blob: 2029a32cdcfda9c26adfac5721a36af790edaac8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Copyright (c) 2012-2012 Shantanu Gupta
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @file
* @brief Mutex functions
* @defgroup mutex Mutex
* @{
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <kernel/sched.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/thread_lock.h>
#include <lib/ktrace.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
* @brief Initialize a mutex_t
void mutex_init(mutex_t* m) {
*m = (mutex_t)MUTEX_INITIAL_VALUE(*m);
* @brief Destroy a mutex_t
* This function frees any resources that were allocated
* in mutex_init(). The mutex_t object itself is not freed.
void mutex_destroy(mutex_t* m) {
if (unlikely(mutex_val(m) != 0)) {
thread_t* holder = mutex_holder(m);
panic("mutex_destroy: thread %p (%s) tried to destroy locked mutex %p,"
" locked by %p (%s)\n",
get_current_thread(), get_current_thread()->name, m,
holder, holder->name);
m->magic = 0;
m->val = 0;
* @brief Acquire the mutex
void mutex_acquire(mutex_t* m) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
thread_t* ct = get_current_thread();
uintptr_t oldval;
// fast path: assume its unheld, try to grab it
oldval = 0;
if (likely(atomic_cmpxchg_u64(&m->val, &oldval, (uintptr_t)ct))) {
// acquired it cleanly
if (unlikely(ct == mutex_holder(m)))
panic("mutex_acquire: thread %p (%s) tried to acquire mutex %p it already owns.\n",
ct, ct->name, m);
// we contended with someone else, will probably need to block
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
// save the current state and check to see if it wasn't released in the interim
oldval = mutex_val(m);
if (unlikely(oldval == 0)) {
goto retry;
// try to exchange again with a flag indicating that we're blocking is set
if (unlikely(!atomic_cmpxchg_u64(&m->val, &oldval, oldval | MUTEX_FLAG_QUEUED))) {
// if we fail, just start over from the top
goto retry;
// have the holder inherit our priority
// discard the local reschedule flag because we're just about to block anyway
bool unused;
sched_inherit_priority(mutex_holder(m), ct->effec_priority, &unused);
// we have signalled that we're blocking, so drop into the wait queue
zx_status_t ret = wait_queue_block(&m->wait, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
if (unlikely(ret < ZX_OK)) {
// mutexes are not interruptable and cannot time out, so it
// is illegal to return with any error state.
panic("mutex_acquire: wait_queue_block returns with error %d m %p, thr %p, sp %p\n",
ret, m, ct, __GET_FRAME());
// someone must have woken us up, we should own the mutex now
DEBUG_ASSERT(ct == mutex_holder(m));
// record that we hold it
// shared implementation of release
static inline void mutex_release_internal(mutex_t* m, bool reschedule, bool thread_lock_held)
thread_t* ct = get_current_thread();
uintptr_t oldval;
// we're going to release it, mark as such
// in case there's no contention, try the fast path
oldval = (uintptr_t)ct;
if (likely(atomic_cmpxchg_u64(&m->val, &oldval, 0))) {
// we're done, exit
// if we had inherited any priorities, undo it if we are no longer holding any mutexes
if (unlikely(ct->inherited_priority >= 0) && ct->mutexes_held == 0) {
spin_lock_saved_state_t state;
if (!thread_lock_held) {
spin_lock_irqsave(&thread_lock, state);
bool local_resched = false;
sched_inherit_priority(ct, -1, &local_resched);
if (reschedule && local_resched) {
if (!thread_lock_held) {
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&thread_lock, state);
DEBUG_ASSERT(ct->mutexes_held >= 0);
// must have been some contention, try the slow release
if (unlikely(ct != mutex_holder(m))) {
thread_t* holder = mutex_holder(m);
panic("mutex_release: thread %p (%s) tried to release mutex %p it doesn't own. owned by %p (%s)\n",
ct, ct->name, m, holder, holder ? holder->name : "none");
// conditionally acquire/release the thread lock
// NOTE: using the manual spinlock grab/release instead of THREAD_LOCK because
// the state variable needs to exit in either path.
spin_lock_saved_state_t state;
if (!thread_lock_held) {
spin_lock_irqsave(&thread_lock, state);
// release a thread in the wait queue
thread_t* t = wait_queue_dequeue_one(&m->wait, ZX_OK);
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(t, "mutex_release: wait queue didn't have anything, but m->val = %#" PRIxPTR "\n", mutex_val(m));
// we woke up a thread, mark the mutex owned by that thread
uintptr_t newval = (uintptr_t)t | (wait_queue_is_empty(&m->wait) ? 0 : MUTEX_FLAG_QUEUED);
oldval = (uintptr_t)ct | MUTEX_FLAG_QUEUED;
if (!atomic_cmpxchg_u64(&m->val, &oldval, newval)) {
panic("bad state in mutex release %p, current thread %p\n", m, ct);
ktrace_ptr(TAG_KWAIT_WAKE, &m->wait, 1, 0);
// boost the priority of the new thread we're waking
// if the wait queue is empty, it'll return -1 and we'll deboost the thread if
// it's not already holding a mutex
bool local_resched = false;
int blocked_priority = wait_queue_blocked_priority(&m->wait);
if (blocked_priority >= 0 || t->mutexes_held == 0) {
sched_inherit_priority(t, blocked_priority, &local_resched);
// deboost ourself if this is the last mutex we held
if (ct->inherited_priority >= 0 && ct->mutexes_held == 0) {
sched_inherit_priority(ct, -1, &local_resched);
// wake up the new thread, putting it in a run queue on a cpu. reschedule if the local
// cpu run queue was modified
local_resched |= sched_unblock(t);
if (reschedule && local_resched) {
// conditionally THREAD_UNLOCK
if (!thread_lock_held) {
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&thread_lock, state);
void mutex_release(mutex_t* m) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// default release will reschedule if any threads are woken up and acquire the thread lock
mutex_release_internal(m, true, false);
void mutex_release_thread_locked(mutex_t* m, bool reschedule) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// this special version of release will pass through the reschedule flag and not acquire
// the thread_lock
mutex_release_internal(m, reschedule, true);