blob: df3f9dbaea8bdf0548eca0ac3afa23c09eaa60a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Interfaces which may be returned by ObjectInfo, an object
// returned when calling Open or Describe:
// The default protocol, interface information must be acquired via ListInterfaces.
struct Service {
uint8 reserved;
// The object may be cast to interface 'File'.
struct FileObject {
handle<event>? event;
// The object may be cast to interface 'Directory'.
struct DirectoryObject {
uint8 reserved;
// The object is accompanied by a pipe.
struct Pipe {
handle<socket> socket;
// The object is accompanied by a VMO.
struct Vmofile {
handle<vmo> vmo;
uint64 offset;
uint64 length;
// The object may be cast to interface 'Device'.
struct Device {
handle<event>? event;
// Describes how the connection to the Object should be handled, as well as
// how to interpret the optional handle.
union ObjectInfo {
Service service;
FileObject file;
DirectoryObject directory;
Pipe pipe;
Vmofile vmofile;
Device device;
// Can read from target object.
const uint32 kOpenRightReadable = 0x00000001;
// Can write to target object.
const uint32 kOpenRightWritable = 0x00000002;
// Connection can mount/umount filesystem.
const uint32 kOpenRightAdmin = 0x00000004;
// Create the object if it doesn't exist.
const uint32 kOpenFlagCreate = 0x00010000;
// (with Create) Fail if the object already exists.
const uint32 kOpenFlagCreateIfAbsent = 0x00020000;
// Truncate the object before usage.
const uint32 kOpenFlagTruncate = 0x00040000;
// Return an error if the target object is not a directory.
const uint32 kOpenFlagDirectory = 0x00080000;
// Seek to the end of the object before all writes.
const uint32 kOpenFlagAppend = 0x00100000;
// If the object is a mount point, open the local directory.
const uint32 kOpenFlagNoRemote = 0x00200000;
// Open a reference to the object, not the object itself.
const uint32 kOpenFlagNodeReference = 0x00400000;
// Requests that an "OnOpen" event is sent, with
// a non-null ObjectInfo (if the open is successful).
// Implies "kOpenFlagStatus".
const uint32 kOpenFlagDescribe = 0x00800000;
// Requests that an "OnOpen" event is sent.
const uint32 kOpenFlagStatus = 0x01000000;
// Object defines the minimal interface for entities which can be accessed in a filesystem.
interface Object {
// May be used to create another connection to the same remote object.
0x80000001: Clone(uint32 flags, request<Object> object);
// Terminates connection with object.
0x80000002: Close() -> (status s);
// Returns a representation of all the interfaces currently supported
// by the object. The Object may be bound to any of the represented
// interfaces.
0x80000004: ListInterfaces() -> (vector<string> interfaces);
// Closes handle if the requested interface not supported.
0x80000005: Bind(string iface);
// Returns extra information about the type of the object.
// If the |Describe| operation fails, the connection is closed.
0x80000006: Describe() -> (ObjectInfo info);
// An event produced eagerly by a fidl server if requested
// by open flags.
// Indicates the success or failure of the open operation,
// and optionally describes the object.
// If the status is |ZX_OK| and |kOpenFlagDescribe| was passed
// to open, |info| contains descriptive information about
// the object (the same as would be returned by |Describe|),
// otherwise it is null.
0x80000007: -> OnOpen(status s, ObjectInfo? info);
// Bits reserved for posix protections. Native fuchsia filesystems
// are not required to set bits contained within kModeProtectionMask,
// but filesystems that wish to do so may refer to sys/stat.h for their
// definitions.
const uint32 kModeProtectionMask = 0x00FFF;
// Bits indicating node type. The canonical mechanism to check
// for a node type is to take 'mode', bitwise and it with the
// kModeTypeMask, and check exact equality against a mode type.
const uint32 kModeTypeMask = 0xFF000;
const uint32 kModeTypeDirectory = 0x04000;
const uint32 kModeTypeBlockDevice = 0x06000;
const uint32 kModeTypeFile = 0x08000;
const uint32 kModeTypeSocket = 0x0C000;
const uint32 kModeTypeService = 0x10000;
// NodeAttributes defines generic information about a filesystem node.
struct NodeAttributes {
// Protection bits and node type information describe in 'mode'.
uint32 mode;
// A filesystem-unique ID.
uint64 id;
// Node size, in bytes.
uint64 content_size;
// Space needed to store node (possibly larger than size), in bytes.
uint64 storage_size;
// Hard link count.
uint64 link_count;
// Time of creation (may be updated manually after creation) in ns since Unix epoch, UTC.
uint64 creation_time;
// Time of last modification in ns since Unix epoch, UTC.
uint64 modification_time;
const uint64 kMaxIoctlHandles = 2;
const uint64 kMaxBuf = 8192;
// The fields of 'attributes' which are used to update the Node are indicated
// by the 'flags' argument.
const uint32 kNodeAttributeFlagCreationTime = 0x00000001;
const uint32 kNodeAttributeFlagModificationTime = 0x00000002;
// Node defines a filesystem object, which implements a minimal set of functionality
// to be compatible with posix filesystem operations.
interface Node : Object {
// Synchronizes updates to the node to the underlying media, if it exists.
0x81000001: Sync() -> (status s);
// Acquire information about the node.
0x81000002: GetAttr() -> (status s, NodeAttributes attributes);
// Update information about the node.
0x81000003: SetAttr(uint32 flags, NodeAttributes attributes) -> (status s);
0x81000004: Ioctl(uint32 opcode, uint64 max_out, vector<handle>:kMaxIoctlHandles handles, vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf in) -> (status s, vector<handle>:kMaxIoctlHandles handles, vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf out);
// Update the Seek offset.
enum SeekOrigin : uint32 {
// Seek from the start of the file.
Start = 0;
// Seek from the current position in the file.
Current = 1;
// Seek from the end of the file.
End = 2;
// VMO access rights.
const uint32 kVmoFlagRead = 0x00000001;
const uint32 kVmoFlagWrite = 0x00000002;
const uint32 kVmoFlagExec = 0x00000004;
const uint32 kVmoFlagPrivate = 0x00010000;
// File defines the interface of a node which contains a flat layout of data.
interface File : Node {
// Read 'count' bytes at the seek offset.
// The seek offset is moved forward by the number of bytes read.
0x82000001: Read(uint64 count) -> (status s, vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf data);
// Read 'count' bytes at the provided offset.
// Does not affect the seek offset.
0x82000002: ReadAt(uint64 count, uint64 offset) -> (status s, vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf data);
// Write data at the seek offset.
// The seek offset is moved forward by the number of bytes written.
0x82000003: Write(vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf data) -> (status s, uint64 actual);
// Write data to the provided offset.
// Does not affect the seek offset.
0x82000004: WriteAt(vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf data, uint64 offset) -> (status s, uint64 actual);
0x82000005: Seek(int64 offset, SeekOrigin start) -> (status s, uint64 offset);
// Shrink the file size to 'length' bytes.
0x82000006: Truncate(uint64 length) -> (status s);
// Acquire the Directory::Open rights and flags used to access this file.
0x82000007: GetFlags() -> (status s, uint32 flags);
// Change the Directory::Open flags used to access the file.
// Supported flags which can be turned on / off:
// - kOpenFlagAppend
0x82000008: SetFlags(uint32 flags) -> (status s);
// Acquire a VMO representing this file, if there is one, with the
// requested access rights.
0x82000009: GetVmo(uint32 flags) -> (status s, handle<vmo>? vmo);
// Acquire a VMO representing this file, limited to a particular range.
0x8200000a: GetVmoAt(uint32 flags, uint64 offset, uint64 length) -> (status s, handle<vmo>? vmo);
// Dirent type information associated with the results of ReadDirents.
const uint32 kDirentTypeUnknown = 0;
const uint32 kDirentTypeDirectory = 4;
const uint32 kDirentTypeBlockDevice = 6;
const uint32 kDirentTypeFile = 8;
const uint32 kDirentTypeSocket = 12;
const uint32 kDirentTypeService = 16;
// Directory defines a node which is capable of containing other Objects.
interface Directory : Node {
// Open a new object relative to this directory object.
0x83000001: Open(uint32 flags, uint32 mode, string path, request<Object> object);
// Remove an object relative to this directory object.
0x83000002: Unlink(string path) -> (status s);
// Reads a collection of variably sized dirents into a buffer.
// The number of dirents in a directory may be very large: akin to
// calling read multiple times on a file, directories have a seek
// offset which is updated on subsequent calls to ReadDirents.
// These dirents are aligned to uint32_t, and of the form:
// struct dirent {
// // Describes the length of the dirent name.
// uint32_t size;
// // Describes the type of the entry. Aligned with the
// // POSIX d_type values.
// uint32_t type;
// // Null-terminated name of entry.
// char name[0];
// }
0x83000003: ReadDirents(uint64 max_out) -> (status s, vector<uint8>:kMaxBuf dirents);
// Reset the directory seek offset.
0x83000004: Rewind() -> (status s);
// Acquire a token to a Directory which can be used to identify
// access to it at a later point in time.
0x83000005: GetToken() -> (status s, handle? token);
// Within the directory, rename an object named src to the name dst, in
// a directory represented by token.
0x83000006: Rename(string src, handle dst_parent_token, string dst) -> (status s);
// Within the directory, create a link to an object named src by the name
// dst, within a directory represented by token.
0x83000007: Link(string src, handle dst_parent_token, string dst) -> (status s);