blob: 4523a8d09dcd979fc9d1acf881de0682094c23b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Exception thrown by a debug adapter when a request is not valid, either
/// because the inputs are not correct or the adapter is not in the correct
/// state.
class DebugAdapterException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => 'DebugAdapterException: $message';
/// Exception thrown when failing to read arguments supplied by the user because
/// they are not the correct type.
/// This is usually because a user customised their launch configuration (for
/// example in `.vscode/launch.json` for VS Code) with values that are not
/// valid, such as putting a `String` in a field intended to be a `Map`:
/// ```
/// // Bad.
/// "env": "foo"
/// // Good.
/// "env": {
/// "FLUTTER_ROOT": "foo",
/// }
/// ```
class DebugAdapterInvalidArgumentException implements DebugAdapterException {
final String requestName;
final String argumentName;
final Type expectedType;
final Type actualType;
final Object? actualValue;
required this.requestName,
required this.argumentName,
required this.expectedType,
required this.actualType,
required this.actualValue,
String get message =>
'"$argumentName" argument in $requestName configuration must be a '
'$expectedType but provided value was a $actualType ($actualValue)';
String toString() => 'DebugAdapterInvalidArgumentException: $message';