blob: b51773c4de1b9c88dfac60f96342a7319ae3f9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
static_assert(false, "Fuchsia only header");
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <blobfs/format.h>
#include <blobfs/writeback.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
namespace blobfs {
class JournalBase;
class JournalProcessor;
using ReadyCallback = blobfs::WritebackWork::ReadyCallback;
using SyncCallback = fs::Vnode::SyncCallback;
enum class EntryStatus : uint32_t {
kSync, // State given to a journal entry which represents a sync request.
kInit, // State given to a journal entry which requires additional pre-processing.
kWaiting, // State given to an entry which is waiting for writeback to complete.
kPersisted, // State given to an entry which has been successfully persisted to disk.
kError, // State given to an entry which has encountered an error during writeback.
constexpr uint64_t kEntryHeaderMagic = 0x776f7768656c6c6fULL;
constexpr uint64_t kEntryCommitMagic = 0x7472696369612331ULL;
// Represents a single entry within the Journal, including header and commit block indices
// and contents, and the WritebackWork representing the entry's data. Contains state indicating
// whether the entry has been processed. The JournalEntry lifetime should never exceed that of the
// journal that owns it. The JournalEntry must be kept alive until all callbacks have been invoked
// and the entry is ultimately removed from the journal.
// During the lifetime of a JournalEntry, it is written to the journal, written to disk, and
// deleted from the journal. At each step a callback is invoked to update the state of the entry to
// reflect the success of the operation. Some entries are "sync" entries, which have no associated
// journal data, and are only invoked once all entries queued before them have been fully processed.
class JournalEntry : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry>> {
JournalEntry(JournalBase* journal, EntryStatus status, uint64_t header_index,
uint64_t commit_index, fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work);
// Forcibly resets the associated WritebackWork. This should only be called in the event of an
// error; i.e. blobfs has transitioned to a readonly state. This reset should also resolve any
// pending sync closures within the work.
void ForceReset() {
if (work_ != nullptr) {
// Returns the number of blocks this entry will take up in the journal.
size_t BlockCount() {
if (commit_index_ == header_index_) {
return 0;
return block_count_ + kEntryMetadataBlocks;
// Returns the WritebackWork this entry represents.
// Any WritebackWorks acquired via TakeWork() with callbacks referencing the entry must
// be called while the entry is still alive, as the entry requires the result of these callbacks
// before moving on to its next state.
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> TakeWork();
// Generates a sync callback for this entry, which is designed to let the client know when the
// entry has been fully prepared for writeback.
ReadyCallback CreateReadyCallback();
// Generates a sync callback for this entry, which is designed to update the state of the entry
// after the writeback thread attempts persistence.
SyncCallback CreateSyncCallback();
// Returns the current status.
// When the status is "kWaiting", we are waiting on another thread to change the state of the
// entry. Once the state is changed from kWaiting, we are guaranteed that it will not be
// changed again from an external thread.
// The one exception to this is if an entry is in the kInit state, meaning that it is waiting
// on the journal thread to calculate the checksum, etc. However, it is waiting in the
// writeback thread at this time, so if another error is encountered it may be set to kError
// before the journal thread can set it to kWaiting.
EntryStatus GetStatus() const {
return static_cast<EntryStatus>(status_.load());
// Sets status_ to |status| and returns the previous status.
EntryStatus SetStatus(EntryStatus status) {
return static_cast<EntryStatus>(<uint32_t>(status)));
// Set the commit block's checksum.
void SetChecksum(uint32_t checksum);
// Return indices of the header and commit block, respectively.
size_t GetHeaderIndex() const { return header_index_; }
size_t GetCommitIndex() const { return commit_index_; }
// Return the header and commit blocks of the entry, respectively.
const HeaderBlock& GetHeaderBlock() const { return header_block_; }
const CommitBlock& GetCommitBlock() const { return commit_block_; }
JournalBase* journal_; // Pointer to the journal containing this entry.
std::atomic<uint32_t> status_; // Current EntryStatus. Accessed by multiple threads.
uint32_t block_count_; // Number of blocks in the entry (not including header/commit).
// Contents of the start and commit blocks for this journal entry.
HeaderBlock header_block_;
CommitBlock commit_block_;
// Start and commit indices of the entry within the journal vmo in units of blobfs blocks.
uint64_t header_index_;
uint64_t commit_index_;
// WritebackWork for the data contained in this entry.
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work_;
using EntryQueue = fs::Queue<fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry>>;
// A Journal interface which other classes (i.e. JournalEntry, JournalProcessor) may use to
// interact with a Journal.
class JournalBase {
JournalBase() = default;
virtual ~JournalBase() = default;
virtual void SendSignal(zx_status_t status) = 0;
// Returns the capacity of the journal (in blobfs blocks).
virtual size_t GetCapacity() const = 0;
virtual bool IsReadOnly() const = 0;
// Writes out the header and commit blocks belonging to |entry| to the buffer.
// All data from |entry| should already be written to the buffer.
virtual void PrepareBuffer(JournalEntry* entry) = 0;
// Prepares |entry| for deletion by zeroing out the header and commit block in the buffer,
// and adds transactions for the deletions to |work|.
virtual void PrepareDelete(JournalEntry* entry, WritebackWork* work) = 0;
// Shortcut to create a WritebackWork with no associated VnodeBlob.
virtual fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> CreateWork() = 0;
// Enqueues transactions from the entry buffer to the blobfs writeback queue.
// Verifies the transactions and sets the buffer if necessary.
virtual zx_status_t EnqueueEntryWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) = 0;
// Journal which manages the in-memory journal (and background thread, which handles writing
// out entries to the on-disk journal, actual disk locations, and cleaning up old entries).
// With journaling enabled, the blobfs writeback flow is as follows:
// 1. Once a metadata WritebackWork containing a complete, atomic set of transactions is prepared
// for writeback, it is enqueued to the Journal. If the WritebackWork contains only a sync
// callback, then no preparation is done, but it is also sent to the JournalThread. Any entries
// containing sync callbacks will go through the same queues as regular entries from here on
// out, but nothing will be done with them until step 7.
// 2. The JournalThread will write the transaction data to its buffer, and send work to the
// WritebackBuffer queue with transactions intended to write the journal entry out to disk.
// However, the header and commit blocks will not yet be written out to the buffer, so the work
// will block the writeback queue (not allowing any more writes to go through) until it is ready.
// 3. In the JournalThread, the entry whose work has been processed and sent to the
// writeback queue will have its header and commit blocks written to the buffer, and will then
// present its work as "ready" to the writeback queue.
// 4. Once a journal entry has been written out to disk, the journal will receive a callback to let
// it know that the entry has been processed. At this point we know it is safe to write the data
// out to its intended on-disk location.
// 5. Once the metadata has been written out to disk, the journal will receive another callback to
// let it know that we can now "delete" the entry, and free up space for future entries in the
// journal's buffer.
// 6. At this point the journal's info block is updated to reflect the index of the first entry and
// current known length of all journal entries, the header/commit blocks of all fully processed
// entries are erased, and any sync works are completed.
// 7. Now that all entries/metadata are up to date, we complete any sync requests that have made
// their way through all the journaling queues.
// 8. The JournalThread will continue processing incoming entries until it receives the unmount
// signal, at which point it will ensure that no entries are still waiting to be processed
// before exiting.
class Journal : public JournalBase {
// Calls constructor, return an error if anything goes wrong.
static zx_status_t Create(Blobfs* bs, uint64_t block_count, uint64_t start_block,
fbl::unique_ptr<Journal>* out);
// Loads the contents of the journal on disk into the in-memory buffers.
// This must be called before the journal can be replayed.
zx_status_t Load();
// Checks for any existing journal entries starting at the |start| indicated in the super block,
// and replays all valid entries in order.
// This method must be called before the journal background thread is initialized.
zx_status_t Replay();
// Initializes the journal's background thread.
zx_status_t InitWriteback();
// Attempts to enqueue a set of transactions to the journal.
// An error will be returned if the journal is currently in read only mode.
zx_status_t Enqueue(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work);
// Signals the journal thread to process waiting entries.
void SendSignal(zx_status_t status) final {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
// Asynchronously processes journal entries and updates journal state.
void ProcessLoop();
// JournalBase interface
size_t GetCapacity() const final {
return entries_->capacity();
bool IsReadOnly() const final __TA_REQUIRES(lock_) {
return state_ == WritebackState::kReadOnly;
// Writes out the header and commit blocks belonging to |entry| to the buffer.
// All data from |entry| should already be written to the buffer.
void PrepareBuffer(JournalEntry* entry) final __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Prepares |entry| for deletion by zeroing out the header and commit block in the buffer,
// and adds transactions for the deletions to |work|.
void PrepareDelete(JournalEntry* entry, WritebackWork* work) final __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Shortcut to create a WritebackWork with no associated VnodeBlob.
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> CreateWork() final;
// Enqueues transactions from the entry buffer to the blobfs writeback queue.
// Verifies the transactions and sets the buffer if necessary.
zx_status_t EnqueueEntryWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) final;
// The waiter struct may be used as a stack-allocated queue for producers.
// It allows them to take turns putting data into the buffer when it is
// mostly full.
struct Waiter : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<Waiter*> {};
using ProducerQueue = fs::Queue<Waiter*>;
Journal(Blobfs* blobfs, fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> info, fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> entries,
uint64_t start_block)
: blobfs_(blobfs), start_block_(start_block),
info_(std::move(info)), entries_(std::move(entries)) {}
// Creates an entry within the journal ranging from |header_index| to |commit_index|, inclusive.
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> CreateEntry(uint64_t header_index, uint64_t commit_index,
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work)
// Signals the journal thread to process waiting entries,
// and potentially update the readonly state of the journal.
void SendSignalLocked(zx_status_t status) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Prepares |work| with transactions to write the data for |entry| stored in the journal buffer
// into the actual journal. This will consist of at most 2 transactions (if we wrap around the
// end of the circular buffer). The entry in the buffer itself may not be ready at this point.
void PrepareWork(JournalEntry* entry, fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork>* work);
// Returns the block at |index| within the buffer as a journal entry header block.
HeaderBlock* GetHeaderBlock(uint64_t index) {
return reinterpret_cast<HeaderBlock*>(entries_->MutableData(index));
// Returns the block at |index| within the buffer as a journal entry commit block.
CommitBlock* GetCommitBlock(uint64_t index) {
return reinterpret_cast<CommitBlock*>(entries_->MutableData(index));
// Returns true if the header block at |header_index| and its corresponding commit block
// describe a valid journal entry. |last_timestamp| is the timestamp of the previous entry,
// or the journal info block if this is the first entry in the journal.
// |expect_valid| indicates whether a valid entry is expected to exist here.
// Meant to be used on Journal replay.
bool VerifyEntryMetadata(size_t header_index, uint64_t last_timestamp, bool expected_valid)
// Checks if the entry at |header_index| is valid, and if so replays the entry.
// Takes in |remaining_length| of the journal to determine whether we expect this entry to
// exist or not. Returns the number of |entry_blocks| and the entry |timestamp|.
zx_status_t ReplayEntry(size_t header_index, size_t remaining_length, uint64_t* entry_blocks,
uint64_t* timestamp) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Commits the replay by updating the journal info block and syncing all writes to disk.
zx_status_t CommitReplay() __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Updates the journal's info block and persists it to disk.
zx_status_t WriteInfo(uint64_t start, uint64_t length);
// Returns data from the info buffer as a JournalInfo block.
JournalInfo* GetInfo() {
return reinterpret_cast<JournalInfo*>(info_->MutableData(0));
// Blocks until |blocks| blocks of data are available within the entries buffer.
// Doesn't actually allocate any space.
void EnsureSpaceLocked(size_t blocks) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Given a |start| index and |length|, generates one or more transactions
// from the entries buffer.
void AddEntryTransaction(size_t start, size_t length, WritebackWork* work);
// Generates a crc32 checksum for the entry with header block at |header_index|
// and commit block at |commit_index|.
uint32_t GenerateChecksum(uint64_t header_index, uint64_t commit_index);
// Removes and returns the next JournalEntry from the work queue.
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> GetNextEntry() __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Processes entries in the work queue and the processor queues.
void ProcessQueues(JournalProcessor* processor) __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
Blobfs* blobfs_;
// The absolute start block of the journal on disk. Used for transactions.
uint64_t start_block_;
// Signalled when the journal entry buffer has space to add additional entries.
cnd_t producer_cvar_ = CND_INIT;
// Signalled when journal entries are ready to be processed by the background thread.
cnd_t consumer_cvar_ = CND_INIT;
// Work associated with the "journal" thread, which manages work items (i.e. journal entries),
// and flushes them to disk. This thread acts as a consumer of the entry buffer.
thrd_t thread_;
// Use to lock resources that may be accessed asynchronously.
fbl::Mutex lock_;
// This buffer contains the data for the journal info block,
// which is periodically updated and written back to disk.
fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> info_;
// This buffer contains all journal entry data.
fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> entries_;
// True if the journal thread has been signalled via the buffer's consumer_cvar_.
// Reset to false at the beginning of the journal async loop.
bool consumer_signalled_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_) = false;
// Used to tell the background thread to exit.
bool unmounting_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_) = false;
// The Journal will start off in a kInit state, and will change to kRunning when the
// background thread is brought up. Once it is running, if an error is detected during
// writeback, the journal is converted to kReadOnly, and no further writes are permitted.
WritebackState state_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_) = WritebackState::kInit;
// Queues which contain journal entries in various states.
// The work_queue_ contains entries which have been written to the buffer,
// but not yet persisted to the journal on disk.
EntryQueue work_queue_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Ensures that if multiple producers are waiting for space to write their
// entries into the entry buffer, they can each write in-order.
ProducerQueue producer_queue_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Result returned from a JournalProcessor's Process methods.
enum class ProcessResult {
kContinue, // Indicates that the entry should be added to the next queue.
kWait, // Indicates that we should wait before processing this entry.
kRemove, // Indicates that the entry should be removed from the queue.
// Profile to track which queue the JournalProcessor is currently handling.
enum class ProcessorContext {
// The JournalProcessor is used in the context of the Journal async thread to process entries in
// different states. Entries from the Journal's work queue are processed first, then go through the
// wait, delete, and potentially sync queues (if a sync callback is present). Process operations
// are expected to be called in that order. Based on the state of the journal and the entry itself,
// different actions may be taken at each step in the process.
class JournalProcessor {
JournalProcessor() = delete;
explicit JournalProcessor(JournalBase* journal) : journal_(journal),
context_(ProcessorContext::kDefault) {}
~JournalProcessor() {
void ProcessWorkEntry(fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> entry);
void ProcessWaitQueue();
void ProcessDeleteQueue();
void ProcessSyncQueue();
bool HasError() const { return error_; }
bool IsEmpty() const {
return wait_queue_.is_empty() && delete_queue_.is_empty() && sync_queue_.is_empty();
void ResetWork() {
if (work_ != nullptr) {
void EnqueueWork() {
if (work_ != nullptr) {
size_t GetBlocksProcessed() const { return blocks_processed_; }
// Sets queue type being processed to |context|.
void SetContext(ProcessorContext context);
void ProcessQueue(EntryQueue* in_queue, EntryQueue* out_queue);
ProcessResult ProcessEntry(JournalEntry* entry);
// Methods which process entries in different ways.
// Default action to take for a valid "work" |entry|.
ProcessResult ProcessWorkDefault(JournalEntry* entry);
// Default action to take for a valid "wait" |entry|.
ProcessResult ProcessWaitDefault(JournalEntry* entry);
// Default action to take for a valid "delete" |entry|.
ProcessResult ProcessDeleteDefault(JournalEntry* entry);
// Default action to take for a "sync" |entry|.
ProcessResult ProcessSyncDefault(JournalEntry* entry);
// Action to take for a "sync" |entry| when we want to complete the sync operation.
ProcessResult ProcessSyncComplete(JournalEntry* entry);
// Default action to take when we find an |entry| with "error" status.
ProcessResult ProcessErrorDefault();
// Action to take when we find an error entry and want to remove it from the queue.
ProcessResult ProcessErrorComplete(JournalEntry* entry);
// Action to take for an unsupported state.
ProcessResult ProcessUnsupported();
JournalBase* journal_;
bool error_;
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work_;
size_t blocks_processed_;
// Queue type that the Processor is currently processing.
ProcessorContext context_;
// Queues which track the state of the journal entries.
// The wait_queue_ contains entries which have been persisted to the journal,
// but not yet persisted to the final on-disk location.
EntryQueue wait_queue_;
// The delete_queue_ contains entries which have been fully persisted to disk,
// but not yet removed from the journal.
EntryQueue delete_queue_;
// Stores any sync works pulled from the delete queue in this sync queue, so we can
// complete them after we update the journal's info block.
EntryQueue sync_queue_;
} // blobfs