blob: 8d15afa5d79f390b7add5751097159eb14e34eef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlc.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Forward declarations
// Values for `SetPolarity`.
typedef uint32_t gpio_polarity_t;
typedef struct gpio_protocol gpio_protocol_t;
// Declarations
// Flags for `ConfigIn`.
#define GPIO_PULL_DOWN UINT32_C(0x0)
#define GPIO_PULL_UP UINT32_C(0x10)
#define GPIO_PULL_MASK UINT32_C(0x30)
#define GPIO_NO_PULL UINT32_C(0x20)
typedef struct gpio_protocol_ops {
zx_status_t (*config_in)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t (*config_out)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint8_t initial_value);
zx_status_t (*set_alt_function)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint64_t function);
zx_status_t (*read)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint8_t* out_value);
zx_status_t (*write)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint8_t value);
zx_status_t (*get_interrupt)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, uint32_t flags, zx_handle_t* out_irq);
zx_status_t (*release_interrupt)(void* ctx, uint32_t index);
zx_status_t (*set_polarity)(void* ctx, uint32_t index, gpio_polarity_t polarity);
} gpio_protocol_ops_t;
// In the functions below, the GPIO index is relative to the list of GPIOs for the device.
// For example, the list of GPIOs a platform device has access to would likely be a small
// subset of the total number of GPIOs, while a platform bus implementation driver would
// have access to the complete set of GPIOs.
struct gpio_protocol {
gpio_protocol_ops_t* ops;
void* ctx;
// Configures a GPIO for input.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_config_in(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
uint32_t flags) {
return proto->ops->config_in(proto->ctx, index, flags);
// Configures a GPIO for output.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_config_out(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
uint8_t initial_value) {
return proto->ops->config_out(proto->ctx, index, initial_value);
// Configures the GPIO pin for an alternate function (I2C, SPI, etc)
// the interpretation of "function" is platform dependent.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_set_alt_function(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
uint64_t function) {
return proto->ops->set_alt_function(proto->ctx, index, function);
// Reads the current value of a GPIO (0 or 1).
static inline zx_status_t gpio_read(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
uint8_t* out_value) {
return proto->ops->read(proto->ctx, index, out_value);
// Sets the current value of the GPIO (any non-zero value maps to 1).
static inline zx_status_t gpio_write(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index, uint8_t value) {
return proto->ops->write(proto->ctx, index, value);
// Gets an interrupt object pertaining to a particular GPIO pin.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_get_interrupt(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
uint32_t flags, zx_handle_t* out_irq) {
return proto->ops->get_interrupt(proto->ctx, index, flags, out_irq);
// Release the interrupt.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_release_interrupt(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index) {
return proto->ops->release_interrupt(proto->ctx, index);
// Set GPIO polarity.
static inline zx_status_t gpio_set_polarity(const gpio_protocol_t* proto, uint32_t index,
gpio_polarity_t polarity) {
return proto->ops->set_polarity(proto->ctx, index, polarity);