blob: 0cd64ae089145d42b8c02d68859970e440e591d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fdio/io.h>
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <lib/memfs/cpp/vnode.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/thread_annotations.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "../shared/env.h"
#include "../shared/fdio.h"
namespace devmgr {
// FshostConnections represents the link from fshost to external
// sources outside fshost, such as the devmgr.
class FshostConnections {
FshostConnections(zx::channel devfs_root, zx::channel svc_root, zx::channel fs_root,
zx::event event);
// Synchronously opens a connection on the requested path.
// TODO: Return an error code, instead of "invalid handle", on error.
zx::channel Open(const char* path) const;
// Create and install the namespace for the current process, using
// the owned channels as connections.
zx_status_t CreateNamespace();
const zx::event& Event() const {
return event_;
zx::channel devfs_root_;
zx::channel svc_root_;
zx::channel fs_root_;
zx::event event_;
// FsManager owns multiple sub-filesystems, managing them within a top-level
// in-memory filesystem.
class FsManager {
const FshostConnections& GetConnections() const {
return *connections_.get();
// Created a named VmoFile in "/system". Ownership of |vmo| assumed global.
zx_status_t SystemfsAddFile(const char* path, zx_handle_t vmo, zx_off_t off, size_t len);
// Signal that "/system" has been mounted.
void FuchsiaStart() const {
connections_->Event().signal(0, FSHOST_SIGNAL_READY);
// Create "/system", and mount it within the global root.
zx_status_t MountSystem();
// Identifies if "/system" has already been mounted.
bool IsSystemMounted() const {
return systemfs_root_ != nullptr;
// Set the "/system" VFS filesystem to become readonly.
void SystemfsSetReadonly(bool value);
// Pins a handle to a remote filesystem on one of the paths specified
// by |kMountPoints|.
zx_status_t InstallFs(const char* path, zx::channel h);
// Initialize connections to external service managers, and begin
// monitoring |event| for a termination event.
zx_status_t InitializeConnections(zx::channel root, zx::channel devfs_root,
zx::channel svc_root, zx::event event);
// Triggers unmount when the FSHOST_SIGNAL_EXIT signal is raised on an
// event contained within |connections_|.
// Sets FSHOST_SIGNAL_EXIT_DONE when unmounting is complete.
void WatchExit();
// Give a channel to a root directory, where it will begin serving requests.
zx_status_t ConnectRoot(zx::channel server);
// Create a new channel, and connect to the root directory.
// Invokes |ConnectRoot| internally.
zx_status_t ServeRoot(zx::channel* out);
zx_status_t ServeVnode(fbl::RefPtr<memfs::VnodeDir>& vn, zx::channel server);
zx_status_t LocalMount(memfs::VnodeDir* parent, const char* name,
fbl::RefPtr<memfs::VnodeDir>& subtree);
static constexpr const char* kMountPoints[] = {
"/bin", "/data", "/volume", "/system", "/install", "/blob", "/pkgfs"
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> mount_nodes[fbl::count_of(kMountPoints)];
// The Root VFS manages the following filesystems:
// - The global root filesystem (including the mount points)
// - "/tmp"
memfs::Vfs root_vfs_;
// The System VFS manages exclusively the system filesystem.
memfs::Vfs system_vfs_;
fbl::unique_ptr<async::Loop> global_loop_;
async::Wait global_shutdown_;
// The base, root directory which serves the rest of the fshost.
fbl::RefPtr<memfs::VnodeDir> global_root_;
// The globally accessible "/tmp", in-memory filesystem directory.
fbl::RefPtr<memfs::VnodeDir> memfs_root_;
// The location of an optional system image filesystem.
fbl::RefPtr<memfs::VnodeDir> systemfs_root_;
// Allows access and signals to external resources.
fbl::unique_ptr<FshostConnections> connections_;
// Function which mounts a handle on behalf of the block watcher.
void block_device_watcher(fbl::unique_ptr<FsManager> fshost, zx::unowned_job job, bool netboot);
} // namespace devmgr