blob: 806031813c925f5ad08eda8cf29adf64618b93a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.camera_stream;
// TODO: Add when Zircon's build supports library dependencies.
// using sysmen;
enum CameraCaptureType {
STILL_IMAGE = 1; // The source will provide on image.
BURST = 2; // The source will provide a set of images.
STREAM = 3; // The source will be continuously providing frames
// until signalled to stop.
// This pixel type is a stand-in for the pixel_format that will be defined in
// the buffer collections.
enum CameraPixelFormat {
INVALID = 0; // default value, not supported
RGB32 = 1; // 32bpp BGRA, 1 plane.
I420 = 2;
M420 = 3;
NV12 = 4;
YUY2 = 5;
MJPEG = 6;
// A structure used along with the CAMERA_STREAM_CMD_GET_FORMATS command
// in order to describe the formats supported by a video stream.
struct CameraVideoFormat {
CameraCaptureType capture_type;
// The width, in pixels, of the decoded video.
uint16 width;
// The height, in pixels, of the decoded video.
uint16 height;
// The number of bytes per line of video.
uint32 stride;
// The number of bits per pixel used to specify color in the decoded video.
uint8 bits_per_pixel;
CameraPixelFormat pixel_format;
// The frame rate is frames_per_sec_numerator / frames_per_sec_denominator.
uint32 frames_per_sec_numerator;
uint32 frames_per_sec_denominator;
// Status to be set when a frame is signalled available.
enum FrameStatus {
// An error occurred during the production of a frame.
// No data will be available in the data buffer corresponding to this
// notification.
// No space was available in the data buffer, resulting in a dropped frame.
// Sent by the driver to the client when a frame is available for processing,
// or an error occurred.
struct FrameAvailable {
// Non zero if an error occurred.
FrameStatus error;
// The index of the buffer in the buffer collection
uint32 buffer_id;
// Number of bytes in the frame.
uint32 frame_size;
// The position (in bytes) of the start of the frame in the data buffer.
uint64 data_vb_offset;
// TODO(garratt): Add metadata.
// A stand-in for the Video buffer collection:
struct BufferCollection {
vector<handle> buffers;
CameraVideoFormat format;
// Streaming Controls:
// A StreamFactory lets you request streams from the camera. It may be possible
// to request more than one stream. The number of streams will be limited by
// the hardware, and the interface you received.
interface StreamFactory {
1: GetFormats() -> (vector<CameraVideoFormat> formats);
2: RequestStream(BufferCollection buffer_collection, request<StreamControl> stream) -> (uint32 status_code);
// A stream control interface allows you to start and stop the stream,
// and notifies you when a frame is available. Closing the channel will
// end the stream.
interface StreamControl {
1: Start();
2: Stop();
// These functions may be taken care of by BufferCollection in the future
3: -> OnFrameAvailable(FrameAvailable frame);
4: ReleaseFrame(uint32 buffer_id);