blob: 0c0804123392811087587513b966cfbd794b8d20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <condition_variable>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
#include "src/lib/util/consistent_proto_store.h"
#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregate_store.h"
#include "src/logger/encoder.h"
#include "src/logger/event_record.h"
#include "src/logger/observation_writer.h"
#include "src/logger/status.h"
namespace cobalt {
// Forward declaration used for friend tests. These will be removed once the
// tests are moved to using mocks rather than private methods.
// TODO(ninai): remove these
namespace logger {
class UniqueActivesLoggerTest;
class TestEventAggregator;
} // namespace logger
namespace local_aggregation {
// The EventAggregator manages the Loggers' interactions with the local aggregation.
// Each Logger interacts with the EventAggregator in the following way:
// (1) When the Logger is created, it calls UpdateAggregationConfigs() to
// provide the EventAggregator with its view of Cobalt's metric and report
// registry.
// (2) When logging an Event for a locally aggregated report, a Logger
// calls a Log*() method with the EventRecord and the report id for the event.
// Functionality that the EventAggregator curently has but will be moved to the
// EventAggregatorManager:
// A worker thread calls on AggregateStore methods to do the following tasks at intervals
// specified in the EventAggregator's constructor:
// (1) Calls BackUp*() to back up the EventAggregator's state to the file system.
// (2) Calls GenerateObservations() with the previous day's day index to generate all Observations
// for rolling windows ending on that day index, as well as any missing Observations for a specified
// number of days in the past.
// (3) Calls GarbageCollect() to delete daily aggregates which are not needed to compute aggregates
// for any windows of interest in the future.
class EventAggregator {
// Constructs an EventAggregator.
// encoder: the singleton instance of an Encoder on the system.
// local_aggregate_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
// AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory store of event
// aggregates.
// obs_history_proto_store: A ConsistentProtoStore to be used by the
// AggregateStore to store snapshots of its in-memory history of generated
// Observations.
// backfill_days: the number of past days for which the AggregateStore
// generates and sends Observations, in addition to a requested day index.
// See the comment above AggreateStoe::GenerateObservations for more
// detail. The constructor CHECK-fails if a value larger than
// |kEventAggregatorMaxAllowedBackfillDays| is passed.
// aggregate_backup_interval: the interval in seconds at which a snapshot of
// the in-memory store of event aggregates should be written to
// |local_aggregate_proto_store|.
// generate_obs_interval: the interval in seconds at which the
// EventAggregator should generate Observations.
// gc_interval: the interval in seconds at which the LocalAggregateStore
// should be garbage-collected.
// The constructor CHECK-fails if the value of |aggregate_backup_interval| is
// larger than either of |generate_obs_interval| or |gc_interval|. In
// practice, the value of |aggregate_backup_interval| should be small relative
// to the values of |generate_obs_interval| and |gc_interval|, since each of
// Observation generation and garbage collection will be done at the smallest
// multiple of |aggregate_backup_interval| which is greater than or equal to
// its specified interval.
EventAggregator(const logger::Encoder* encoder,
const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
util::ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store,
util::ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store, size_t backfill_days = 0,
std::chrono::seconds aggregate_backup_interval = std::chrono::minutes(1),
std::chrono::seconds generate_obs_interval = std::chrono::hours(1),
std::chrono::seconds gc_interval = kOneDay);
// Shut down the worker thread before destructing the EventAggregator.
~EventAggregator() { ShutDown(); }
// Starts the worker thread.
// |clock| The clock that should be used by the worker thread for scheduling
// tasks and determining the current day and hour. On systems on which
// the clock may be initially inaccurate, the caller should wait to
// invoke this method until after it is known that the clock is
// accurate.
void Start(std::unique_ptr<util::SystemClockInterface> clock);
// Updates the EventAggregator's view of the Cobalt metric and report
// registry.
// This method may be called multiple times during the EventAggregator's
// lifetime. If the EventAggregator is provided with a report whose tuple
// (customer ID, project ID, metric ID, report ID) matches that of a
// previously provided report, then the new report is ignored, even if other
// properties of the customer, Project, MetricDefinition, or
// ReportDefinition differ from those of the existing report.
logger::Status UpdateAggregationConfigs(const logger::ProjectContext& project_context);
// Adds an Event associated to a report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES to the
// AggregateStore.
// report_id: the ID of the report associated to the logged Event.
// event_record: an EventRecord wrapping an Event of type OccurrenceEvent
// and the MetricDefinition for which the Event is to be logged.
// Returns kOK if the LocalAggregateStore was successfully updated, and
// kInvalidArguments if either a lookup key corresponding to |report_id| was
// not found in the LocalAggregateStore, or if the Event wrapped by
// EventRecord is not of type OccurrenceEvent.
// The EventAggregator does not explicitly validate the event code of
// the logged Event, and if the event code is larger than the associated
// metric's max_event_code then the EventAggregator will form and store an
// aggregate map for that event code just as it does for a valid event code.
// However, Observations will only be generated for valid event codes, and
// aggregates associated with invalid event codes will be garbage-collected
// together with valid aggregates when EventAggregator::GarbageCollect() is
// called.
logger::Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
// LogCountEvent, LogElapsedTimeEvent:
// Adds an Event associated to a report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS to
// the AggregateStore.
// report_id: the ID of the report associated to the logged Event.
// event_record: an EventRecord wrapping an Event and the MetricDefinition for
// which the Event is to be logged.
// Returns kOK if the LocalAggregateStore was successfully updated, and
// kInvalidArguments if either a lookup key corresponding to |report_id| was
// not found in the LocalAggregateStore, or if the Event wrapped by
// EventRecord is not of the expected type.
// LogCountEvent: |event_record| should wrap a CountEvent.
logger::Status LogCountEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
// LogElapsedTimeEvent: |event_record| should wrap an ElapsedTimeEvent.
logger::Status LogElapsedTimeEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
// LogFrameRateEvent: |event_record| should wrap a FrameRateEvent.
logger::Status LogFrameRateEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
// LogMemoryUsageEvent: |event_record| should wrap a MemoryUsageEvent.
logger::Status LogMemoryUsageEvent(uint32_t report_id, const logger::EventRecord& event_record);
// Checks that the worker thread is shut down, and if so, calls
// AggregateStore::GenerateObservations() and returns its result. Returns kOther if the
// worker thread is joinable. See the documentation on AggregateStore::GenerateObservations()
// for a description of the parameters.
// This method is intended for use in tests which require a single thread to
// both log events to and generate Observations from an EventAggregator.
logger::Status GenerateObservationsNoWorker(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u);
friend class EventAggregatorManager; // used for transition during redesign.
friend class AggregateStoreTest;
friend class AggregateStoreWorkerTest;
friend class EventAggregatorTest;
friend class EventAggregatorManagerTest;
friend class EventAggregatorWorkerTest;
friend class logger::TestEventAggregator;
friend class logger::UniqueActivesLoggerTest;
// Request that the worker thread shut down and wait for it to exit. The
// worker thread backs up the LocalAggregateStore before exiting.
void ShutDown();
// Main loop executed by the worker thread. The thread sleeps for
// |aggregate_backup_interval_| seconds or until notified of shutdown, then
// calls BackUpLocalAggregateStore(). If not notified of shutdown, calls
// DoScheduledTasks() and schedules the next occurrence of any completed
// tasks.
void Run(std::unique_ptr<util::SystemClockInterface> system_clock);
// Helper method called by Run(). If |next_generate_obs_| is less than or equal to |steady_time|,
// calls AggregateStore::GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous day from
// |system_time| in each of UTC and local time, and then backs up the history of generated
// Observations. If |next_gc_| is less than or equal to |steady_time|, calls
// AggregateStore::GarbageCollect() with the day index of the previous day from |system_time| in
// each of UTC and local time and then backs up the LocalAggregateStore. In each case, an error is
// logged and execution continues if the operation fails.
void DoScheduledTasks(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point system_time,
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point steady_time);
// Logs a numeric value to the LocalAggregateStore by adding |value| to the
// current daily aggregate in the bucket indexed by |report_key|, |day_index|,
// |component|, and |event_code|. This is a helper method called by
// LogCountEvent and LogElapsedTimeEvent.
logger::Status LogNumericEvent(const std::string& report_key, uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component, uint64_t event_code, int64_t value);
// Sets the EventAggregator's SteadyClockInterface. Only for use in tests.
void SetSteadyClock(util::SteadyClockInterface* clock) { steady_clock_.reset(clock); }
struct WorkerThreadController {
// Setting this value to true requests that the worker thread stop.
bool shut_down = true;
// Setting this value to true requests that the worker thread immediately perform its work
// rather than waiting for the next scheduled time to run. After the worker thread has completed
// its work, it will reset this value to false.
bool immediate_run_trigger = false;
// Used to wait on to execute periodic EventAggregator tasks.
std::condition_variable_any shutdown_notifier;
struct ShutDownFlag {
// Used to trigger a shutdown of the EventAggregator.
bool shut_down = true;
// Used in tests to manually trigger a run of the EventAggregator's scheduled tasks.
bool manual_trigger = false;
// Used to wait on to execute periodic EventAggregator tasks.
std::condition_variable_any shutdown_notifier;
std::unique_ptr<AggregateStore> aggregate_store_;
std::thread worker_thread_;
util::ProtectedFields<WorkerThreadController> protected_worker_thread_controller_;
std::chrono::seconds aggregate_backup_interval_;
std::chrono::seconds generate_obs_interval_;
std::chrono::seconds gc_interval_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_generate_obs_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_gc_;
std::unique_ptr<util::SteadyClockInterface> steady_clock_;
} // namespace local_aggregation
} // namespace cobalt