blob: 84c3f44717a109d84f784355a1119105c10c9cad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Marius Schilder
// Lightweight C crypto library for sha256, hmac-sha256, DH,
// RSA2K-SHA256-PKCS15, PRNG, sha1, hmac-sha1, RSA2K-SHA1-PKCS15.
// Plain C, no system calls, no malloc.
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#define clBIGNUMBYTES 256 // 2048 bit key length max
#define clBIGNUMWORDS (clBIGNUMBYTES / sizeof(uint32_t))
struct clHASH_CTX; // forward decl.
// RSA interface ----------------------------------------
typedef struct clBignumModulus {
int size; // Length of n[] in bytes;
int nwords; // Length of n[] in number of uint32_t
uint32_t n0inv; // -1 / n[0] mod 2^32
uint32_t n[clBIGNUMWORDS]; // modulus as little endian array
uint32_t rr[clBIGNUMWORDS]; // 2^(2*32*nwords) mod n as little endian array
} clBignumModulus;
// PKCS1.5 signature verify.
// signature_len must be key->size.
// Returns 1 if OK. Trashes hash.
int clRSA2K_verify(const clBignumModulus* key,
const uint8_t* signature,
const int signature_len,
struct clHASH_CTX* hash /* not const! */);
// Generic hash interface ----------------------------------------
typedef struct clHASH_vtab {
void (* const init)(struct clHASH_CTX*);
void (* const update)(struct clHASH_CTX*, const void*, int);
const uint8_t* (* const final)(struct clHASH_CTX*);
void (* const _transform)(struct clHASH_CTX*);
const int size;
const uint8_t* _2Kpkcs15hashpad; // hash of 2K bit padding.
} clHASH_vtab;
typedef struct clHASH_CTX {
const clHASH_vtab* f;
uint64_t count;
uint8_t buf[64];
uint32_t state[8];
#define clHASH_init(ctx) (ctx)->f->init(ctx)
#define clHASH_update(ctx, data, len) (ctx)->f->update(ctx, data, len)
#define clHASH_final(ctx) (ctx)->f->final(ctx)
#define clHASH_size(ctx) (ctx)->f->size
// Generic hmac interface ----------------------------------------
typedef struct clHMAC_CTX {
clHASH_CTX hash;
uint8_t opad[64];
#define clHMAC_update(ctx, data, len) clHASH_update(&(ctx)->hash, data, len)
#define clHMAC_size(ctx) clHASH_size(&(ctx)->hash)
const uint8_t* clHMAC_final(clHMAC_CTX* ctx);
// SHA1 interface ----------------------------------------------
#define clSHA1_DIGEST_SIZE 20
typedef clHASH_CTX clSHA1_CTX;
void clSHA1_init(clSHA1_CTX* ctx);
void clHMAC_SHA1_init(clHMAC_CTX* ctx, const void* key, int len);
const uint8_t* clSHA1(const void* data, int len, uint8_t* digest);
// SHA256 interface --------------------------------------------
#define clSHA256_DIGEST_SIZE 32
typedef clHASH_CTX clSHA256_CTX;
void clSHA256_init(clSHA256_CTX* ctx);
void clHMAC_SHA256_init(clHMAC_CTX* ctx, const void* key, int len);
const uint8_t* clSHA256(const void* data, int len, uint8_t* digest);
// Safe compare interface --------------------------------
// Returns 0 if equal.
// Only fixed timing if arrays are of same length!
int clEqual(const uint8_t* a, int a_len, const uint8_t* b, int b_len);
// DH interface --------------------------------------------
// Computes 2 ** x into out. x and out bigendian byte strings.
// out must be able to hold mod->size bytes.
// Return 0 on error. (invalid value for x).
int clDHgenerate(const clBignumModulus* mod,
const uint8_t* x, const int size_x,
uint8_t* out);
// Computes gy ** x into out. gy, x, and out bigendian byte strings.
// size_gy must be mod->size.
// Returns 0 on error. (invalid size_gy, gy, x).
int clDHcompute(const clBignumModulus* mod,
const uint8_t* gy, const int size_gy,
const uint8_t* x, const int size_x,
uint8_t* out);
// PRNG interface --------------------------------------------
typedef struct clPRNG_CTX {
uint8_t v[clSHA256_DIGEST_SIZE * 2];
int index;
// Initial seeding.
void clPRNG_init(clPRNG_CTX* ctx, const void* data, int size);
// Add entropy to state. Non-destructive, additive.
// Best to call at least once before calling clPRNG_draw().
void clPRNG_entropy(clPRNG_CTX* ctx, const void* data, int size);
// Generate size bytes random and advance state.
// Beware: out value covers entire spectrum so all 0 is possible.
void clPRNG_draw(clPRNG_CTX* ctx, void* out, int size);