blob: f6ab91abe3b27a35e69c7d195939bc27f0b9042d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-channel.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-execution-domain.h>
#include <ddktl/device-internal.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <driver/usb.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <zircon/device/camera-proto.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include "usb-video.h"
#include "video-buffer.h"
namespace video {
namespace usb {
static constexpr int USB_ENDPOINT_INVALID = -1;
struct VideoStreamProtocol : public ddk::internal::base_protocol {
explicit VideoStreamProtocol() {
ddk_proto_id_ = ZX_PROTOCOL_CAMERA;
class UsbVideoStream;
using UsbVideoStreamBase = ddk::Device<UsbVideoStream,
class UsbVideoStream : public UsbVideoStreamBase,
public VideoStreamProtocol {
static zx_status_t Create(zx_device_t* device,
usb_protocol_t* usb,
int index,
usb_interface_descriptor_t* intf,
usb_video_vc_header_desc* control_header,
usb_video_vs_input_header_desc* input_header,
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoFormat>* formats,
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoStreamingSetting>* settings);
// DDK device implementation
void DdkUnbind();
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t DdkIoctl(uint32_t op,
const void* in_buf, size_t in_len,
void* out_buf, size_t out_len, size_t* out_actual);
enum class StreamingState {
// Maps between a camera video format proto and pointers
// to the corresponding driver format and frame descriptors.
struct FormatMapping {
FormatMapping(const UsbVideoFormat* format,
const UsbVideoFrameDesc* frame_desc);
camera::camera_proto::VideoFormat proto;
const UsbVideoFormat* format;
const UsbVideoFrameDesc* frame_desc;
UsbVideoStream(zx_device_t* parent,
usb_protocol_t* usb,
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoFormat>* formats,
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoStreamingSetting>* settings,
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::ExecutionDomain>&& default_domain)
: UsbVideoStreamBase(parent),
default_domain_(fbl::move(default_domain)) {}
zx_status_t Bind(const char* devname,
usb_interface_descriptor_t* intf,
usb_video_vc_header_desc* control_header,
usb_video_vs_input_header_desc* input_header);
// Deferred initialization of the device via a thread. Once complete, this
// marks the device as visible.
static zx_status_t Init(void* device) {
return reinterpret_cast<UsbVideoStream*>(device)->Init();
zx_status_t Init();
zx_status_t SetFormat();
// Requests the device use the given format and frame descriptor,
// then finds a streaming setting that supports the required
// data throughput.
// If successful, sets the initial state of the stream configuration
// related fields, and reallocates usb requests if necessary.
// Otherwise an error will be returned and the caller should try
// again with a different set of inputs.
// frame_desc may be NULL for non frame based formats.
zx_status_t TryFormatLocked(const UsbVideoFormat* format,
const UsbVideoFrameDesc* frame_desc)
zx_status_t ProcessStreamChannel(dispatcher::Channel* channel);
zx_status_t ProcessVideoBufferChannel(dispatcher::Channel* channel);
// Finds the matching format and frame descriptors for the given
// video format proto.
// If found returns ZX_OK and populates out_format and out_frame_desc,
// else returns an error.
zx_status_t GetMapping(camera::camera_proto::VideoFormat format,
const UsbVideoFormat** out_format,
const UsbVideoFrameDesc** out_frame_desc);
// Creates mappings between video format protos and their original
// format and frame descriptors. The result will be stored in format_mappings_.
zx_status_t GenerateFormatMappings();
zx_status_t GetFormatsLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::GetFormatsReq& req)
zx_status_t SetFormatLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::SetFormatReq& req)
// Creates a new video buffer and maps it into our address space.
// The current streaming state must be StreamingState::STOPPED.
zx_status_t CreateDataVideoBuffer();
zx_status_t SetBufferLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::VideoBufSetBufferReq& req,
zx::handle rxed_handle) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
zx_status_t StartStreamingLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::VideoBufStartReq& req)
zx_status_t StopStreamingLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::VideoBufStopReq& req)
zx_status_t FrameReleaseLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const camera::camera_proto::VideoBufFrameReleaseReq& req)
// Populates the free_reqs_ list with usb requests of the specified size.
// Returns immediately if the list already contains large enough usb
// requests, otherwise frees existing requests before allocating new ones.
// The current streaming state must be StreamingState::STOPPED.
zx_status_t AllocUsbRequestsLocked(uint64_t size) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Queues a usb request against the underlying device.
void QueueRequestLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
void RequestComplete(usb_request_t* req);
void ParseHeaderTimestamps(usb_request_t* req);
// Notifies the client regarding the status of the completed frame.
// If the frame was completed successfully, it will also be locked until the
// client sends a FRAME_RELEASE request.
// Returns an error if the completed frame could not be locked or the
// notification could not be sent.
zx_status_t FrameNotifyLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Parses the payload header from the start of the usb request response.
// If the header is parsed successfully, ZX_OK is returned and the length
// of the header stored in out_header_length.
// Returns an error if the header is malformed.
zx_status_t ParsePayloadHeaderLocked(usb_request_t* req,
uint32_t* out_header_length)
// Extracts the payload data from the usb request response,
// and stores it in the video buffer.
void ProcessPayloadLocked(usb_request_t* req) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
void DeactivateStreamChannel(const dispatcher::Channel* channel);
void DeactivateVideoBufferChannel(const dispatcher::Channel* channel);
usb_protocol_t usb_;
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoFormat> formats_;
fbl::Vector<UsbVideoStreamingSetting> streaming_settings_;
fbl::Vector<FormatMapping> format_mappings_;
// Stream configuration.
usb_video_vc_probe_and_commit_controls negotiation_result_;
const UsbVideoStreamingSetting* cur_streaming_setting_;
const UsbVideoFormat* cur_format_;
const UsbVideoFrameDesc* cur_frame_desc_;
uint32_t max_frame_size_ = 0;
uint32_t clock_frequency_hz_ = 0;
// The number of bytes to request in a USB request to a streaming endpoint.
// This should be equal or less than allocated_req_size_.
uint64_t send_req_size_ = 0;
int streaming_ep_type_ = USB_ENDPOINT_INVALID;
uint8_t iface_num_ = 0;
uint8_t usb_ep_addr_ = 0;
// Dispatcher framework state
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Channel> stream_channel_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Channel> vb_channel_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::ExecutionDomain> default_domain_;
// Statistics for frame based formats.
// Number of frames encountered.
uint32_t num_frames_ = 0;
struct FrameState {
// Bytes received so far for the frame.
uint32_t bytes;
// FID is a bit that is toggled when a new frame begins,
// and stays constant for the rest of the frame.
// Some devices will not set this bit.
int8_t fid;
// Whether we've received the last payload for the frame.
// Some devices will not set this bit.
bool eof;
// Whether the frame contains an error.
bool error;
// Presentation timestamp for the frame. This is when the device
// begins raw frame capture.
uint32_t pts;
// Source time clock value for when the first video data of a
// video frame is put on the USB bus.
uint32_t stc;
// The USB frame number at the time that STC was sampled.
// The largest value can have 11 bits set before wrapping around to zero.
uint16_t device_sof;
// This is the 64 bit incremental frame number at the time the first
// payload was received by the USB video driver.
// The XHCI host handles the SOF value wrapping around, so this is 64 bits.
uint64_t host_sof;
// The time at the midpoint of the capture operation, with respect
// to the monotonic clock.
zx_time_t capture_time;
FrameState cur_frame_state_;
fbl::unique_ptr<VideoBuffer> video_buffer_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Whether a video buffer frame offset has been obtained to store the
// data. False if the video buffer was full.
bool has_video_buffer_offset_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Offset into the video buffer of the current frame we're writing to.
VideoBuffer::FrameOffset video_buffer_offset_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
volatile StreamingState streaming_state_
__TA_GUARDED(lock_) = StreamingState::STOPPED;
list_node_t free_reqs_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
uint32_t num_free_reqs_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
uint32_t num_allocated_reqs_ = 0;
// Size of underlying VMO backing the USB request.
uint64_t allocated_req_size_ = 0;
// Bulk transfer specific fields.
// Total bytes received so far for the current payload, including headers.
// A bulk payload may be split across multiple usb requests,
// whereas for isochronous it is always one payload per usb request.
uint32_t bulk_payload_bytes_ = 0;
fbl::Mutex lock_;
} // namespace usb
} // namespace video