blob: ea12510f903239f8e730dfe91c1f61f6758c729b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/slab_allocator.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
namespace {
enum class ConstructType {
// Test objects.
class TestBase {
// Various constructor forms to exercise SlabAllocator::New
TestBase() : ctype_(ConstructType::DEFAULT) { ++allocated_obj_count_; }
explicit TestBase(const size_t&) : ctype_(ConstructType::LVALUE_REF) { ++allocated_obj_count_; }
explicit TestBase(size_t&&) : ctype_(ConstructType::RVALUE_REF) { ++allocated_obj_count_; }
explicit TestBase(const size_t&, size_t&&)
: ctype_(ConstructType::L_THEN_R_REF) {
virtual ~TestBase() { --allocated_obj_count_; }
ConstructType ctype() const { return ctype_; }
static void Reset() { allocated_obj_count_ = 0; }
static size_t allocated_obj_count() { return allocated_obj_count_; }
const uint8_t* payload() const { return payload_; }
const ConstructType ctype_;
uint8_t payload_[13]; // 13 bytes, just to make the size/alignment strange
static size_t allocated_obj_count_;
// Static storage.
size_t TestBase::allocated_obj_count_;
template <typename SATraits, typename = void> struct ReleaseHelper;
template <typename SATraits>
struct ReleaseHelper<SATraits, typename fbl::enable_if<
(SATraits::PtrTraits::IsManaged == false) &&
(SATraits::AllocatorFlavor == fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::INSTANCED)
>::type> {
static void ReleasePtr(fbl::SlabAllocator<SATraits>& allocator,
typename SATraits::PtrType& ptr) {
// Instanced slab allocators should static_assert if you attempt to
// expand their delete method.
delete ptr;
template <typename SATraits>
struct ReleaseHelper<SATraits, typename fbl::enable_if<
(SATraits::PtrTraits::IsManaged == false) &&
(SATraits::AllocatorFlavor == fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::MANUAL_DELETE)
>::type> {
static void ReleasePtr(fbl::SlabAllocator<SATraits>& allocator,
typename SATraits::PtrType& ptr) {
// SlabAllocated<> objects which come from MANUAL_DELETE flavors of slab
// allocators should have their delete operator protected in order to
// prevent someone from calling delete on the object.
delete ptr;
template <typename SATraits>
struct ReleaseHelper<SATraits, typename fbl::enable_if<
(SATraits::PtrTraits::IsManaged == true) &&
(SATraits::AllocatorFlavor != fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::STATIC)
>::type> {
static void ReleasePtr(fbl::SlabAllocator<SATraits>&, typename SATraits::PtrType& ptr) {
ptr = nullptr;
template <typename SATraits>
struct ReleaseHelper<SATraits, typename fbl::enable_if<
(SATraits::PtrTraits::IsManaged == false) &&
(SATraits::AllocatorFlavor == fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::STATIC)
>::type> {
static void ReleasePtr(typename SATraits::PtrType& ptr) {
delete ptr;
template <typename SATraits>
struct ReleaseHelper<SATraits, typename fbl::enable_if<
(SATraits::PtrTraits::IsManaged == true) &&
(SATraits::AllocatorFlavor == fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::STATIC)
>::type> {
static void ReleasePtr(typename SATraits::PtrType& ptr) {
ptr = nullptr;
// Traits which define the various test flavors.
template <typename LockType,
fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor AllocatorFlavor = fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::INSTANCED>
struct UnmanagedTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = ObjType*;
using AllocTraits = fbl::SlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType, AllocatorFlavor>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = false;
static constexpr size_t MaxAllocs(size_t slabs) { return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * slabs; }
template <typename LockType>
struct UniquePtrTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = fbl::unique_ptr<ObjType>;
using AllocTraits = fbl::SlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = true;
static constexpr size_t MaxAllocs(size_t slabs) { return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * slabs; }
template <typename LockType>
struct RefPtrTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = fbl::RefPtr<ObjType>;
using AllocTraits = fbl::SlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::RefCounted<ObjType>,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = true;
static constexpr size_t MaxAllocs(size_t slabs) { return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * slabs; }
template <typename Traits>
bool do_slab_test(typename Traits::AllocatorType& allocator, size_t test_allocs) {
const size_t MAX_ALLOCS = Traits::MaxAllocs(allocator.max_slabs());
typename Traits::RefList ref_list;
// Allocate up to the test limit.
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_allocs; ++i) {
typename Traits::PtrType ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(i, MAX_ALLOCS), TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
// Allocate the object; exercise the various constructors
switch (i % 4) {
case 0: ptr = allocator.New(); break;
case 1: ptr = allocator.New(i); break;
case 2: ptr = allocator.New(fbl::move(i)); break;
case 3: ptr = allocator.New(i, fbl::move(i)); break;
if (i < MAX_ALLOCS) {
ASSERT_NONNULL(ptr, "Allocation failed when it should not have!");
} else {
ASSERT_NULL(ptr, "Allocation succeeded when it should not have!");
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(i + 1, MAX_ALLOCS), TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
// Now remove and de-allocate.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; !ref_list.is_empty(); ++i) {
auto ptr = ref_list.pop_back();
ASSERT_NONNULL(ptr, "nullptr in ref list! This should be impossible.");
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(test_allocs, MAX_ALLOCS) - i, TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
switch (i % 4) {
case 0:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::DEFAULT, ptr->ctype());
case 1:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::LVALUE_REF, ptr->ctype());
case 2:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::RVALUE_REF, ptr->ctype());
case 3:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::L_THEN_R_REF, ptr->ctype());
// Release the reference (how this gets done depends on allocator flavor and pointer type)
ReleaseHelper<typename Traits::AllocTraits>::ReleasePtr(allocator, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(test_allocs, MAX_ALLOCS), i);
template <typename Traits, size_t SlabCount = Traits::MaxSlabs>
bool slab_test() {
typename Traits::AllocatorType allocator(SlabCount);
EXPECT_TRUE(do_slab_test<Traits>(allocator, 1),
"Single allocator test failed");
EXPECT_TRUE(do_slab_test<Traits>(allocator, Traits::MaxAllocs(SlabCount) / 2),
"1/2 capacity allocator test failed");
EXPECT_TRUE(do_slab_test<Traits>(allocator, Traits::MaxAllocs(SlabCount) + 4),
"Over-capacity allocator test failed");
template <typename LockType>
struct StaticUnmanagedTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = ObjType*;
using AllocTraits = fbl::StaticSlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static size_t MaxAllocs() { return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * AllocatorType::max_slabs(); }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = false;
template <typename LockType>
struct StaticUniquePtrTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = fbl::unique_ptr<ObjType>;
using AllocTraits = fbl::StaticSlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static size_t MaxAllocs() { return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * AllocatorType::max_slabs(); }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = false;
template <typename LockType>
struct StaticRefPtrTestTraits {
class ObjType;
using PtrType = fbl::RefPtr<ObjType>;
using AllocTraits = fbl::StaticSlabAllocatorTraits<PtrType, 1024, LockType>;
using AllocatorType = fbl::SlabAllocator<AllocTraits>;
using RefList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PtrType>;
class ObjType : public TestBase,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<AllocTraits>,
public fbl::RefCounted<ObjType>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PtrType> {
ObjType() : TestBase() { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& val) : TestBase(val) { }
explicit ObjType(size_t&& val) : TestBase(fbl::move(val)) { }
explicit ObjType(const size_t& a, size_t&& b) : TestBase(a, fbl::move(b)) { }
static constexpr size_t MaxSlabs = 4;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = false;
static size_t MaxAllocs() {
return AllocatorType::AllocsPerSlab * AllocatorType::max_slabs();
template <typename Traits>
bool do_static_slab_test(size_t test_allocs) {
using AllocatorType = typename Traits::AllocatorType;
const size_t MAX_ALLOCS = Traits::MaxAllocs();
typename Traits::RefList ref_list;
// Allocate up to the test limit.
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_allocs; ++i) {
typename Traits::PtrType ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(i, MAX_ALLOCS), TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
// Allocate the object; exercise the various constructors
switch (i % 4) {
case 0: ptr = AllocatorType::New(); break;
case 1: ptr = AllocatorType::New(i); break;
case 2: ptr = AllocatorType::New(fbl::move(i)); break;
case 3: ptr = AllocatorType::New(i, fbl::move(i)); break;
if (i < MAX_ALLOCS) {
ASSERT_NONNULL(ptr, "Allocation failed when it should not have!");
} else {
ASSERT_NULL(ptr, "Allocation succeeded when it should not have!");
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(i + 1, MAX_ALLOCS), TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
// Now remove and de-allocate.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; !ref_list.is_empty(); ++i) {
auto ptr = ref_list.pop_back();
ASSERT_NONNULL(ptr, "nullptr in ref list! This should be impossible.");
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(test_allocs, MAX_ALLOCS) - i, TestBase::allocated_obj_count());
switch (i % 4) {
case 0:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::DEFAULT, ptr->ctype());
case 1:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::LVALUE_REF, ptr->ctype());
case 2:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::RVALUE_REF, ptr->ctype());
case 3:
EXPECT_EQ(ConstructType::L_THEN_R_REF, ptr->ctype());
// Release the reference (how this gets done depends on allocator flavor and pointer type)
ReleaseHelper<typename Traits::AllocTraits>::ReleasePtr(ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fbl::min(test_allocs, MAX_ALLOCS), i);
template <typename Traits>
bool static_slab_test() {
"Single allocator test failed");
EXPECT_TRUE(do_static_slab_test<Traits>(Traits::MaxAllocs() / 2),
"1/2 capacity allocator test failed");
EXPECT_TRUE(do_static_slab_test<Traits>(Traits::MaxAllocs() + 4),
"Over-capacity allocator test failed");
} // anon namespace
using MutexLock = ::fbl::Mutex;
using NullLock = ::fbl::NullLock;
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticUnmanagedTestTraits<MutexLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticUniquePtrTestTraits<MutexLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticRefPtrTestTraits<MutexLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticUnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticUniquePtrTestTraits<NullLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(StaticRefPtrTestTraits<NullLock>::AllocTraits, 1);
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Unmanaged Single Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<MutexLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Unmanaged Multi Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("UniquePtr Single Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<UniquePtrTestTraits<MutexLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("UniquePtr Multi Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<UniquePtrTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("RefPtr Single Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<RefPtrTestTraits<MutexLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("RefPtr Multi Slab (mutex)", (slab_test<RefPtrTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Unmanaged Single Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Unmanaged Multi Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("UniquePtr Single Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<UniquePtrTestTraits<NullLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("UniquePtr Multi Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<UniquePtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("RefPtr Single Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<RefPtrTestTraits<NullLock>, 1>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("RefPtr Multi Slab (unlock)", (slab_test<RefPtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Manual Delete Unmanaged (mutex)",
(slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<MutexLock, fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::MANUAL_DELETE>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Manual Delete Unmanaged (unlock)",
(slab_test<UnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock, fbl::SlabAllocatorFlavor::MANUAL_DELETE>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static Unmanaged (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticUnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static UniquePtr (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticUniquePtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static RefPtr (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticRefPtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static Unmanaged (mutex)", (static_slab_test<StaticUnmanagedTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static UniquePtr (mutex)", (static_slab_test<StaticUniquePtrTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static RefPtr (mutex)", (static_slab_test<StaticRefPtrTestTraits<MutexLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static Unmanaged (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticUnmanagedTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static UniquePtr (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticUniquePtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Static RefPtr (unlock)", (static_slab_test<StaticRefPtrTestTraits<NullLock>>))