blob: 772eba70f1b79438add5b88f04c2a3f2477e6590 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
/// ANSI/XTERM SGR (Select Graphics Rendering) support for 256 colors.
/// Note: if you're using the dart editor, these won't look right in the
/// terminal; disable via [color_disabled] or use Eclipse with the Dart and
/// AnsiConsol plugins!
library ansicolor;
* Globally enable or disable [AnsiPen] settings
* Handy for turning on and off embedded colors without commenting out code.
bool color_disabled = false;
* Pen attributes for foreground and background colors.
* Use the pen in string interpolation to output ansi codes.
* Use [up] in string interpolation to globally reset colors.
class AnsiPen {
* Treat a pen instance as a function such that pen("msg") is the same as
* pen.write("msg").
call(String msg) => write(msg);
* Allow pen colors to be used in a string.
* Note: Once the pen is down, its attributes remain in effect till they are
* changed by another pen or [up].
String toString() {
if (color_disabled) return "";
if (_pen != null) return _pen;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (_fcolor != null) {
if (_bcolor != null) {
_pen = sb.toString();
return _pen;
* Return control codes to change the terminal colors.
String get down => this.toString();
* Reset all pen attributes in the terminal.
String get up => color_disabled ? "" : ANSI_DEFAULT;
* Write the [msg] with the pen's current settings and then reset all
* attributes.
String write(String msg) => "${this}$msg$up";
black({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(0, bold, bg);
red({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(1, bold, bg);
green({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(2, bold, bg);
yellow({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(3, bold, bg);
blue({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(4, bold, bg);
magenta({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(5, bold, bg);
cyan({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(6, bold, bg);
white({bool bg: false, bool bold: false}) => _std(7, bold, bg);
* Set the pen color to the rgb value between 0.0..1.0
rgb({r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, bool bg: false}) =>
(r.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 5).toInt() * 36 +
(g.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 5).toInt() * 6 +
(b.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 5).toInt() + 16,
bg: bg);
* See the pen color to a grey scale value between 0.0 and 1.0
gray({level: 1.0, bool bg: false}) =>
xterm(232 + (level.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 23).round(), bg: bg);
_std(int color, bool bold, bool bg) => xterm(color + (bold ? 8 : 0), bg: bg);
* Directly index the xterm 256 color palette.
xterm(int color, {bool bg: false}) {
_pen = null;
var c = color.toInt().clamp(0, 256);
if (bg) {
_bcolor = c;
} else {
_fcolor = c;
* Reset the pen's attributes.
reset() {
_pen = null;
_bcolor = _fcolor = null;
int _fcolor;
int _bcolor;
String _pen;
* ANSI Control Sequence Introducer, signals the terminal for new settings.
String get ANSI_ESC => color_disabled ? "" : '\x1B[';
* Reset all colors and options for current SGRs to terminal defaults.
String get ANSI_DEFAULT => color_disabled ? "" : "${ANSI_ESC}0m";
* Defaults the terminal's foreground color without altering the background.
* Does not modify [AnsiPen]!
String resetForeground() => "${ANSI_ESC}39m";
* Defaults the terminal's background color without altering the foreground.
* Does not modify [AnsiPen]!
String resetBackground() => "${ANSI_ESC}49m";
* Due to missing sprintf(), this is my cheap "%03d".
String _toSpace(int i, [int width = 3]) {
if (width <= 0 && i == 0) return "";
return "${_toSpace(i ~/ 10, --width)}${i % 10}";
* Return a reference table for foreground and background colors.
String ansi_demo() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
AnsiPen pen = new AnsiPen();
for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) {
pen..reset()..white(bold: true)..xterm(c, bg: true);
sb.write(pen("${_toSpace(c)} "));
sb.write(pen(" ${_toSpace(c)} "));
if (c == 7 || c == 15) {
for (int r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
for (int g = 0; g < 6; g++) {
for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++) {
var c = r*36 + g*6 + b + 16;
pen..reset()..rgb(r: r / 5, g: g / 5, b: b / 5, bg: true)..
white(bold: true);
sb.write(pen(" ${_toSpace(c)} "));
pen..reset()..rgb(r: r / 5, g: g / 5, b: b / 5);
sb.write(pen(" ${_toSpace(c)} "));
for (int c = 0; c < 24; c++) {
if (0 == c % 8) {
pen..reset()..gray(level: c / 23, bg: true)..white(bold:true);
sb.write(pen(" ${_toSpace(c + 232)} "));
pen..reset()..gray(level: c / 23);
sb.write(pen(" ${_toSpace(c + 232)} "));
return sb.toString();