blob: 3482771fbebf6c56c2782497cb9acfb870d51c33 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <mdns/mdns.h>
// This assumes that mdns_header's layout agrees with the DNS header spec
static uint8_t* mdns_build_header(const mdns_header* header, uint8_t* dst,
uint8_t* end) {
if ((size_t)(end - dst) < sizeof(mdns_header)) return NULL;
mdns_header* oheader = (mdns_header*)(void*)dst;
oheader->id = htons(header->id);
oheader->flags = htons(header->flags);
oheader->qcount = htons(header->qcount);
oheader->acount = htons(header->acount);
oheader->nscount = htons(header->nscount);
oheader->arcount = htons(header->arcount);
return dst + sizeof(mdns_header);
static uint8_t* mdns_build_domain(const char* domain, uint8_t* dst,
uint8_t* end) {
if (end - dst < 1) return NULL;
uint8_t* size_ptr = dst++;
while(*domain) {
while(*domain && *domain != '.') {
if (dst >= end) return NULL;
*dst++ = *domain++;
// Set the size of this part and update location of size_ptr
*size_ptr = dst - size_ptr;
size_ptr = dst;
// size_ptr should be dst and dst just point one past the end.
// we need to add a length zero domain terminator now. dst
// could have been exuasted so make sure that we can place the
// last byte there.
if (size_ptr >= end) return NULL;
*size_ptr = 0;
return size_ptr + 1;
uint8_t* mdns_build_query(const char* domain, uint8_t* dst, uint8_t* end) {
mdns_header header = {.qcount = 1};
dst = mdns_build_header(&header, dst, end);
if (!dst || dst >= end) return NULL;
dst = mdns_build_domain(domain, dst, end);
if (!dst || dst >= end) return NULL;
if (end - dst < 4) return NULL;
*(uint16_t*)(void*)dst = htons(MDNS_RTYPE_AAAA);
dst += 2;
*(uint16_t*)(void*)dst = htons(1 << 15 | 1); // Unicast=true QCLASS=1
dst += 2;
return dst;
uint8_t* mdns_build_response(const char* domain, uint8_t ip[16], uint32_t ttl,
uint8_t* dst, uint8_t* end) {
mdns_header header = {.qcount = 1};
dst = mdns_build_header(&header, dst, end);
if (!dst || dst >= end) return NULL;
dst = mdns_build_domain(domain, dst, end);
if (!dst || dst >= end) return NULL;
if (end - dst < 10 + 16) return NULL; // Fields plus 16 for the IP.
*(uint16_t*)(void*)dst = htons(MDNS_RTYPE_AAAA);
dst += 2;
*(uint16_t*)(void*)dst = htons(1); // FLUSH = false, RRCLASS = 1
dst += 2;
*(uint32_t*)(void*)dst = htonl(ttl); // How long client should cache this.
dst += 4;
*(uint16_t*)(void*)dst = htons(16); // Size of IP address
dst += 2;
return dst;
static const uint8_t* mdns_parse_short(uint16_t* out, const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* end) {
if (end - src < 2) return NULL;
*out = ntohs(*(uint16_t*)(void*)src);
return src + 2;
static const uint8_t* mdns_parse_header(mdns_header* out, const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* end) {
if (end - src < 12) return NULL;
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->id, src, end);
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->flags, src, end);
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->qcount, src, end);
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->acount, src, end);
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->nscount, src, end);
src = mdns_parse_short(&out->arcount, src, end);
return src;
static const uint8_t* mdns_parse_domain(char* dst, char* dend,
const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* end) {
while (src < end && *src) {
size_t len = *src++;
const uint8_t* pend = src + len;
while (src < pend) {
if (dst == dend) return NULL;
*dst++ = *src++;
// If we're not at the end of the domain add a '.'
if (src < end && !*src) {
if (dst == dend) return NULL;
*dst++ = '.';
// If we're at the end, don't write the null terminator to match what strncpy
// does.
if (dst < dend)
*dst++ = 0;
return src;
const uint8_t* mdns_parse_query(mdns_query* dst, const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* end) {
src = mdns_parse_header(&dst->header, src, end);
if (!src || src >= end | dst->header.qcount != 1) return NULL;
src = mdns_parse_domain(dst->domain, dst->domain + MDNS_MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH,
src, end);
if (!src || end - src < 4) return NULL;
uint16_t tmp;
src = mdns_parse_short(&tmp, src, end);
dst->rrclass = tmp; // TODO: Validate as supported?
src = mdns_parse_short(&tmp, src, end);
dst->unicast = tmp & 1; // TODO: read QCLASS too
return src;
const uint8_t* mdns_parse_answer(mdns_answer* dst, const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* end) {
src = mdns_parse_header(&dst->header, src, end);
if (!src || src >= end | dst->header.qcount != 1) return NULL;
src = mdns_parse_domain(dst->domain, dst->domain + MDNS_MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH,
src, end);
if (!src || end - src < 11) return NULL;
// I want to skip a bunch of stuff that is going to be ignored by us anyhow
src += 8;