blob: efc486e58b12ffc668e4fc3b16456ff2aa35dfe2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/protocol/platform-proxy.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
typedef struct {
// physical address of MMIO region
// does not need to be page aligned
zx_paddr_t base;
// length of MMIO region in bytes
// does not need to be page aligned
size_t length;
} pbus_mmio_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t irq;
uint32_t mode; // ZX_INTERRUPT_MODE_* flags
} pbus_irq_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t gpio;
} pbus_gpio_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t bus_id;
uint16_t address;
} pbus_i2c_channel_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t clk;
} pbus_clk_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t iommu_index;
uint32_t bti_id;
} pbus_bti_t;
// Device metadata.
typedef struct {
// Metadata type.
uint32_t type;
// Pointer to the metadata.
const void* data;
// Metadata length in bytes.
uint32_t len;
} pbus_metadata_t;
// Device metadata to be passed from bootloader via a ZBI record.
typedef struct {
// Metadata type (matches zbi_header_t.type for bootloader metadata).
uint32_t zbi_type;
// Matches zbi_header_t.extra for bootloader metadata.
// Used in cases where bootloader provides multiple metadata records of the same type.
uint32_t zbi_extra;
} pbus_boot_metadata_t;
typedef struct pbus_dev pbus_dev_t;
struct pbus_dev {
const char* name;
uint32_t vid; // BIND_PLATFORM_DEV_VID
uint32_t pid; // BIND_PLATFORM_DEV_PID
uint32_t did; // BIND_PLATFORM_DEV_DID
const pbus_mmio_t* mmios;
uint32_t mmio_count;
const pbus_irq_t* irqs;
uint32_t irq_count;
const pbus_gpio_t* gpios;
uint32_t gpio_count;
const pbus_i2c_channel_t* i2c_channels;
uint32_t i2c_channel_count;
const pbus_clk_t* clks;
uint32_t clk_count;
const pbus_bti_t* btis;
uint32_t bti_count;
const pbus_metadata_t* metadata;
uint32_t metadata_count;
const pbus_boot_metadata_t* boot_metadata;
uint32_t boot_metadata_count;
// List of this device's child devices.
// This is only used in cases where children of a platform device also need to access
// platform bus resources.
const pbus_dev_t* children;
uint32_t child_count;
// Extra protocols to be provided to this platform device and its children.
// These fields are only used for the top level pbus_dev_t,
const uint32_t* protocols;
uint32_t protocol_count;
// Subset of pdev_board_info_t to be set by the board driver.
typedef struct {
// Board specific revision number.
uint32_t board_revision;
} pbus_board_info_t;
// Callback for proxy server.
typedef void (*platform_proxy_cb_t)(platform_proxy_args_t* args, void* cookie);
typedef struct {
zx_status_t (*device_add)(void* ctx, const pbus_dev_t* dev);
zx_status_t (*protocol_device_add)(void* ctx, uint32_t proto_id, const pbus_dev_t* dev);
zx_status_t (*register_protocol)(void* ctx, uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol,
platform_proxy_cb_t proxy_cb, void* cb_cookie);
const char* (*get_board_name)(void* ctx);
zx_status_t (*set_board_info)(void* ctx, const pbus_board_info_t* info);
} platform_bus_protocol_ops_t;
typedef struct {
platform_bus_protocol_ops_t* ops;
void* ctx;
} platform_bus_protocol_t;
// Adds a new platform device to the bus, using configuration provided by "dev".
// Platform devices are created in their own separate devhosts.
static inline zx_status_t pbus_device_add(const platform_bus_protocol_t* pbus,
const pbus_dev_t* dev) {
return pbus->ops->device_add(pbus->ctx, dev);
// Adds a device for binding a protocol implementation driver.
// These devices are added in the same devhost as the platform bus.
// After the driver binds to the device it calls pbus_register_protocol()
// to register its protocol with the platform bus.
// pbus_protocol_device_add() blocks until the protocol implementation driver
// registers its protocol (or times out).
static inline zx_status_t pbus_protocol_device_add(const platform_bus_protocol_t* pbus,
uint32_t proto_id, const pbus_dev_t* dev) {
return pbus->ops->protocol_device_add(pbus->ctx, proto_id, dev);
// Called by protocol implementation drivers to register their protocol
// with the platform bus. *proto* is a pointer to the local protocol struct,
// while *proxy_cb* and *cb_cookie* are optionally used when drivers support
// proxying the protocol across devhost boundaries with a client proxy driver.
// In that case, *proxy_cb* is called in response to requests from the client proxy driver,
// and *cb_cookie* is a cookie used to provide context for the *proxy_cb* callback.
static inline zx_status_t pbus_register_protocol(const platform_bus_protocol_t* pbus,
uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol,
platform_proxy_cb_t proxy_cb, void* cb_cookie) {
return pbus->ops->register_protocol(pbus->ctx, proto_id, protocol, proxy_cb, cb_cookie);
// Returns the board name for the underlying hardware.
// Board drivers may use this to differentiate between multiple boards that they support.
static inline const char* pbus_get_board_name(const platform_bus_protocol_t* pbus) {
return pbus->ops->get_board_name(pbus->ctx);
// Board drivers may use this to set information about the board
// (like the board revision number).
// Platform device drivers can access this via pdev_get_board_info().
static inline zx_status_t pbus_set_board_info(const platform_bus_protocol_t* pbus,
const pbus_board_info_t* info) {
return pbus->ops->set_board_info(pbus->ctx, info);