blob: 939801ff866b02eec68623e1e23a7bfeb83dae7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.event;
class ChartTimer {
static DoubleLinkedQueue<DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<ChartTimer>> _timerQueue =
new DoubleLinkedQueue<DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<ChartTimer>>();
static bool _interval = false;
static Timer _timer;
static var activeTimer;
Function _callback;
num _time;
bool _finished = false;
* Start a custom animation timer, invoking the specified function
* repeatedly until it returns true. There is no way to cancel the timer
* after it starts, so make sure your timer function returns true when done!
* An optional numeric delay in milliseconds may be specified when the given
* function should only be invoked after a delay. The delay is relative to
* the specified time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch; if time is not
* specified, it defaults to
ChartTimer(this._callback, [int delay = 0, DateTime then = null]) {
if (then == null) {
then = new;
_time = then.add(new Duration(milliseconds: delay)).millisecondsSinceEpoch;
_timerQueue.add(new DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(this));
if (!_interval) {
if (_timer != null) {
_interval = true;
* Immediately execute (invoke once) any active timers. Normally, zero-delay
* transitions are executed after an instantaneous delay (<10ms). This can
* cause a brief flicker if the browser renders the page twice: once at the
* end of the first event loop, then again immediately on the first timer
* callback. By flushing the timer queue at the end of the first event loop,
* you can run any zero-delay transitions immediately and avoid the flicker.
void flush() {
* Interates through each of the timer and execute the callback if the set
* delay has elasped.
_mark() {
var now = new;
for (DoubleLinkedQueueEntry e in _timerQueue) {
if (now > e.element._time) {
activeTimer = e.element;
e.element._finished = e.element._callback(now - e.element._time);
return now;
* Flush after callbacks to avoid concurrent queue modification.
* Removes all finished timer from the queue and returns the time of the
* earliest active timer, post-sweep.
_sweep() {
var time = double.INFINITY;
for (DoubleLinkedQueueEntry e in _timerQueue) {
if (e.element._finished) {
} else {
if (e.element._time < time) {
time = e.element._time;
return time;
* If the delay of the timer in the nearest future is less than 24ms, use
* animationFrame to step, otherwise schedule the step of the chart timer
* using a Dart Timer with the delay.
_step([num delta = 0]) {
var now = _mark(),
delay = _sweep() - now;
if (delay > 24) {
// If delay is infinity there's no more timer in queue.
if (delay.isFinite) {
if (_timer != null) {
_timer = new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: delay), _step);
_interval = false;
activeTimer = null;
else {
_interval = true;