blob: 24fdadfe204772c5826ff5b7d2baba0699a6b6d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include <ddk/protocol/block.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/block.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <lib/fzl/fifo.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/thread_annotations.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "txn-group.h"
// Represents the mapping of "vmoid --> VMO"
class IoBuffer : public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<fbl::RefPtr<IoBuffer>>,
public fbl::RefCounted<IoBuffer> {
vmoid_t GetKey() const { return vmoid_; }
// TODO(smklein): This function is currently labelled 'hack' since we have
// no way to ensure that the size of the VMO won't change in between
// checking it and using it. This will require a mechanism to "pin" VMO pages.
// The units of length and vmo_offset is bytes.
zx_status_t ValidateVmoHack(uint64_t length, uint64_t vmo_offset);
zx_handle_t vmo() const { return io_vmo_.get(); }
IoBuffer(zx::vmo vmo, vmoid_t vmoid);
friend struct TypeWAVLTraits;
const zx::vmo io_vmo_;
const vmoid_t vmoid_;
class BlockServer;
typedef struct block_msg_extra block_msg_extra_t;
typedef struct block_msg block_msg_t;
// All the C++ bits of a block message. This allows the block server to utilize
// C++ libraries while also using "block_op_t"s, which may require extra space.
struct block_msg_extra {
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<block_msg_t*> dll_node_state;
fbl::RefPtr<IoBuffer> iobuf;
BlockServer* server;
reqid_t reqid;
groupid_t group;
// A single unit of work transmitted to the underlying block layer.
struct block_msg {
block_msg_extra_t extra;
block_op_t op;
// + Extra space for underlying block_op
// Since the linked list state (necessary to queue up block messages) is based
// in C++ code, but may need to reference the "block_op_t" object, it uses
// a custom type trait.
struct DoublyLinkedListTraits {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<block_msg_t*>& node_state(block_msg_t& obj) {
return obj.extra.dll_node_state;
using BlockMsgQueue = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<block_msg_t*, DoublyLinkedListTraits>;
// C++ safe wrapper around block_msg_t.
// It's difficult to allocate a dynamic-length "block_op" as requested by the
// underlying driver while maintaining valid object construction & destruction;
// this class attempts to hide those details.
class BlockMsg {
bool valid() { return bop_ != nullptr; }
void reset(block_msg_t* bop = nullptr) {
if (bop_) {
bop_ = bop;
block_msg_t* release() {
auto bop = bop_;
bop_ = nullptr;
return bop;
block_msg_extra_t* extra() { return &bop_->extra; }
block_op_t* op() { return &bop_->op; }
BlockMsg(block_msg_t* bop) : bop_(bop) {}
BlockMsg() : bop_(nullptr) {}
BlockMsg& operator=(BlockMsg&& o) {
return *this;
~BlockMsg() {
static zx_status_t Create(size_t block_op_size, BlockMsg* out) {
block_msg_t* bop = (block_msg_t*) calloc(block_op_size + sizeof(block_msg_t) -
sizeof(block_op_t), 1);
if (bop == nullptr) {
// Placement constructor, followed by explicit destructor in ~BlockMsg();
new (&bop->extra) block_msg_extra_t();
BlockMsg msg(bop);
*out = std::move(msg);
return ZX_OK;
block_msg_t* bop_;
class BlockServer {
// Creates a new BlockServer.
static zx_status_t Create(
ddk::BlockProtocolProxy* bp,
fzl::fifo<block_fifo_request_t, block_fifo_response_t>* fifo_out,
BlockServer** out);
// Starts the BlockServer using the current thread
zx_status_t Serve() TA_EXCL(server_lock_);
zx_status_t AttachVmo(zx::vmo vmo, vmoid_t* out) TA_EXCL(server_lock_);
// Updates the total number of pending txns, possibly signals
// the queue-draining thread to wake up if they are waiting
// for all pending operations to complete.
// Should only be called for transactions which have been placed
// on (and removed from) in_queue_.
void TxnEnd();
// Wrapper around "Completed Transaction", as a convenience
// both both one-shot and group-based transactions.
// (If appropriate) tells the client that their operation is done.
void TxnComplete(zx_status_t status, reqid_t reqid, groupid_t group);
void ShutDown();
BlockServer(ddk::BlockProtocolProxy* bp);
// Helper for processing a single message read from the FIFO.
void ProcessRequest(block_fifo_request_t* request);
// Helper for the server to react to a signal that a barrier
// operation has completed. Unsets the local "waiting for barrier"
// signal, and enqueues any further operations that might be
// pending.
void BarrierComplete();
// Functions that read from the fifo and invoke the queue drainer.
// Should not be invoked concurrently.
zx_status_t Read(block_fifo_request_t* requests, size_t* count);
void TerminateQueue();
// Attempts to enqueue all operations on the |in_queue_|. Stops
// when either the queue is empty, or a BARRIER_BEFORE is reached and
// operations are in-flight.
void InQueueDrainer();
zx_status_t FindVmoIDLocked(vmoid_t* out) TA_REQ(server_lock_);
fzl::fifo<block_fifo_response_t, block_fifo_request_t> fifo_;
block_info_t info_;
ddk::BlockProtocolProxy* bp_;
size_t block_op_size_;
// BARRIER_AFTER is implemented by sticking "BARRIER_BEFORE" on the
// next operation that arrives.
bool deferred_barrier_before_ = false;
BlockMsgQueue in_queue_;
std::atomic<size_t> pending_count_;
std::atomic<bool> barrier_in_progress_;
TransactionGroup groups_[MAX_TXN_GROUP_COUNT];
fbl::Mutex server_lock_;
fbl::WAVLTree<vmoid_t, fbl::RefPtr<IoBuffer>> tree_ TA_GUARDED(server_lock_);
vmoid_t last_id_ TA_GUARDED(server_lock_);
// TODO(smklein): The following names should be converted to their canonical C++ versions.
// Allocate a new blockserver + FIFO combo
zx_status_t blockserver_create(ddk::BlockProtocolProxy* bp, zx_handle_t* fifo_out,
BlockServer** out);
// Shut down the blockserver. It will stop serving requests.
void blockserver_shutdown(BlockServer* bs);
// Free the memory allocated to the blockserver.
void blockserver_free(BlockServer* bs);
// Use the current thread to block on incoming FIFO requests.
zx_status_t blockserver_serve(BlockServer* bs);
// Attach an IO buffer to the Block Server
zx_status_t blockserver_attach_vmo(BlockServer* bs, zx_handle_t vmo, vmoid_t* out);