blob: 0083691a212c284ca2dda18b28ab2507ca0667b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/string_piece.h>
#include <fbl/string_traits.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <type_traits>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace tests {
struct StringTestHelper;
} // namespace tests
// A string with immutable contents.
// fbl::String is designed to resemble std::string except that its content
// is immutable. This makes it easy to share string buffers so that copying
// strings does not incur any allocation cost.
// Empty string objects do not incur any allocation. Non-empty strings are
// stored on the heap. Note that fbl::String does not have a null state
// distinct from the empty state.
// The content of a fbl::String object is always stored with a null terminator
// so that |c_str()| is fast. However, be aware that the string may also contain
// embedded null characters (this is not checked by the implementation).
class String {
// Creates an empty string.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
String() { InitWithEmpty(); }
// Creates a copy of another string.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
String(const String& other)
: data_(other.data_) {
// Move constructs from another string.
// The other string is set to empty.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
String(String&& other)
: data_(other.data_) {
// Creates a string from the contents of a null-terminated C string.
// Allocates heap memory only if |data| is non-empty.
// |data| must not be null.
String(const char* data) {
Init(data, constexpr_strlen(data));
// Creates a string from the contents of a null-terminated C string.
// Allocates heap memory only if |data| is non-empty.
// |data| and |ac| must not be null.
String(const char* data, AllocChecker* ac) {
Init(data, constexpr_strlen(data), ac);
// Creates a string from the contents of a character array of given length.
// Allocates heap memory only if |length| is non-zero.
// |data| must not be null.
String(const char* data, size_t length) {
Init(data, length);
// Creates a string from the contents of a character array of given length.
// Allocates heap memory only if |length| is non-zero.
// |data| and |ac| must not be null.
String(const char* data, size_t length, AllocChecker* ac) {
Init(data, length, ac);
// Creates a string with |count| copies of |ch|.
// Allocates heap memory only if |count| is non-zero.
String(size_t count, char ch) {
Init(count, ch);
// Creates a string with |count| copies of |ch|.
// Allocates heap memory only if |count| is non-zero.
// |ac| must not be null.
String(size_t count, char ch, AllocChecker* ac) {
Init(count, ch, ac);
// Creates a string from the contents of a string piece.
// Allocates heap memory only if |piece.length()| is non-zero.
String(const StringPiece& piece)
: String(, piece.length()) {}
// Creates a string from the contents of a string piece.
// Allocates heap memory only if |piece.length()| is non-zero.
// |ac| must not be null.
String(const StringPiece& piece, AllocChecker* ac)
: String(, piece.length(), ac) {}
// Creates a string from a string-like object.
// Allocates heap memory only if the length of |value| is non-zero.
// Works with various string types including fbl::String, fbl::StringView,
// std::string, and std::string_view.
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_string_like<T>::value>::type>
constexpr String(const T& value)
: String(GetStringData(value), GetStringLength(value)) {}
// Destroys the string.
~String() { ReleaseRef(data_); }
// Returns a pointer to the null-terminated contents of the string.
const char* data() const { return data_; }
const char* c_str() const { return data(); }
// Returns the length of the string, excluding its null terminator.
size_t length() const { return *length_field_of(data_); }
size_t size() const { return length(); }
// Returns true if the string's length is zero.
bool empty() const { return length() == 0u; }
// Character iterators, excluding the null terminator.
const char* begin() const { return data(); }
const char* cbegin() const { return data(); }
const char* end() const { return data() + length(); }
const char* cend() const { return data() + length(); }
// Gets the character at the specified index.
// Position must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than |length()|.
const char& operator[](size_t pos) const { return data()[pos]; }
// Performs a lexicographical character by character comparison.
// Returns a negative value if |*this| comes before |other| in lexicographical order.
// Returns zero if the strings are equivalent.
// Returns a positive value if |*this| comes after |other| in lexicographical order.
int compare(const String& other) const;
// Sets this string to empty.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
void clear();
// Swaps the contents of this string with another string.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
void swap(String& other);
// Assigns this string to a copy of another string.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
String& operator=(const String& other);
// Move assigns from another string.
// The other string is set to empty.
// Does not allocate heap memory.
String& operator=(String&& other);
// Assigns this string from the contents of a null-terminated C string.
// Allocates heap memory only if |data| is non-empty.
// |data| must not be null.
String& operator=(const char* data) {
return *this;
// Assigns this string from the contents of a string piece.
// Allocates heap memory only if |piece.length()| is non-zero.
String& operator=(const StringPiece& piece) {
return *this;
// Assigns this string from the contents of a string-like object.
// Allocates heap memory only if the length of |value| is non-zero.
// Works with various string types including fbl::String, fbl::StringView,
// std::string, and std::string_view.
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_string_like<T>::value>::type>
String& operator=(const T& value) {
Set(GetStringData(value), GetStringLength(value));
return *this;
// Assigns this string from the contents of a null-terminated C string.
// Allocates heap memory only if |data| is non-empty.
// |data| must not be null.
void Set(const char* data) {
Set(data, constexpr_strlen(data));
// Assigns this string from the contents of a null-terminated C string.
// Allocates heap memory only if |data| is non-empty.
// |data| and |ac| must not be null.
void Set(const char* data, AllocChecker* ac) {
Set(data, constexpr_strlen(data), ac);
// Assigns this string from the contents of a character array of given length.
// Allocates heap memory only if |length| is non-zero.
// |data| must not be null.
void Set(const char* data, size_t length);
// Assigns this string from the contents of a character array of given length.
// Allocates heap memory only if |length| is non-zero.
// |data| and |ac| must not be null.
void Set(const char* data, size_t length, AllocChecker* ac);
// Assigns this string with |count| copies of |ch|.
// Allocates heap memory only if |count| is non-zero.
void Set(size_t count, char ch) {
Init(count, ch);
// Assigns this string with |count| copies of |ch|.
// Allocates heap memory only if |count| is non-zero.
// |ac| must not be null.
void Set(size_t count, char ch, AllocChecker* ac) {
Init(count, ch, ac);
// Assigns this string from the contents of a string piece.
// Allocates heap memory only if |piece.length()| is non-zero.
void Set(const StringPiece& piece) {
Set(, piece.length());
// Assigns this string from the contents of a string piece.
// Allocates heap memory only if |piece.length()| is non-zero.
// |ac| must not be null.
void Set(const StringPiece& piece, AllocChecker* ac) {
Set(, piece.length(), ac);
// Creates a string piece backed by the string.
// The string piece does not take ownership of the data so the string
// must outlast the string piece.
StringPiece ToStringPiece() const {
return StringPiece(data(), length());
// Concatenates the specified strings.
static String Concat(std::initializer_list<String> strings);
// Concatenates the specified strings.
// |ac| must not be null.
static String Concat(std::initializer_list<String> strings,
AllocChecker* ac);
friend struct fbl::tests::StringTestHelper;
explicit String(char* data, decltype(nullptr) /*overload disambiguation*/)
: data_(data) {}
// A string buffer consists of a length followed by a reference count
// followed by a null-terminated string. To make access faster, we offset
// the |data_| pointer to point at the first byte of the content instead of
// at the beginning of the string buffer itself.
static constexpr size_t kLengthFieldOffset = 0u;
static constexpr size_t kRefCountFieldOffset = sizeof(size_t);
static constexpr size_t kDataFieldOffset = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(std::atomic_uint);
static size_t* length_field_of(char* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(data - kDataFieldOffset + kLengthFieldOffset);
static std::atomic_uint* ref_count_field_of(char* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<std::atomic_uint*>(data - kDataFieldOffset + kRefCountFieldOffset);
static constexpr size_t buffer_size(size_t length) {
return kDataFieldOffset + length + 1u;
// For use by test code only.
unsigned int ref_count() const {
return ref_count_field_of(data_)->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Storage for an empty string.
struct EmptyBuffer {
size_t length{0u};
std::atomic_uint ref_count{1u};
char nul{0};
static_assert(offsetof(EmptyBuffer, length) == kLengthFieldOffset, "");
static_assert(offsetof(EmptyBuffer, ref_count) == kRefCountFieldOffset, "");
static_assert(offsetof(EmptyBuffer, nul) == kDataFieldOffset, "");
static EmptyBuffer gEmpty;
void Init(const char* data, size_t length);
void Init(const char* data, size_t length, AllocChecker* ac);
void Init(size_t count, char ch);
void Init(size_t count, char ch, AllocChecker* ac);
void InitWithEmpty();
static char* AllocData(size_t length);
static char* AllocData(size_t length, AllocChecker* ac);
static char* InitData(void* buffer, size_t length);
static void AcquireRef(char* data);
static void ReleaseRef(char* data);
char* data_;
bool operator==(const String& lhs, const String& rhs);
inline bool operator!=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
inline bool operator<(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
return < 0;
inline bool operator>(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
return > 0;
inline bool operator<=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
return <= 0;
inline bool operator>=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
return >= 0;
} // namespace fbl