blob: 2d11e0413abfa9c05b013acb8c013dc0a310ff6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library ddk.protocol.usb_dci;
using ddk.protocol.usb;
using zircon.hw.usb;
using zx;
/// This protocol is used for USB peripheral controller drivers.
/// Callbacks implemented by the USB device driver.
interface UsbDciInterface {
/// callback for handling ep0 control requests
1: Control(zircon.hw.usb.UsbSetup setup) -> (zx.status status, vector<void> buffer,
usize actual);
2: SetConnected(bool connected) -> ();
3: SetSpeed(zircon.hw.usb.UsbSpeed speed) -> ();
interface UsbDci {
1: RequestQueue(ddk.protocol.usb.UsbRequest? req) -> ();
/// Registers callback interface with the controller driver.
2: SetInterface(UsbDciInterface @interface) -> (zx.status s);
3: ConfigEp(zircon.hw.usb.UsbEndpointDescriptor ep_desc,
zircon.hw.usb.UsbSsEpCompDescriptor ss_comp_desc) -> (zx.status s);
4: DisableEp(uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);
5: EpSetStall(uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);
6: EpClearStall(uint8 ep_address) -> (zx.status s);
/// Shares a copy of the DCI driver's BTI handle.
7: GetBti() -> (zx.status s, handle<bti> bti);