blob: 0edd82dbdf5f04de1a019d1cc5a6f5dd5ba4003e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
class StackedBarChartRenderer extends BaseRenderer {
final Iterable<int> dimensionsUsingBand = const[0];
* Returns false if the number of dimension axes on the area is 0.
* Otherwise, the first dimension scale is used to render the chart.
bool prepare(ChartArea area, ChartSeries series) {
_ensureAreaAndSeries(area, series);
return area.dimensionAxesCount != 0;
void draw(Element element) {
var measuresCount = series.measures.length,
measureScale = area.measureScales(series).first,
dimensionScale = area.dimensionScales.first;
var rows = new List()
..addAll( {
var row = [];
for (var i = series.measures.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return row;
// We support only one dimension, so always use the first one.
var x =
(row) => row.elementAt(area.config.dimensions.first)).toList();
var group = root.selectAll('.row-group').data(rows);
..attrWithCallback('transform', (d, i, c) =>
'translate(${dimensionScale.apply(x[i])}, 0)');
..attrWithCallback('transform', (d, i, c) =>
'translate(${dimensionScale.apply(x[i])}, 0)')
..attrWithCallback('data-row', (d, i, e) => i);
/* TODO(prsd): Handle cases where x and y axes are swapped */
var bar = group.selectAll('.bar').dataWithCallback((d, i, c) => rows[i]);
var ic = -1,
order = 0,
prevY = new List();
bar.each((d, i, e) {
if (i > ic) {
prevY[prevY.length - 1] = e.attributes['y'];
} else {
ic = i;
ic = 1000000000;
var enter = bar.enter.append('rect')
..styleWithCallback('fill', (d, i, c) => colorForKey(_reverseIdx(i)))
..attr('width', dimensionScale.rangeBand - theme.defaultStrokeWidth)
..attrWithCallback('y', (d, i, c) {
var tempY;
if (i <= ic && i > 0) {
tempY = prevY[order];
} else {
tempY = rect.height;
ic = i;
return tempY;
..attr('height', 0)
..on('click', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseClickController, d, i, e))
..on('mouseover', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseOverController, d, i, e))
..on('mouseout', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseOutController, d, i, e));
..styleWithCallback('fill', (d, i, c) => colorForKey(_reverseIdx(i)))
..attr('width', dimensionScale.rangeBand - theme.defaultStrokeWidth)
var y = 0,
length = bar.length,
// Keeps track of heights of previously graphed bars. If all bars before
// current one have 0 height, the current bar doesn't need offset.
prevAllZeroHeight = true,
// Keeps track of the offset already exist in the previous bar, when the
// computed bar height is less than (theme.defaultSeparatorWidth +
// theme.defaultStrokeWidth), this height is already discounted, so the
// next bar's offset in height can be this much less than normal.
prevOffset = 0;
..attrWithCallback('y', (d, i, c) {
if (i == 0) y = measureScale.apply(0).round();
return (y -= (rect.height - measureScale.apply(d).round()));
..attrWithCallback('height', (d, i, c) {
var ht = rect.height - measureScale.apply(d).round();
if (i != 0) {
// If previous bars has 0 height, don't offset for spacing
// If any of the previous bar has non 0 height, do the offset.
ht -= prevAllZeroHeight ? 1 :
(theme.defaultSeparatorWidth + theme.defaultStrokeWidth);
ht += prevOffset;
} else {
// When rendering next group of bars, reset prevZeroHeight.
prevOffset = 0;
prevAllZeroHeight = true;
ht -= 1;
// -1 so bar does not overlap x axis.
if (ht <= 0) {
prevOffset = prevAllZeroHeight ? 0 :
(theme.defaultSeparatorWidth + theme.defaultStrokeWidth) + ht;
ht = 0;
prevAllZeroHeight = (ht == 0) && prevAllZeroHeight;
return ht;
if (theme.defaultStrokeWidth > 0) {
enter.attr('stroke-width', '${theme.defaultStrokeWidth}px');
enter.styleWithCallback('stroke', (d, i, c) =>
..styleWithCallback('stroke', (d, i, c) => colorForKey(_reverseIdx(i)));
double get bandInnerPadding =>
Extent get extent {
assert(area != null && series != null);
var rows =,
max = rows[0][series.measures.first],
min = max;
rows.forEach((row) {
if (row[series.measures.first] < min)
min = row[series.measures.first];
var bar = 0;
series.measures.forEach((idx) {
bar += row[idx];
if (bar > max) max = bar;
return new Extent(min, max);
void _event(StreamController controller, data, int index, Element e) {
if (controller == null) return;
var rowStr = e.parent.dataset['row'];
var row = rowStr != null ? int.parse(rowStr) : null;
controller.add(new _ChartEvent(
scope.event, area, series, row, _reverseIdx(index), data));
// Because waterfall bar chart render the measures in reverse order to match
// the legend, we need to reverse the index for color and event.
int _reverseIdx(int index) => series.measures.length - 1 - index;