blob: 407252f05c80c98dd6171ae1a01fadebb694505f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <crypto/aead.h>
#include <crypto/bytes.h>
#include <crypto/cipher.h>
#include <crypto/digest.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// |zxcrypt::Superblock| manages the interactions of both driver and library code with the metadata
// used to format and operate zxcrypt devices. Driver code uses the public constructor and instance
// methods, while library code can use the static methods with a file descriptor to the underlying
// block device. The superblock is saved multiple times on disk to provide redundancy.
// It manages four types of key material:
// - Root:, Provided by the consumers of this class.
// - Data: Randomly generated at volume creation and used to encrypt and decrypt the volumes data.
// - Wrap: Derived from the root keys and used to encrypt and decrypt the data key material.
// - HMAC: Derived from the root keys and used to verify the integrity of the superblock.
namespace zxcrypt {
// An RFC 4122 variant 1/version 1 UUID. It corresponds to Oct 17 12:00:00 PDT 2017. The clock
// sequence and node address contain 'zxcrypt'.
const uint8_t kTypeGuid[GUID_LEN] = {0x5f, 0xe8, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x6d, 0x11, 0xe7,
0x80, 0x7a, 0x78, 0x63, 0x72, 0x79, 0x70, 0x74};
// TODO(aarongreen): ZX-1130 workaround: Until we have a means to pass the root key on binding, we
// simply use a null key of a fixed length. Remove this constant when ZX-1130 is resolved.
const size_t kZx1130KeyLen = 32;
using slot_num_t = zx_off_t;
class Superblock final {
// The supported version, named by the algorithms they use. New version should increment the
// version number and update the default version. Zero indicates an error state.
enum Version : uint32_t {
kUninitialized = 0,
kAES256_XTS_SHA256 = 1,
// The default version, used when sealing a new superblock.
static const Version kDefaultVersion;
// The number of key slots available for a single zxcrypt volume.
static const slot_num_t kNumSlots;
// The number of pairs of blocks reserved for superblock metadata.
static const size_t kReservedPairs;
// Library methods
// Creates a new zxcrypt superblock associated with the given file descriptor, |fd|. This will
// format the block device as zxcrypt using the given |key|. This method takes ownership of
// |fd|.
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::unique_fd fd, const crypto::Bytes& root_key);
// Opens a zxcrypt superblock on the block device described by |fd| using the |key|
// corresponding to given key |slot|. The |fd| parameter means this factory method can be used
// from libzxcrypt. This method takes ownership of |fd|.
static zx_status_t Open(fbl::unique_fd fd, const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot,
fbl::unique_ptr<Superblock>* out);
// Adds a given |root_key| using the given key |slot|. This key can then be used to |Open| the
// zxcrypt device. This method can only be called if the superblock belongs to libzxcrypt.
zx_status_t Enroll(const crypto::Bytes& root_key, slot_num_t slot);
// Removes the root key in the given key |slot|. This key can no longer be used to |Open| the
// zxcrypt device. This method can only be called if the superblock belongs to libzxcrypt.
zx_status_t Revoke(slot_num_t slot);
// Removes ALL keys, rendering any data in the zxcrypt device inaccessible. It is an error to
// call any method except the destructor on this instance after this methods returns.
zx_status_t Shred();
// Driver methods
// Opens a zxcrypt superblock on the block device described by |dev| using the |key|
// corresponding to given key |slot|. The |dev| parameter means this factory method can be used
// from the zxcrypt driver.
static zx_status_t Open(zx_device_t* dev, const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot,
fbl::unique_ptr<Superblock>* out);
// Copies the block device and FVM information. If the parent device is not an FVM partition,
// the FVM information is synthetically generated. The parent device's FVM support can be
// determined using |HasFVM|.
zx_status_t GetInfo(block_info_t* out_blk, fvm_info_t* out_fvm);
// Indicates if the underlying block device is an FVM partition.
bool HasFVM() const { return has_fvm_; }
// Returns the data key and IV in |out_key| and |out_iv|, respectively. These can be used to
// initialize a data cipher. This method can only be called if the superblock belongs to the
// zxcrypt driver.
zx_status_t BindCiphers(crypto::Cipher* out_encrypt, crypto::Cipher* out_decrypt);
// Use the static factory methods above instead of these constructors.
explicit Superblock(fbl::unique_fd&& fd);
explicit Superblock(zx_device_t* dev);
// Configuration methods
// Retrieves the block and FVM information and adjusts it.
zx_status_t Init();
// Maps the superblock version to crypto algorithms.
zx_status_t Configure(Version version);
// Derives intermediate keys for the given key |slot| from the given |key|.
zx_status_t DeriveSlotKeys(const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot);
// Resets all fields in this object to initial values
void Reset();
// Block methods
// Resets the superblock to the first location (block 0).
zx_status_t Begin();
// Advances the offset to the next superblock location. Returns ZX_ERR_STOP if no more offsets
// available; ZX_ERR_NEXT otherwise.
zx_status_t Next();
// Creates a new superblock, with a new instance GUID and data key and IV, and seals it with the
// given |key|
zx_status_t CreateBlock();
// Writes |block| out to each of the superblock locations.
zx_status_t CommitBlock();
// Encrypts the current data key and IV to the given |slot| using the given |key|.
zx_status_t SealBlock(const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot);
// Attempts to unseal the device using the given |key| corresponding to the given |slot| and any
// superblock from the disk.
zx_status_t Open(const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot);
// Reads the block and parses and checks various fields before attempting to open it with the
// given |key| corresponding to the given |slot|.
zx_status_t OpenBlock(const crypto::Bytes& key, slot_num_t slot);
// Device methods
// Sends an I/O control message to the underlying device and reads the response.
zx_status_t Ioctl(int op, const void* in, size_t in_len, void* out, size_t out_len);
// Reads a block from the current offset on the underlying device.
zx_status_t Read();
// Writes a block to the current offset on the underlying device.
zx_status_t Write();
// Fields
// The underlying block device as accessed via DDK or FDIO.
zx_device_t* dev_;
fbl::unique_fd fd_;
// The underlying device block and FVM information, and a flag to indicate whether the
// underlying block device supports FVM ioctls.
block_info_t blk_;
fvm_info_t fvm_;
bool has_fvm_;
// Buffer holding the current block being examined, and its offset on the underlying device.
crypto::Bytes block_;
zx_off_t offset_;
// The instance GUID for this device.
crypto::Bytes guid_;
// A copy of the entire header, used as AAD for the AEAD.
crypto::Bytes header_;
// The algorithm, lengths, and buffers for the key-wrapping AEAD.
crypto::AEAD::Algorithm aead_;
crypto::Bytes wrap_key_;
crypto::Bytes wrap_iv_;
// The algorithm for data processing Cipher and length of wrapped key material.
crypto::Cipher::Algorithm cipher_;
crypto::Bytes data_key_;
crypto::Bytes data_iv_;
size_t slot_len_;
// The digest used by the HKDF.
crypto::digest::Algorithm digest_;
size_t digest_len_;
} // namespace zxcrypt