blob: 2b07d6154496193317cf9ee7ae21252d9a874bb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <kernel/fair_task_state.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/sched.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_pointer_traits.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
#include <ffl/fixed.h>
class FairScheduler {
// Default minimum granularity of time slices.
static constexpr SchedDuration kDefaultMinimumGranularity = SchedUs(750);
// Default target latency for a scheduling period.
static constexpr SchedDuration kDefaultTargetLatency = SchedMs(6);
// Default peak latency for a scheduling period.
static constexpr SchedDuration kDefaultPeakLatency = SchedMs(10);
FairScheduler() = default;
~FairScheduler() = default;
FairScheduler(const FairScheduler&) = delete;
FairScheduler& operator=(const FairScheduler&) = delete;
SchedWeight GetTotalWeight();
size_t GetRunnableTasks();
void Dump() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
friend void sched_init_early(void);
friend void sched_init_thread(thread_t* t, int priority);
friend void sched_block(void);
friend void sched_yield(void);
friend void sched_preempt(void);
friend void sched_reschedule(void);
friend void sched_resched_internal(void);
friend void sched_unblock_idle(thread_t* t);
friend void sched_migrate(thread_t* t);
friend void sched_inherit_priority(thread_t* t, int pri, bool* local_resched);
friend void sched_change_priority(thread_t* t, int pri);
friend bool sched_unblock(thread_t* t);
friend bool sched_unblock_list(struct list_node* list);
friend void sched_transition_off_cpu(cpu_num_t old_cpu);
friend void sched_preempt_timer_tick(zx_time_t now);
static void InitializeThread(thread_t* thread, SchedWeight weight);
static void Block() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void Yield() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void Preempt() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void Reschedule() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void RescheduleInternal() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static bool Unblock(thread_t* thread) __WARN_UNUSED_RESULT TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static bool Unblock(list_node* thread_list) __WARN_UNUSED_RESULT TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void UnblockIdle(thread_t* idle_thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void Migrate(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static void TimerTick(SchedTime now);
// Returns the current system time as a SchedTime value.
static SchedTime CurrentTime() {
return ffl::FromInteger(current_time());
// Returns the FairScheduler instance for the current CPU.
static FairScheduler* Get();
// Returns the FairScheduler instance for the given CPU.
static FairScheduler* Get(cpu_num_t cpu);
static cpu_num_t FindTargetCpu(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void RescheduleCommon(SchedTime now) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Returns the next thread to execute.
thread_t* NextThread(thread_t* current_thread, bool timeslice_expired) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void QueueThread(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void UpdateActiveThread(thread_t* thread, SchedDuration actual_runtime_ns) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void NextThreadTimeslice(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void UpdateThreadTimeline(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void UpdatePeriod() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void UpdateTimeline(SchedTime now) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void Insert(SchedTime now, thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void Remove(thread_t* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
struct TaskTraits {
using KeyType = FairTaskState::KeyType;
static KeyType GetKey(const thread_t& thread) { return thread.fair_task_state.key(); }
static bool LessThan(KeyType a, KeyType b) { return a < b; }
static bool EqualTo(KeyType a, KeyType b) { return a == b; }
static auto& node_state(thread_t& thread) { return thread.fair_task_state.run_queue_node_; }
using RunQueue = fbl::WAVLTree<SchedTime, thread_t*, TaskTraits, TaskTraits>;
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) RunQueue run_queue_;
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) thread_t* active_thread_{nullptr};
// Monotonically increasing counter to break ties when queuing tasks with
// the same virtual finish time. This has the effect of placing newly
// queued tasks behind already queued tasks with the same virtual finish
// time. This is also necessary to guarantee uniqueness of the key as
// required by the WAVLTree container.
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) uint64_t generation_count_{0};
// Count of the threads running on this CPU, including threads in the run
// queue and the currently running thread. Does not include the idle thread.
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) int32_t runnable_task_count_{0};
// Total weights of threads running on this CPU, including threads in the
// run queue and the currently running thread. Does not include the idle
// thread.
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedWeight weight_total_{ffl::FromInteger(0)};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedTime virtual_time_{SchedNs(0)};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedTime last_update_time_ns_{SchedNs(0)};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedTime absolute_deadline_ns_{SchedNs(0)};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedTime last_reschedule_time_ns_{SchedNs(0)};
// Scheduling period in which every runnable task executes once.
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedDuration scheduling_period_ns_{kDefaultTargetLatency};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedDuration minimum_granularity_ns_{kDefaultMinimumGranularity};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedDuration target_latency_ns_{kDefaultTargetLatency};
TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) SchedDuration peak_latency_ns_{kDefaultPeakLatency};