blob: 38bcca1124056e68f9e1bffe61db77df58e7fbd9 [file] [log] [blame]
include "system/utest/mdi/test-defs.mdi"
test-uint8 = 123
test-int32 = -123
test-uint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF
test-uint64 = 0x3FFFFFFFF
test-boolean-true = true
test-boolean-false = false
test-string = "hello"
test-bool-array = [ true, false, true ]
test-empty-bool-array = []
test-uint8-array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
test-int32-array = [ -1, -2, -3 ]
test-uint32-array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
test-uint64-array = [ 0x100000000, 0x200000000, 0x300000000 ]
test-list = {
int = 1
str = "one"
int = 2
str = "two"
int = 3
str = "three"
test-empty-list = {}
const seven = 9 - 2
const minus-seven = 2 - 9
// test verifies that each pair of values are equal
uint8-exprs = [
--3, 3,
seven, 7,
minus-seven, -7,
1 + 2 * 3, seven,
(1 + 2) * 3, 9,
1 + 4 / 2, 3,
1 + 2 % 4, 3,
1 + 2 - 3, 0,
10 - 2 + 4 - 2 * 3, 6,
255 + 1, 0, // should overflow to 0
~255, 0,
5 >> 2, 1,
5 << 2, 5 * 4,
--3, 3,
0x55 | 0xAA, 0xFF,
0xFF & 0xAA, 0xAA,
0xFF ^ 0xAA, 0x55,
// test verifies that each pair of values are equal
int32-exprs = [
--3, 3,
seven, 7,
minus-seven, -7,
1 + 2 * 3, seven,
(1 + 2) * 3, 9,
1 + 4 / 2, 3,
1 + 2 % 4, 3,
1 + 2 - 3, 0,
10 - 2 + 4 - 2 * 3, 6,
255 + 1, 256,
~255, -256,
5 >> 2, 1,
5 << 2, 5 * 4,
--3, 3,
0x55 | 0xAA, 0xFF,
0xFF & 0xAA, 0xAA,
0xFF ^ 0xAA, 0x55,
// test verifies that each pair of values are equal
uint32-exprs = [
--3, 3,
seven, 7,
minus-seven, -7,
1 + 2 * 3, seven,
(1 + 2) * 3, 9,
1 + 4 / 2, 3,
1 + 2 % 4, 3,
1 + 2 - 3, 0,
10 - 2 + 4 - 2 * 3, 6,
255 + 1, 256,
~255, 0xFFFFFF00,
5 >> 2, 1,
5 << 2, 5 * 4,
--3, 3,
0x55 | 0xAA, 0xFF,
0xFF & 0xAA, 0xAA,
0xFF ^ 0xAA, 0x55,
// test verifies that each pair of values are equal
uint64-exprs = [
--3, 3,
seven, 7,
minus-seven, -7,
1 + 2 * 3, seven,
(1 + 2) * 3, 9,
1 + 4 / 2, 3,
1 + 2 % 4, 3,
1 + 2 - 3, 0,
10 - 2 + 4 - 2 * 3, 6,
255 + 1, 256,
5 >> 2, 1,
5 << 2, 5 * 4,
--3, 3,
0x55 | 0xAA, 0xFF,
0xFF & 0xAA, 0xAA,
0xFF ^ 0xAA, 0x55,