blob: 66ac46101ba28f83c4dcff294b0461865410c5f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/device/intel-hda.h>
#include <fdio/io.h>
#include "intel_hda_device.h"
namespace audio {
namespace intel_hda {
zx_status_t IntelHDADevice::Probe() {
zx_status_t res = ZirconDevice::Connect();
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
ihda_get_ids_req_t req;
ihda_get_ids_resp_t resp;
InitRequest(&req, IHDA_CMD_GET_IDS);
res = CallDevice(req, &resp);
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
vid_ = resp.vid;
did_ = resp.did;
ihda_vmaj_ = resp.ihda_vmaj;
ihda_vmin_ = resp.ihda_vmin;
rev_id_ = resp.rev_id;
step_id_ = resp.step_id;
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace audio
} // namespace intel_hda