blob: 82f93d53dee33251727c10ba5ab95388074bb8f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/protocol/ethernet.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/ethernet-internal.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
// DDK ethernet protocol support
// :: Proxies ::
// ddk::EthmacIfcProxy and ddk::EthmacProtocolProxy are simple wrappers around ethmac_ifc_t and
// ethmac_protocol_t, respectively. They do not own the pointers passed to them.
// :: Mixins ::
// ddk::EthmacIfc and ddk::EthmacProtocol are mixin classes that simplify writing DDK drivers that
// interact with the ethernet protocol. They take care of implementing the function pointer tables
// and calling into the object that wraps them.
// :: Examples ::
// // A driver that communicates with a ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_IMPL device as a ethmac_ifc_t
// class EthDevice;
// using EthDeviceType = ddk::Device<EthDevice, /* ddk mixins */>;
// class EthDevice : public EthDeviceType,
// public ddk::EthmacIfc<EthDevice> {
// public:
// EthDevice(zx_device_t* parent)
// : EthDeviceType("my-eth-device"),
// parent_(parent) {}
// zx_status_t Bind() {
// ethmac_protocol_t* ops;
// auto status = get_device_protocol(parent_, ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_IMPL,
// reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ops));
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// return status;
// }
// proxy_.reset(new ddk::EthmacProtocolProxy(ops, parent_));
// status = proxy_->Start(this);
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// return status;
// }
// return device_add(ddk_device(), parent_);
// }
// void DdkRelease() {
// // Clean up
// }
// void EthmacStatus(uint32_t status) {
// // Report status
// }
// void EthmacRecv(void* buf, size_t length, uint32_t flags) {
// // Receive data buffer from ethmac device
// }
// private:
// zx_device_t* parent_;
// fbl::unique_ptr<ddk::EthmacProtocolProxy> proxy_;
// };
// // A driver that implements a ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_IMPL device
// class EthmacDevice;
// using EthmacDeviceType = ddk::Device<EthmacDevice, /* ddk mixins */>;
// class EthmacDevice : public EthmacDeviceType,
// public ddk::EthmacProtocol<EthmacDevice> {
// public:
// EthmacDevice(zx_device_t* parent)
// : EthmacDeviceType("my-ethmac-device"),
// parent_(parent) {}
// zx_status_t Bind() {
// return device_add(ddk_device(), parent_);
// }
// void DdkRelease() {
// // Clean up
// }
// zx_status_t EthmacQuery(uint32_t options, ethmac_info_t* info) {
// // Fill out the ethmac info
// return ZX_OK;
// }
// void EthmacStop() {
// // Device should stop
// }
// zx_status_t EthmacStart(fbl::unique_ptr<ddk::EthmacIfcProxy> proxy) {
// // Start ethmac operation
// proxy_.swap(proxy);
// return ZX_OK;
// }
// zx_status_t EthmacQueueTx(uint32_t options, ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf) {
// // Send the data
// return ZX_OK;
// }
// zx_status_t EthmacSetParam(uint32_t param, int32_t value, void* data) {
// // Set the parameter
// return ZX_OK;
// }
// private:
// zx_device_t* parent_;
// fbl::unique_ptr<ddk::EthmacIfcProxy> proxy_;
// };
namespace ddk {
template <typename D>
class EthmacIfc {
EthmacIfc() {
ifc_.status = Status;
ifc_.recv = Recv;
ifc_.complete_tx = CompleteTx;
ethmac_ifc_t* ethmac_ifc() { return &ifc_; }
static void Status(void* cookie, uint32_t status) {
static void Recv(void* cookie, void* data, size_t length, uint32_t flags) {
static_cast<D*>(cookie)->EthmacRecv(data, length, flags);
static void CompleteTx(void* cookie, ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf, zx_status_t status) {
static_cast<D*>(cookie)->EthmacCompleteTx(netbuf, status);
ethmac_ifc_t ifc_ = {};
class EthmacIfcProxy {
EthmacIfcProxy(ethmac_ifc_t* ifc, void* cookie)
: ifc_(ifc), cookie_(cookie) {}
void Status(uint32_t status) {
ifc_->status(cookie_, status);
void Recv(void* data, size_t length, uint32_t flags) {
ifc_->recv(cookie_, data, length, flags);
void CompleteTx(ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf, zx_status_t status) {
ifc_->complete_tx(cookie_, netbuf, status);
ethmac_ifc_t* ifc_;
void* cookie_;
template <typename D>
class EthmacProtocol : public internal::base_protocol {
EthmacProtocol() {
ops_.query = Query;
ops_.stop = Stop;
ops_.start = Start;
ops_.queue_tx = QueueTx;
ops_.set_param = SetParam;
ops_.get_bti = GetBti;
// Can only inherit from one base_protocol implemenation
ZX_ASSERT(ddk_proto_id_ == 0);
ddk_proto_ops_ = &ops_;
static zx_status_t Query(void* ctx, uint32_t options, ethmac_info_t* info) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->EthmacQuery(options, info);
static void Stop(void* ctx) {
static zx_status_t Start(void* ctx, ethmac_ifc_t* ifc, void* cookie) {
auto ifc_proxy = fbl::unique_ptr<EthmacIfcProxy>(new EthmacIfcProxy(ifc, cookie));
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->EthmacStart(fbl::move(ifc_proxy));
static zx_status_t QueueTx(void* ctx, uint32_t options, ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->EthmacQueueTx(options, netbuf);
static zx_status_t SetParam(void* ctx, uint32_t param, int32_t value, void* data) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->EthmacSetParam(param, value, data);
static zx_handle_t GetBti(void* ctx) {
return static_cast<D*>(ctx)->EthmacGetBti();
ethmac_protocol_ops_t ops_ = {};
class EthmacProtocolProxy {
EthmacProtocolProxy(ethmac_protocol_t* proto)
: ops_(proto->ops), ctx_(proto->ctx) {}
zx_status_t Query(uint32_t options, ethmac_info_t* info) {
return ops_->query(ctx_, options, info);
template <typename D>
zx_status_t Start(D* ifc) {
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<EthmacIfc<D>, D>::value,
"Start must be called with a subclass of EthmacIfc");
return ops_->start(ctx_, ifc->ethmac_ifc(), ifc);
void Stop() {
zx_status_t QueueTx(uint32_t options, ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf) {
return ops_->queue_tx(ctx_, options, netbuf);
zx_status_t SetParam(uint32_t param, int32_t value, void* data) {
return ops_->set_param(ctx_, param, value, data);
ethmac_protocol_ops_t* ops_;
void* ctx_;
} // namespace ddk