blob: 46e3655d7b0aaa8f14776defac1cd5c997b6bd75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlc.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Forward declarations
typedef struct bad_block_protocol bad_block_protocol_t;
// Declarations
typedef struct bad_block_protocol_ops {
zx_status_t (*get_bad_block_list)(void* ctx, uint32_t* out_bad_blocks_list,
size_t bad_blocks_count, size_t* out_bad_blocks_actual);
zx_status_t (*mark_block_bad)(void* ctx, uint32_t block);
} bad_block_protocol_ops_t;
struct bad_block_protocol {
bad_block_protocol_ops_t* ops;
void* ctx;
// Fills in |bad_blocks| with a list of bad blocks, up until
// |bad_blocks_count|. The order of blocks is undefined.
// |bad_blocks_actual| will be filled in with the actual number of bad
// blocks. It is recommended to first make call with |bad_blocks_count|
// equal to 0 in order to determine how large the |bad_blocks| is.
static inline zx_status_t bad_block_get_bad_block_list(const bad_block_protocol_t* proto,
uint32_t* out_bad_blocks_list,
size_t bad_blocks_count,
size_t* out_bad_blocks_actual) {
return proto->ops->get_bad_block_list(proto->ctx, out_bad_blocks_list, bad_blocks_count,
// Sets |block| as bad. If block is already marked bad, it has no effect.
static inline zx_status_t bad_block_mark_block_bad(const bad_block_protocol_t* proto,
uint32_t block) {
return proto->ops->mark_block_bad(proto->ctx, block);