blob: d44cc3aca6f74f126f8b9a6e6262a3c4f94c339e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlc.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Forward declarations
typedef struct serial_port_info serial_port_info_t;
typedef struct serial_protocol serial_protocol_t;
// Declarations
struct serial_port_info {
uint32_t serial_class;
// Vendor and product ID of hardware attached to this serial port,
// or zero if not applicable.
uint32_t serial_vid;
uint32_t serial_pid;
typedef struct serial_protocol_ops {
zx_status_t (*get_info)(void* ctx, serial_port_info_t* out_info);
zx_status_t (*config)(void* ctx, uint32_t baud_rate, uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t (*open_socket)(void* ctx, zx_handle_t* out_handle);
} serial_protocol_ops_t;
// High level serial protocol for use by client drivers.
// When used with the platform device protocol, "port" will be relative to
// the list of serial ports assigned to your device rather than the global
// list of serial ports.
struct serial_protocol {
serial_protocol_ops_t* ops;
void* ctx;
static inline zx_status_t serial_get_info(const serial_protocol_t* proto,
serial_port_info_t* out_info) {
return proto->ops->get_info(proto->ctx, out_info);
// Configures the given serial port.
static inline zx_status_t serial_config(const serial_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t baud_rate,
uint32_t flags) {
return proto->ops->config(proto->ctx, baud_rate, flags);
// Returns a socket that can be used for reading and writing data
// from the given serial port.
static inline zx_status_t serial_open_socket(const serial_protocol_t* proto,
zx_handle_t* out_handle) {
return proto->ops->open_socket(proto->ctx, out_handle);