blob: afb6becad9512f85fc74043e608ebc7be7e24847 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'static_type.dart';
import 'key.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'profile.dart' as profile;
import 'space.dart';
import 'witness.dart';
/// Returns `true` if [caseSpaces] exhaustively covers all possible values of
/// [valueSpace].
bool isExhaustive(
ObjectFieldLookup fieldLookup, Space valueSpace, List<Space> caseSpaces) {
return checkExhaustiveness(fieldLookup, valueSpace, caseSpaces) == null;
/// Checks the [cases] representing a series of switch cases to see if they
/// exhaustively cover all possible values of the matched [valueType]. Also
/// checks to see if any case can't be matched because it's covered by previous
/// cases.
/// Returns a list of any unreachable case or non-exhaustive match errors.
/// Returns an empty list if all cases are reachable and the cases are
/// exhaustive.
List<ExhaustivenessError> reportErrors(
ObjectFieldLookup fieldLookup, StaticType valueType, List<Space> cases) {
_Checker checker = new _Checker(fieldLookup);
List<ExhaustivenessError> errors = <ExhaustivenessError>[];
Space valuePattern = new Space(const Path.root(), valueType);
List<List<Space>> caseRows = => [space]).toList();
for (int i = 1; i < caseRows.length; i++) {
// See if this case is covered by previous ones.
if (checker._unmatched(caseRows.sublist(0, i), caseRows[i]) == null) {
errors.add(new UnreachableCaseError(valueType, cases, i));
Witness? witness = checker._unmatched(caseRows, [valuePattern]);
if (witness != null) {
errors.add(new NonExhaustiveError(valueType, cases, witness));
return errors;
/// Determines if [cases] is exhaustive over all values contained by
/// [valueSpace]. If so, returns `null`. Otherwise, returns a string describing
/// an example of one value that isn't matched by anything in [cases].
Witness? checkExhaustiveness(
ObjectFieldLookup fieldLookup, Space valueSpace, List<Space> cases) {
_Checker checker = new _Checker(fieldLookup);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Perform reachability checking.
List<List<Space>> caseRows = => [space]).toList();
Witness? witness = checker._unmatched(caseRows, [valueSpace]);
// Uncomment this to have it print out the witness for non-exhaustive matches.
// if (witness != null) print(witness);
return witness;
class _Checker {
final ObjectFieldLookup _fieldLookup;
/// Tries to find a pattern containing at least one value matched by
/// [valuePatterns] that is not matched by any of the patterns in [caseRows].
/// If found, returns it. This is a witness example showing that [caseRows] is
/// not exhaustive over all values in [valuePatterns]. If it returns `null`,
/// then [caseRows] exhaustively covers [valuePatterns].
Witness? _unmatched(List<List<Space>> caseRows, List<Space> valuePatterns,
[List<Predicate> witnessPredicates = const []]) {
assert(caseRows.every((element) => element.length == valuePatterns.length),
"Value patterns: $valuePatterns, case rows: $caseRows.");
// If there are no more columns, then we've tested all the predicates we
// have to test.
if (valuePatterns.isEmpty) {
// If there are still any rows left, then it means every remaining value
// will go to one of those rows' bodies, so we have successfully matched.
if (caseRows.isNotEmpty) return null;
// If we ran out of rows too, then it means [witnessPredicates] is now a
// complete description of at least one value that slipped past all the
// rows.
return new Witness(witnessPredicates);
// Look down the first column of tests.
Space firstValuePatterns = valuePatterns[0];
Set<Key> keysOfInterest = {};
for (List<Space> caseRow in caseRows) {
for (SingleSpace singleSpace in caseRow.first.singleSpaces) {
for (SingleSpace firstValuePattern in firstValuePatterns.singleSpaces) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Right now, this brute force expands all subtypes
// of sealed types and considers them individually. It would be faster to
// look at the types of the patterns in the first column of each row and
// only expand subtypes that are actually tested.
// Split the type into its sealed subtypes and consider each one
// separately. This enables it to filter rows more effectively.
List<StaticType> subtypes =
expandSealedSubtypes(firstValuePattern.type, keysOfInterest);
for (StaticType subtype in subtypes) {
Witness? result = _filterByType(subtype, caseRows, firstValuePattern,
valuePatterns, witnessPredicates, firstValuePatterns.path);
// If we found a witness for a subtype that no rows match, then we can
// stop. There may be others but we don't need to find more.
if (result != null) return result;
// If we get here, no subtype yielded a witness, so we must have matched
// everything.
return null;
Witness? _filterByType(
StaticType type,
List<List<Space>> caseRows,
SingleSpace firstSingleSpaceValue,
List<Space> valueSpaces,
List<Predicate> witnessPredicates,
Path path) {
// Extend the witness with the type we're matching.
List<Predicate> extendedWitness = [
new Predicate(path, type)
// 1) Discard any rows that might not match because the column's type isn't
// a subtype of the value's type. We only keep rows that *must* match
// because a row that could potentially fail to match will not help us prove
// exhaustiveness.
// 2) Expand any unions in the first column. This can (deliberately) produce
// duplicate rows in remainingRows.
List<SingleSpace> remainingRowFirstSingleSpaces = [];
List<List<Space>> remainingRows = [];
for (List<Space> row in caseRows) {
Space firstSpace = row[0];
for (SingleSpace firstSingleSpace in firstSpace.singleSpaces) {
// If the row's type is a supertype of the value pattern's type then it
// must match.
if (type.isSubtypeOf(firstSingleSpace.type)) {
// We have now filtered by the type test of the first column of patterns,
// but some of those may also have field subpatterns. If so, lift those out
// so we can recurse into them.
Set<Key> fieldKeys = {
for (SingleSpace firstPattern in remainingRowFirstSingleSpaces)
Set<Key> additionalFieldKeys = {
for (SingleSpace firstPattern in remainingRowFirstSingleSpaces)
// Sorting isn't necessary, but makes the behavior deterministic.
List<Key> sortedFieldKeys = fieldKeys.toList()..sort();
List<Key> sortedAdditionalFieldKeys = additionalFieldKeys.toList()..sort();
// Remove the first column from the value list and replace it with any
// expanded fields.
valueSpaces = [
..._expandFields(sortedFieldKeys, sortedAdditionalFieldKeys,
firstSingleSpaceValue, type, path),
// Remove the first column from each row and replace it with any expanded
// fields.
for (int i = 0; i < remainingRows.length; i++) {
remainingRows[i] = [
// Proceed to the next column.
return _unmatched(remainingRows, valueSpaces, extendedWitness);
/// Given a list of [fieldKeys] and [additionalFieldKeys], and a
/// [singleSpace], generates a list of single spaces, one for each named field
/// and additional field key.
/// When [singleSpace] contains a field with that name or an additional field
/// with the key, extracts it into the resulting list. Otherwise, the
/// [singleSpace] doesn't care about that field, so inserts a default [Space]
/// that matches all values for the field.
/// In other words, this unpacks a set of fields so that the main algorithm
/// can add them to the worklist.
List<Space> _expandFields(List<Key> fieldKeys, List<Key> additionalFieldKeys,
SingleSpace singleSpace, StaticType type, Path path) {
List<Space> result = <Space>[];
for (Key key in fieldKeys) {
Space? field = singleSpace.fields[key];
if (field != null) {
} else {
// This pattern doesn't test this field, so add a pattern for the
// field that matches all values. This way the columns stay aligned.
result.add(new Space(path.add(key),
type.getField(_fieldLookup, key) ?? StaticType.nullableObject));
for (Key key in additionalFieldKeys) {
Space? field = singleSpace.additionalFields[key];
if (field != null) {
} else {
// This pattern doesn't test this field, so add a pattern for the
// field that matches all values. This way the columns stay aligned.
result.add(new Space(path.add(key),
type.getAdditionalField(key) ?? StaticType.nullableObject));
return result;
/// Recursively expands [type] with its subtypes if its sealed.
/// Otherwise, just returns [type].
List<StaticType> expandSealedSubtypes(
StaticType type, Set<Key> keysOfInterest) {
if (!type.isSealed) {
return [type];
} else {
return {
for (StaticType subtype in type.getSubtypes(keysOfInterest))
...expandSealedSubtypes(subtype, keysOfInterest)
class ExhaustivenessError {}
class NonExhaustiveError implements ExhaustivenessError {
final StaticType valueType;
final List<Space> cases;
final Witness witness;
NonExhaustiveError(this.valueType, this.cases, this.witness);
String toString() =>
'$valueType is not exhaustively matched by ${cases.join('|')}.';
class UnreachableCaseError implements ExhaustivenessError {
final StaticType valueType;
final List<Space> cases;
final int index;
UnreachableCaseError(this.valueType, this.cases, this.index);
String toString() => 'Case #${index + 1} ${cases[index]} is unreachable.';