};
-    std::vector<MetricReportId> elapsed_time_metric_report_ids = {
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId,
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId,
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId};
-    MetricReportId frame_rate_metric_report_id =
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMinMetricReportId;
-    MetricReportId memory_usage_metric_report_id =
-        logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMaxMetricReportId;
-    for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
-      auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-      for (const auto& id : count_metric_report_ids) {
-        for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B", "component_C"}) {
-          // Log 2 events with event code 0, for each component A, B, C.
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 2, &logged_values));
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 3, &logged_values));
-        }
-        if (offset < 3) {
-          // Log 1 event for component D and event code 1.
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                    LogPerDeviceCountEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 4, &logged_values));
-        }
-      }
-      for (const auto& id : elapsed_time_metric_report_ids) {
-        for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B", "component_C"}) {
-          // Log 2 events with event code 0, for each component A, B, C.
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                    LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 2, &logged_values));
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                    LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, component, 0u, 3, &logged_values));
-        }
-        if (offset < 3) {
-          // Log 1 event for component D and event code 1.
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 4,
-                                                      &logged_values));
-        }
-      }
-      for (const auto& component : {"component_A", "component_B"}) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(frame_rate_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
-                                                  0u, 2.25, &logged_values));
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceFrameRateEvent(frame_rate_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
-                                                  0u, 1.75, &logged_values));
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                  LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(memory_usage_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
-                                               std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, 300, &logged_values));
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                  LogPerDeviceMemoryUsageEvent(memory_usage_metric_report_id, day_index, component,
-                                               std::vector<uint32_t>{1u, 0u}, 300, &logged_values));
-      }
-      AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    }
-    auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
-    day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericAggregates(logged_values, end_day_index));
-    TearDown();
-  }
-// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
-// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
-// some CountEvents have been logged for PerDeviceNumericStats reports, without
-// any garbage collection.
-// For 35 days, logs a positive number of events each day for the
-// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumericStats report with "component_A" and for
-// the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumericStats reports with "component_B", all with
-// event code 0.
-// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
-// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
-// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
-// for each locally aggregated report ID in the per_device_numeric_stats test
-// registry.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservations) {
-  int num_days = 1;
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  ExpectedAggregationParams expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    observations.clear();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params,
-                                            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK,
-          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-    }
-    // If this is the first time we're logging events, update the expected
-    // numbers of generated Observations to account for the logged events.
-    // For each report, for each aggregation window, expect 1 Observation more than if
-    // no events had been logged.
-    if (offset == 0) {
-      expected_params.daily_num_obs += 5;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
-          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId] += 1;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
-          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId] +=
-          2;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report[logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                             kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId] += 2;
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-  observations.clear();
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex() - 1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params, observation_store_.get(),
-                                          update_recipient_.get()));
-// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
-// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
-// some CountEvents have been logged for PerDeviceNumeric reports over multiple
-// days, and when the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected each day.
-// For 35 days, logs a positive number of events each day for the
-// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_A" and for
-// the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_B", all with
-// event code 0.
-// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
-// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
-// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
-// for each locally aggregated report ID in the per_device_numeric_stats test
-// registry.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithGc) {
-  int num_days = 35;
-  std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
-  ExpectedAggregationParams expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    observations.clear();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params,
-                                            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK,
-          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-    }
-    // If this is the first time we're logging events, update the expected
-    // numbers of generated Observations to account for the logged events.
-    // For each report, for each window size, expect 1 Observation more than if
-    // no events had been logged.
-    if (offset == 0) {
-      expected_params.daily_num_obs += 5;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
-          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId] += 1;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report
-          [logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId] +=
-          2;
-      expected_params.num_obs_per_report[logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                             kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId] += 2;
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-  observations.clear();
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_params, observation_store_.get(),
-                                          update_recipient_.get()));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
-// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
-// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, without
-// any garbage collection of the LocalAggregateStore.
-// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
-// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceCount report and 2 events for the
-// SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount report, all with event code 0.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
-// every 10 days, for 35 days.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
-// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
-// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
-// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
-// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
-// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfill) {
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
-  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < 35; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK,
-          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-    }
-    auto num_obs_before = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
-    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    }
-    auto num_obs_after = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
-    EXPECT_GE(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
-    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
-    switch (offset % 10) {
-      case 0:
-        // If this is the first day of logging, expect 3 Observations for each
-        // day in the backfill period and 8 Observations for the current day.
-        if (offset == 0) {
-          EXPECT_EQ(
-              (expected_params.daily_num_obs * backfill_days) + expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5,
-              num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        } else {
-          // If this is another day whose offset is a multiple of 10, expect 8
-          // Observations for each day in the backfill period as well as the
-          // current day.
-          EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * (backfill_days + 1),
-                    num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        }
-        break;
-      case 1:
-      case 2:
-      case 3:
-      case 4:
-        // Expect 8 Observations for this day.
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        break;
-      case 6:
-        // Expect 8 Observations for each of today and yesterday.
-        EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * 2, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        break;
-      default:
-        EXPECT_EQ(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
-// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
-// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, and when
-// the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call to
-// GenerateObservations().
-// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
-// Logging pattern:
-// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
-// ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceNumeric report with "component_A" and 2 events
-// for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric reports with "component_B", all with
-// event code 0.
-// Observation generation pattern:
-// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
-// every 10 days, for 35 days. Garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore after
-// each call.
-// Expected numbers of Observations:
-// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
-// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
-// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
-// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
-// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
-// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
-// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfillAndGc) {
-  int num_days = 35;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
-  // first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
-  for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK,
-                LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                    logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                    day_index, "component_A", 0u, 1));
-      EXPECT_EQ(
-          kOK,
-          LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-              logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-              day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                                kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                            day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-    }
-    auto num_obs_before = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
-    if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
-    }
-    auto num_obs_after = observation_store_->messages_received.size();
-    EXPECT_GE(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
-    // Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
-    switch (offset % 10) {
-      case 0:
-        // If this is the first day of logging, expect 3 Observations for each
-        // day in the backfill period and 8 Observations for the current day.
-        if (offset == 0) {
-          EXPECT_EQ(
-              (expected_params.daily_num_obs * backfill_days) + expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5,
-              num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        } else {
-          // If this is another day whose offset is a multiple of 10, expect 8
-          // Observations for each day in the backfill period as well as the
-          // current day.
-          EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * (backfill_days + 1),
-                    num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        }
-        break;
-      case 1:
-      case 2:
-      case 3:
-      case 4:
-        // Expect 8 Observations for this day.
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        break;
-      case 6:
-        // Expect 6 Observations for each of today and yesterday.
-        EXPECT_EQ((expected_params.daily_num_obs + 5) * 2, num_obs_after - num_obs_before);
-        break;
-      default:
-        EXPECT_EQ(num_obs_after, num_obs_before);
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Generate Observations without logging any events, and check that the
-// resulting Observations are as expected: 1 ReportParticipationObservation for
-// each PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in the config, and no
-// PerDeviceNumericObservations.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesNoEvents) {
-  const auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
-  const auto& expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, current_day_index);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations({}, expected_report_participation_obs,
-                                                observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-// Check that the expected PerDeviceNumericObservations and
-// ReportParticipationObservations are generated when GenerateObservations() is
-// called after logging some CountEvents and ElapsedTimeEvents for
-// PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS reports over a single day index.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesSingleDay) {
-  const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Log several events on |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_A", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_B", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_A", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_A", 1u, 5));
-            LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-            LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-                day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                            kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                        day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
-                                            kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-                                        day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-  std::vector<MetricReportId> streaming_time_ids = {
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId,
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId,
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId};
-  for (const auto& id : streaming_time_ids) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 0u, 15));
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 1u, 5));
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(id, day_index, "component_D", 0u, 10));
-  }
-  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-  // Form the expected Observations.
-  auto expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
-  ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, day_index}][1] =
-      {{"component_A", 0u, 10}, {"component_A", 1u, 5}, {"component_B", 0u, 5}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-      day_index}][7] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId,
-      day_index}][30] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-      day_index}][7] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId,
-      day_index}][30] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId, day_index}][1] =
-      {{"component_D", 0u, 25}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId, day_index}][7] =
-      {{"component_D", 0u, 25}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  // The 7-day minimum value for the StreamingTime metric is 0 for all event
-  // codes and components, so we don't expect a PerDeviceNumericObservation with
-  // a 7-day window for the StreamingTime_PerDeviceMin report.
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
-      {"component_D", 0u, 10}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
-      {"component_D", 0u, 10}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
-      {"component_D", 0u, 15}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
-      {"component_D", 0u, 15}, {"component_D", 1u, 5}};
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(expected_per_device_numeric_obs,
-                                                expected_report_participation_obs,
-                                                observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-// Checks that PerDeviceNumericObservations with the expected values are
-// generated when some events have been logged for an EVENT_COUNT metric with
-// a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report over multiple days and
-// GenerateObservations() is called each day, without garbage collection or
-// backfill.
-// Logged events for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount report on the i-th
-// day:
-//  i            (component, event code, count)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  0
-//  1          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  2          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-//  3          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  4          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-//  5          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  6          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-//  7          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  8          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-//  9          ("A", 1, 3)
-// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
-// SettingsChanged_PerDeviceNumeric report on the i-th day:
-// (i, window size)          (component, event code, count)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 7)
-// (0, 30)
-// (1, 7)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (1, 30)    ("A", 1,  3)
-// (2, 7)     ("A", 1,  6),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (2, 30)    ("A", 1,  6),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (3, 7)     ("A", 1,  9),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (3, 30)    ("A", 1,  9),  ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 12),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (4, 30)    ("A", 1, 12),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 15),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (5, 30)    ("A", 1, 15),  ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 18),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (6, 30)    ("A", 1, 18),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (7, 30)    ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
-// (8, 30)    ("A", 1, 24),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
-// (9, 7)     ("A", 1, 21),  ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 4)
-// (9, 30)    ("A", 1, 27),  ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
-// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservation each day for each of
-// the reports in the registry.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDay) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
-  uint32_t num_days = 10;
-  std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
-  std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    expected_report_participation_obs[offset] =
-        MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + offset);
-  }
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                            {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 27}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 1; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
-      }
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
-      }
-    }
-    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    // Generate locally aggregated Observations.
-    EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
-        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
-        << "offset = " << offset;
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Repeat the CheckObservationValuesMultiDay test, this time calling
-// GarbageCollect() after each call to GenerateObservations.
-// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
-// as in PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
-// See that test for documentation.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesMultiDayWithGarbageCollection) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
-  uint32_t num_days = 10;
-  std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
-  std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    expected_report_participation_obs[offset] =
-        MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, start_day_index + offset);
-  }
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                            {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-  expected_per_device_numeric_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {
-      {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-      {30, {{"A", 1u, 27}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 10; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
-      }
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
-      }
-    }
-    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    // Clear the FakeObservationStore.
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    // Generate locally aggregated Observations and garbage-collect the
-    // LocalAggregateStore, both for the previous day as measured by
-    // |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
-    // AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-    DoScheduledTasksNow();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
-        observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-  }
-// Tests that the expected PerDeviceNumericObservations are generated when
-// events are logged over multiple days for an EVENT_COUNT
-// metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report, when Observations are
-// backfilled for some days during that period, without any garbage-collection
-// of the LocalAggregateStore.
-// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
-// as in PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
-// See that test for documentation.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, CheckObservationValuesWithBackfill) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
-  // indices, and the 9th.
-  uint32_t num_days = 9;
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
-      if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
-      }
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
-      }
-    }
-    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-    }
-    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
-    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
-    // FakeObservationStore.
-    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
-    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
-    switch (offset) {
-      case 0: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                     {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 8: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    }
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-  }
-// Tests that the expected Observations are generated for
-// PerDeviceNumericStats reports when events are logged for over multiple days
-// for an EVENT_COUNT metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report, when
-// Observations are backfilled for some days during that period, and when the
-// LocalAggregatedStore is garbage-collected after each call to
-// GenerateObservations().
-// The logging pattern and set of Observations for each day index is the same
-// as in PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest::CheckObservationValuesMultiDay.
-// See that test for documentation.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, EventCountCheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  const auto& expected_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedAggregationWindowMetricReportId;
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
-  // indices, and the 9th.
-  uint32_t num_days = 9;
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
-      if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
-      }
-      if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(expected_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
-      }
-    }
-    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
-      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
-      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
-      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-      DoScheduledTasksNow();
-    }
-    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
-    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
-    // FakeObservationStore.
-    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
-    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
-    switch (offset) {
-      case 0: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                     {30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, day_index}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 8: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
-            {30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    }
-  }
-// Tests that the expected Observations are generated for
-// PerDeviceNumericStats reports when events are logged for over multiple days
-// for an ELAPSED_TIME metric with PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS reports with
-// multiple aggregation types, when Observations are backfilled for some days
-// during that period, and when the LocalAggregatedStore is garbage-collected
-// after each call to GenerateObservations().
-// Logged events for the StreamingTime_PerDevice{Total, Min, Max} reports on the
-// i-th day:
-//  i            (component, event code, count)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  0
-//  1          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  2          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-//  3          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  4          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-//  5          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  6          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-//  7          ("A", 1, 3)
-//  8          ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
-// StreamingTime_PerDeviceTotal report on the i-th day:
-// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)
-// (0, 7)
-// (1, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (1, 7)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (2, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (2, 7)     ("A", 1,  6), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (3, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (3, 7)     ("A", 1,  9), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (4, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 12), ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (5, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 15), ("A", 2,  6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (6, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 18), ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (7, 1)     ("A", 1,  3)
-// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2,  9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 1)     ("A", 1,  3), ("A", 2,  3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
-// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
-// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMin report on the i-th day:
-// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)
-// (0. 7)
-// (1, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (1, 7)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (2, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (2, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (3, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (3, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (4, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (5, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (6, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (7, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
-// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMax report on the i-th day:
-// (day, window size)            (event code, component, total)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// (0, 1)
-// (0. 7)
-// (1, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (1, 7)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (2, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (2, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (3, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (3, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (4, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (4, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (5, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (5, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (6, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
-// (6, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (7, 1)     ("A", 1, 3)
-// (7, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 1)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// (8, 7)     ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
-// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservation each day for each
-// report in the registry.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericEventAggregatorTest, ElapsedTimeCheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  const auto& total_report_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeTotalMetricReportId;
-  const auto& min_report_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId;
-  const auto& max_report_id =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId;
-  std::vector<MetricReportId> streaming_time_ids = {total_report_id, min_report_id, max_report_id};
-  const auto& expected_params =
-      logger::testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams;
-  // Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
-  size_t backfill_days = 3;
-  SetBackfillDays(backfill_days);
-  // Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
-  // indices, and the 9th.
-  uint32_t num_days = 9;
-  for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
-    auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-    ResetObservationStore();
-    for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
-      for (const auto& report_id : streaming_time_ids) {
-        if (offset > 0 && (offset % event_code == 0)) {
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(report_id, day_index, "A", event_code, 3));
-        }
-        if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
-          EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceElapsedTimeEvent(report_id, day_index, "B", event_code, 2));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Advance |test_clock_| by 1 day.
-    AdvanceClock(kDay);
-    if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
-      // Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
-      // index according to |test_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
-      // the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
-      DoScheduledTasksNow();
-    }
-    // Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
-    // |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
-    // FakeObservationStore.
-    ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
-    ExpectedReportParticipationObservations expected_report_participation_obs;
-    switch (offset) {
-      case 0: {
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days; day_index <= start_day_index;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                         {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                       {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
-                                                                       {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
-            << "day 1";
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, day_index}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_report_participation_obs =
-            MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      case 8: {
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{total_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{min_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        expected_per_device_numeric_obs[{max_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
-            {1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
-            {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
-        for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6; day_index <= start_day_index + 8;
-             day_index++) {
-          for (const auto& pair :
-               MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(expected_params, day_index)) {
-            expected_report_participation_obs.insert(pair);
-          }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations(
-            expected_per_device_numeric_obs, expected_report_participation_obs,
-            observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
-    }
-  }
 // Tests that the LocalAggregateStore is updated as expected when
@@ -3607,150 +1191,6 @@
-// Check that GenerateObservations returns an OK status after some events have been logged for a
-// PerDeviceHistogram report.
-TEST_F(PerDeviceHistogramEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservations) {
-  const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  // Log several events on |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
-                     logger::testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricReportId,
-                     day_index, "component_C", 0u, 5));
-  // Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
-  EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
-// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
-// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
-// time zone policies, and where the day index in local time may be less than
-// the day index in UTC.
-TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest, LocalBeforeUTC) {
-  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
-  // Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
-  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
-  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
-  // each of UTC and local time.
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 0u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 0u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
-  // Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
-  // been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
-  // all event codes, for both reports.
-  expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-      logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kExpectedAggregationParams, start_day_index - 1);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  // Advance the day index in UTC, but not in local time, and log 1 event for
-  // event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
-  // garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 1u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 1u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
-  // Observations have already been generated for the
-  // DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
-  // Observations for that report.
-  expected_obs[1][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                   start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false, false}}};
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  // Advance the day index in local time so that it is equal to the day index
-  // in UTC. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
-  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
-  // UTC and local time.
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
-  // Observations have already been generated for the
-  // FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
-  // Observations for that report.
-  expected_obs[2][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] =
-      {{1, {true, true, false}}};
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
-// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
-// time zone policies, and where the day index in UTC may be less than
-// the day index in local time.
-TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest, LocalAfterUTC) {
-  std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
-  // Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
-  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
-  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
-  // each of UTC and local time.
-  auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 0u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 0u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
-  // Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
-  // been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
-  // all event codes, for both reports.
-  expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
-      logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kExpectedAggregationParams, start_day_index - 1);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  // Advance the day index in local time, but not in UTC, and log 1 event for
-  // event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
-  // garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 1u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index, 1u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
-  // Observations have already been generated for the
-  // FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
-  // Observations for that report.
-  expected_obs[1][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] =
-      {{1, {true, false, false}}};
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
-  ResetObservationStore();
-  // Advance the day index in UTC so that it is equal to the day index in
-  // local time. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
-  // generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
-  // UTC and local time.
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kDeviceBootsMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
-  LogUniqueActivesEvent(logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                        start_day_index + 1, 2u);
-  GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
-  GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
-  // Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
-  // Observations have already been generated for the
-  // DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
-  // Observations for that report.
-  expected_obs[2][{logger::testing::mixed_time_zone::kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
-                   start_day_index}] = {{1, {true, true, false}}};
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(),
-                                             update_recipient_.get()));
 // Starts the worker thread, and destructs the EventAggregator without
 // explicitly shutting down the worker thread. Checks that the shutdown flag
 // and worker thread are in the expected states before and after the thread is
@@ -3832,5 +1272,4 @@
   EXPECT_GE(local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_, 1);
-}  // namespace local_aggregation
-}  // namespace cobalt
+}  // namespace cobalt::local_aggregation
diff --git a/src/logger/event_loggers_test.cc b/src/logger/event_loggers_test.cc
index 7cc7268..e02cc16 100644
--- a/src/logger/event_loggers_test.cc
+++ b/src/logger/event_loggers_test.cc
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
   Status GarbageCollectAggregateStore(uint32_t day_index) {
-    return event_aggregator_->GarbageCollect(day_index);
+    return event_aggregator_->aggregate_store_->GarbageCollect(day_index);
@@ -1356,8 +1356,8 @@
   uint32_t NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore() {
     int count = 0;
-    for (const auto& aggregates :
-         protected_aggregate_store_.lock()->local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
+    for (const auto& aggregates : aggregate_store_->protected_aggregate_store_.lock()
+                                      ->local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
       if (aggregates.second.has_numeric_aggregates()) {
         count += aggregates.second.numeric_aggregates().by_component().size();