blob: 1a164419cc9a20e8ed47e581eedde93ea6cd81c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library ddk.protocol.usb_function;
using ddk.protocol.usb;
using ddk.phys_iter;
using zircon.hw.usb;
using zx;
/// This protocol is used for USB peripheral function functions.
/// Callbacks implemented by the function driver.
interface UsbFunctionInterface {
/// Callback for handling ep0 control requests.
/// Return the descriptor list for the function. Callee retains ownership of descriptors.
// TODO(voydanoff) - descriptors will likely vary (different max packet sizes, etc)
// depending on whether we are in low/full, high or super speed mode.
// We will need to add a usb_speed_t argument to this callback.
1: GetDescriptors() -> (vector<zircon.hw.usb.UsbDescriptorHeader>? descriptor);
/// Callback for handling ep0 control requests.
2: Control(zircon.hw.usb.UsbSetup setup) -> (zx.status s, vector<void> buffer, usize actual);
/// Called to inform the function driver when the USB device configured state changes.
/// Called with configured == true in response to a SET_CONFIGURATION control request
/// that selects a configuration that contains this function. In this case, the function driver
/// should call usb_function_config_ep() to configure its endpoints.
/// Called with configured == false when configuration is disabled or USB is disconnected.
/// The function driver should then call usb_function_disable_ep() to disable its endpoints.
3: SetConfigured(bool configured, zircon.hw.usb.UsbSpeed speed) -> (zx.status s);
/// Called to set an alternate setting for an interface due to a SET_INTERFACE control request.
/// The function driver should call usb_function_config_ep() and/or usb_function_config_ep()
/// to configure or disable the interface's endpoints as appropriate.
4: SetInterface(uint64 @interface, uint64 alt_setting) -> (zx.status s);
interface UsbDciInterface {
1: ReqAlloc(uint64 data_size, uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s, ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req);
2: ReqAllocVmo(handle<vmo> vmo, uint64 vmo_offset, uint64 length,
uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s, ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req);
3: ReqInit(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, handle<vmo> vmo, uint64 vmo_offset, uint64 length,
uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);
4: ReqCopyFrom(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, usize offset) -> (vector<void> data);
5: ReqCopyTo(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest req, vector<void> data, usize offset) -> (isize len);
6: ReqMmap(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req) -> (zx.status s, vector<void>? data);
7: ReqCacheop(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, uint32 op, usize offset, usize length) -> (zx.status s);
8: ReqCacheFlush(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, usize offset, usize length) -> (zx.status s);
9: ReqCacheFlushInvalidate(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, usize offset, usize length) -> (zx.status s);
10: ReqPhysmap(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req) -> (zx.status s);
11: ReqRelease(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req) -> ();
12: ReqComplete(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, zx.status status, usize actual) -> ();
13: ReqPhysIterInit(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req, usize actual, usize max_length)
-> (ddk.phys_iter.PhysIter iter);
/// Registers the function driver's callback interface.
14: RegisterFunc(UsbFunctionInterface intf) -> (zx.status s);
/// Allocates a unique interface descriptor number.
15: AllocInterface() -> (zx.status s, uint8 intf_num);
/// Allocates a unique endpoint descriptor number.
/// Direction should be either `USB_DIR_OUT` or `USB_DIR_IN`.
16: AllocEp(uint8 direction) -> (zx.status s, uint8 address);
/// Configures an endpoint based on the provided usb_endpoint_descriptor_t and
/// usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor_t descriptors.
17: ConfigEp(zircon.hw.usb.UsbEndpointDescriptor? ep_desc,
zircon.hw.usb.UsbSsEpCompDescriptor? ss_comp_desc) -> (zx.status s);
/// Disables an endpoint. called when the device is no longer configured or an alternate interface
/// is selected.
18: DisableEp(uint8 ep_addr) -> (zx.status s);
/// Adds a string descriptor to the device configuration.
19: AllocStringDesc(string @string) -> (zx.status s, uint8 index);
/// Helper for queueing a usb request on an endpoint.
20: Queue(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req) -> ();
/// Stalls an endpoint.
21: EpSetStall(uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);
/// Clears endpoint stall state.
22: EpClearStall(uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);