blob: b2c9a5b87a8f9198ba50ea6462555a71e3b3b08e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static bool test_cookie_actions(void) {
static const uint64_t magic1 = 0x1020304050607080;
static const uint64_t magic2 = 0x1122334455667788;
// create some objects
zx_handle_t scope1, scope2, token;
ASSERT_EQ(zx_event_create(0, &scope1), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_event_create(0, &scope2), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_event_create(0, &token), ZX_OK, "");
// cookies are not readable before being set
uint64_t cookie;
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(token, scope1, &cookie), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");
// cookies may be read back using the scope they were set with
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(token, scope1, magic1), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(token, scope1, &cookie), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(cookie, magic1, "");
// cookies are only settable on objects that support them
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(zx_process_self(), scope1, magic1), ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "");
// cookies are only gettable on objects that support them
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(zx_process_self(), scope1, &cookie), ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "");
// cookies are not readable with a different scope
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(token, scope2, &cookie), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");
// cookies are not writeable with a different scope
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(token, scope2, magic1), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");
// cookies are modifyable with the original scope
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(token, scope1, magic2), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(token, scope1, &cookie), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(cookie, magic2, "");
// bogus handles
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(token, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, &cookie), ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, scope1, &cookie), ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(token, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, magic1), ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, scope1, magic1), ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_handle_close(token), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_handle_close(scope1), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_handle_close(scope2), ZX_OK, "");
// Eventpairs have special cookie semantics in that when one side closes, the other side's
// cookie gets invalidated.
static bool test_cookie_eventpair(void) {
static const uint64_t magic1 = 0x1020304050607080;
static const uint64_t magic2 = 0x1122334455667788;
// create some objects
zx_handle_t scope1, side1, side2;
ASSERT_EQ(zx_event_create(0, &scope1), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_eventpair_create(0, &side1, &side2), ZX_OK, "");
uint64_t cookie;
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(side1, scope1, magic1), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(side1, scope1, &cookie), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(cookie, magic1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(side1, scope1, &cookie), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");
// Make sure it works from both sides.
ASSERT_EQ(zx_eventpair_create(0, &side1, &side2), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_set_cookie(side2, scope1, magic2), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(side2, scope1, &cookie), ZX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(cookie, magic2, "");
ASSERT_EQ(zx_object_get_cookie(side2, scope1, &cookie), ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");