blob: b7c98b889f260b9cc1671c3a4b40b36d094a09e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <asm.h>
#include <arch/asm_macros.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
tmp .req x9
cpuid .req x12
spintable .req x13
// x0 is current cpuid
// x1 is the address of the spin table
// Save the arguments because we're about to trash x0 and x1
mov cpuid, x0
mov spintable, x1
// Disable the caches and the MMU
mrs tmp, sctlr_el1
bic tmp, tmp, #(1<<0) /* Disable MMU */
bic tmp, tmp, #(1<<12) /* Disable instruction cache */
bic tmp, tmp, #(1<<2) /* Disable data cache */
msr sctlr_el1, tmp
// Write zero into the spin table for the current core because the spin loop
// is programmed to spin until this vector is set to something other than
// 0.
str xzr, [x13, x12, lsl #3]
// Clean-invalidate all levels of the cache for this core.
// This ensures that we don't have cache entries lying around in the core
// after it has been shut down.
// The original implementation can be found in the ARMv8-A TRM or at the
// following URL:
mrs x0, clidr_el1
and w3, w0, #0x07000000
lsr w3, w3, #23
cbz w3, finished
mov w10, #0
mov w8, #1
add w2, w10, w10, lsr #1
lsr w1, w0, w2
and w1, w1, #0x7
cmp w1, #2 skip
msr csselr_el1, x10
mrs x1, ccsidr_el1
and w2, w1, #7
add w2, w2, #4
ubfx w4, w1, #3, #10
clz w5, w4
lsl w9, w4, w5
lsl w16, w8, w5
ubfx w7, w1, #13, #15
lsl w7, w7, w2
lsl w17, w8, w2
orr w11, w10, w9
orr w11, w11, w7
dc cisw, x11
subs w7, w7, w17 loop3
subs x9, x9, x16 loop2
add w10, w10, #2
cmp w3, w10
dsb sy loop1
ic iallu
dsb sy
// Spin until somebody sets our CPU jump vector and signals us via a send event
// (SEV) instruction.
ldr tmp, [spintable, cpuid, lsl #3]
cbz tmp, secondary_spin
// Seconary CPUs shouldn't really care what we pass as arguments, but we
// zero them out anyway.
mov x0, 0
mov x1, 0
mov x2, 0
mov x3, 0
// Follow the new cpu vector.
br tmp
/* This .ltorg emits any immediate constants here. We need to put this before
* the bcm28xx_park_cpu_end symbol because we intend to relocate the assembly
* contained within the mexec_asm[_end] block. Any constants needed by this
* block should also be relocated so we need to ensure that they occur before
* bcm28xx_park_cpu_end.