blob: d3a5cd0860e2550fa2c1720f1f5b0e328ba2b2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2015 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <debug.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <fbl/atomic.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <reg.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <arch.h>
#include <dev/display.h>
#include <dev/hw_rng.h>
#include <dev/power.h>
#include <dev/psci.h>
#include <dev/uart.h>
#include <kernel/cmdline.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#include <mexec.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <target.h>
#include <arch/arm64.h>
#include <arch/arm64/mmu.h>
#include <arch/arm64/mp.h>
#include <arch/efi.h>
#include <arch/mp.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <vm/bootreserve.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/memory_limit.h>
#include <lib/debuglog.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <libfdt.h>
#include <mdi/mdi-defs.h>
#include <mdi/mdi.h>
#include <pdev/pdev.h>
#include <zircon/boot/bootdata.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
extern paddr_t boot_structure_paddr; // Defined in start.S.
static paddr_t ramdisk_start_phys = 0;
static paddr_t ramdisk_end_phys = 0;
static void* ramdisk_base;
static size_t ramdisk_size;
static uint cpu_cluster_count = 0;
static uint cpu_cluster_cpus[SMP_CPU_MAX_CLUSTERS] = {0};
static bool halt_on_panic = false;
struct mem_bank {
size_t num;
uint64_t base_phys;
uint64_t base_virt;
uint64_t length;
// save a list of peripheral memory banks
const size_t MAX_PERIPH_BANKS = 4;
static mem_bank periph_banks[MAX_PERIPH_BANKS];
// all of the configured memory arenas from the mdi/fdt
// at the moment, only support 1 arena
static pmm_arena_info_t mem_arena = {
/* .name */ "sdram",
/* .flags */ PMM_ARENA_FLAG_KMAP,
/* .priority */ 0,
/* .base */ 0, // filled in by MDI
/* .size */ 0, // filled in by MDI/FDT
static volatile int panic_started;
static void halt_other_cpus(void) {
static volatile int halted = 0;
if (atomic_swap(&halted, 1) == 0) {
// stop the other cpus
printf("stopping other cpus\n");
arch_mp_send_ipi(MP_IPI_TARGET_ALL_BUT_LOCAL, 0, MP_IPI_HALT);
// spin for a while
// TODO: find a better way to spin at this low level
for (volatile int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
__asm volatile("nop");
void platform_panic_start(void) {
if (atomic_swap(&panic_started, 1) == 0) {
// Reads Linux device tree to initialize command line and return ramdisk location
static void read_device_tree(void** ramdisk_base, size_t* ramdisk_size, size_t* mem_size) {
if (ramdisk_base)
*ramdisk_base = nullptr;
if (ramdisk_size)
*ramdisk_size = 0;
if (mem_size)
*mem_size = 0;
void* fdt = paddr_to_physmap(boot_structure_paddr);
if (!fdt) {
printf("%s: could not find device tree\n", __FUNCTION__);
if (fdt_check_header(fdt) < 0) {
printf("%s fdt_check_header failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
int offset = fdt_path_offset(fdt, "/chosen");
if (offset < 0) {
printf("%s: fdt_path_offset(/chosen) failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
int length;
const char* bootargs =
static_cast<const char*>(fdt_getprop(fdt, offset, "bootargs", &length));
if (bootargs) {
printf("kernel command line: %s\n", bootargs);
if (ramdisk_base && ramdisk_size) {
const void* ptr = fdt_getprop(fdt, offset, "linux,initrd-start", &length);
if (ptr) {
if (length == 4) {
ramdisk_start_phys = fdt32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t*)ptr);
} else if (length == 8) {
ramdisk_start_phys = fdt64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t*)ptr);
ptr = fdt_getprop(fdt, offset, "linux,initrd-end", &length);
if (ptr) {
if (length == 4) {
ramdisk_end_phys = fdt32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t*)ptr);
} else if (length == 8) {
ramdisk_end_phys = fdt64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t*)ptr);
// Some bootloaders pass initrd via cmdline, lets look there
// if we haven't found it yet.
if (!(ramdisk_start_phys && ramdisk_end_phys)) {
const char* value = cmdline_get("initrd");
if (value != NULL) {
char* endptr;
ramdisk_start_phys = strtoll(value, &endptr, 16);
endptr++; //skip the comma
ramdisk_end_phys = strtoll(endptr, NULL, 16) + ramdisk_start_phys;
if (ramdisk_start_phys && ramdisk_end_phys) {
*ramdisk_base = paddr_to_physmap(ramdisk_start_phys);
size_t length = ramdisk_end_phys - ramdisk_start_phys;
*ramdisk_size = (length + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
// look for memory size. currently only used for qemu build
if (mem_size) {
offset = fdt_path_offset(fdt, "/memory");
if (offset < 0) {
printf("%s: fdt_path_offset(/memory) failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
int lenp;
const void* prop_ptr = fdt_getprop(fdt, offset, "reg", &lenp);
if (prop_ptr && lenp == 0x10) {
/* we're looking at a memory descriptor */
//uint64_t base = fdt64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)prop_ptr);
*mem_size = fdt64_to_cpu(*((const uint64_t*)prop_ptr + 1));
void* platform_get_ramdisk(size_t* size) {
if (ramdisk_base) {
*size = ramdisk_size;
return ramdisk_base;
} else {
*size = 0;
return nullptr;
static void platform_cpu_early_init(mdi_node_ref_t* cpu_map) {
mdi_node_ref_t clusters;
if (mdi_find_node(cpu_map, MDI_CPU_CLUSTERS, &clusters) != ZX_OK) {
panic("platform_cpu_early_init couldn't find clusters\n");
mdi_node_ref_t cluster;
mdi_each_child(&clusters, &cluster) {
mdi_node_ref_t node;
uint8_t cpu_count;
if (mdi_find_node(&cluster, MDI_CPU_COUNT, &node) != ZX_OK) {
panic("platform_cpu_early_init couldn't find cluster cpu-count\n");
if (mdi_node_uint8(&node, &cpu_count) != ZX_OK) {
panic("platform_cpu_early_init could not read cluster id\n");
if (cpu_cluster_count >= SMP_CPU_MAX_CLUSTERS) {
panic("platform_cpu_early_init: MDI contains more than SMP_CPU_MAX_CLUSTERS clusters\n");
cpu_cluster_cpus[cpu_cluster_count++] = cpu_count;
arch_init_cpu_map(cpu_cluster_count, cpu_cluster_cpus);
void platform_halt_cpu(void) {
// One of these threads is spun up per CPU and calls halt which does not return.
static int park_cpu_thread(void* arg) {
event_t* shutdown_cplt = (event_t*)arg;
// Let the thread on the boot CPU know that we're just about done shutting down.
event_signal(shutdown_cplt, true);
// This method will not return because the target cpu has halted.
panic("control should never reach here");
return -1;
void platform_halt_secondary_cpus(void) {
// Make sure that the current thread is pinned to the boot cpu.
const thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread->cpu_affinity == (1 << BOOT_CPU_ID));
// Threads responsible for parking the cores.
thread_t* park_thread[SMP_MAX_CPUS];
// These are signalled when the CPU has almost shutdown.
event_t shutdown_cplt[SMP_MAX_CPUS];
for (uint i = 0; i < arch_max_num_cpus(); i++) {
// The boot cpu is going to be performing the remainder of the mexec
// for us so we don't want to park that one.
if (i == BOOT_CPU_ID) {
event_init(&shutdown_cplt[i], false, 0);
char park_thread_name[20];
snprintf(park_thread_name, sizeof(park_thread_name), "park %u", i);
park_thread[i] = thread_create(park_thread_name, park_cpu_thread,
(void*)(&shutdown_cplt[i]), DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
thread_set_cpu_affinity(park_thread[i], cpu_num_to_mask(i));
// Wait for all CPUs to signal that they're shutting down.
for (uint i = 0; i < arch_max_num_cpus(); i++) {
if (i == BOOT_CPU_ID) {
// TODO(gkalsi): Wait for the secondaries to shutdown rather than sleeping.
// After the shutdown thread shuts down the core, we never
// hear from it again, so we wait 1 second to allow each
// thread to shut down. This is somewhat of a hack.
static void platform_start_cpu(uint cluster, uint cpu) {
uint32_t ret = psci_cpu_on(cluster, cpu, get_kernel_base_phys());
dprintf(INFO, "Trying to start cpu %u:%u returned: %d\n", cluster, cpu, (int)ret);
static void* allocate_one_stack(void) {
uint8_t* stack = static_cast<uint8_t*>(
pmm_alloc_kpages(ARCH_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE, nullptr, nullptr));
return static_cast<void*>(stack + ARCH_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
static void platform_cpu_init(void) {
for (uint cluster = 0; cluster < cpu_cluster_count; cluster++) {
for (uint cpu = 0; cpu < cpu_cluster_cpus[cluster]; cpu++) {
if (cluster != 0 || cpu != 0) {
void* sp = allocate_one_stack();
void* unsafe_sp = nullptr;
#if __has_feature(safe_stack)
unsafe_sp = allocate_one_stack();
arm64_set_secondary_sp(cluster, cpu, sp, unsafe_sp);
platform_start_cpu(cluster, cpu);
static inline bool is_zircon_boot_header(void* addr) {
efi_zircon_hdr_t* header = (efi_zircon_hdr_t*)addr;
return header->magic == EFI_ZIRCON_MAGIC;
static inline bool is_bootdata_container(void* addr) {
bootdata_t* header = (bootdata_t*)addr;
return header->type == BOOTDATA_CONTAINER;
static void ramdisk_from_bootdata_container(void* bootdata,
void** ramdisk_base,
size_t* ramdisk_size) {
bootdata_t* header = (bootdata_t*)bootdata;
*ramdisk_base = (void*)bootdata;
*ramdisk_size = ROUNDUP(header->length + sizeof(*header), PAGE_SIZE);
static void process_mdi_banks(mdi_node_ref& map, void (*func)(const mem_bank&)) {
mdi_node_ref_t bank_node;
if (mdi_first_child(&map, &bank_node) == ZX_OK) {
size_t bank_num = 0;
do {
mem_bank bank = {};
bank.num = bank_num;
mdi_node_ref ref;
if (mdi_find_node(&bank_node, MDI_BASE_PHYS, &ref) == ZX_OK) {
mdi_node_uint64(&ref, &bank.base_phys);
if (mdi_find_node(&bank_node, MDI_BASE_VIRT, &ref) == ZX_OK) {
mdi_node_uint64(&ref, &bank.base_virt);
if (mdi_find_node(&bank_node, MDI_LENGTH, &ref) == ZX_OK) {
mdi_node_uint64(&ref, &bank.length);
} while (mdi_next_child(&bank_node, &bank_node) == ZX_OK);
static void platform_mdi_init(const bootdata_t* section) {
mdi_node_ref_t root;
mdi_node_ref_t cpu_map;
mdi_node_ref_t kernel_drivers;
const void* ramdisk_end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ramdisk_base) + ramdisk_size;
const void* section_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(section);
const size_t length = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ramdisk_end) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(section_ptr);
if (mdi_init(section_ptr, length, &root) != ZX_OK) {
panic("mdi_init failed\n");
// search top level nodes for CPU info
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_CPU_MAP, &cpu_map) != ZX_OK) {
panic("platform_mdi_init couldn't find cpu-map\n");
// handle mapping peripheral banks
mdi_node_ref_t mem_map;
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_PERIPH_MEM_MAP, &mem_map) == ZX_OK) {
process_mdi_banks(mem_map, [](const auto& b) {
if (b.length == 0 || !is_kernel_address(b.base_virt))
auto status = arm64_boot_map_v(b.base_virt, b.base_phys, b.length, MMU_INITIAL_MAP_DEVICE);
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
ASSERT(b.num < fbl::count_of(periph_banks));
periph_banks[b.num] = b;
// bring up kernel drivers
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_KERNEL, &kernel_drivers) != ZX_OK) {
panic("platform_mdi_init couldn't find kernel-drivers\n");
// should be able to printf from here on out
// save a copy of the main memory arenas
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_MEM_MAP, &mem_map) == ZX_OK) {
process_mdi_banks(mem_map, [](const auto& b) {
dprintf(INFO, "mem bank %zu: base %#" PRIx64 " length %#" PRIx64 "\n", b.num, b.base_phys, b.length);
ASSERT(b.num == 0); // can only deal with one arena right now
mem_arena.base = b.base_phys;
mem_arena.size = b.length;
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_BOOT_RESERVE_MEM_MAP, &mem_map) == ZX_OK) {
process_mdi_banks(mem_map, [](const auto& b) {
dprintf(INFO, "boot reserve mem range %zu: phys base %#" PRIx64 " virt base %#" PRIx64 " length %#" PRIx64 "\n",
b.num, b.base_phys, b.base_virt, b.length);
boot_reserve_add_range(b.base_phys, b.length);
if (mdi_find_node(&root, MDI_PERIPH_MEM_MAP, &mem_map) == ZX_OK) {
process_mdi_banks(mem_map, [](const auto& b) {
dprintf(INFO, "periph mem bank %zu: phys base %#" PRIx64 " virt base %#" PRIx64 " length %#" PRIx64 "\n",
b.num, b.base_phys, b.base_virt, b.length);
static uint32_t process_bootsection(bootdata_t* section) {
switch (section->type) {
if (section->length < 1) {
char* contents = reinterpret_cast<char*>(section) + sizeof(bootdata_t);
contents[section->length - 1] = '\0';
return section->type;
static void process_bootdata(bootdata_t* root) {
if (root->type != BOOTDATA_CONTAINER) {
printf("bootdata: invalid type = %08x\n", root->type);
if (root->extra != BOOTDATA_MAGIC) {
printf("bootdata: invalid magic = %08x\n", root->extra);
bool mdi_found = false;
size_t offset = sizeof(bootdata_t);
const size_t length = (root->length);
if (!(root->flags & BOOTDATA_FLAG_V2)) {
printf("bootdata: v1 no longer supported\n");
while (offset < length) {
uintptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t>(root);
bootdata_t* section = reinterpret_cast<bootdata_t*>(ptr + offset);
const uint32_t type = process_bootsection(section);
if (BOOTDATA_MDI == type) {
mdi_found = true;
offset += BOOTDATA_ALIGN(sizeof(bootdata_t) + section->length);
if (!mdi_found) {
panic("No MDI found in ramdisk\n");
void platform_early_init(void) {
// QEMU does not put device tree pointer in the boot-time x0 register if loaded
// as a ELF file. so set it here before calling read_device_tree.
if (boot_structure_paddr == 0) {
// TODO: remove this hard coded constant
// one possible solution is to start booting qemu via the .bin file instead of .elf
// which seems to cause qemu to pass this pointer via x0
boot_structure_paddr = 0x40000000;
void* boot_structure_kvaddr = paddr_to_physmap(boot_structure_paddr);
if (!boot_structure_kvaddr) {
panic("no bootdata structure!\n");
// initialize the boot memory reservation system
// The previous environment passes us a boot structure. It may be a
// device tree or a bootdata container. We attempt to detect the type of the
// container and handle it appropriately.
size_t arena_size = 0;
if (is_bootdata_container(boot_structure_kvaddr)) {
// We leave out arena size for now
ramdisk_from_bootdata_container(boot_structure_kvaddr, &ramdisk_base,
} else if (is_zircon_boot_header(boot_structure_kvaddr)) {
efi_zircon_hdr_t* hdr = (efi_zircon_hdr_t*)boot_structure_kvaddr;
ramdisk_start_phys = hdr->ramdisk_base_phys;
ramdisk_size = hdr->ramdisk_size;
ramdisk_end_phys = ramdisk_start_phys + ramdisk_size;
ramdisk_base = paddr_to_physmap(ramdisk_start_phys);
} else {
// on qemu we read arena size from the device tree
read_device_tree(&ramdisk_base, &ramdisk_size, &arena_size);
// Some legacy bootloaders do not properly set linux,initrd-end
// Pull the ramdisk size directly from the bootdata container
// now that we have the base to ensure that the size is valid.
ramdisk_from_bootdata_container(ramdisk_base, &ramdisk_base,
if (!ramdisk_base || !ramdisk_size) {
panic("no ramdisk!\n");
// add the ramdisk to the boot reserve memory list
dprintf(INFO, "reserving ramdisk phys range [%#" PRIx64 ", %#" PRIx64 "]\n",
ramdisk_start_phys, ramdisk_end_phys - 1);
boot_reserve_add_range(ramdisk_start_phys, ramdisk_size);
// Read cmdline after processing bootdata, which may contain cmdline data.
halt_on_panic = cmdline_get_bool("kernel.halt-on-panic", false);
/* add the main memory arena */
if (arena_size) {
dprintf(INFO, "overriding mem arena 0 size from FDT: %#zx\n", arena_size);
mem_arena.size = arena_size;
// check if a memory limit was passed in via kernel.memory-limit-mb and
// find memory ranges to use if one is found.
mem_limit_ctx_t ctx;
zx_status_t status = mem_limit_init(&ctx);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// For these ranges we're using the base physical values
ctx.kernel_base = get_kernel_base_phys();
ctx.kernel_size = get_kernel_size();
ctx.ramdisk_base = ramdisk_start_phys;
ctx.ramdisk_size = ramdisk_end_phys - ramdisk_start_phys;
// Figure out and add arenas based on the memory limit and our range of DRAM
status = mem_limit_add_arenas_from_range(&ctx, mem_arena.base, mem_arena.size, mem_arena);
// If no memory limit was found, or adding arenas from the range failed, then add
// the existing global arena.
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// tell the boot allocator to mark ranges we've reserved as off limits
void platform_init(void) {
// after the fact create a region to reserve the peripheral map(s)
static void platform_init_postvm(uint level) {
for (auto& b : periph_banks) {
if (b.length == 0)
VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->ReserveSpace("periph", b.length, b.base_virt);
LK_INIT_HOOK(platform_postvm, platform_init_postvm, LK_INIT_LEVEL_VM);
void platform_dputs(const char* str, size_t len) {
while (len-- > 0) {
char c = *str++;
if (c == '\n') {
int platform_dgetc(char* c, bool wait) {
int ret = uart_getc(wait);
if (ret == -1)
return -1;
*c = static_cast<char>(ret);
return 0;
void platform_pputc(char c) {
int platform_pgetc(char* c, bool wait) {
int r = uart_pgetc();
if (r == -1) {
return -1;
*c = static_cast<char>(r);
return 0;
/* stub out the hardware rng entropy generator, which doesn't exist on this platform */
size_t hw_rng_get_entropy(void* buf, size_t len, bool block) {
return 0;
/* no built in framebuffer */
zx_status_t display_get_info(struct display_info* info) {
void platform_halt(platform_halt_action suggested_action, platform_halt_reason reason) {
if (suggested_action == HALT_ACTION_REBOOT) {
printf("reboot failed\n");
} else if (suggested_action == HALT_ACTION_REBOOT_BOOTLOADER) {
printf("reboot-bootloader failed\n");
} else if (suggested_action == HALT_ACTION_SHUTDOWN) {
if (reason == HALT_REASON_SW_PANIC) {
if (!halt_on_panic) {
printf("reboot failed\n");
dprintf(ALWAYS, "CRASH: starting debug shell... (reason = %d)\n", reason);
dprintf(ALWAYS, "HALT: spinning forever... (reason = %d)\n", reason);
// catch all fallthrough cases
for (;;)
size_t platform_stow_crashlog(void* log, size_t len) {
return 0;
size_t platform_recover_crashlog(size_t len, void* cookie,
void (*func)(const void* data, size_t, size_t len, void* cookie)) {
return 0;
zx_status_t platform_mexec_patch_bootdata(uint8_t* bootdata, const size_t len) {
return ZX_OK;
void platform_mexec(mexec_asm_func mexec_assembly, memmov_ops_t* ops,
uintptr_t new_bootimage_addr, size_t new_bootimage_len,
uintptr_t entry64_addr) {
mexec_assembly((uintptr_t)new_bootimage_addr, 0, 0, arm64_get_boot_el(),
ops, (void*)(get_kernel_base_phys()));