blob: 335c5b04ff1911cb7a6f4243ac6a3ce9530a823f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/metric-options.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/types-internal.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
namespace cobalt_client {
// Defines the options for initializing the Collector.
struct CollectorOptions {
// Returns a |Collector| whose data will be logged for GA release stage.
static CollectorOptions GeneralAvailability();
// Returns a |Collector| whose data will be logged for Dogfood release stage.
static CollectorOptions Dogfood();
// Returns a |Collector| whose data will be logged for Fishfood release stage.
static CollectorOptions Fishfood();
// Returns a |Collector| whose data will be logged for Debug release stage.
static CollectorOptions Debug();
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Callback used when reading the config to create a cobalt logger.
// Returns true when the write was successful. The VMO will be transferred
// to the cobalt service.
fbl::Function<bool(zx::vmo*, size_t*)> load_config = nullptr;
// Configuration for RPC behavior for remote metrics.
// Only set if you plan to interact with cobalt service.
// When registering with cobalt, will block for this amount of time, each
// time we need to reach cobalt, until the response is received.
zx::duration response_deadline = zx::duration(0);
// When registering with cobalt, will block for this amount of time, the first
// time we need to wait for a response.
zx::duration initial_response_deadline = zx::duration(0);
// This is set internally by factory functions.
uint32_t release_stage = 0;
// This class acts as a peer for instantiating Histograms and Counters. All
// objects instantiated through this class act as a view, which means that
// their lifetime is coupled to this object's lifetime. This class does require
// the number of different configurations on construction.
// The Sink provides an API for persisting the supported data types. This is
// exposed to simplify testing.
// This class is not moveable, copyable or assignable.
// This class is thread-compatible.
class Collector {
Collector(CollectorOptions options);
Collector(std::unique_ptr<internal::Logger> logger);
Collector(const Collector&) = delete;
Collector(Collector&&) = delete;
Collector& operator=(const Collector&) = delete;
Collector& operator=(Collector&&) = delete;
// Allows classes implementing |internal::FlushInterface| to subscribe for Flush events.
void Subscribe(internal::FlushInterface* flushable) { flushables_.push_back(flushable); }
// Allows classes implementing |internal::FlushInterface| to UnSubscribe for Flush events.
void UnSubscribe(internal::FlushInterface* flushable);
// Flushes the content of all flushable metrics into |logger_|. The |logger_| is
// in charge of persisting the data.
void Flush();
// Convert this into a HashTable.
fbl::Vector<internal::FlushInterface*> flushables_;
std::unique_ptr<internal::Logger> logger_ = nullptr;
std::atomic<bool> flushing_ = false;
} // namespace cobalt_client