blob: 1417c23c7508079936ddb8a1bb219166da499109 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlc.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/protocol/intel-hda-dsp.h>
#include <ddktl/device-internal.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "intel-hda-dsp-internal.h"
// DDK ihda-dsp-protocol support
// :: Proxies ::
// ddk::IhdaDspProtocolProxy is a simple wrapper around
// ihda_dsp_protocol_t. It does not own the pointers passed to it
// :: Mixins ::
// ddk::IhdaDspProtocol is a mixin class that simplifies writing DDK drivers
// that implement the ihda-dsp protocol. It doesn't set the base protocol.
// :: Examples ::
// // A driver that implements a ZX_PROTOCOL_IHDA_DSP device.
// class IhdaDspDevice {
// using IhdaDspDeviceType = ddk::Device<IhdaDspDevice, /* ddk mixins */>;
// class IhdaDspDevice : public IhdaDspDeviceType,
// public ddk::IhdaDspProtocol<IhdaDspDevice> {
// public:
// IhdaDspDevice(zx_device_t* parent)
// : IhdaDspDeviceType("my-ihda-dsp-protocol-device", parent) {}
// void IhdaDspGetDevInfo(zx_pcie_device_info_t* out_out);
// zx_status_t IhdaDspGetMmio(zx_handle_t* out_vmo, size_t* out_size);
// zx_status_t IhdaDspGetBti(zx_handle_t* out_bti);
// void IhdaDspEnable();
// void IhdaDspDisable();
// zx_status_t IhdaDspIrqEnable(const ihda_dsp_irq_t* callback);
// void IhdaDspIrqDisable();
// ...
// };
namespace ddk {
template <typename D>
class IhdaDspProtocol : public internal::base_mixin {
IhdaDspProtocol() {
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.get_dev_info = IhdaDspGetDevInfo;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.get_mmio = IhdaDspGetMmio;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.get_bti = IhdaDspGetBti;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.enable = IhdaDspEnable;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.disable = IhdaDspDisable;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.irq_enable = IhdaDspIrqEnable;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_.irq_disable = IhdaDspIrqDisable;
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_t ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_ = {};
// Fetch the parent HDA controller's PCI device info.
static void IhdaDspGetDevInfo(void* ctx, zx_pcie_device_info_t* out_out) {
// Fetch a VMO that represents the BAR holding the Audio DSP registers.
static zx_status_t IhdaDspGetMmio(void* ctx, zx_handle_t* out_vmo, size_t* out_size) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspGetMmio(out_vmo, out_size);
// Fetch a handle to our bus transaction initiator.
static zx_status_t IhdaDspGetBti(void* ctx, zx_handle_t* out_bti) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspGetBti(out_bti);
// Enables DSP
static void IhdaDspEnable(void* ctx) { static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspEnable(); }
// Disable DSP
static void IhdaDspDisable(void* ctx) { static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspDisable(); }
// Enables DSP interrupts and set a callback to be invoked when an interrupt is
// raised.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS` if a callback is already set.
static zx_status_t IhdaDspIrqEnable(void* ctx, const ihda_dsp_irq_t* callback) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspIrqEnable(callback);
// Disable DSP interrupts and clears the callback.
static void IhdaDspIrqDisable(void* ctx) { static_cast<D*>(ctx)->IhdaDspIrqDisable(); }
class IhdaDspProtocolProxy {
IhdaDspProtocolProxy() : ops_(nullptr), ctx_(nullptr) {}
IhdaDspProtocolProxy(const ihda_dsp_protocol_t* proto) : ops_(proto->ops), ctx_(proto->ctx) {}
void GetProto(ihda_dsp_protocol_t* proto) {
proto->ctx = ctx_;
proto->ops = ops_;
bool is_valid() { return ops_ != nullptr; }
void clear() {
ctx_ = nullptr;
ops_ = nullptr;
// Fetch the parent HDA controller's PCI device info.
void GetDevInfo(zx_pcie_device_info_t* out_out) { ops_->get_dev_info(ctx_, out_out); }
// Fetch a VMO that represents the BAR holding the Audio DSP registers.
zx_status_t GetMmio(zx_handle_t* out_vmo, size_t* out_size) {
return ops_->get_mmio(ctx_, out_vmo, out_size);
// Fetch a handle to our bus transaction initiator.
zx_status_t GetBti(zx_handle_t* out_bti) { return ops_->get_bti(ctx_, out_bti); }
// Enables DSP
void Enable() { ops_->enable(ctx_); }
// Disable DSP
void Disable() { ops_->disable(ctx_); }
// Enables DSP interrupts and set a callback to be invoked when an interrupt is
// raised.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS` if a callback is already set.
zx_status_t IrqEnable(const ihda_dsp_irq_t* callback) {
return ops_->irq_enable(ctx_, callback);
// Disable DSP interrupts and clears the callback.
void IrqDisable() { ops_->irq_disable(ctx_); }
ihda_dsp_protocol_ops_t* ops_;
void* ctx_;
} // namespace ddk