blob: 5a9e560864c73362f7df23b4c979dd4c0f51d92b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/counter-internal.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/histogram-internal.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/types-internal.h>
#include <fbl/string_buffer.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace cobalt_client {
namespace internal {
struct CobaltOptions {
// Service path to LoggerFactory interface.
fbl::StringBuffer<PATH_MAX> service_path;
// Maximum time to wait for Cobalt Service to respond for the CreateLogger request.
// Unless the channel is closed, we will keep checking if the channel is readable.
zx::duration logger_deadline;
// The maximum time to wait, after the request has been written to the channel.
// This allows amortizing the wait time in future calls.
zx::duration logger_deadline_first_attempt;
// Sets the input VMO to point to the serialized config for this logger and the size
// of the serialized data.
fbl::Function<bool(zx::vmo*, size_t*)> config_reader;
// Performs a connection to a service at a given path.
fbl::Function<zx_status_t(const char* service_path, zx::channel service)> service_connect;
// Which release stage to use for persisting metrics.
ReleaseStage release_stage;
class CobaltLogger : public Logger {
CobaltLogger() = delete;
explicit CobaltLogger(CobaltOptions options);
CobaltLogger(const CobaltLogger&) = delete;
CobaltLogger(CobaltLogger&&) = delete;
CobaltLogger& operator=(const CobaltLogger&) = delete;
CobaltLogger& operator=(CobaltLogger&&) = delete;
~CobaltLogger() override{};
// Returns true if the histogram was persisted.
bool Log(const RemoteMetricInfo& metric_info, const HistogramBucket* buckets,
size_t bucket_count) override;
// Returns true if the counter was persisted.
bool Log(const RemoteMetricInfo& metric_info, int64_t count) override;
bool IsListeningForReply() const { return logger_factory_.is_valid(); }
// Blocks until the reply from LoggerFactory arrives into |logger_factory_|
// channel or the peer is closed. |observed| will be set to the observed signals
// if provided. Useful for testing to enforce a deterministic order of operations.
zx_status_t WaitForReply(zx_signals_t* observed = nullptr) const {
return zx_object_wait_one(logger_factory_.get(),
zx::time::infinite().get(), observed);
// If returns true, a channel has been established with the endpoint,
// and the handshake to set up a logger started.
bool TrySendLoggerRequest();
// The service replied and the status is ok.
bool HasCobaltReplied(zx::duration deadline);
// Returns true if the logger request has been sent, and Cobalt Service
// replied successfully already. If any error happens that prevents
// writing to the current channel(ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED), we guarantee
// the next time this method is called will return false.
bool IsLoggerReady();
// Set of options for this logger.
CobaltOptions options_;
zx::channel logger_;
zx::channel logger_factory_;
bool is_first_attempt_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cobalt_client