blob: f1287b788c4643c07079e3452e5fbf42857ff12b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
template("banjo_library") {
"banjo_library(\"$target_name\") must set `sources`")
# The main target is an action that generates the headers.
# Its public_deps includes a config() target that makes them visible.
# banjo_library() targets use public_deps for dependencies between headers.
banjo_target = target_name
config_target = "${banjo_target}._config"
# The generated headers are the same in every toolchain, so generate only
# once, in $default_toolchain.
gen_dir = get_label_info(":$banjo_target($default_toolchain)",
"target_gen_dir") + "/$banjo_target"
config(config_target) {
visibility = [ ":$banjo_target" ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
include_dirs = [ "$gen_dir/include" ]
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
# TODO(mcgrathr): temporary until everything is renamed with . names
banjo_library_name = string_replace(banjo_target, "-", ".")
banjo_path = string_replace(banjo_library_name, ".", "/")
banjo_name = string_replace(banjo_path, "ddk/protocol/", "")
gen_files = [
switch = "--ddk-header"
file = "$gen_dir/include/ddk/protocol/${banjo_name}.h"
switch = "--ddktl-header"
file = "$gen_dir/include/ddktl/protocol/${banjo_name}.h"
file = "$gen_dir/include/ddktl/protocol/${banjo_name}-internal.h"
gen_args = [
gen_outputs = []
foreach(gen, gen_files) {
gen_outputs += [ gen.file ]
if (defined(gen.switch)) {
gen_args += [
rebase_path(gen.file, root_build_dir),
host_tool_action(banjo_target) {
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
public_deps += [ ":$config_target" ]
tool = "$zx/system/host/banjo:banjoc"
outputs = gen_outputs
# These inputs are needed both here and in every dependency
# banjo_library() action.
metadata = {
banjo_inputs = invoker.sources
banjo_input_args =
[ "--files" ] + rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
# Note the [ "" ] query includes this target itself, not just its
# dependencies.
# TODO(get_metadata): banjo needs this to collect metadata in
# topological order, but it's a pruned pre-order instead
sources = get_metadata([ "" ], [ "banjo_inputs" ], [], true)
args = gen_args + get_metadata([ "" ], [ "banjo_input_args" ])
} else {
group(banjo_target) {
public_deps = [
not_needed(invoker, "*")